60.71% Naruto golden wolf / Chapter 17: Transformation CH 17

章節 17: Transformation CH 17

Naruto exited the compound in a depressed mood. He failed the Academy exam despite being the rated as the third in his class. How was he to know that the clone jutsu was part of the exam prerequisite? He kicked a stray pebble while he walked towards Ichiraku Ramen, planning to eat away his grief for failing the exam. He almost reached his destination when someone called his name.

"Oi Naruto."

Naruto stopped, turned around, and saw Mizuki walking towards him.

"Hi Mizuki-sensei. What brings you here?" greeted Naruto in a subdued voice.

Mizuki gave him a smile. "I was looking for you." He placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder. "How are you doing?" he said in concern.

Naruto just shrugged. "Doing ok. I mean I failed before so this is nothing new."

Mizuki patted him on the back. "Don't worry about it. Actually I came here to offer you something that we usually do to those who failed the exam." He said with a grin.

The blonde boy perked up at this. Another way to pass the exam? This is too good to be true. "Are you sure Mizuki-sensei? I haven't heard about this before."

The white-haired Chunin just waved the question away. "Of course you haven't heard of it. It won't be a 'special' test if everyone knows about it. We only offer this to exceptional students who don't get to pass the exam due to some circumstances, like your failure to make a clone for one. So what do you say? Are you interested?"

Naruto nodded with glee. He is being offered another chance to pass the exam and who was he to turn down an opportunity like this.

"So what do I need to do, Mizuki-sensei?" asked Naruto in excitement, totally missing the sly look Mizuki was giving him.

"Well, it's simple really. This is a stealth and retrieval mock exam. There is a huge scroll in the Hokage Library that you need to 'steal' and bring to a designated spot in the forest. Your task is to successfully infiltrate the Konoha Archive in the Hokage Tower, steal the 'test' scroll, and bring it to this location." He instructed Naruto while giving him a piece of paper with a hand-drawn map of the rendezvous point. "In order to graduate, you need to learn a jutsu from that scroll before I arrive. So, do you want to take this exam? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and it won't be offered a second time."

"Sure thing! I will get this exam done perfectly." Naruto exclaimed while speeding off towards his apartment to get ready for his 'mock' mission, totally missing the sinister smirk adorning Mizuki's face.

It was almost midnight when Naruto arrived at the shack deep in the forest where he was supposed to meet with Mizuki. He still have 2 hours to spare and stealing the scroll was relatively easy considering he can easily hear and see the ANBU patrols in the tower with his abilities.

Squatting down on the ground, he placed the scroll on the grassy floor and opened it. The first technique he saw was the Kage Bunshin technique. A cloning technique that requires a huge amount of chakra to perform.

Jackpot. Here is the solution for his worst jutsu that made him fail the academy. He read through the description and found it to his liking, especially the idea that his clones passes whatever they learn to the original.

Without wasting any time, Naruto followed the instruction and was able to properly activate the technique without even getting winded. Dispelling the clones, he took advantage of the extra time to check on more of what the scroll has to offer.

"Let me see. I got the Kage Bunshin down so that is enough for me to pass Mizuki-sensei's test so let's see what else this scroll has…hmmm…Hiraishin? Fourth Hokage's priced jutsu, nah too complicated." He continued to unroll the scroll. "Forbidden sealing methods, nope. I have no knowledge on seals and these are too complicated. Let me see… what's this? Legendary Summoning huh? Now that sounds interesting." He read the content.

Legendary Summoning

Unlike other summoning contracts, the legendary summoning borders beyond the normal summoning animals. The technique was first used by the Shodai Hokage but he failed the test by one of the creatures he was able to summon. There is no known drawback to this technique except for the fact that it requires massive amounts of chakra to even connect to the one you are supposed to summon.

It is also noted that this type of summoning technique will summon the animal that is suited for you at the expense of your chakra.

Beware. Many shinobis have died from utilizing this technique when they were completely drained dry of their chakra when making contact with their summoning animal. Only 3 people have accomplished this, mainly Jiraiya of the Toads, Orochimaru of the Snake, and Tsunade of the Slugs.

Sarutobi Hiruzen

Sandaime Hokage

Holder and Guardian of the Monkey Summoning Contract

Naruto was flabbergasted with his discovery. So this is how summoning animals was made possible. If he was right, he could easily pull this off considering the mount of chakra at his disposal. Having his own summon animal was quite cool after all. Naruto was about to try the technique when Iruka suddenly appeared in front of him with an angry scowl on his face.

