95.87% Naruto-ReBorn as a Baker / Chapter 181: Chapter 177: The Forgotten Clan

章節 181: Chapter 177: The Forgotten Clan

Chapter 177: The Forgotten Clan

Malik in the Dream World:

Malik drifted through the ethereal landscape of the dream world, navigating with ease until he found the faint signature he was looking for. With a subtle flick of his wrist, he tore open a shimmering hole, stepping into Kabuto Yakushi's dream.

Kabuto, wrapped in a sterile white lab coat, stood in what appeared to be one of Orochimaru's countless laboratories. Her silver hair glistened under the eerie lighting, and she meticulously examined a vial of liquid. Malik's sudden appearance caught her attention, but she chose to ignore him at first, her sharp eyes focused on her task.

"Hey there, Silver Queen," Malik teased, casually strolling closer. "I'm not here to flirt with you tonight." Despite his words, he couldn't resist giving her a playful wink.

Kabuto's lips pressed into a thin line, her annoyance evident. "Then don't," she replied coolly, refusing to look up from her work. "Why are you here, Malik?"

He smirked and leaned against one of the dream-world tables, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "I need information about the Fūma Clan."

Kabuto's brow furrowed in confusion, finally turning her attention to him. "The Fūma Clan? Why would you—" She paused for a moment, then a chuckle escaped her. "Oh, them? That's right, Lady Orochimaru and I… experimented on some of them. They were so useless and insignificant I nearly forgot about them."

Malik didn't share her amusement. "Well, since you and Orochimaru are clearly done with them, I'm thinking I should pay them a visit."

Kabuto raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "And why would you want to see the remnants of such a broken clan?"

Malik took a step closer, his voice growing softer yet more intense. "The Fūma Clan seeks to restore themselves, but they're still under the delusion that Orochimaru cares about them. They believe her promises. I, of course, know better. All she wanted were test subjects—nothing more. And they've been following those false hopes, guarding that base in the Land of Sound."

Kabuto's cold gaze met his, unimpressed. "So what? Why should we care?"

Malik sighed dramatically, shaking his head as if she were missing something obvious. "You know me, Kabuto," he said, his tone teasing. "If Orochimaru's laid her hands on anything, I want to help—maybe even fix it. Plus," he added, stepping behind her and sneaking a glance at her firm butt, "it's my current mission to restore the Fūma Clan."

Kabuto's sharp eyes rolled upward, pretending not to notice his obvious distraction. "You can't contact Lady Orochimaru for a reason," she stated matter-of-factly, "but, honestly, why would either of us care if you want to play hero with the Fūma Clan? They're of no use to us anymore."

"That's the thing," Malik replied, walking back in front of her. "They're still operating under the last orders you gave them—to protect that base. I need something official. Permission, maybe an order, that tells them they're free."

Kabuto crossed her arms, pondering his request. "Lady Orochimaru does have her reasons for blocking your connection to her right now," she mused, "but I suppose, on this matter, I can speak on her behalf." She raised her hand and drew a small puff of mist from the air, shaping it into a scroll. As she handed it to Malik, she added, "Most of the Fūma Clan members we experimented on are dead anyway. Only a few remain, I can't bother to remember how many."

Malik took the scroll with a sly grin, his fingers grazing hers for just a moment longer than necessary. "Thanks, Kabby," he said, using one of his many nicknames for her. "You're always so helpful."

She scoffed, turning to walk away. "Just go, Malik. Do whatever you want with them. They're irrelevant now."

As she moved further into her dream, Malik's eyes followed the sway of her hips, admiring the bounce with a satisfied smirk. He looked down at the scroll in his hand, knowing it was the key to the Fūma Clan's future. He murmured to himself, "Time to get to work."

With a flicker of determination in his eyes, Malik awakened. His short, dark-skinned, chubby body lay comfortably atop GrubGrub, the giant gold and pink Harpy Eagle that served as his loyal mount. They soared through the night sky, the stars twinkling above them like scattered jewels. The wind whipped past them, but Malik's mind was focused.

The Fūma Clan had waited long enough.

Malik soared through the misty skies atop GrubGrub, his loyal giant Harpy Eagle. The thick mist blanketed the treetops below, making it nearly impossible to see the forest floor. Despite the difficulty, GrubGrub's keen senses guided them effortlessly through the night air.

