16.66% My New Life as administrator (Amagami ss X Anime World) / Chapter 2: 1 My New Life (not edited)

章節 2: 1 My New Life (not edited)

( I use Google translator to write this story, sorry for some misspelling.)


The screams from the audience can be heard filling the stage.

An incredible amount of excitement runs through my body, not only is this happening to me, my colleagues are also very excited.....

Faces of joy are clearly showing on their faces.

The atmosphere is filled with excitement as we patiently wait for the right moment to enter the stage,





Hello, you may be wondering who I am, or, what I am talking about,... but that would take too long to explain, .... What you need to know, is that I'm about to get on stage with my peers and prove that even if I'm not a Protagonist, I can achieve success in life!!!....

You say I confused you?.... You want me to explain who I am, and how I got here?..... Are you sure?.... . It's a very long story, you might get bored,]

[ You still want to listen to it?.... Ok, .....then, sit back, make yourself comfortable, and let me tell you my story.....]]


It all started when one morning I woke up in a room I didn't know, but for some reason it felt very familiar, ..... I did what any normal person would do in that situation, ..... I panicked and started to cry, like a macho man!!!.... I thought I had been kidnapped or something, I think that would have been much more believable, compared to what really happened].

[ You see, apparently I reincarnated in another body and another world,... how do I know this?... Because I'm an Otaku, and this is a very common situation in manga and fantasy novels,.... I had a hard time accepting that I was no longer at home,...but most likely I died in my original world, so having this second chance to live seemed very good to me... if I'm not mistaken in this isekai situations the reincarnator receives some useful ability or super power that some god or ROB grants him..... But there is a problem]

[ I don't remember meeting any Rob or receiving any amazing ability!!!!... Also I don't feel some incredible energy coursing through my body or anything like that,..... ]

[ That was the first sign that something was wrong with this situation,..... obviously I didn't want to think negatively and started using different voice commands that any otaku would use to awaken some power].

" The World!!!,.... Trace On!!!.....Cruel Sun!!!..... System!!!... Kagebunshin-no juntsu!!!!!!!!...Menu!!!... Ice Make Shield!!!!...."

[ After a while I started to panic, the possibility of not having some incredible ability started to become more possible..... I even started trying to summon some comic book energy and power oaths].

" may the forces of evil beware of my power!!!, Green lantern light!!!... Shazam!!!... ....PLEASE RESPOND!!!!...."

[ how I thought..... I didn't have any special powers or abilities....when I realized it I reacted like any of you would... I cried like a kindergartner..... my crying lasted an hour and 30 minutes or so, then I got depressed and lay on the floor for an hour, ... ... what?.... You think you wouldn't cry?..... ]

[Let me put an image in your mind so you understand my suffering, let's say you win the lottery, you are happy and you start thinking about everything you will do with the money, ..... but they tell you that you can only receive it out of the country and you only have 1 hour to pick it up and if you are late you will not receive anything... the problem is that it takes you 5 hours to leave the country..... you can imagine? .... Yes?..... Now, that feeling of disappointment and annoyance you feel, I felt it multiplied by 50.]

[After leaving my depression and crying, I managed to convince myself to think positively... ...reincarnated in another world, that is like winning the lottery!!!, I am sure that my years as an OTAKU, will be useful to live a good life in this world!!!.... That was my thought.... Again, I was wrong].

[ Apparently, reincarnated in an anime world of romance... how do I know?.... Well, I had a few clues.... First, I'm in a city, not in some forest or fantasy town,.... Second, I researched where I am and I'm actually in Japan, in the year 2006..... That means I'm in the modern years... relatively modern].

[ I say relatively modern, because I lived until the year 2020.... There is still a long way to go, but there is still advanced technology.... Phones, trains, cars, everything is almost the same as my original world,... some things are different, this world concentrated more on the development of technology and left a little bit behind everything related to culture, like music, movies, painting and things like that,.... Of course, this world is based on an anime so it is normal for manga and anime to be popular here].

[ But what confirmed my theory of reincarnating in an anime world, was a thing..... in the room I found a picture of 2 teenagers that looked like they were enjoying a delicious lunch... what stood out about these teenagers, was that I knew them..... I saw them many times in one of my favorite romance anime, those teenagers were Tachibana yuichi, and Umehara Masayoshi... both were characters from the anime Amagami SS!!!!...]

[ You have no idea how happy I was, REENCARNE in my favorite romance anime,!!! I was so excited to have the chance to meet my favorite Waifu in this anime, now she was Real!!!.... .. my excitement didn't last long because I discovered a big problem....]

As you know in anime and in every story, there are the roles of each character, there is the main character who always ends up with a happy ending..... Right?.... he gets the girl and together they live happily.... Right?..... The problem was that I am not the main character.... I am.... His best friend..... A supporting character whose sole function is to serve as comic relief and emotional support for the Protagonist!!!!...]