"Naruto! What have you done? Why did you steal the Forbidden Scroll?" shouted Iruka.

Naruto just gave him a confused look. "Huh? What do you mean Iruka-sensei? Weren't you here to check up on me and to test me what technique I learned from the scroll so I can pass the special exam?"

Now it was Iruka's turn to be confused. "What special exam? I haven't heard of any special exam!" hollered Iruka.

"W-what? Mizuki-sensei told me that there is a special exam offered by the Academy. He told me to steal this scroll, learn a technique from it in order to pass, and he will meet with me to test me afterwards." explained Naruto, excited to show Iruka what he learned.

Iruka was far from stupid. From Naruto's revelation, it seems that the blonde was clueless that he was tricked into stealing the scroll by Mizuki. He was about to tell the blonde when a sudden barrage of shurikens flew towards them from shadows of the forest. Seeing no other way, he pushed Naruto and the scroll away from him and in the process, got hit by several of them. Luckily, none of them were lethal.

"It was unfortunate of you to find out Iruka. If you just stayed in the Academy then you would have lived to see another day." stated Mizuki after he dropped down on a branch and sneered at his bleeding co-teacher.

Iruka grunted as he pulled at a shuriken embedded on his shoulder before glaring at Mizuki. "Mizuki! You traitor. How could you trick Naruto to steal the scroll? You're committing treason!"

"Yadah Yadah Yadah! Is that all you have to say Iruka? I thought better of you. Besides, who would care if I tricked the boy? He is nothing more than a demon." spat Mizuki with obvious hatred for the boy who was watching the scene.

Naruto, who was confused and angered at the attack at Iruka, looked at Mizuki with confusion and rage in his eyes. "What are you doing Mizuki-sensei?" he bellowed.

Mizuki sneered. "Shut up demon. Why don't you just give me the scroll and let me kill you before I go on my merry way."

Iruka got in between the two and drew a kunai from his pouch, adopting a defensive stance and glared at Mizuki.

"Naruto, get away from here. Protect the scroll and run." ordered Iruka, preparing to attack Mizuki as a decoy to give Naruto time to get to the village and get help.

Naruto was about to leave when Mizuki's next statement made him stop in his tracks.

"Do you want to know why everyone hated you Naruto? Why everyone in the village keeps calling you a demon?" initiating his plan to keep the boy rooted on the spot so he can take the scroll later after he dealt with Iruka.

Iruka couldn't believe what Mizuki was saying. This was a secret punishable by death. "Mizuki. Don't! The Hokage forbade us to even mention that."

"Who cares Iruka. I'm leaving the village anyway. Besides, don't you think its only fitting to let the boy know before I kill him?" said Mizuki with an evil smirk on his face, quite happy that his plan was working like clockwork.

Naruto was confused. What in the world were they talking about?

"Iruka-sensei? What is Mizuki talking about?" asked a confused Naruto.

Before Iruka could answer, Mizuki beat him to it.

"Oh ho. You want to know badly boy? You remembered the Kyuubi don't you? The one that attacked the village thirteen years ago?" Naruto nodded, confusion lining his face. "Good. You see, the Yondaime didn't kill the Kyuubi. He sealed it…"

"Mizuki. No!" Iruka shouted in desperation, he even threw a kunai at Mizuki hoping to stop the revelation but the traitor just moved out of the way before continuing.

"Shut up Iruka. Where was I? Oh yes. He sealed it in a boy that was also born the night the demon attacked. Guess what. You are the boy that he sealed the Kyuubi into. You are a demon. You are the Kyuubi no Yoko!" finished Mizuki with an evil cackle upon seeing the look of shock on the boy's face.

Naruto froze at the revelation. He remembered all the times that the villagers attacked him, spouting 'demon brat', and 'fox demon' every time they land a punch or a kick on him. He also remembered the glare of the villagers as he passed by them. Now everything was clear. No wonder the villagers hated him.

Mizuki saw that Naruto was frozen on the spot by the the revelation so he took advantage of the situation. "Die demon!" he threw the massive shuriken he was holding towards the still-frozen Naruto, thinking to end the demon's life there and then and gained recognition in the process…not that he needed it since he was leaving the village anyway.

Iruka saw the projectile flying towards his beloved student so he did the only thing he could think off. He shoved Naruto down to the ground and shielded him with his body. A loud squelching sound echoed throughout the clearning when one of the blades of the shuriken embedded itself into Iruka's back.

Naruto was brought out of his shock when he saw his teacher push him out of the way of the shuriken and took the attack himself. He looked at the figure of Iruka covering him, with blood running down the side of his mouth.

