40% Naruto: Red Haired Jinchuriki / Chapter 8: [7]The Hired Hitmen Attack! Gaara, protect Hime-sama!

章節 8: [7]The Hired Hitmen Attack! Gaara, protect Hime-sama!


The girl held her breath and tried to ignore how close Gaara was. But feeling his firmness pressing into her was more than just a little debilitating. Her mind raced ahead, conjuring up fantasies. Ah--he's touching me! Calm down! No, it's no good! I can't! Why did Gaara-san come for me, anyway? Does he know about the shinobi who killed the real Nikko? Kya! What is that? Nikko flinched away from something warm dropping onto her hand in the darkness.

The one tailed beast holder had told her to be quiet so he could concentrate, but the unknown liquid she felt worried Nikko. "G-Gaara-san?" She whispered, trying not to be too loud.


He didn't respond.

Another loud slamming noise reverberated against the sand shell. The girl squeaked and fumbled her hands in the darkness until finding flesh. The flesh was his hand and Gaara brushed her off to do some hand signs. He was whispering the jutsu until she heard, "Sand Tsunami!"

The large wall of sand was powerful enough that Nikko could feel the vibrations shake the sand barrier. What the hell was that? She gulped and scooted as far from the shells' rounded wall as possible, successfully pressing into the sand Jinchuuriki. "G-Gaara-san...? What's going on?"

"Utsuri Nikko, you do not listen well. More shinobi have arrived."

"Sorry! I mean, oops! I mean--"

The girl flushed and was thankful for the darkness inside the shell hiding her clear embarrassment. She then heard, "It is fine. Do not be worried. I intend to fall back and observe the enemy from afar."

Nikko's chest tingled at his words but she shoved down the sensation to focus on what he'd said. "Is...is there really that many?"

"Yes. They appear to be hired ninja."

"Eh? You can see them? But how?"

"My third eye."

Nikko was going to say something more but didn't have the chance. Gaara let down his sand shell and she could see for herself that their situation was dire. Numerous ninja adorned the trees, some leaning, some with large weapons. "No way.." she gasped and backed away shakily. "There's so many!"

Aponi lit on her head exclaiming, "Hime-sama! Thank goodness! I was locked out of the shell!"

"We must get farther away." Gaara said. Half of his face was visible in the moonlight and Nikko saw crimson trailing down his cheek. She looked down at her hand and saw that it was blood she'd felt. Nikko didn't have time to address his injury however. The ninja in the trees raised their weapons high, yelled out and sent multiple whizzing ninja tools through the trees and towards her.

"Gaara-san!" She screamed. The sand ninja stepped in front of her protectively. His sand began to raise but Nikko knew it wouldn't be done in time.

Nikko had a moment of insight. The Time Altering Jutsu! She bit her thumb, rubbed the blood across her eyes and did the hand signs. "Jikan henko no jutsu!"

Time slowed down as she pressed her chakra out around the two of them. Gaara let his sand drop down once he saw that all the attacks were frozen in middair. "The Time Altering Jutsu," he remarked.

"Yes. My clan's special kekkai genkai. I'm too tired to make it spread farther, but this will have to do for now. Gaara-san, are you okay?"

He nodded and looked around at the enemies. "There are too many. Out here we're at a slight disadvantage by the darkness, and if we stay out in the open it will be too easy for them. Let us go."


She followed Gaara who sprinted through the forest and into town. The buildings were silent and shut down for the night. That's when Nikko remembered Idate up on the roof top. "Wait! Idate-kun! I can't leave him!"

Gaara stopped running. "Then hurry. They are after you, not him."

She jumped onto the nearest building and saw him lying there. His chest was rising and falling but only barely. Nikko kneeled down and examined him. All of Idate's vitals were avoided, but his limbs had been hit. "Idate-kun..." she whispered his name and looked to Gaara who had jumped on the roof as well.

"He will recover with medical treatment."

The two stood, Gaara grabbing Idate in his arms. He took off jumping by way of roof toward Jirocho's mansion on the hill. Oh great. Not that big mountain again! Nikko groaned inwardly but followed after. By the time they'd reached the top of it she was breathing hard again. "Ha..ha..."

