Kakashi sighed as he watched Sasuke and Sakura run up trees. It had been two days since they arrived in Nami and things weren't looking so good. Immediately after arriving they were attacked by Momochi Zabuza. The white haired jonin had fought the man as hard as he could but ended up being trapped. It was only because Sai showed more of his skills hat Kakashi managed to get out and then force the ex-Kiri ninja down. Yet before he could kill him, a hunter from Zabuza's old village came and stole the kill. Or at least appeared to as shortly after leaving with the nuke-nin's dead body, Sai recalled that the hunter had completely disregarded protocol That led Kakashi to deducing that it was really an extraction for Zabuza, meaning the man was most likely still alive and would come back. As such, Sasuke and Sakura needed training. So after staying with Tazuna for the night, Sai was assigned to guard the man while Kakashi recovered and oversaw the training of his other two genin.
Hence the pair running up trees. The exercise was simple in that it was merely channeling chakra to the feet to provide a stick that would let them run on vertical and even upside-down surfaces. Simple, yet effective for genin of their level and a vital skill that needed to be learned eventually. Sakura had actually gotten it right away, however Kakashi still had her doing it in order to increase her reserves. The one time she tried complaining for rest and felt she did enough, the jonin had ordered her to get back to work and even tossed shuriken at her when she at firs refused. Now she had only stopped to catch her breath before obeying when Kakashi said she had enough and made her work again. She was not going to die because she wouldn't train hard enough now, Kakashi was making sure of it.
Meanwhile Sasuke hadn't needed any motivation at all. Rather he just needed to be told to rest every once in a while as he was relentless in trying to make I to the top of his tree. The Uchiha heir was very angry after things had calmed down from Zabuza's attack. The reason? Sai had been holding back. Sasuke had thought they were near equal and with a bit of hard training he could overtake the pale boy and regain his spot on top. However, Sai had been holding back, quite a bit actually. That meant Sasuke was actually farther behind than he thought and it enraged the young boy to think of how far he had to go to catch up to Sai. If he couldn't even stay ahead of his peers, how could he ever surpass his brother? Thus Sasuke's relentless and endless drive to master the exercise and then whatever else Kakashi could give him. He had to get stronger to first beat Sai and then he could work on beating Itachi.
"Do you really think you guys can kill that Zabu-fella next time he shows up?" Tazuna asked as he was taking a small break from working on the bridge to have his lunch. Next to him was Sai, who had an empty book open and was sketching the workers as they did their jobs.
"The odds are in our favor Tazuna-san. Not only have I yet to use my full arsenal, Kakashi-sensei's injuries were far less than those of Zabuza. As such, even if Zabuza returns with his false-hunter ninja, we hold the advantage and they likely realize the same." Sai responded without taking his eyes off the picture he was working on.
"By the way, why were you holding back?" The bridge builder asked, curious as to why someone would hide their apparent skills.
"The way of the Shinobi is the way of deception. Thus, by holding back my full strength, I can use it at a later date to catch a target off guard and eliminate them." The pale boy explained with his fake smile. Tazuna nodded before a man came up, taking off his cap with a solemn look.
"Hey Tazuna, listen… I think we should stop working on the bridge."
"What? Haji, why?"
"Well, cause Gato will kill us if we don't! He's already sent somebody after you and you got lucky. Plus not everyone has ninja protecting them." Tazuna looked down as the man kept ranting. "Seriously I don't want to get me or my family killed and I know you don't want anyone to be hurt either so lets just stop all his nonsense and let it go."
"I think you've said enough Haji, I get it." Tazuna started as the man smiled lightly while the old man stood. "You don't have to come in for work tomorrow Haji. We have more than enough men to finish the bridge without you by now." The man's face dropped as Tazuna spoke.
"Listen Tazuna-"
"Enough." Tazuna interrupted before glancing up at the sky and sighing. "I think that's enough work for today anyways." He muttered before walking off to tell the rest that they could go home for the day. Haji stared for a second before gaining a depressed look and walking off. Meanwhile Sai had watched the entire thing with a blank look before packing up his supplies as it seemed his charge was about to leave.
