
章節 157: Chapter 8

The council meeting was already in session as far as the council was concerned. They would of course inform the Hokage later after they decided the fate of one Uzumaki Naruto. The decision was mostly made as save for a few holdouts the vote was to execute. Nobody dared vote against as they didn't want to lose their position or have the council turn on them like they had seen it do in the past to previous … deceased members. There had been many meetings like these over the past 12 almost 13 years, but until now none of them thought he was a threat. Most still didn't, but the stealing of the forbidden scroll gave them an excuse.

All deliberations were stopped before they could get a true vote when the doors opened and the Hokage walked in. The room instantly quieted many cursing their luck, but the mood of the room instantly changed to anger and rage when they saw who was with him. Naruto walked in the room alongside the old man with no expression and not looking at anyone. He could feel their heated stares as they tried to will him to burst into flames and die. Ignoring them he just looked forward until he caught sight of three people he really didn't like. The elders of the council stood up and greeted them. "Hokage-samma to what do we owe the honour of you being here and with that … boy?"

The Hokage didn't answer instead he slowly walked up and took his seat at the head of the council. Hiruzen Sarutobi looked around at the council judging each one and thinking of what he was about to do. Before he could do anything thou he was addressed by one of the civilians. "Lord Hokage … what are you doing here?" Sarutobi just stared at the stupid man for a minute. "Actually … That's a question I would like you all to answer." The Hokage states waiting for one of them to be dumb enough to say it. "We were going to inform you Hokage-samma, but we figured you were busy due to what was going on." At this most of the councilors looked down at Naruto doing little to hide their disdain for the boy. "So we got together and were deliberating about the boy and what should happen to him."

"Well then you can stop, because nothing will be happening to him." The council was outraged and voiced their displeasure especially a mother of a certain pink hair banshee whose voice was cancelling out most of the others and giving everyone headaches. "SHUTUP!" This served to quite everyone as they never believed their beloved old man could shout like that. "Now as I was saying." At this he glared at the pink haired woman who shrank bank in her seat as he continued to say. "Nothing will happen to him, because it was a special mission given to him by me to capture a traitor." This got their attention. "Ano Hokage-samma, but what traitor?" asked Utatane Koharu.

"Earlier this evening after failing a rigged gennin exam Uzu …" He looked down to see Naruto glaring up at him. A few observant councilmen decided to check into that later as the hokage continued. "I mean Naruto was approached by his Chuunin teacher assistant Mizuki who tried to trick him into stealing the scroll of sealing for him under the guise of it being a test to become genin." The council had a hard time swallowing this as they believed Naruto to be as dumb as a box of rocks and about just as talented. Well, save a few who had designs on the boy and knew he was hiding something. "Wait … what do you mean tried?" Danzo asked. The Hokage cleared his throat and smiled at Naruto who answered. "He means Mizuki thought of me just like you do so he believed me when I went along with his little deception thinking he was so smart and I was so dumb despite the fact that if he or Iruka had graded my papers honestly I would have earned top marks academically." Then he started laughing. "I mean do you really believe this woman's daughter is the top kunoichi of the class with 2 female clan heirs and her miniscule chakra levels against her?" Naruto said as he pointed at the female civilian council member Haruno Shiori. "I mean I think we all know how she got that distinction and it wasn't in the classroom. It's as they say like mother, like daughter." Naruto said as the council erupted in laughter until a screeching yell caused everyone to cover their ears except for the unfortunate ANBU who had to keep the woman from attempting to strangle Naruto.

Soon enough everything was calm again and Naruto continued. "Anyway I informed Hokage-san who gave me permission to use the real scroll." Naruto was interrupted by one of the elders who glared at his former teammate. "You gave that boy the real Scroll of Sealing written by the Yondiame?" The council was outraged at this lapse in judgment as they began to think it was definitely time to replace the old coot despite how good a figure head he'd been. The Hokage ignored the whispers and answered. "Yes. I believe Naruto-kun here has proven worthy of my trust and then there was the chance Mizuki would have seen it was a fake and harmed him." That was the last straw as most of the council was concerned. There would be a new Hokage as soon as they could get rid of the old man and call for a vote.