Suddenly, GrubGrub swooped down with incredible precision, diving through the dense forest canopy. Malik, startled by the sudden maneuver, looked over the edge and noticed what had caught GrubGrub's attention—a young woman lying face down on the forest floor, surrounded by wild boars. Without hesitation, GrubGrub snatched the woman up and performed a graceful barrel roll, tossing her gently into Malik's lap.

As they ascended back into the sky, Malik got a good look at her. She was a young woman with long, fiery orange hair tied into a spiked ponytail, her bangs framing her face. Her light skin was marred by scratches and dirt, and her clothes—a sleeveless vest and dark green shorts—were torn from her recent struggle. Malik recognized her immediately.

Sasame Fūma.

As she began to stir, her eyes fluttering open, Sasame's confusion was apparent. She blinked rapidly, trying to process her surroundings. The wind rushing through her hair, the sensation of flight, and the feel of Malik's warm lap beneath her left her dazed.

"Where... am I?" she mumbled, her hand instinctively brushing against Malik's chest.

Malik smiled down at her, his expression soft and reassuring. "You're safe now," he said, his voice gentle but firm. "I found you unconscious, surrounded by boars. GrubGrub here rescued you."

Sasame, still groggy, tried to sit up but winced, the soreness of her body catching up with her. "Boars?" she echoed, her mind beginning to recall the harrowing moments before she passed out. She glanced around, taking in the sight of the majestic Harpy Eagle and the vast night sky. It felt surreal, almost like a dream.

The reality of her situation quickly set in, and Sasame's hand flew to her side, checking for wounds. To her surprise, they were healed—completely. "How…?" she whispered in astonishment, her wide eyes locking onto Malik's.

Malik's smile deepened as he tapped the side of his nose playfully. "Let's just say I have a few tricks up my sleeve."

Sasame's confusion slowly gave way to gratitude. "Thank you… I don't even know how to repay you."

"No need," Malik said, waving off her concern. "I'm just glad GrubGrub spotted you."

GrubGrub squawked in agreement, causing a soft chuckle from both Malik and Sasame.

As the giant Harpy Eagle descended gracefully onto a high rocky outcrop, Malik helped Sasame dismount. She wobbled slightly on her feet, still recovering, but Malik's steady hand on her back kept her upright. The moonlight bathed the rocky hilltop in an ethereal glow, casting long shadows and highlighting the mist that still clung to the forest below.

"Let's get you something to eat," Malik suggested, pulling out a small bundle of ingredients as if from nowhere. With a flick of his wrist, a fire sparked to life, and soon the smell of freshly cooked meat and vegetables filled the air.

Sasame sat close by, her curiosity piqued by Malik's seemingly effortless abilities. As she took her first bite, her eyes lit up. "This is… incredible," she said, her voice filled with appreciation.

Malik grinned. "Glad you like it. You needed the energy."

After a moment of silence, Sasame set her food down and turned to Malik, her face now more serious. "Thank you for everything, but… I can't stay here. I need to go. I have to find Orochimaru. My clan is depending on me."

Malik listened carefully, his eyes reflecting the seriousness of her tone. "I know about the Fūma Clan," he said gently. "But what exactly happened? Why are you so determined to find Orochimaru?"

Sasame sighed, looking down at her hands. "The Fūma Clan used to be powerful," she began. "But over time, we've lost our strength, our influence. Orochimaru came to us with promises of restoration—of making our clan great again. Many of our strongest warriors believed her, but some didn't. Ever since then, I've been searching for my cousin Arashi and the others who disappeared. I thought Orochimaru could help us."

Malik nodded, his expression thoughtful. "I see. You want to restore your clan's honor."

"Yes," Sasame said, her voice trembling slightly. "But Orochimaru is dangerous. I know that now, but I have no choice."

Malik's eyes softened with understanding. "You're not alone in this," he said. "It just so happens that I'm headed to Orochimaru's base as well. How about we team up? It'll be safer for both of us."

Sasame blinked, surprised by the offer. She hesitated for a moment but then nodded. "Alright," she agreed. "Let's go together."