Gaara stopped at the gate entrance and deposited Idate onto the ground. "The guards are close and will find him." He turned to Nikko. She noticed his blood red hair looked darker in the night time, and Gaara's pale skin glowed. "You're winded."

"Ha..ha...just...a little tired, that's all." She forced a smile. "I'm still freezing time you know."

He blinked those teal eyes at her. "Your chakra will drain. Let's go before that happens."

"But!" She looked down at the boy that had began to steal her heart. "I-Idate-kun will...he will worry..."

Gaara walked over to the green haired girl.


He tried to think of something to say to Utsuri Nikko. It was obvious she was worried about Idate, but they had to get away before her jutsu wore out. Gaara needed to think of a plan to ensure her safety. As he thought on this she lifted her face to his. "I'm sorry Gaara-san--I know we need to leave, it's just..."

The Jinchuuriki then had his first look at the last of the Utsuri clan free of her Otafuku mask. Her skin was the creamiest ivory, eyes a vibrant hue of purple with long dark lashes which framed them. A pink shade speckled her cheeks from exertion and emotion. Gaara felt the earth sway beneath his feet. Utsuri Nikko. She is a fine shinobi, he thought. The two looked at one another; Nikko from her kneeling position and he standing above her. Wind blew across the hilltop and lifted the girl's shiny green hair and sent it waving passionately around her face. She tucked it behind her ear. "...If I had a way to send him a letter..."

Gaara snapped back to reality. "Yes. There will be time for that later. We need to go."

"R-Right." She bit her lip and he looked at it's moistness, dainty size pulled under her teeth. At last Nikko stood and nodded. "I'm ready Gaara-san."

The duo made haste through the forest and into the surrounding area which led the way Gaara had travelled. He recalled seeing a tree trunk cut approximately three meters back and thought it would be suitable for him to hide the Utsuri girl. He flicked his tanuki eyes and saw that she was still following him, albeit sweating from her cheek. She is running low on stamina. The Time Altering Jutsu is taking it's toll. I need to get there before it wears away completely. Which for Gaara meant that he would be carrying her. "Utsuri Nikko," he said over his shoulder. "There is an area three meters from here that we will go towards. Let me carry you there so our pace is faster."

The two paused from leaping from the limbs. She flushed bright red. "Eh--? W-Why would you d-do that, Gaara-san?"

A tiny throb shot through his chest. It would seem she didn't want him to touch her, the same as everyone else. He felt ashamed to have thought she would be any different. "...I apologize," he murmured, "I merely suggested it to save chakra. Using the sand can be wearisome."

"O-Oh! I-In that case..." Nikko bowed, "P-Please take care of me!"

Gaara's eyes grew wide. She didn't seem to mind after all. His body thrummed with that knowledge and tingled slightly. This feeling...He jumped to her and Nikko peeked up at him from beneath her short bangs. She is...possibly shy? He realized with a start. A tiny grin lifted the corners of Gaara's mouth. "...I will not harm you Utsuri Nikko-san. You have little to fear."

"I-I'm not scared! S-Sorry! It's just..." once more she peeked at him, then shook her head. "Never mind me. Let's go Gaara-san."

Wordlessly he bent and picked her up into his arms. Light as a feather. She wrapped her tiny ones around his neck before Gaara set off as quickly as possible. Once I make it to that tree, I have maybe five minutes before they realize we aren't in town anymore. I'll lead them away from her. But I can't go towards the Land of Lakes; the water is a big disadvantage.

They arrived at the trunk of a large tree that lightning had struck. It was split wide open and there was a gaping hole exposing a dark void. "Release your jutsu and stay here Utsuri-san. I will lead them astray before coming back."

"Eh? But Gaara-san, you're tired too aren't you? After all, you've done the sand shell and the eye thing, as well as--"

Gaara paused. Is she honestly concerned about me? He put his hand to his chest where it was tingling. "--I have enough chakra left to do this. Please stay here and await my return."

He turned to leave but the girl grabbed the edge of his tunic. "Uhm, please...be safe!"