"Are you ok Naruto?" slurred Iruka, coughing a little bit of blood that splattered on Naruto's face.

"I-Iruka-sensei. Why did you save me? I-I'm a demon. I should die." blurted a shocked Naruto.

Iruka shook his head slowly and gave Naruto a smile. "N-No Naruto. Y-you aren't…the demon. I…I should know since…I saw you grow…to a fine man…you are…" Iruka coughed again, more blood dribbling down his chin from the damage he sustained from the attack.

"Oh shut up Iruka. You hate the fox more than I do." Spat Mizuki, glaring at the two on the ground beneath him.

"Yes. I do…hate the fox." stated Iruka. Naruto froze at this revelation. "But…Naruto is NOT…the fox. He is my…beloved student…who I would protect…with my LIFE!"

Mizuki sneered. "So be it. Then die Iruka!" he was about to throw his other shuriken when an earth-shattering punch collided with his face that threw him to the ground with a sickening crunch. He pulled himself up after gathering his wits and saw Naruto standing in front of him, between him and the prostate Iruka, glaring at him with cold fury in his eyes.

"You will not hurt Iruka-sensei! If you touch him again, I'll return the pain a thousand times over." declared Naruto in a cold voice that made Mizuki shiver.

Mizuki scoffed and pulled himself off the ground and withdrew a kunai from his pouch. "Give it a try demon. You're no match against me. What can an Academy drop-out do to a seasoned Chunin like me?"

Naruto just glared at the man he hated with all his guts for hurting his beloved sensei. He made a modified cross ram-seal in front of him and shouted. "THIS! KAGE BUNSHIN NO JUTSU!" The clearing was covered in smoke which later dissipated revealing hundreds of Naruto clones glaring at the traitor.

The blonde grinned at the shocked look on Mizuki face and shouted. "OK BOYS! MAKE HIM FEEL PAIN LIKE NEVER BEFORE!"

A loud "YES BOSS" echoed throughout the clearing and the entire clone army descended on the shocked Mizuki and beat the hell out of him.

Naruto walked back to Iruka to check up on his beloved teacher that practically saved his life. "Iruka-sensei, are you ok? I should bring you to the hospital. You're bleeding very badly."

Iruka was shocked when he saw Naruto clobber the hell out of Mizuki with hundreds of clones. Shadow Clones! He watched the beating that Mizuki received for a few minutes before the hundreds of clones dispelled revealing a beat up Mizuki in the middle of the clearing. He heard Naruto asked him if he was ok and looked at the grinning, yet concerned face of his beloved student."

"Yes…Naruto. I'm fine. Nice…job in beating…Mizuki." He pulled out two pills from his pouch and took them. "Chakra and blood replenishing pills. When you attacked Mizuki, I diverted all of my chakra to the wound to close it up. I drained all of my chakra just to close it up so I need to replenish it." explained Iruka when he saw the questioning look on Naruto's face.

"Hehe. I didn't know that." Confessed Naruto while scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.

Iruka chuckled. "Anyway, let's go return the scroll to the Hokage…WATCH OUT!" He pushed Naruto out of the way when he heard the distinct metallic clink from Mizuki's direction and was hit by a kunai in the chest.

Naruto was savagely pushed out of the way when Iruka shouted. He looked back at his sensei and saw a kunai stuck on his chest.

He saw red. Seeing Iruka's shocked face and a kunai on his chest made Naruto's felt fear and rage. Fear for Iruka's health and rage over the attack to one of his precious people. He swerved his head and glared at a bleeding Mizuki who have a triumphant look on his face.

"He…he…he…good riddance to bad rubbish." stuttered Mizuki as he spat out some blood that was pooling in his mouth. "Now that he's out of the way, its time too…" he froze from his rant when he saw Naruto.

The blonde boy was seeing red. Rage bubbled through his blood and heat spread throughout his body as if his very veins was on fire. He could feel the rage releasing a torrent of energy from his body that he couldn't describe. The rage ignited something inside him that would forever scare the living crap out of Mizuki.

Naruto howled as the rage and heat in his body rose up to a roaring crescendo. His body bulged and grew that ripped his clothes way, except for his pants. His golden hair grew longer as golden fur grew from every inch of his skin. His once blue eyes turned a golden yellow. A wave of energy emanated from him as he howled once again, his body in pain under the throes of another change. He crouched down on the ground on all fours as his body changed again. His ears grew and his mouth elongated to form a wolf's muzzle. His teeth grew sharper, more defined. Sharp nails grew from his hands and feet. He howled again as another wave of power was released.