With their newfound partnership solidified, Malik mounted GrubGrub once more, helping Sasame up behind him. As they soared through the misty skies, a sense of purpose filled the air around them. Both had their reasons for seeking Orochimaru, and both would find answers—one way or another.

As GrubGrub descended gracefully through the misty skies, Sasame held Malik tightly from behind, her arms instinctively wrapped around him for balance. Unaware of the intimacy of the gesture, her ample bosom pressed gently against his back. Malik, ever the gentleman, chose to keep his thoughts to himself, though he couldn't help but notice. Her soft breath hit the back of his neck, and he felt the warmth of her body as they flew through the dense canopy of trees.

Below them, the entrance to Orochimaru's underground base appeared, a dark stone structure hidden deep within the thick forest. GrubGrub, without needing instruction, adjusted their flight, aiming directly for the entrance as the surrounding torches ignited on their own, casting an eerie glow over the stone staircase that led downward.

Sasame leaped gracefully from GrubGrub's back as they touched down, her movements swift and fluid despite her previous injuries. Malik dismounted in his own way, summoning GrubGrub back into a ball of pink light that he absorbed into his chest, gently floating down to the ground himself.

"They know we're here," Malik said, a slight smile playing on his lips. "This should be fun."

Sasame looked at him, confused, "Then why are we still going in if Orochimaru isn't here?"

Malik interrupted her with a teasing grin. "The members of the Fūma Clan are still here. You're here for them, and so am I."

His words reassured her somewhat, but Sasame still had her doubts. Malik's charm, however, was disarming, especially when he winked and added, "I'm here to help restore the Fūma Clan, and trust me, I'm pretty good at what I do."

They descended the stone staircase, their footsteps echoing softly in the narrow space. The deeper they went, the colder the air became, and soon they began to hear distant, faint sounds—groaning, shuffling, and the unmistakable clinking of metal. They entered a wide corridor, the walls lined with large cages. Inside were people—men, women, and children, all in various states of suffering. Some were huddled in corners, while others stared blankly into space, their spirits clearly broken.

Malik paused for a moment, taking in the grim sight. "One of these," he muttered under his breath, recognizing the telltale signs of one of Orochimaru's human experimentation sites. Sasame, walking behind him, heard his quiet remark and shot him a questioning glance.

The people in the cages reacted to Malik and Sasame's presence in different ways. Some perked up, hope flickering in their eyes as they recognized Malik—the famous baker, whose face had graced various news articles. Others remained indifferent, too far gone in their despair to care. A few murmured among themselves, their voices barely audible, while others remained silent, their eyes empty.

Malik walked along the cages, tapping on the gates. With each touch, the locks clicked open effortlessly, though none of the prisoners made any attempt to leave. Sasame watched in shock as the people remained where they were, too fearful to even stand.

One man, brave enough to speak, said, "There's no point. Orochimaru and her people are still here. If we leave, we'll be punished."

Malik completed a full lap around the room, unlocking every cage. Then, in a calm yet authoritative voice that somehow reached every ear in the room, he said, "Lady Orochimaru is gone."

His words hung in the air like a weight. Some of the captives scoffed, shaking their heads in disbelief. One woman muttered, "We saw her today. She's here, she'll always be here."

Malik shook his head gently, understanding their fear. "What you saw was a fake," he explained. "But I understand your hesitation. Fear is a chain, yes, but it also keeps you alive. It sharpens the mind, keeps you focused."

He continued walking around the room, summoning food and water for the prisoners as he went. "Stay here if you must," Malik added. "Sasame and I are going deeper. I'm here to help the Fūma Clan, whether you choose to believe me or not."

Some of the prisoners shook their heads, whispering among themselves that the young man and woman were walking into a death trap. Others seemed intrigued, watching as Malik distributed food with a calm confidence.

A frail old woman shuffled forward from one of the cages, her body hunched over and her gray hair hanging in untidy strands around her face. Her large, sagging bosom swayed slightly as she moved, her every step a struggle. Her eyes, though weary, held a faint spark of curiosity. She spoke in a tired, raspy voice, "I'll guide you."

Malik turned to face her, noticing the heavy lines on her face, the deep grooves etched from years of suffering. He also noticed her large sagging bosom, appreciating the signs of a life long lived. The old woman didn't offer her name, and Malik didn't ask. 