Nikko stayed behind as he once more leapt through the dark forest. As Gaara progressed through the night he relished in the feeling of someone worried for him. It had been so very long since anything like that had happened. Since anyone had said such words. Who had it been last? Perhaps..yes, Yashamaru.

The memory of his funeral came to mind. He recalled that Nikko had been upset by his death and blamed Gaara. That's right. Nikko Utsuri has a reason to hate me and view me as a monster. Why would she ever see me as anything different? He frowned pondering that the rest of the journey.


A kunai flying to his right had him pause. It hadn't been directed at him, more as an alert. Gaara felt vibrations to his left and saw several shadows standing on the limb of a tree.

"Yo!" He heard.

It was Naruto. Gaara went over to greet the shinobi he respected most. "Uzamaki Naruto-san. What are you doing here?"

"That punk Idate-san just up and vanished earlier! And when we found him again, a whole bunch of hired thugs attacked us. By the time we fought them all he was gone again." Naruto moved his leaf village headband up a smidgen. "Then we saw him with your girlfriend before all those shinobi's popped out of no where."

Sakura nodded. "We saw them attacking you. But there were so many that none of us could over to help. By the time we did, well, you were gone."

Naruto crossed his arms and scowled. "It sucks that we didn't get to save Idate-san...but we owe you for that."

Gaara blinked. I see. They came to repay me for saving their target. "It was of little consequence. Utsuri Nikko-san just happened to be near him."

Naruto looked around the darkness with squinted eyes. "So where is she then?"

Beside Naruto was Sakura and she bopped him in the head. "Naruto-kun, quit being weird! That's Gaara-sans girlfriend remember?"

"Ow! Sakura-chan that really hurt!" He rubbed his goose egg. "I was just asking! What's so weird about that?"


"Aponi...he's taking too long..." Nikko plopped her hand on her chin and blew loudly, cheeks jiggling. "He was injured you know. I don't think he'd tell me if he was truly tired either..."

"Hime-sama speaks with such affection towards Gaara-san! Is it love budding?"

The girl rolled her eyes at the butterflies. "Oh shut up! Anyone would give their right tit to be with Gaara-san." She sighed dramatically, "Including me. Did you see how he carried me? Like I was a princess! And his body--ugh, don't get me started Aponi." Her mouth drooled recalling how it felt against her. So solid and assured.

"H-Hime-sama...that sounds a little..."

Nikko's eyes turned into hearts. Ah...Gaara-san is so sexy! How I wished he was my true love! "Aponi, I've made up my mind. Gaara-san has to be the one."

"But Hime-sama...he's a Jinchuuriki. I don't think it's likely that he is your fated...and don't forget his true nature."

The girl thought on those words. While it was true that Gaara had appeared to make a complete transformation in the personality department, she still sensed his deeper darkness within. Nikko was more than a little attracted to that slightly psychotic side he had, the danger lurking beneath his surface. It was clear Gaara had made strides to change his behavior. Nikko certainly hadn't expected him to come rescue her from the faked kidnapping, alone no less. "Aponi...you're not being fair to him. Gaara-san has changed some. Still...I don't mind his glare." Her mind drifted, imagining that darkness around his icy eyes. It sent a shiver down her spine. "I bet being killed by Gaara-san would be....thrilling."

"Well now that's something you don't hear everyday."

The voice startled Nikko so much she screamed and clutched her chest. Blue sandals dropped down in her vision and she looked up the leg, seeing Kakashi there with his hands in his pockets. He smiled with his eyes shut. "Did I interrupt your outer monologue?"

"K-Kakashi-sensei!" Nikko hopped up. "What're you doing here? Where's Gaara-san?"

"Woah there. One question at a time. I'm here to watch over you while Gaara-san and my crew take care of the threats. And for the second question, Gaara-san is fighting the shinobi."

"Oh...I see."

An imaginary tumbleweed blew across the limb. Kakashi looked around, "This is near the Land of Lakes. I noticed a cave a few miles back...there was a good sized pile of leaves inside. It wouldn't happen to be yours, would it?"

