The wind blew heavy and frigid again.
As of late, the sun can be so easily discerned now… above was a view of clear blue skies between the gaps and cracks of countless naked branches.
Another cold breeze swayed the bare trees, the hefty torrent parting the last bundle of leaves from its stems, and they blew, flew, a lofty swirl of brown and gold gently plunging, nearing the soft earth below.
One of them suddenly strayed away from the pack, drifting elsewhere…
A leaf landed on her head.
Sera groaned.
A little annoyed, a little vexed, she plucked the leaf nestled between strands of her hair, briefly stared at it with bitter disdain, before then aggressively flinging it away to one of the many small mounds of gold and brown scattered everywhere.
After one too many times already, she'd learned her lesson and quickly pulled her hood over her head once more.
Shame, the cold on her face had been nice while it lasted.
Not officially the first chapter of the new volume - think of it as a short interlude into it.
And I figured what better way to segue way into a new volume than from another character's perspective?
Hope you enjoyed this little snippet of Sera's ongoing. Do let me know if you wish for more like this,