"Interesting, with you guiding us we surely won't get lost." Malik said watching her pass him. "I've been here longer than most, so I know my way around, if someone is going to lose their life today helping you both out, it might as well be me."

Sasame looked at Malik, nodding with a slight frown. She was beginning to understand the dark history of her clan's involvement with Orochimaru, and the thought of what they had done here made her uneasy. If Orochimaru was gone, then the only people left running this facility were her own family. The truth was sinking in.

With the old woman leading the way, Malik and Sasame ventured deeper into the underground base, both of them steeling themselves for whatever horrors awaited them.


As Malik and Sasame made their way deeper into Orochimaru's abandoned base, Sasame finally found the courage to ask the question that had been bothering her since they met.

"Why do you care so much about helping the Fūma Clan?" she asked, her voice quiet but steady.

Malik, walking beside her, smiled slightly and glanced over at her. "Orochimaru was right about one thing: The Fūma Clan has a lot of potential. But Orochimaru... she's very bad at seeing some types of strength. She's obsessed with overwhelming power, and she overlooks the quieter strengths—the kind that builds over time through bonds, teamwork, and taking things one step at a time."

Sasame listened intently, her eyes reflecting the dim light of the torches that lined the stone walls. "You think the Fūma Clan can still become strong?"

Malik nodded, his expression thoughtful. "I do. I believe that, given the right resources and support, anyone can grow stronger. Sometimes, all people need is a push. It doesn't always have to be life or death. The Fūma Clan deserves a second chance, especially after everything they've been through—the war with neighboring nations, the losses... they were devastated. But they still have a lot of strength left. They just need the opportunity to rise again."

They reached a fork in the hallway, one path leading left and the other right. The flickering torchlight barely illuminated the stone corridors ahead, making it hard to see what lay beyond.

"Shall we split up?" Malik suggested. "I have a feeling the members of your clan who are still here won't want to hurt you. Me, on the other hand... well, that's a different story."

Sasame hesitated, torn between her concern for Malik and her desperation to find her cousin, Arashi. She bit her lip, feeling conflicted.

"I think we should stick together," she said finally, her voice filled with determination. "If they might want to hurt you, then I'm not leaving you alone."

Malik smiled warmly, his eyes twinkling with admiration for her bravery. "You're kind to worry about me, Sasame. But trust me, I can handle myself. If you go on your own, you'll find Arashi much faster. I'll be fine."

Sasame paused again, guilt tugging at her heart. She wanted to help Malik, but finding Arashi was her priority. After a moment, she nodded reluctantly. "Okay... but be careful."

"Always," Malik replied, giving her a wink. "Good luck, beautiful. I know you'll find him."

As they prepared to part ways, the old woman, who had been guiding them silently, poked Malik in the stomach with her bony finger. "I'll watch over him," she said, her voice dry and raspy. "He doesn't look nearly as capable as you."

Malik chuckled, feigning mock hurt as he started walking down the right path. "Ouch, but true," he said with a grin. "I don't look nearly as capable as Sasame."

Sasame gave him a small smile and wished him luck before heading down the left corridor, her mind focused on finding her cousin. Malik, meanwhile, followed the old woman, letting her lead the way. She moved surprisingly fast for someone her age, and before long, she had disappeared around a corner, leaving Malik alone in the dimly lit hallway.

"Here we go," Malik thought to himself, slightly regretting not bringing along one of his bodyguards. But then again, where was the fun in that? Life was all about taking risks.

When he rounded the corner, he wasn't surprised to find the old woman gone. He had expected as much. Malik kept moving forward, knowing there was no point in stopping now.

As he walked, a familiar scent reached his nose—the smell of white makeup powder. At the same time, the faint, melodious sound of a koto playing reached his ears. Intrigued, Malik followed the sound until he reached an open door that led into a dark, shadowy room. Inside, seated in the center, was a woman playing the koto.

Her name was Kotohime.

She had long black hair styled in a traditional hime cut and pupiless black eyes that gave her an ethereal appearance. She wore a red kimono with a black bra that revealed her cleavage and a part of her stomach. Her black belt held up a short skirt, and she wore black shinobi sandals. Kotohime's beauty was undeniable, but Malik could sense something dangerous beneath her calm, graceful exterior.