Nikko was shocked that Kakashi knew so much. He was a worthy shinobi indeed. "...Yes....but! Don't tell anyone!" She nodded to the monarch butterflies. "They all think I was kidnapped. If you mention anything...then I could be in danger. A-and I know you wouldn't want that on your conscience!"

Kakashi blinked and put a hand on his chin. "While it's true I don't enjoy ratting anyone out, especially a fellow ninja, I do find myself curious why you ran from Sunagakure. To my knowledge the Utsuri Clan is property of the Hidden Sand."

Aponi landed on her nose. "Hime-sama! This is bad! Kakashi-sensei is a renowned intelligence ninja! He can see through lies! He's been to the Hidden Sand village as an ANBU many years ago. You can't lie to him!"

The girl gulped and bowed her head. "Please...it's...complicated. But I'll do my best to explain. You see, for a long time now I've been targeted by enemies. They've tried to kill me before and almost succeeded. I...was told by the Kazekage to use my special jutsu to help the attack on Konohagakure. But! I didn't want to--so I ran. I was hoping to escape being murdered and used. And that's why I pretended to be kidnapped."

Kakashi went silent as he thought over what the girl had told him. He eventually sighed. "Well, it appears that whoever is trying to kill you didn't fall for the trick. Hmm..this could get sticky. We're not here to butt into the Hidden Sand's business, but you do seem to be involved with our mission."


"Yeah. We were hired to watch over Morino Idate."



He floated above the trees on his sand and watched Naruto's shadow clones take down ninja after ninja. There's a lot of them. It would seem never ending.

"Gaara-san, look out!"

At Sakura's voice he looked down and saw a large windmill shuriken headed his way. As expected, his sand snaked from the gourd on his back and blocked it. The large shuriken went whizzing back down before landing sharply into a tree and splitting the trunk. Gaara frowned. "There are too many."

The real Naruto was standing on the top of the tree nearby and heard his words. He punched his palm. "No sweat! I'll just keep pummeling them with my shadow clones!"

"Naruto-kun don't be reckless. If you keep doing the same thing over and over your chakra will be all used up," Sakura argued below him on a limb. "We need a plan."

"Hn. My sharingan can see their every movement. All I need is to trap them and it will be all over," Sasuke boasted. Naruto rolled his eyes. "And that's any better? That uses a lot of chakra too ya know!"

"Shut up." Sasuke growled. "Just listen to me and we'll be done with the fight in two minutes."

"Yes! I know what you're aiming to do, Sasuke-kun!" Sakura nodded excitedly. "Let's do it!"

Naruto scratched his head. "Huhh? Am I missing something?"

I see. Uchiha Sasuke plans to use the darkness to his advantage. With his sharingan he can see their movements easily. If that's the case, my sand can be helpful. "I understand. I'll use the sand to trap them. Uzamaki Naruto, you'll be using the shadow clone jutsu."

Naruto nodded. "Oh I think I get it! We're going to trap them right?"

"Duh Naruto-kun." Sakura sighed. "Just do what Gaara-san said okay?"

The fox boy scowled but didn't argue. Sasuke spoke to them all. "Alright. Sakura-chan, plant some explosive tags to draw them closer in. Gaara-san, use your sand and barricade them inside. I'll use my sharingan and fire ball jutsu to pick them off. Naruto, your job will be to get the stragglers."


"Yeah. I'm willing to bet there are some enemies further out waiting for us to make our move. When that happens they'll attack. That's where you come in."

Naruto smirked. "Heh. Of course! I'm the secret weapon!"

The team nodded in unison. It was time.


"Idate-kun is being targeted?"

Kakashi nodded. "Afraid so. As the racer for the Wasabi family he's in constant danger by the opposing sides hired shinobi. They'll have hitmen no doubt. What I don't know is if the hired thugs were the Wagarashi's doing or if they were here for you, too."

Nikko recalled leaving the one in question on top of the hill unconscious. "Oh...oh no! K-Kakashi-sensei! Idate-kun could be in danger right now! We have to go!"

The jonin sighed. "And what makes you say that?"