[ I cried again and moped all the rest of the day.... But I refused to give up!!!..... Now this is my life, I won't settle for being the simple friend who ends up without the girl and watches as the Protagonist gets a relationship or a Harem!!!!..... With that in mind I started my new life.....]








I made a plan to conquer the girl I like before she falls in love with Youichi, formed a musical band, plagiarized a manga, etc... and now I'm about to go on stage with my partners...]






What?... what do you say?... you say that I'm telling everything too fast and I didn't explain more things?... Well, yes, ... but it seemed like I was boring you, so I picked up the pace?..... what do you say?.... Do you want me to tell the story in more detail?..... sure?.....this will take long?..... ....well, I will, but be prepared and save your questions for the end, because this story is long?... this is my story ... nor new life as Young Umehara Masayoshi].


" where did I stay?... hO yes, I was narrating,"

After knowing what destiny awaited me, I began to change, I studied, (luckily I could read and write Japanese without problems).

I exercised, practiced parkour, changed all my clothes for nicer ones, and did many other things].

[ Luckily, I still had a year or so to prepare for the anime, ..... obviously I didn't spend every minute training to prepare, now I live in Japan, the paradise of every otaku!!!, Obviously I visited akihabara, the city where I live is 30 minutes away by train... I visited Akihabara very often,...]]

[ The most important thing that happened in that time was that My body gained muscles, not many because I don't want to look like a muscle monster,..... I also got attached to Youichi and his little sister Miya.... I truly became his best friend,..... He's really nice,..... at first I thought about trying to use him to get close to the girl I like,.... But my plans changed...]

he who attacks first, Wins the war!!!..... I decided not to wait and I'll attack!!!! As I learned, love is a war!!!..... The first step was obviously to Make Friends with Her..... the girl I like,... My waifu.... ]

[ she will appear in the story when Youichi and I are in second year of high school, And right now I'm in first year..... so, she should be in third year of high school at this time...there are only 2 high schools in the city.... Finding her should be easy.....]

And it was easy..... I was actually nervous to talk to her..... so I asked Youichi to watch me secretly... I went to a park, which she frequents a lot after school]

( I remember it from the anime and looked it up on the internet, I liked her to the point of researching her when she was just an anime character.... sometimes I imagined what I would do if I was the Protagonist and now I will use that knowledge to conquer her heart!!!!..)

When I arrived at the Park, I saw her.... There she was,... Nanasaki Ai... she is simply beautiful..... Slender, perfect figure for swimming, short black hair, beautiful eyes and slightly pink lips... at that moment I thanked whatever deity brought me here for giving me this opportunity!!!... ]

{ I'll leave an image in Nanasaki's comments, so you'll see how beautiful she is.}

[ My first meeting with her was not what I was... ..I can still remember that day].


{ Flashback no jutsu.}

In some bushes 2 young men are hidden watching the playground ( the swings) where a beautiful girl is sitting.

( Here I go... God!!!... I'm shaking with nerves!!!....)

My nerves were noticed by Youichi (The Protagonist).

"Umehara... Are you okay?... You are starting to lose color..... If it's too much pressure, we can wait for another time, so you can talk to her..."

" no... I've been putting this off..... love is a war and I need to take the first step to conquer her heart... just look at her!!.... She's so beautiful that I don't stop fear lar of nerves!!!"

[ Youichi looks at me and understands that I am very much in love with this girl,.... He never saw me so nervous...]

" I understand, Umehara,!!!....Don't worry buddy, I'll be watching you, You can!!!."

" Yes..... here I go....."

[ I used all my willpower to stop shaking and I came out from where I was hiding,... I started walking in the direction of my target!....]

( Come on!!! I can do it!!!.... Just say Hello to her, and open a conversation with her..... I practiced it many times!....)

[The closer I got to her, I could feel butterflies in my stomach, and just as I was about to say the first word..... ...that happened...]






" BLEAGHHH!!!!....."

[ That's right,.... I threw up... think those butterflies I felt in my stomach, were a bad sign.....]


Hi I'm the author, if you stayed and are reading this let me thank you for reading this chapter.

I have nothing planned with this story, this story does not matter to me if it is popular or not, I love the world of Amagami SS and I think it needs a fanfic

that's why I'm writing this,

if you know the anime or have played the game of Amagamiss, let me tell you that you have good taste

If you don't know the anime or the game ... what are you doing ?? !!! ... go see the anime !! It is an incredible Romance story and the best thing is that it shows us the happy endings with each of the girls!!!!!

watch the anime and then bring this story, I know you will like it.

that's all thanks for reading, until the next chapter.


If you are not interested in the story, please just honor the story and do not leave bad comments ...

next chapter
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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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