Without hesitation, Malik entered the room and sat on a floor pillow a short distance from her. Kotohime noticed him but continued playing, her fingers dancing over the strings of the koto with practiced skill. She offered Malik a bottle of sake and a small cup, which she set before him.

"Sorry, I don't drink," Malik said, pushing the bottle aside.

Kotohime pouted playfully. "Really? That's no fun."

"It's not that," Malik said with a smirk. "I just think most alcohol tastes disgusting."

With a sigh, Kotohime poured herself a cup of sake and drank it, making a show of savoring the taste. Her eyes met Malik's as she lowered the cup, and she smiled flirtatiously. "You have beautiful eyes," she said, her voice soft and sultry.

"Thank you," Malik replied, not missing a beat. "And you're beautiful as well. Your hair reminds me of someone I care deeply about."

Kotohime slid closer to him, her eyes gleaming with interest. "The melody I'm playing... it's for her. It gives me courage."

She leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. "Do you want to know what else gives me courage?"

As Kotohime unclips her bra beneath her red kimono, her large, naked tits come into view, their dark brown-pink nipples hardening with arousal. The sight is so captivating that Malik, initially focused on the mission, finds himself momentarily distracted. Her chest is full and inviting, the nipples already pebbled with desire, and the warm glow of the candlelight only heightens their allure.

Kotohime smirks, knowing the effect she has on Malik. Her hands move to undo the sash of her kimono, revealing more of her toned, bare skin. "feel them?" she asks, her voice a seductive whisper, filled with confidence and challenge.

Malik swallows hard, trying to regain his focus. The tantalizing sight of Kotohime's bare chest and the intoxicating scent of jasmine that fills the room make it difficult for Malik to concentrate. Her question hangs in the air, a provocative challenge that stirs both his mission-driven focus and his primal desires.

"We should... continue this discussion later," Malik finally says, his voice strained. He forces himself to look away, focusing on the task at hand, but the image of her exposed flesh lingers in his mind. Kotohime's smirk widens as she notes the conflict in his eyes.

"As you wish," she replies with a sly glint, her tone dripping with playful frustration. She lets her kimono slip back into place, covering her bare chest. "But know that this conversation is far from over."

Malik nods, clearing his throat as he tries to refocus.

Before Malik could speak, she sliced his wrist with her drugged fingertip picks, causing him to fall to the floor, "Yo, Chill Girl," was the only thing he manganed to say before Kotohime's hair extended around him, wrapping him up and binding his limbs.

Malik grinned, still unfazed despite the poison now coursing through his veins. "You'll have to try harder than that," he chuckled. "I've been through way kinkier things with my wife, Shisui."

Kotohime's expression darkened as she tightened her hold on him, her hair snaking around his body like vines. "My orders weren't just to entertain you," she whispered, her voice growing more sinister. "They were to kill any intruders."

Malik laughed as she dragged him closer with her hair, their faces inches apart. "You think this is going to stop me?"

Kotohime's eyes gleamed with madness as she kissed him deeply, forcing a bitter liquid into his mouth. Malik tasted the poison but didn't flinch. Instead, he began draining her energy through the kiss, slowly sapping her strength.

Just as Malik was about to break free from her hold, the fake ceiling above them began to collapse. It was part of Kotohime's plan to destroy herself and anyone who crossed her path.

Meanwhile, Sasame ran through the long, dark hallway, her heart pounding in her chest. She could only hope that Malik was okay, but she had to focus on finding her cousin. Her family's fate rested on her shoulders, and she couldn't afford any distractions now.

Malik heaved himself out of the caved-in tunnel, his fine clothes now covered in dust and dirt. He paused for a moment, shaking his head with an exaggerated sigh.

"I'm way too rich, fat, and lazy to be digging myself out of this mess," he muttered to himself, dusting off his luxurious outfit with a dramatic flick of his wrist.

He looked back at the debris behind him and sighed again, feeling the tug of responsibility. He knew he had to go back and save Kotohime, even though she had just tried to kill him. Her life was still valuable, and deep down, Malik knew he couldn't just leave her behind, no matter what she'd done.

"C'mon, Malik, you're a gentleman... at least most of the time," he whispered to himself, rolling his eyes at his sense of moral obligation.