"You all should just leave! You're just going to die anyways." Tazuna's grandson ranted. The boy, Inari, wore a white bucket hat and suspenders while having brown hair and a pessimistic look at everything around him. Including the ninja of Konoha and his grandfather's bridge. He was ignored, despite his shouting, as this was the same thing he had said every night since they had arrived. Tsunami, his mother, and Tazuna had both told him to stop but he had simply replied that why should he because it was true.
Sasuke glanced at him while he ate before going back to his food without even giving the boy the traditional Uchiha grunt, the little brat wasn't worth even that in his mind. Sakura sighed but otherwise kept eating without complaint as she was getting annoyed with the child but was too polite to do anything. As a jonin, especially one that deal with Maito Gai on a basis like he did, Kakashi simply tuned Inari out and read his book as he finished eating. Sai didn't react in any manner, as he neither cared about Inari or what he said.
Inari however had been getting angry over the week at how the ninja had been ignoring him. In his mind he was trying to save their lives by making them leave. And yet they ignored his repeated warnings and went on as if everything would be fine. It infuriated him. Didn't they know that heroes didn't exist in the real world? Well he wasn't going to be ignored anymore, he knew a way to get them to listen. He singled out Sai for his plan since to Inari, the pale boy seemed like the weakest, which meant he logically would be the one to listen first. Inari got up and walked right up to the boy as he sat and finished his meal before shouting at him. "Stop ignoring me and leave! Gato's just going to kill you!"
"Inari!" Tsunami cried out. However everyone went silent at Sai's reply.
"I'm surprised at how many cowards live in Nami no Kuni. I would've thought they'd all have run away by now." The boy's tone was purely conversational, as if he had just commented on the weather. On top of that, he had on his obviously fake smile. Inari looked shocked before growling.
"Oh yeah? And what do you know?"
"I know that giving up and hiding won't solve your problem." Again Sai's response was given in a purely conversational tone while he had on his fake smile.
"What, do you think you're some kind of hero? Well heroes don't exist!" Sai tilted his head to the side before continuing.
"I nor my comrades ever said we were heroes. We're simply people hired for a job, same as Tazuna-san. When I entered the Shinobi program, Danzo-sama told me and other recruits that heroes are the people that put aside everything they are to provide the greater good for their cause. Many Shinobi of Konoha do just that every day. Your grandfather does that now with his bridge. And from the stories I've heard around town, a man named Kaiza did so a few years ago." Inari flinched back at the mention of Kaiza as Tazuna lowered his head. "However heroes are held back by cowards that try to get them to quit or go away. So many of this village and Nami have already proven they are cowards as they've given up and allowed themselves to be forced under Gato's rule. Therefore, it's up to the heroes of Nami to put aside their fears and doubts and work for the greater good." Inari couldn't take it anymore and ran off towards his room upstairs as both Sakura and Sasuke were looking at Sai in shock as that was the most he had said at one time.
"Kid, thank you." Tazuna spoke up before taking a drink of sake. "I doubt he'll listen right away, but in time, when the bridge is done and we're free of Gato, he'll realize you're right. That Danzo fellow who taught you that, he knew what he was saying." Kakashi looked to Sai with a critical eye before going back to his book. Perhaps Sai's emotions weren't completely gone after all.
"Alright you three, I'm fully recovered so starting today, all of us will be heading to the bridge to guard Tazuna." Kakashi explained that morning as he knew that if Zabuza was truly alive then today would be the start of when he could strike again. As such he had to be with the man since he was the only one that could stand up to him. Sai should be enough for his hunter partner and if not with Sasuke as back-up they would definitely be able to do it. Sakura, while better than before, would not be of much use other than to reassure the client and even that was only a chance since Tazuna even knew how weak she was. "So let's head out and keep on a look out." He ordered as they left with the old bridge builder. All was calm on the way over so Kakashi was relaxed somewhat. At least until hey reached the bridge and found everyone dead and a thick mist surrounding the area. "Defensive formation!" The jonin called out as his students quickly made a triangle around Tazuna while two silhouettes walked forward through the mist. One was tall had had a large sword on his back, being held up by chakra alone as he wore no straps for the blade. The other was wearing a dark green battle kimono and had on a white porcelain mask with red waves coming upward from the bottom.
"So, are we gonna really have to tussle again Kakashi? If you'd just hand over the old man, you could just leave."
