Chapter 62: My Thoughts at the End
be sure you read the previous chapter since I'm uploading this one on the same day.
Chapter Text
With this, Hypno is over, and I am... relieved but also a little sad to see it go. I had so much fun writing this fic, and I learned a lot from it and from your comments.
Hypno may have lost focus a few times, and while I'm not totally satisfied with every aspect of it, I am happy with my work. This has been a trip, and you all have my thanks for coming on it with me.
Now I could spend plenty of time going over every aspect of Hypno and what worked and what didn't and talking to you about it, but I don't think I will.
Instead of that, let's talk about the future. What am I going to write next?
I have some ideas, but I'm not totally sure yet. I want to put more forethought into my next piece of work and make sure I can keep the story focused.
I hope to see you all at my next work. In the meantime, keep an eye on my Twitter. I make no promises, but while I'm typing this, my partner is next to me, making Hypno fanart. If they post it, you know for sure that I'm going to retweet it.
See you around, and if any of my old ideas seem really good for a story, tell me in the comments, and maybe it'll be the next one I work on. No promises, though. Whatever inspires me will inspire me.
Be happy, healthy, and safe out there. See you in the next story.