"Gaara-san and I...we left Idate-kun for the guards to find up at Jirocho-san's mansion...." she gulped. "He could be.....already..."

"Now now. Let's not think the worst. We'll go check it out. Follow me."

The copy ninja took off through the trees with Nikko right behind him. She had recovered a tiny amount of energy from resting but was still a bit fatigued. Using Jikan Henko no jutsu takes a lot of chakra. Her thoughts then flitted to Idate, who may or may not be dead already. "Idate-kun..."


At length they arrived.

Jirocho's mansion came in sight and Nikko quickened her pace, passing Kakashi before skidding to a stop outside the black iron gates. As she glanced around there wasn't a body in sight. "No..."

Kakashi landed beside her. "Hmm. He's not here now. Let's see if the guards came by and got him."

They jumped over the iron gate. As she crossed over the threshold, Nikko's kimono snagged and ripped. The purple cloth fluttered down and she looked at the remnants. The majority of her skirt had torn away. "Ah!"

"Hm? Well that won't do. You can't go around looking like that." Kakashi said. He tapped down on the second floor balcony and Nikko followed, blushing. Her underwear was practically visible. "I don't have anything else to put on...!"

The copy ninja rubbed his neck. "Yeah, now isn't the best time for a wardrobe change. Just deal with it."

A noise up above had both looking up. "Eh? What was that?" Nikko asked.

"...A ninja. And from the looks of it, they're here for the same reason we are."

The shadow jumped down and waved around a umbrella. "Well well...Kakashi Hatake from the Village Hidden in the Leaves. I didn't expect to run into you."

Kakashi tensed. "Utsuri-san, get behind me."

Nikko did as instructed. From her viewpoint the ninja didn't look very intimidating. But there was a glint in his eyes that said he didn't mind killing. Kakashi pulled out a kunai from his pouch, "So this is what you've been doing since running away. Aoi-san...I bet it was you who tricked that boy into betraying the village."

The boy? What are they talking about?

"Idate-kun went along with it so easily. He was so very eager to become a chunin. Ha...ha! What a gullible twerp." Aoi laughed and twirled his umbrella. "It was all thanks to him that I was able to obtain this.." he pulled out a rod.

"That's--" Kakashi exclaimed. "You stole that, too? How low of you. Such a shame...you could have became someone worth something. An instructor stooping to such lengths. Instead, you're just a hired ninja using stolen techniques."

Aoi snarled. "Enough! You're going down Hatake!"

Nikko watched as Kakashi lifted his headband. His scarred red sharingan eye looked at her, "Go. Inside. Find Idate-san."


She ran to the window and hauled it open, jumping over the sill of it easily. The darkness of the second floor greeted her only this time she didn't have a candlestick to light the way. But Nikko remembered it was the third door on the right. She made it to Idate's room and burst the door open with a hard kick.

Idate was there on his bed, bandaged and groaning. His limbs were wrapped in white linen and redness had seeped through it. Nikko dashed over, "Idate-kun!"

He grimaced and opened his dark eyes, seeing the girl huffing tiredly above him. Sweat dropped from her ivory cheek onto the bed. His gaze lowered to the missing piece of kimono, where her thin shapely leg teased his senses. "N-Nikko-chan...urk...you're okay.."

"I'm fine! But Idate-kun, there are some hired ninja here to hurt you!" She looked around his room to make sure nothing was out of place. "We need to get you to safety!"

He shakily sat up in the posh bed and grabbed at his shoulder with a wince. "Tch...damn...figures. Of course the Wagarashi use such a cheap tactic. They couldn't possibly win on their own."

"We need to go--!"

Nikko's words were cut off from the window across the room bursting open. Yellow lightning struck inside and smacked into Nikko. "Kya!" Searing pain shocked her senses as the force sent her careening across the floor. Nikko smacked into the wall and slid down.

"Nikko-chan!" Idate yelled and got out of his bed, running to her even as fresh blood seeped through his linen bandages. "Nnn..." she winced, "I think...my ankle..." her eyes shut before she went limp.