"No can do Zabuza. Tazuna is Nami's hope. And we're not about to let you or Gato change that." Kakashi replied as he flipped out a kunai to use. Zabuza sighed but shrugged his shoulder.
"Oh well. Haku, get the bridge builder while I occupy Kakashi." The man ordered as he made a half ram sign with one hand to increase the mist and grabbed his legendary blade with the other.
"As you wish Zabuza-sama." Haku replied before rushing forward. Kakashi would've intercepted him but was cut off as Zabuza slammed his blade down in front of him.
"Not so fast Kakashi. You fight me!"
"Stand aside if you want to live." Haku ordered with a trio of senbon raised in his hand. Sakura was shaking but still standing strong while Sai was keeping a focused gaze on the hunter and Sasuke smirked.
"I don't think you're in any position to demand that. We out number you. And you're someone we can beat."
"Your opinion on the matter is overconfident." Haku commented before making hand-signs with one hand. "For you see, I can take on all three of you with ease." Needles of ice formed behind him and with a single gesture they were all sent flying forward. Sai and Sasuke instantly retaliated by deflecting all the needles with their tanto and kunai respectively before Sasuke charged in as Sai knelt down to use his ink ninjutsu. The Uchiha swung at Haku with his kunai only to be parried before Sasuke leapt back.
"Choju Giga (Super Beast Imitation Picture)!" Sai called out as lions made of black ink ran under Sasuke and leapt at Haku. The boy quickly tossed senbon into each and destroyed them before having to dodge to the side as Sasuke came in again trying to axe kick him. Haku moved out of the way and tried to retaliate when more lions came up to stop him. The hunter was trapped between dodging Sasuke's attacks or dodging the lions. With a small grunt Haku tossed needles into the lions to dispel them while leaping back further to avoid Sasuke's attacks. The boy smirked a how the hunter was forced into retreat.
"What was that about beating all three of us? Looks like you can't even handle two." Sasuke taunted as Sai kept himself at the ready and Sakura had even stopped shaking seeing as they were winning. Haku was silent but behind his mask was frowning a how effective Sai and Sasuke were. The boy was obviously a distance fighter, using his ink ninjutsu to attack from afar. Meanwhile Sasuke kept trying to get in close, so they used that to their advantage as Sai would have his jutsu cover the weak points in Sasuke's attacks. "Hn. I doubt you could even face one of us." The boy continued before running through hand-signs of his own and taking a deep breath. "Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu (Grand Fireball Technique)!" He let out as he launched a fireball at Haku. The boy gasped behind his mask as he leapt to the side, just for a few hawks of black ink to come rushing at his face.
"Just die!" Zabuza shouted as he swung his blade down and Kakashi leaned back to dodge. The white haired jonin instantly retaliated with a kick but Zabuza maneuvered the sword to take the blow so that he skidded back into the mist. Kakashi was quick to follow but had lost the stealth oriented jonin quickly in the obscuring fog. "Hmph, this is getting repetitive Kakashi. And I so hate repeats."
"Well you could leave. That would break the monotony." The man quipped before tossing a kunai behind him as he ducked under a slash. He heard the metal knife pierce flesh but then felt as the water clone splashed on him from losing its form. "You can't sneak up on me Zabuza."
"Just as you can't kill me in the split second of my attack." The ex-Kiri ninja growled back. He was getting increasingly irritated in Kakashi's ability to dodge his blade. He was the Demon of the Mist and an assassin among assassins! Yet Kakashi was still holding onto life and even making valid, though failed, attempts to end him during the split-second timing of his attacks. Clones weren't working as they weren't strong enough to dodge or survive his counters and even his best stealth was failing to catch the Konoha ninja off guard. 'I will not fail here! The old man will die!' Zabuza thought before grinning under his facial bandages. He never had to beat Kakashi. He just wanted to as a mater of pride. His mission though was far easier. "Ya know, This fight is pointless Kakashi."
"Oh, you just realized?" Was the reply as Kakashi whipped out another kunai to respond to Zabuza's next move. "You can't kill me, I can't kill you. Back and forth, back and forth; I was thinking you should just leave and everything will be alright."
"That wasn't what I was referring to Kakashi."