Once again ignoring the dissention he was hearing among the council the old man pressed on. "Naruto-kun proved to be quite capable as well. He saved chuunin Umino Iruka from Mizuki, delivered the forbidden scroll without so much as a smudge on it, and found out the root of these actions taken by Mizuki who I've feared to be a bad seed since that incident with his former teammates." "Oh and why did he do these things?" Asked Mitokada Homura. "He was exchanging the scroll for citizenship in another village among other things with Orochimaru." Hiruzen said sadly as the council was again in uproar. After a break to allow everyone to digest the information the council convened again. "So what do you plan to do about this?" Utatane Koharu asked.

"Part of the problem is already being dealt with as we are searching for other hidden spies of the snakes or others." No one except a few prominent clan heads, Saratobi, and Naruto noticed Danzo's flinch. "There will also be some issues with this current crop of graduates that need to be fixed." Sarutobi says. "What do you mean hokage-samma?" asked a civilian. "I mean it's just as Naruto-kun said. Unfortunately due to the attempted sabotage of Naruto by the two chuunin who were in charge of this graduating class for most of their time in the academy the other students were sabotaged instead." At this shouts of it's the demon's fault and I knew this would happen were shouted with glares towards the boy in question. "Hm better a demon like Kyuubi then pieces of trash like the majority of this council." Naruto said while closing his eyes. This only served to incite more yelling and once again needing the ANBU to restrain some civilian and shinobi council members.

"ENOUGH!" The old man shouted again leveling a field of KI on everyone that only the prominent clan heads and Naruto were able to shrug off. Once it was quite again the Hokage looked at Naruto. "I know your tired Naruto and these meetings can be tough, but I need you to wait a little longer okay." Sarutobi said giving Naruto a quick smile. "What that's it you are not going to do anything about the disrespect he's shown this council. To let a mere civilian child …" Before he got any further Sarutobi interrupted again. "I guess you are not that smart." This confused some of the council and angered the man in question. "He's not a civilian anymore as capturing Mizuki and finding out his motives was a mission I gave him and he performed brilliantly. So he's a shinobi now." "WHAT!?" was the deafening shout heard through the village.

After clearing out his ears and getting rid of the ringing noise he kept hearing Sarutobi tried again. "I said he's a gennin ninja of this village now." There were no more loud shouts just shock. The council had lost their pet and most were pissed, but they were still determined to get their way. "As to what Naruto-kun said about this council I agree." After a couple minutes of shock a second shout was heard through out the village. "WHAT!?" Again he had to clear out his ears only to look at Naruto and see he had ear plugs in his ear. "What? The pink ones daughter has been my classmate or my clones' classmate for the last 4 years. I just learned to keep a pair handy." Naruto said with a smile. The Hokage made give me signs with his hands, but Naruto just shook his head and smiled. 'Brat could have at least carried some extra.' was the general thought.

Giving up the Hokage decided to end this before he went deaf. "The reason I bought Naruto-kun with me is before I gave him his first mission. He told me something interesting" getting their attention again. "He had a meeting with the Daimyo earlier this week." The elders and several councilors nearly fainted at this while the rest paled save for a few lucky idiots that thought it meant nothing. "W-wh-what were you doing in the capitol Naruto?" Asked Homura. Naruto answered him with an ever growing smile. "Certain events happened this past week that let me know I needed some protection so I took a page out of this councils playbook and went straight to the big man. We had a discussion where I told him about my life …" Naruto looked around and saw fear in a few eyes. "I tried to convince him that, because of my lack of trust and disdain for Konoha in general that I shouldn't be a shinobi and there for be allowed to leave Konoha peaceably." Naruto looked around again and saw various reactions. Most of the civilians seemed happy they maybe getting their wish and he'd be gone, the elders were still scared stiff, Danzo was pissed as were some of the shinobi council, and curiosity was shown by the rest.