After the feeling died down, Naruto rose up, shivering from pain all over his body as he changed to his wolf form, which was slowly receding as the heat slowly disappeared from his system. He took away his sight from the still shocked Mizuki and checked himself out.

He was like those werewolves in the books he read! He was very tall, taller than he was before the change considering how he was towering over Mizuki now. His claws were very sharp and he was covered in golden fur. His face released a wolfish grin that practically made Mizuki piss his pants when he saw it – which was the result of seeing razor sharp teeth baring at him.

"Nice. So this is what Tsunade-baa-san was talking about when she said I could turn into a wolf. This is soooo cool!" crowed the now-changed blonde as he examined the changes on his body. He felt so powerful…so free…so liberating. The feeling made him want to howl again, not in pain but of freedom. He was about to do so when the voice of Mizuki interrupted him. This caused him to growl in annoyance.

"W-what are you? Demon! I knew it! You're the Kyuubi." ranted a still shocked Mizuki.

Naruto released a wolf-like growl that echoed throughout the clearing. "Are you stupid or what? I'm a wolf you idiot. Kyuubi is a fox and as you can see…" gesturing to his changed body "…I'm a wolf, or a wolf-man, dumbass."

"Shut up! You won't trick me demon. Die!" spat Mizuki, gathering up what's left of his courage and threw his lone shuriken at Naruto who watched it spinning towards him in slow motion. He easily snatched it out of thin air by grasping one of its blades with ease. He looked at the weapon for a few moments and realized that it was one of his creations.

"Oi teme. How dare you attack me with the weapon that I made? Besides, this is how you use it…" he threw the shuriken back at Mizuki with amazing strength. The speed that it was flying made it impossible for the traitor to avoid it entirely, slicing one of his arms off by the elbow before it cut off one of the trees behind him before getting stuck at another. Mizuki howled in pain.

Naruto saw his chance and dashed forward with his powerful legs and punched Mizuki in the gut with a powerful uppercut that broke one of his lower ribs and threw him up into the air. Naruto then jumped up and did an axe kick that hit the traitor on the back and propelled him to the ground with amazing force that it cause a crater upon impact.

Naruto landed at the edge of the Mizuki-shaped crater and saw the traitorous Chunin knocked out from the blow. The teme was still alive judging from the shallow movement of his chest. Naruto snorted and walked back to his beloved sensei with a gait similar of a predator stalking his prey.

Iruka coughed and blearily opened his eyes but shouted when he saw a golden werewolf grinning in front of him.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH DON'T EAT ME!" he screamed in a high-pitched voice.

Naruto was shocked at Iruka's outburst but could understand Iruka's position considering his recent change.

"Neh Iruka-sensei. It's me. Naruto." Desperately holding in his laughter from Iruka's childish reaction.

"Na-na-naruto? Is that you?" stuttered Iruka.

Naruto rolled his eyes and gave Iruka a huge wolfy grin that scared the wounded Chunin again. After all, seeing razor sharp teeth just a few inches from your face have that effect on anyone.

"Yep! I finally activated another part of my bloodline that Tsunade-baa-san told me about. I'm a wolf see. Or maybe a werewolf? Isn't it cool?" Naruto jumped back to show Iruka his entire frame.

Iruka chuckled. Yep, this was Naruto alright. He checked his wounds and was lucky that one of the storage scrolls in his chest pocket protected him from the kunai. He sighed in relief. He thought that he was about to die from that. Chakra or not, a second major wound was not something to look forward to when you're already wounded. He looked at the jumping and exultant Naruto in front of him and grinned.

"Oi, Naruto. You did know that you're almost naked right?" Iruka pointed at the almost mutilated pants Naruto was wearing with only a few threads and his belt holding it in place.

Naruto looked at Iruka, confused, then looked down. What he saw made him curse.

"SHIT! WHAT HAPPENED TO MY CLOTHES! MY FAVORITE PANTS! MY SHOES! NOOOOOOOO! SAJI IS GOING TO KILL ME!" wailed Naruto in a child-like manner but his rough wolfish voice destroyed the facade.

Iruka was about to make another comment when the Hokage and his ANBU guards appeared in front of him, effectively shielding his view of Naruto. Their position also made sure that they couldn't see Naruto as well.

"Iruka. Where is Mizuki and the scroll? WHERE IS NARUTO?" demanded the Hokage, worried about his grandson.

Iruka just shrugged and just pointed behind them.