"Then what were you?"
"Only that I was fighting you over my pride, when I never had to fight you at all to defend it." Zabuza remarked before falling silent. Kakashi waited while trying to figure out the man's move before his eyes widened and he ran back to Tazuna. Zabuza's pride was in his assassination skills, skills Kakashi deflected in their earlier encounter. If the nuke-nin really wanted to defend that pride, he'd complete his mission despite the heightened risk. And the sliver haired jonin was never the man's mission.
"Shit! Sakura! Tazuna!"
"Go Sasuke-kun!" Sakura cheered as the boy kicked Haku in the face. Sai instantly pounced on the opportunity as his lions leapt on the downed hunter and began mauling him. However it was not to be as Haku's form dissolved into water at the constructs attack. Things were silent in the mist before mirrors of ice began forming around Sasuke, trapping him in a dome. Haku's image appeared in one mirror before shimmering and appearing in all mirrors.
"You have pushed me farther than I expected genin-san. However it ends here. First with you, then with the pale one." Sasuke scowled as he looked around at each of the images, trying to locate the real among the reflective surfaces. However he was forced to abandon that search and move as senbon rained down from every direction in pierced his body. The Uchiha grit his teeth as he pulled a needle out of his arm, noticing that it was already harder to move and that he was losing feeling in it. "Give up and I will spare your life." Haku's voice echoed out from the mirrors.
"I am an Uchiha. An elite." Sasuke growled in response. "I will not give up! I will not lose to a no-name like you!" He shouted as he ran through signs and launched a fireball at a mirror. However much to his shock, the ice hadn't melted in the slightest. Outside the dome, Sai narrowed his eyes before he began drawing out his next wave of attackers.
"Then you will die." Haku responded calmly and began striking Sasuke wit more needles at a high pace. The boy quickly pulled a kunai out and began deflecting what he could while guarding his vital spots to stay safe. As he did he glared at the mirrors. It was after a new wave of needles though that he saw it, the shadow. It wasn't much, hardly noticeable entirely, but Sasuke still focused on it for a second before seeing the shadow leave a mirror and jump to a new one as needles flew from the shadow. It was moving to fast for him to react to but he instantly knew what it was. Haku. The boy wasn't in every mirror but moving from surface to surface at such a high speed his eyes could only make out the shadow of his movement.
"I…" Sasuke panted out as he was getting more exhausted with each needle that struck him. "I can see…" He muttered to himself as the shadow seemed to grow more defined with each pass. "I can see." Suddenly he saw Haku clearly and tossed a kunai at the mirror the boy had just entered at the end of another attack run. "I can see!" Haku gasped beneath his mask before looking into Sasuke's eyes and seeing red. A very familiar red that Zabuza had warned him of while he was healing.
The Sharingan.
Sasuke smirked but then ducked as his eyes caught moving chakra coming from behind the mirrors. Haku was confused and looked out the back of his hiding place just to curse as multiple birds, each carrying an explosive tag crashed into each mirror and exploded on impact. Haku survived unharmed by leaping out of a shard and landing safely while is dome collapsed and Sasuke stood panting with a smirk and his red eyes. "Why don't you give up? Cause you can't beat an Uchiha!" The boy taunted as Haku mentally scoffed. It wasn't Sasuke that was the problem, it was Sai. However Sasuke was good enough to keep his focus off the pale boy and thus let the real threat get off powerful attacks.
"This fight… is far from over."
Kakashi ran and held back a smile and sigh of relief as he saw that his students and Tazuna were fine. He even lightly chuckled when he managed to glimpse Sasuke's new eyes. 'Took him long enough.' However he kept his senses on alert as Zabuza had yet to make his move. 'Now where is he?' The man thought as he looked around as best he could in the mist. It was only thanks to his implanted Sharingan that he noticed the silhouette appearing behind Tazuna with a large cleaver raised. "Sakura, Tazuna! Get down!" He shouted as he rushed in. The pair froze before rushing to follow his orders but the old civilian was to slow as he was cut in half from behind.
"I win Kakashi!" The man boasted as the jonin's hand erupted into lightning during his charge. Before Zabuza could pull his blade back, Kakashi was upon him and had rammed the electricity covered hand through Zabuza's heart. The nuke-nin let out a cry of pain as he coughed up blood and looked down a the arm going through him. "I… still win… Kakashi."