Before he could continue a civilian made their presence known. "Thank Kami finally we'll be safe." Before any others could join him in praising their deity of choice though Naruto continued. "Anyway as I was saying I tried, but he would hear nothing of the sort. It seems he knew of my heritage and refused to let me walk away so I made a deal with him." "Hold up … why would he care who's parents some demon orphans were." Said another ignorant civilian. "Because his parents are none other than Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Minato." The Hokage said as the council dissolved into more shouts and insults. Finally after calling for another break everyone took their seats, quietly for a change, and waited for an explanation.

"How is that possible Hokage-samma?" Asked an impatient Hyuuga Hiashi. "As you all may know Kushina had a relationship with Minato-kun." He got many nods at this as all the female council members and most of the men thought of how they tried to court one of them. Sarutobi continued. "What you don't know is they secretly married and had Naruto. Why else do you think he was used despite being one of the oldest babies in the hospital?" He let this sink in. "However a few months before Naruto-kun's first birthday she suddenly fled the village leaving him behind in my office with a note to take care of him. What happened to her?" "I don't know" The Hokage answered truthfully. "I can answer that" All eyes were back on Naruto some holding looks of sorrow and guilt. "She was attacked by a group of blank masked Anbu … well at least that's what she told the Damiyo when she swung by the capitol before leaving Fire Country." At this everyone gasped and turned towards Danzo. "W-w-what? My group was disbanded long before then it could have been anyone." Danzo said.

"Anyway the Damiyo said he could help her, but she just asked him to keep an eye on Konoha and me. He asked her why and her reply was that it wasn't the first attack on us and that the first nine months of my life she had spent doing nothing, but fending off attack after attack from civilians, the blank masks, and even fellow ninja she had fought with and thought of as friends. She just wanted peace and felt bad for leaving me behind with a bunch of monsters, but felt if she left with me she would have no peace and be hunted until we were both killed. Plus she thought the Hokage would be able to protect me better than she could. Obviously she was wrong." Naruto finished and noticed more sad and guilty looks among the group. "Naruto that's not what you told me before." The hokage said. "I told you he told me what he knew, but like I just said she left almost 12 years ago and just disappeared so he doesn't know where she is or what's happened to her since." The Hokage just sighed and gave up.

"Besides Hokage-san, I believe it's time the council learns of the change in policy signed by the Daimyo." Both began to smile and the entire council felt a cold wind tickle their spine. "I believe your right Naruto-kun." The Hokage stood up and looked at his former teammates and Danzo with a smirk as he began. "Due to the actions of some of this council the Daimyo in his meeting with Naruto asked him to give me this scroll." He held the scroll up and unfurled it before continuing. "He has given me the ability to disband this council and I am. Until further notice the Konoha Council is disbanded and never to darken my office again." The shouts of outrage and threats of violence commenced until the Anbu escorted everyone except for Danzo out of the room and circled him before he could escape.

"What is the meaning of this Sarutobi?" Danzo spat with as much anger as he could muster. "I think you know what this is about old friend." Danzo was looking around for any means of escape, but saw none. "Let's end this peacefully Danzo. You had a nice run, but you went too far." Danzo laughed. "You fool it's people like me that allow the tree huggers like you to continue to spew your soft hearted ideals and stay safe at night. The shinobi world is full of danger and isn't a place for weak minded old fools like you have become." The Hokage just spit at Danzo's feet. "No it's scum like you that continue turn these lands into nothing but battlefields. I shudder to think what this village would look like if you ever gained the power you've gone so far to obtain." "Whatever we've never seen eye to eye Saru-baka. Ne assemble!" Danzo was surrounded by twenty of his Root soldiers as he threw his cloak away showing his right arm held ten sharingan embedded in it. Then he removed the bandages on his head revealing another Sharigan.