Cutting back to Sasame...

Sasame hurried down the dim, twisting corridors of Orochimaru's underground base, her heart racing with a mix of fear and anticipation. She knew that finding Arashi was her only chance to get some answers, and maybe—just maybe—bring him back to their family. Her footsteps echoed softly in the stone hallway as she neared a massive iron door, flanked by two figures she immediately recognized.

Jigumo, with his grotesque spider-like limbs and scarred face, stood on one side, his dark eyes following her every move. Kamikiri, with his sharp features and menacing scissor pincers, guarded the other side, watching her intently. Their presence was as intimidating as she remembered, but Sasame's resolve was stronger.

"Sasame?" Jigumo's voice was low and gravelly. His limbs twitched slightly, a sign of both caution and curiosity. "Why are you here? This is not a place for you."

Kamikiri's dark eyes narrowed as he added, "You shouldn't have come. You know how dangerous it is down here. What's your business?"

Sasame took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. "Please," she began, her voice cracking with desperation. "I need to see Arashi. I have to speak with him—it's important."

Jigumo's scarred eye flickered with something like concern. "Arashi? You know he isn't to be disturbed, Sasame."

Kamikiri frowned, though there was a flicker of empathy in his expression. "Why now? Orochimaru has no use for visitors. How can we trust your intentions?"

Sasame's eyes welled up with unshed tears. "Orochimaru has betrayed us... used our clan. She never cared about us, never intended to restore the Fūma Clan's glory. I need to see Arashi, to know if he's still himself... if he's okay."

Her voice trembled, raw with emotion, and both Jigumo and Kamikiri shared a look. A tense silence hung in the air, the weight of Sasame's words slowly sinking in.

Jigumo was the first to speak, his tone cautious. "We'll let you see him... but only for a short time. Try anything, and you'll regret it."

Kamikiri's grip tightened around his pincer-blade, but he stepped aside. "We'll be watching. Don't make us regret this."

Sasame nodded, her heart pounding in her chest as she passed between them. "Thank you... both of you."

As she approached the door, she felt a strange sense of relief—mixed with a deep sadness. This might be her only chance to see her cousin again, and she didn't know what to expect. But at least she had a sliver of hope, however fragile it might be.

Cutting back to Malik...

Malik, now standing amidst the debris, sighed once more. "Alright, let's get this over with," he muttered as he bent down and began pulling Kotohime from the rubble. Her breathing was shallow, and her clothes were tattered, barely hanging on after the collapse. Malik wasted no time, summoning a soft glow of magic from his hands to heal her injuries.

Once Kotohime was stabilized, Malik removed his own coat, a rich pink-and-gold garment that shimmered faintly under the dim torchlight. He draped it over her gently, covering her exposed skin with the heavy fabric.

"Can't have you running around like that, now can we?" Malik said with a smirk, though his tone carried genuine care. "You're lucky I'm such a gentleman."

Kotohime stirred slightly, her eyes fluttering open. She blinked in confusion as she looked up at Malik, still dazed from both the collapse and the healing magic. Malik just smiled down at her, offering his hand to help her sit up.

"Don't worry," he said lightly, "I'm not holding a grudge. You can thank me later."

He stood, dusting himself off once again. "First a tunnel collapse, now this. Sasame's probably having a much easier time than me right now." He chuckled, though his eyes remained focused, scanning the surroundings.

As he glanced down the dirt-covered tunnel, Malik felt a sudden, subtle shift in the air. Someone—or something—was watching him. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up as he glanced around, but the tunnel seemed empty. He couldn't shake the feeling, though.

Reaching into the air, Malik pulled a small mirror from thin air and examined himself, making sure his hair and clothes were in place. "Can't go meeting my enemies looking anything less than perfect," he mused, smoothing down his outfit.

But his playful demeanor didn't fool him. He knew that whoever—or whatever—was lurking in the shadows was likely preparing to strike. Malik wasn't one to be caught off guard, though. Not now, and not ever.

Cutting back to Sasame...

Sasame's heart raced as she stood before the large iron door, her breath coming in short bursts. She had come so far, and now she was only moments away from seeing her cousin. But would he be the same Arashi she had known before? Would he even remember her?

With a deep breath, she pushed the door open.


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