"Guess again Zabuza." The jonin replied with a calm voice as the man looked down at the bridge builder's body as it dissolved into ink. Sitting and breathing heavily next to Sai was a terrified but perfectly fine Tazuna while the mist cleared enough for the genin and false hunter to see how Kakashi had a hand rammed through Zabuza's chest.
"Zabuza-sama!" Haku cried out and rushed forward, knocking over the Uchiha who was too injured and exhausted to stop him. However he barely got any farther when he froze as a blade entered his chest from behind. "What…?" With a glance behind him he saw Sai with a serious expression holding the handle to his tanto.
"All threats to the mission must be terminated."
"No… Zabuza-sama…" The Kiri ninja looked to his apprentice as the boy fell to the ground when Sai removed his tanto. He then used the last of his strength to face Kakashi and wished his face wraps were off so that he could spit in the man's face as a final insult.
"Damn you…" Kakashi took his last words in stride as he ripped his arm back out of Zabuza's chest and let the man fall to the concrete. He turned to Sakura and used his non-bloody hand to help stand her up before walking her over to Tazuna and motioning for Sasuke and Sai to join them.
"Well done on defeating Haku you two. And Sakura, good reflexes on ducking under when I shouted." It was really the only thing the girl had done the entire fight but he still was proud she hadn't passed out from the gore she had just witnessed or the fright she was obviously feeling. As for Sai and Sasuke, the Root agent did exactly as he expected while Sasuke finally awoke his bloodline. "Sasuke, congratulations on waking up your Sharingan. I'll help you with it when we get back to Konoha. Sai, nice move saving Tazuna and ending the hunters life."
"Thank you sensei." Both replied. However their sense of victory was short lived as the mist cleared and the sound of multiple footsteps rang out. They all turned to the end of the bridge to see hundreds of bandits all following a small man in a business suit with a cane. They all walked up with sinister grins at the group before stopping around twenty feet away as the man in a suit laughed.
"Ha! So the mighty demon was all talk after all! I knew it." He gloated before gesturing to his men to bring something forward. "Now, this is how things will work. You hand over he old man's head, or the slut here dies." He offered as two men came forward dragging a bond and gagged Tsunami with them.
"Tsunami!" Tazuna cried out seeing his daughter being held captive. Kakashi's eyes narrowed as Sasuke and Sakura looked shocked and Sai ran scenarios in his head.
"I take it you're Gato." Kakashi calmly stated while motioning to Sai with a hand. The boy discreetly nodded before pouring out an ink bottle behind him on the ground and running his chakra through the liquid.
"That's right." Gato replied. "Now do as I say or not only will the girl get it but my men will kill all of you as well." He demanded as Kakashi slowly nodded his head.
"Alright, fine." He called out, getting Sasuke and Sakura to turn to Kakashi in shock while Tazuna nearly fainted right then and there.
"What?" He cried before Kakashi turned to him.
"Just go." He ordered before glancing at Sai and whispering so Gato wouldn't hear him. "Trust me, you won't be harmed."
"O-okay." Tazuna relented before slowly and shakily walking towards Gato. The bridge builder made it within three feet of Gato before it happened. From behind the man, multiple ink snakes shot out, most at Gato but a few at Tsunami's captors. The short man shouted in fear and fell back while the men holding Tsunami were struck in the arms and head knocking them down. Tazuna ran to his daughter and wrapped his arms around her as Kakashi dashed in and started beating the bandits away.
"Get Tazuna and Tsunami out of here!" Kakashi yelled to his genin who all rushed forward. Sasuke and Sai threw a few kunai and shuriken into the group of thugs while Sakura helped the two civilians up and began to rush them away from fight. The bandits realized their payday hinged on Tazuna's death so they all rushed forward in an attempt to reach the man but Kakashi used his superior skills to hold them back before an arrow was shot from the other end of the bridge and landed a their feet, stopping them cold as they looked up and saw most if not all of Nami standing on the other side with various pitchforks and clubs or other items.