The Hokage was beyond himself with rage at what his one time friend and teammate had apparently done. "WHAT is the meaning of this Danzo?" "You mean the eyes? Do you like. I had my best Iryo-nin (medic) transplant them after the Uchiha massacre." Suddenly things clicked for Naruto. "Wait so your one of those guys that set up Itachi-san?" Naruto said with a low growl. "I guess there is no point in hiding it. Yes, with help of a ninja who's held a long standing grudge against the Uchiha clan my Ne soldiers destroyed that pathetic clan before anyone knew we did it and set him up to take the fall." Sarutobi was truly shocked by how far his friend had fallen. "Why Danzo? Why do all this? Kushina? The Uchiha's? We used to be best friends and shared the same ideals." He was caught off guard by a laugh from Danzo. "Please that bitch would have gotten in the way of my attaining the ultimate weapon and that clan gave me the means to control it. As far as our friendship … that's been dead ever since the day you stole my glory and took credit for my idea of being the decoy against those Kumo nin and the 2nd rewarded you with what should have been mine. I should have become the Sandiame Hokage not you! It should be my face on the Hokage Mountain!"

Now Danzo was interrupted by a laugh, but this time by Naruto. "Wow you're an even more pathetic old fart than I originally thought you were. I bet you can't even use those eyes and you'll never get me Danzo-temme so I hope you have another Jinchuuriki stashed away some where." Danzo furiously replied. "You will submit to me boy and I will be Hokage now hush up while the adults settle things. Now enough talk Ne capture the boy and kill anyone that gets in your way." Turning his attention back to Sarutobi he says. "Let's do this 'old friend'." "Anbu capture or kill them all. Naruto stay safe" The Hokage orders as he prepares to do battle. "Don't worry about me old man. I got a few hidden abilities I'd like to try out myself." Naruto said as his eyes flashed a bright orange color before settling down to a darker orange color. Naruto saw the shock in the Hokages eyes as he looked at his dojutsu. "We'll talk later. Anbu-san how about we give the Hokage a little room and take this elsewhere." Before they could answer Naruto with the Ne on his tail ran outside the building with Anbu following them closely.

Naruto reached the outside and saw that most of what was the council was still there. The council saw him or more specifically his eyes and gasped. "Is that a dojutsu?" One of the civilians asked. "I think so." Hyuuga Hiashi answered. "His parents didn't have one." Inuzuka Tsume said. "It must be the kyuubi's doing." Nara Shikkaku responds. At this everyone bristles. Nothing more was said as the Ne came and surrounded him and then the Anbu surrounded them. The clan heads decided to back up and give them some space, but wanted to see what the boy could do. The civilians ran as fast and as far as they could to escape the eminent battle.

*Hiruzen Sarutobi vs Shimura Danzo*

Alone now both men began to size one another up and then in a burst of speed ran towards each other with speeds you wouldn't expect from men half their age. Hiruzen threw a jab at Danzo's head. Danzo turned slightly to the left as the punch missed and landed a punch on Sarutobi's chest. He retaliated with a punch to Danzo's stomach. Both men broke apart and held their hands a bit. "I see you came prepared Danzo." Danzo removed his shirt revealing armor that covered his torso. "You as well Saru." Saratobi tossed away his Hokage robes and hat revealing his black jumpsuit with hidden armor plating underneath. He then summoned Enma the 'monkey king'.

"Hello Saru, what's the trouble this time?" Enma asked only to receive a point in the opposite direction. "Ahh finally getting rid of the old war hawk? What's brought this change in policy?" Enma asked. Sarutobi answered with one word. "Naruto." Enma just smiled barring his fangs at Danzo. "Well, what are we waiting for. Henge : Kongonyoi " That's all it took as Enma transformed into his black and yellow staff form as Sarutobi took him and did a few swings and spins. 'Damn I don't have a weapon capable of taking them on and the Sharigans won't be much use right now. I still haven't completely figured out that technique.' Danzo thought quickly. Taking out a kunai Danzo quickly threw it at the duo and then ran out a back door. After deflecting the kunai Sarutobi ran after him closing the gap quickly he threw Enma end over end at Danzo hitting him in his back breaking a few bones, but Danzo refused to lose so he spun his body taking a deep breath despite the pain and released a devastating wind attack 'Futon : Shinkuha (Wind Release : Vacuum Wave). Sarutobi quickly flashed the tiger hand seal and unleashed his own jutsu 'Katon : Karyudan (Fire release : Fire Dragon Flame Missle).