The Hokage and ANBU weren't prepared to see 9-foot tall werewolf grinning at them beside a much wounded Mizuki and the Forbidden Scroll lying innocently on the ground.

"Yo!" greeted a still grinning Naruto, showing off his razor sharp teeth, waving one of his clawed paw/hand at the new arrivals.

The Hokage and the ANBU fainted causing Naruto and Iruka to sweatdrop. The Hokage woke up face to face with a grinning werewolf.

"Hi Hokage-jiji. Glad of you to join us." greeted Naruto.

When the Hokage and the ANBU fainted, Naruto and Iruka laughed out loud at their response before deciding to wait for them to wake up. Naruto was telling Iruka about his changes and abilities when he heard the old man wake up from his fainting spell and proceeded to greet him.

"Naruto is that you?" asked a still shocked Hokage, checking out the changes on his surrogate grandson.

Naruto's grin grew wider if possible. "Yup jiji. I finally changed to my wolf form. Isn't it cool? Won't Tsunade-baa-san be surprised huh?"

The Hokage chuckled. Yep, this was Naruto alright. Nothing could ever emulate the way he addresses him even when they are in front of people. Also, only Naruto would find his…changes…cool. He was about to say something, when the ANBU guards woke up and saw a grinning Naruto in front of the Hokage.

They did the only thing they could think. They immediately attacked.

Naruto saw the ANBU woke up and immediately proceeded to attack him. He grabbed one of the punches thrown by the huge bear-masked ANBU and threw him to the side, hoping that he didn't hurt him too much. He dodged a sword swipe from a cat-masked ANBU, yanked the sword out of her grip and threw her away as well. The last ANBU was going through a jutsu when Naruto suddenly appeared in front of him and punched him in the gut. All of these were done in just 5 seconds.

The two ANBU that Naruto threw to the trees was about to attack again when a shout of "STOP" from the Hokage froze them in their tracks.

"STOP ATTACKING NARUTO-KUN NOW! STAND DOWN." commanded the Hokage in a voice that brooked no complaints.

"That….that's Naruto?" asked the cat-faced ANBU.

"Hiyah , it's me!" quipped Wolf-Naruto, giving his old caretaker a wave with his clawed hands, which looked practically scary considering the razor sharp nails he was sporting.

Neko recognize the way she was called immediately. She ran up to Naruto, jumped, and bonked him in the head.


It was quite funny to see a 9-foot tall golden werewolf being scolded by a mere 5'5 woman. Everyone in the clearing sweatdropped at the hilarity of the situation.

Naruto sat down and massaged his head. "Neko-chan" he whined. "I can explain. It wasn't my fault! Mizuki tricked…"


Naruto dropped his gaze to the ground, which was quite comical to the onlookers since it wasn't everyday that a werewolf is cowed by a woman. Heck, it's not everyday you see a werewolf. Period.

"Sorry Neko-chan." said Naruto in a downtrodden voice, almost a whine that made their hearts ache.

Neko was about to bop him again on the head but she saw something that made her buried girly instinct run out of control. A golden furry wolf with cute fluffy ears and a bushy tail lazily swaying behind him. She tried to stop herself from doing what she promised never to do again when she joined ANBU. She tried, tried, tried… and she snapped.

"KAWAIIIIIIIIIIII!" she shouted and glomped on Naruto with so much force that the large wolf was thrown on his back. Neko nuzzling the huge ears and scratching it.

Naruto was in heaven. The feeling of being scratched was dizzying. He released a plaintive whine of contentment and his tail and one of his legs was twitching in bliss, his tongue lolling out the side of his muzzle, eyes half-closed.

Iruka and the Hokage saw the potential blackmail material the scene opened up to so they immediately whipped out a camera from somewhere and took multiple photos of the oblivious duo then hid it again without anyone noticing. The remaining two ANBU just sweatdropped at the sight.

The Hokage, wanting to get the night over and done with released a loud cough that caught everyone's attention.

"Ok. Now that is over and done with. Bear, I want you to take Iruka to the hospital. Eagle, I want you to go get Tsunade and tell her to be in my office ASAP. Tell her it's about Naruto, she'll understand the seriousness of the situation. Cat, you can let go of Naruto now." This caused Naruto and Cat to whine but was duly ignored by the old leader. "Everything you see here is an S-class secret and must not be released to the public without my express permission. Is that clear?"

The ANBUs and Iruka shouted in affirmative. Bear grabbed Iruka and Shunshin-ed to the hospital, leaving Naruto, Neko, and the other ANBU with the Hokage. "Now let's go to my office for debriefing."

next chapter
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