"Leave grandpa alone!" Inari shouted as he held he crossbow that had launched the arrow. Seeing how the villagers were all glaring at the bandits and at how Kakashi was standing with a kunai and seemed ready to charge into them they all ran scared. Through it all, none noticed how Gato had fled the second the ink snakes had charged him.
"Do you really have to go?" Inari asked as the villagers stood across from the Konoha team stood across from them a few feat away. The bridge had been finished yesterday and now was time for the group to return home their village. The town had partied day and night to celebrate their freedom from Gato's rule when they weren't working on the bridge itself. Inari had gotten particularly attached to the group since they had shown him how his actions weren't helping anything. He had begun to believe that it was better to try since the ninja had managed to actually do what they set out to do, which before he was calling impossible.
"Yeah, we need to head back to Konoha. The mission took far longer than expected and was much more difficult too. Hokage-sama won't really be happy about that either." Kakashi explained as Tazuna smiled sheepishly.
"Yeah… again, I'm really sorry about that. Once we're back on our feet, we'll send the appropriate payment and more. I promise."
"We'll hold you to that Tazuna-san." Kakashi commented with an eye-smile. The jonin then motioned for his team to head out so with a final wave to the people of Nami they began to walk back home. The villagers cheered their thanks before Inari brought up a question.
"Hey grandpa, what're we gonna name the bridge?" The old man blinked for a second before scratching his head.
"Huh, ya know, I never thought of that." People began calling out various names before he heard one he liked. "Oh! What was that last one?!" He shouted back to the crowd behind him.
"Mighty Leaf!"
"The Mighty Leaf Bridge… It has a sort of ring to it doesn't it?" He asked so they cheered and agreed with the name. They all let out a cheer for the Konoha ninja again and the new name for the bridge before they turned to head back to their homes.
"Don't leave now, the best part hasn't been finished yet." A voice rang out, young and full of confidence. Tazuna didn't know what had even happened. One moment he was walking next to Tsunami and Inari and the next he was painfully on his knees with a sharp edge being held to his throat from behind. The villagers all turned around to see what had happened and instantly began shouting for his freedom. The old man tried to make out who was holding him but could only see a girl to his right and a taller boy to his left. "Wow, this is some bridge." The one behind him commented, sounding slightly impressed. "You know, Gato actually said something about it being a work of art if I remember." Gato?! You mean they still had to deal with that tyrant? Didn't he die on the bridge battle? Or leave the country after it? They hadn't heard a thing about the man since so they thought they were free of his evil.
"Let Tazuna go you bastard!" A man shouted. "Gato's gone now and can't do anything now that the bridge is done!" A few other villagers all shouted agreements but quieted down as the blade was pressed closer to his throat, lightly pricking his skin and letting a small trail of blood run down his neck.
"True this wonderful piece of art is finished but false about Gato being unable to do anything. You see, Gato hired us to tell you all a message, and a message we shall tell." The one holding him taunted in a cheery voice.
"Nami is his country to do with as he pleases." The girl commented. She sounded smug and happy at what they were doing. "If you don't like it, he'd be happy to provide you with a VIP ticket to the afterlife like Kaiza and the others who opposed him." She continued.
"His rule over this land is not over merely because of this construct of stone and metal." The teen to his left commented. He sounded… empty would be the best way to put it. Similar to that Sai boy with the Konoha ninja but without the creepy fake cheer he used.
"As Gato said this bridge is something of a piece of art." The one behind Tazuna spoke up again. "Well in the immortal words of my nii-san; Art is a bang!" He shouted as he ripped the blade across Tazuna's neck, ending his life. Simultaneously multiple explosions went off. The three turned and ran to the Hi no Kuni side of the bridge as began to crack and collapse. The villagers screamed in terror and ran back to the Nami side of the bridge which was closer and within reach with their civilian speed before turning around to see the bridge falling apart into the sea below it.
Weeks of construction, millions of dollars, all of their hopes and dreams of freedom. All of it vanished with each piece of cement that hit the water. With each piece of metal that flew into the sky. With each crashing bang that echoed in the air.
Nothing. There was really nothing that could save them. Gato couldn't stop Tazuna and the bridge directly so he resorted to dirty measures, just like he did in everything else. They should've seen it coming. It was obvious he wouldn't take defeat lying down. He always got what he wanted and reacted violently when he didn't. They really shouldn't be surprised he would've hired more men to kill Tazuna or destroy the bridge after its completion. And yet they were. All of them were caught off guard by his maneuver. They were too caught up in the happy parties and fact he was gone for a while to realize it.