Those outside watching the battle with the Root soldiers looked up when they heard the sound of glass breaking and quickly used shunshine or kawarimi to get out of the way of a large amount of falling glass. Sarutobi's flame met Danzo's wind and doubled in size and strength as it now flew at Danzo who cursed not being able to use any earth or wood jutsu in the building so he tried to use a stronger wind jutsu. Flashing the dog hand seal after a taking another deep breath he expelled the technique 'Futon : Shinku Renpa (Wind Release : Vacuum Serial Waves)' as several blades of wind shot at the incoming Fire attack. The attack again changed direction and tripled in strength as the flames became white hot melting almost everything in it's path as it came back at the Hokage. Deciding two could play that game Hiruzen did the tiger seal again and used half of his remaining chakra to boost the power and called out "Katon : Karyudan".

This time Danzo knew there was no way to cancel the jutsu so he tried to kawarimi with Sarutobi, but that failed. Looking outside he saw the battle going on with his Ne so in order to save himself he kwarimi'd with one of his own soldiers and got out of the way of the technique. After a few seconds of disorientation the Ne soldier saw what was barreling down on him. He had one last thought 'SHIT!' as the technique collided with him instantly incinerating him. The Hokage also decided to kawarimi with a Root agent as the technique exploded and white hot flames were coming back towards him. The Ne agent shared his former comrades' thoughts as he was also incinerated along with the walls in that corridor.

Naruto was bored. ANBU had shown up and quickly surrounded the twenty Ne agents incapacitating most of them before he even took a step. So he had just been standing around after deactivating his eyes. Then the windows of the building the Hokage was in exploded showering the area in the glass then a few of the Root-nin disappeared only to be replaced by Danzo first and then the Hokage. Naruto walks over to the Hokage as the only two Root agents who had yet to be captured stood side by side with Danzo. "Tough fight Hokage-san?" Naruto asked. "Yeah it's been awhile since these old bones have seen action Naruto-kun. You just remember to enjoy your youth while you still have it."Sarutobi answered. Naruto laughs, but then focuses on Danzo and his two henchmen. The Yamanaka and Aburame clan heads gasp as they each recognize one of the men standing next to Danzo as former clan members who were believed to be dead.

Hearing the commotion going on a number of shinobi and villagers had come to investigate what was going on including a group of soon to be gennin. They all saw Naruto standing next to the Hokage and wondered what the dead last loser was doing there. Sasuke though was focused on one thing and one thing only and that was Danzo's arm with the ten sharingan and his fully matured sharingan in his right eye. 'How could he posses those? Is he an Uchiha? No. I remember this was one of those council people my dad told me to watch out for before he died. What's going on here?' He was drawn out of his thoughts when he heard Naruto. 'Hn what is the dobe doing there? He'll only get in the way?' Sasuke thought.

"Hokage-san I think I have a technique that will help end this without any more bloodshed." Sarutobi looked at the boy skeptically, but decided to trust him. "Okay Naruto go ahead." Naruto did the tiger hand seal and held it as his eyes flashed orange once again then he called out "Kokuangyo no Jutsu" ( Bringer-of-Darkness Technique). The Hokage, Danzo, and most of the older ninja were beyond shocked. 'How the hell does he know how to do that jutsu? Only the First and Second Hokage's could use that.' Kurenai who had arrived just as Naruto started to perform the jutsu was drooling over the technique. 'Maybe I can get him to teach it to me.' She thought and then started to come up with ways to get it out of him. The younger ninja and civilians didn't see what the big deal was and deemed it weak like they believed Naruto to be except for Sasuke who could literally feel the power used to perform the jutsu and knew he must have it.