Their plan worked like a charm. With everyone's individual efforts combined into a singular goal, the hired ninja were barricaded and slowly picked off by Sasuke and Naruto. The shadow clones had only captured a few stragglers. They put up a miniscule fight. Gaara continued to hold the sand aloft, making the barricade too tall to jump over. Eventually all the enemies were defeated. My chakra is beginning to dwindle, he noticed.

"We did it! Yeah!" Naruto pumped his fist in the air as the rest of his clones poofed away.

Sakura clapped her hands together and wiped sweat from her forehead. "Yes! It worked like a charm!"

"Hn. Of course. It was my idea after all."

Gaara didn't have the time to celebrate with them. He had a bad feeling. "I appreciate the help," he told team 7, "now I must go to Utsuri Nikko."

Naruto nodded. "Yeah, of course! No sweat. Let's all go!"

To his left Sakura bopped him in the head. "Don't mind him Gaara-san. He's always been a little weird."

"Ow! What the heck Sakura-chan! I didn't even say anything weird!"

"We all know you only want to see Utsuri-san! Quit pining already!"

Gaara watched the duo banter. Finally he said, "Uzamaki-san. Is it true that you have feelings for Utsuri Nikko-san?"

The fox boy turned bright red before waving his arms around. "Wha?! No way! I mean, she IS pretty and all--" he pushed his index fingers together, "--and I didn't get a good look....b-but it's not like that!"

Gaara nodded. "I see. She is a fine shinobi."

Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke all went wide eyed. "EH?! Gaara-san?!" Sakura squeaked red faced.

He didn't understand why they were looking at him like that. All he spoke of was the truth. Why did it come as such a shock to them? Had Naruto not said the same thing in different words? "...I seem to have said something strange."

"Er, well, it's just a little surprising is all. B-But, if she's your girlfriend then..." Sakura laughed awkwardly and rubbed her cheek.

"She is not."

"H-Huh? But I thought she was!"

Naruto nodded in agreement. "Yeah! I mean, you said...well, come to think of it...you didn't say anything about that. Huh."

The bad feeling he had grew in intensity. "I apologize for the abruptness but I must go now." He bowed and leapt through the trees as fast as possible. On the safe side he jumped forward, creating a platform of sand to travel faster with despite being low on chakra. The darkness of night made him appear more like he rode a magic carpet. Gaara clenched his fist repeatedly with anticipation, recalling her location at the open tree trunk.

But she wasn't there.

"Utsuri Nikko...you are difficult to pin down." He mumbled. Wait. That jonin must have went to her. Hatake Kakashi. He most likely moved her somewhere else. Gaara pondered where the two could have went to before realizing that Idate was team 7's mission, and Gaara had left the boy on the hilltop. Kakashi would have went to ensure the safety of his target, which meant he probably took Nikko there as well.

Gaara made his way to Jirocho's mansion. He heard fighting before sensing the ground rumbling as though a thunderstorm was taking place. A bright yellow light caught his eyes. It shined brightly from the window of the second floor before fading. What it could have been puzzled him, but Gaara was intent to find out.

As he grew closer the sand ninja spotted Kakashi getting to his feet from the balcony. Gaara wasted no time in landing beside him and looking for what attacked.

"...Gaara-san...I was fighting Aoi-san but he got the upper hand for a moment. He's here for Idate-san."

"I see. My priority however is Utsuri Nikko."

The jonin nodded. "As only right."

A tall ninja with an umbrella stood on the top of the mansions roof. He held in his free arm an unconscious Nikko. Her body was limply leaning forward. Gaara eyed the situation a moment. That ninja attacked me before. His umbrella can send out poison needles. I need to disarm him before attempting to get the girl. He silently resolved on what to do.

Aoi raised his umbrella and began to rain down needles. Gaara lifted his hand above and his sand quickly covered him as well as Kakashi, protecting both from harm. The needles rammed into his sand but got stuck.

"Ha! As expected of the demon of the sand. In that case, I'll have to use this!" Aoi tossed aside the umbrella and pulled out a weapon. "The sword of the thunder god!"

Gaara tensed and prepared for what, he didn't know.

next chapter
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