The villagers wailed to the skies in anguish and despair. Their one hope was gone. The hero that built it and restored hope to the nation, was gone. The ninja that helped them, were gone. There was nothing left to save them. Nami belonged to Gato now. Forever.
Among the cries, the ones of a small boy were the loudest.
"That was fun!" Naruto commented as they stopped at the solid ground on the other end of the bridge and turned around to watch the bridge collapse. Their sensei sure knew where to place the explosives for maximum destruction.
"Ha! Let's see them build another one!" Hikari cheered before raising a hand to her chin. "You know, I'm actually wanting them to do it. Just so we can blow it up again." She commented with a wave of her hand. Kurai said nothing before stiffening and turning around.
"We're not alone."
"Yeah, we know." Naruto muttered before turning around with Hikari mimicking him. A second later and the Konoha team rushed forward before surrounding them. They all stared in shock at he destroyed bridge before turning glares at the three.
"What have you done?!" Kakashi shouted. Kurai held a hand out, ready to summon his scythe if needed while Naruto shrugged with a grin and Hikari laughed. The blond was thankful he had his hood up to hide his face and hair. As his father's student, he was sure Kakashi could likely ID him on sight alone.
"Our job, that's what Hatake-san." Naruto calmly replied.
"Who are you? Where are you from?" Sasuke demanded. While he was pissed at the bridge being destroyed, he was mostly anxious to test his new Sharingan against more opponents.
"We're from Iwa, Uchiha." Naruto answered. "And we don't need to tell you who we are." The boy reached for a kunai and Hikari shook her finger in a scolding manner.
"Uh uh uh, you can't touch us." She taunted. "We did not interfere with your mission or you. We also did nothing within Hi no Kuni borders outside of fleeing the destruction to them. The most you've got on us is illegal entry into your country and so long as we remain peaceful, the most you can do is escort us back out of the country." Hikari explained, using the reasoning their sensei told them to say yesterday if they got into the very situation they were in at the moment. Sasuke growled and looked to Kakashi who reluctantly nodded.
"It's true."
"But look at what they did!" Sakura cried out. "They destroyed Tazuna-san's bridge! We can't take them in for that?"
"I also slit the old mans throat personally." Naruto commented while raising a hand up and grinning. Sasuke growled as Sakura actually gasped in shock.
"You what?!"
"I took a kunai, and I ripped it through the old man's larynx. Right before we set off the explosives." Naruto told them while slowly reaching into his kunai pouch and pulling out the still bloody weapon. He tossed it lightly at the ground at her feet before pointing at it. "There you go, a souvenir from Nami! Enjoy!" Sakura stumbled back as Hikari started laughing loudly.
"Sensei!" The pink haired girl cried out and Kakashi wanted to attack them ad bring them to Konoha for justice but knew they couldn't
"We can't Sakura." He told her, his glare never leaving the three. "Our mission ended the minute the bridge was finished. We only stayed one more day at their behest. By then Tazuna was no longer our responsibility. As much as I want to, we can't do anything to them."
"Shinobi conduct forbids villages from interfering with others unless mission statements are opposing each other and then it advises caution. Sensei is right, our contract with Tazuna-san was over the minute the bridge was completed. Even if they had killed him last night, we would be obligated to allow it to happen." Sai explained, though one hand was holding a brush and he was knelt down in front of an empty scroll. "Likewise, they are correct in that the laws of Hi no Kuni state we can only escort them out of the country at the nearest border available. However, should they refuse or prove hostile, we are authorized to subdue with lethal force."
"And we won't." Kurai spoke. "We shall leave for Tsuchi no Kuni and Iwagakure now as our mission is complete. Tazuna is dead and the bridge is gone, ensuring Gato's hold on the country remains strong." Sasuke growled at how they were using a political loop hole to avoid a battle and Kurai could see in his eyes how he wanted a fight. "If any of you attempt to harm us in any matter without provocation, you are essentially declaring war on Iwagakure. We are one of Tsuchikage-sama's top teams, he would be more than willing to avenge our deaths or incarcerations." He explained.