The Hokage quickly threw three kunai at Danzo who used his sense of hearing to dodge them. "That's a pretty good genjutsu kid, but how long can you keep this up?" Danzo asked. Naruto's response was to throw two kunai of his own, but these had exploding tags on them. Danzo and his two Ne agents held their ground as they could hear the kunai coming and easily deflected them, but as soon as they did they heard the sizzling sound like an exploding tag getting ready to go off. "KUSO!" The three called out as they tried to escape, but they were too late as the tags went off exploding right in front of them. They were blown away a few feet still alive but badly burned and injured.

Naruto ended his darkness technique and the Hokage walked up to where Danzo was lying. Enma ended the transformation knowing the battle was over as Sarutobi took one of his ANBU's tanto and cut Danzo's head off. Enma just puffed back to the summon world after ruffling Naruto's hair a bit knowing that despite their differences and all the evil the man had done Sarutobi would take having to kill his childhood friend very hard. Some Anbu immediately came in and broke up the crowd as a few took custody of Fu and Torune being especially careful of Torune as they didn't want to be poisoned by his micro bugs. After breaking up the crowd and gathering the rest of the Ne agents that hadn't been killed they shunshined to the T.I. Department who would deal with the next step. The Yamanaka and Aburame head followed them.

The road was empty now and it was just Naruto, the Hokage, and Danzo's body. Naruto walked up to the Hokage "Will you be okay Hokage-san?" Naruto asked as he watched the old man just stare at the body of his former friend and comrade. "I'll be fine Naruto-kun. It's just hard seeing a former friend end up the way he did. I can't help, but think back on things and question where it all went wrong." The Hokage took out a scroll and bent down then sealed Danzo's body and head away to be dealt with later. Standing up Hiruzen noticed how late it was, but knew it would be a long night for him dealing with the aftermath of all that's happened. He turned to face Naruto. "Naruto-kun it's late and I'm sure you are tired. Why don't you head home and get some sleep before your big day tomorrow." "Hai Hokage-san." Naruto said as he began to walk off. "Oh and Naruto." Naruto turned around and looked at the old man seeing the tiredness in his face as he seemed to grow new wrinkles every minute. "Come see me after team assignments as we need to talk. Oh and is there anything you really want to learn from your jounin-sensei?" Naruto thought about it for a moment. "I guess I could use a good kenjutsu teacher the most as I have two swords, but I haven't been able to learn a real style yet same with my taijutsu." "Okay Naruto I'll see what I can do. Goodnight." "Thanks Hokage-san. Goodnight to you as well."

Naruto walked off leaving the old man to walk back to his office alone. 'Well this was a productive day.' 'Indeed it was Naruto-kun although I think you reveled a little too much about your abilities.' 'Hey Kaen-sensei I was wondering when you would talk to me again. You were awfully quite today.' 'It didn't seem like you needed my help and you needed to concentrate.' 'Thanks for the vote of confidence. As for showing to much it really doesn't matter. They would find out anyway and with Danzo gone much of the threat in this village has been reduced.' 'Hey don't let your guard down. For all you know Danzo was nothing, but a puppet. Plus, there is no way he was able to do whatever he did to his arm on his own. He had help and who ever it was is most likely still a threat.' 'You are right. Sorry sensei. Still at least for now there's one less threat.' 'True, but I think your little display may have earned you a few more. I am glad that guy is out of the picture now, because I sensed with more time he may have found a way to be a major threat to you and me.' Naruto just nodded as made it to his apartment complex.

He entered finding no lights. 'I guess this is a parting gift from that old fat retard who used to be my landlord. I guess I'll have to find the fuse box tomorrow and flip the switch.' Naruto's eyes once again flared an orange color as he walked up the stair avoiding a few traps and made his way to his apartment. Naruto didn't even stop for a glass of water as he headed straight for his bedroom and flopped down fully clothed on his bed. 'Goodnight Kaen.' 'Goodnight Naruto. Sleep well for tomorrow will most likely be another long day.' 'Is there any other kind?' Just then he remembered the kage bunshin he sent to practice the techniques from the scroll and dispelled them all receiving their memories instantly knocking him unconscious.

next chapter
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