"Then put your hands over your heads and get moving. We'll escort you out now. Just know that a repeated offense of this kind is an automatic capture order." Kakashi growled out as the team of Iwa ninja raised their hands, one stoically and the other pair with wide grins. Kakashi's genin moved into a diamond formation around them with kunais in hand incase the smaller group turned hostile. With a nod to Sai, who was on point, the group began moving towards the border. "Try anything, and I'll personally end you."
"Why Hatake-san, you sound angry. I wonder why?" Naruto taunted before laughing. Kakashi grit his teeth but ignored it, instead focusing on the three to try and get an idea of what they were capable of. He noticed the girl had a slim but muscular build, made more for flexibility and speed than strength. It also instantly showed she wasn't a fan girl like Sakura was. She only had on one weapon pouch though with her long sleeves that would be concealing her hands if they were down, he would never have seen the gauntlets on her wrists. Each one was a dark red with a black rose symbol on them and seemed to have some type of ejection slot near the wrists. He didn't know it they ejected blades or projectile weapons or if they were inscribed with seals for other uses though so he couldn't get a full read on her skills. The older boy of the three had held a hand out to the side during the entire confrontation between the two teams, only stopping when he was told to raise his hands. He didn't carry any kind of visible weapons pouch so Kakashi theorized he had to be a taijutsu type or used some strange kind of jutsu to fight. Especially with how he held his hand out. It was as if he could call something out of it with but a thought.
And finally was the one wearing a hood. On both his wrists were crimson gauntlets shaped like foxes which were leaving Kakashi with a bad feeling due to the stigma foxes left on Konoha thanks to the Kyuubi attack twelve years prior. Not only that but while Kakashi wasn't a sensor-type, he didn't have to be to feel the boy's massive reserves. They were easily far bigger than his own and seemed on par with the Sandaime. Not only that but the way he carried himself and spoke, it was with nothing but confidence. Sure there was a touch of the same arrogance Sasuke bandied about all the time, but the boy spoke as if he could've backed it up. Not only that but he seemed happy he killed Tazuna. That meant not only had he killed before but he would be fine with doing so again. Kakashi could tell he was the largest threat of the three and likely both could and would slaughter all three of his students if he was given the chance.
All in all, Kakashi believed the three to be far above his genin and a possible match for him if they managed to triple team him.
It took them an hour to reach the border in which there were many taunts from Hikari and Naruto towards the genin. Sasuke was practically shaking with rage while Sakura wanted to cry at how they had torn into the group with taunts of their failure. Technically their mission was a success, however the final outcome became a failure. Not only that but the horrid conditions in Nami would only continue or worsen thanks to the actions of the Iwa group. Kakashi growled as they reached the border and stopped. "Leave, before I find a reason to kill you." The jonin ordered. The three jumped over to the Iwa side of the border before turning back to Kakashi and his genin.
"As a final note, we were spying on you in Nami for an entire week!" Naruto shouted as he flipped them off and Hikari laughed. "So I'll leave you weaklings with a couple warnings! Beware the snake and the prodigal son will return for what's his!" With that the three left as Sasuke growled and Kakashi's hand twitched for his kunai pouch. He restrained that impulse though as Sai lowered his hand from his tanto and Sakura collapsed to her knees crying over Nami's fate and their inability to change it.
"So, have fun taunting Hatake's team?" Kurotsuchi asked as her genin came to the meeting point. She had expected that Konoha would want to interfere and had even counted on it to ensure a safe return to Iwa territory. Naruto grinned as he pulled his hood down and Hikari laughed.
"Oh, you should've seen the look on the Uchiha's face! He really wanted to tear into Naruto-kun the entire time! Even Hatake did!" She cheered.
"Yeah, and that chick was in tears over it all! Man, if only we could do that more often!" Naruto added as Kurotsuchi turned to Kurai.
"We completed the mission by eliminating Tazuna and spreading the message that Gato is in control of Nami sensei." Kurai explained as he was the only one that taken part in the taunting nor the enjoyment of it. The woman nodded her head with a smirk.
"Good. Then let's head back to Iwa. You three of the Chunin Exams to prepare for."