15.38% My life as a Femboy / Chapter 2: Shopping

章節 2: Shopping

( This chapter is mostly information and skills and stuff. If you don't feel like reading all the different options and points stuff, you can just skip to basically the end to see everything that he gets with his points. )


After screaming at the universe for about 30 seconds, I finally calm down enough to think clearly. Well clearly enough to keep scrolling through all the other options in the shop.

Looking through the shop was an... experience. I didn't know weather to laugh or cry due to the options.

Here are a few examples: The basic male form I could find.



[Muscle growth (Manly Above average): 600 P

[Hight (150 cm + 10 P for every cm): 150 P*

[Hair (Abel to grow facial hair): 320 P

[Voice ( Deep male voice): 400 P

[Masculine frame (Enhanced): 500 P

[Eyes (Red): 5 P*

[Strong jaw-line (Masculine): 105 P

[PP size (6 inch + 150 P for every Extra Inch): 300 P*


Like really? What the f*ck is this sh*t? Why is it so expensive?

At first i thought my points were pretty good after all the praise that ROB gave me. But apparently I can't even be a man without spending most of my points. And that's only looking at the gender options!! Not even the actual OP ability's!!

"UGHH!! What the f*****ck!!!?"




Okay... I'm good... I'm calm... *FOOoooo~*

Breathing out a long breath, I focused back on the shop, searching for some good news.

After a few minutes of searching, I find out that there was a randomize option hidden in the corner of the page, in the smallest font size I've ever seen.

Feeling a bit better, I continue looking through all the prices... that is until I find options that give me points.

At first I was ecstatic, thinking I found a way to get extra point, well that lasted all but 2 seconds before I saw what these options were.



[C*m Squirting (Strong): +5 P]

[C*m on command (Heavily): +1 P]

[Tasty C*m (Sweet): +5 P]

[Addictive C*m (Low): 0 P]

[Small PP (2-3 Inch): +300 P]

[Tiny PP (1-2 Inch): +600 P]

[Balls (Small): +15 P]

[Big Ass (Thicc): + 450 P]

[Sensitive Ass (Hole): +500 P]

[Clean Ass (Hole): +600 P]

[Plump Ass(Hole): +100 P]

[Thighs (Thicc): +50 P]

[Waist (Narrow): +10 P]

[Nipples (Big): +25 P]

[Sensitive Nipples (High): +60 P]

[Breasts (Small): +20 P]

[Lactation (Sweet): +12

[Voice (Sexy): +5 P]

[Eyelashes (Sex): +2 P]

[Face (Feminine): +580 P]

[Lips(Thicc): +10 P]

[Hair (Silky): +1 P]

[Muscle growth (Womanly Above average): +10 P]


Yeah.. I know, crazy isn't it? A total of 3361 extra points, sounds great right? Wrong!!! Who the f*ck wants a 2 inch d*ck!!! Without all the small penis and sensitive asshole bulsh*t it's only 1886 points!.

That's not even the worst of it! this list is one made entirely up of the options I would choose if I was desperate enough! there were some crazy ones like [Whom] that literally gives me the ability to get pregnant for 1200 points! Or [Pheromones] that makes it that every guy in a 1-2 meter radius of me gets turned on for 800 Points! Hell!! there was even a [Mating Season] in there for another 500!!





It took me another 2 minutes to calm down. thoroughly this time... Really.

Moving on, I moved out of the character sheet to look at the other options.



[World: -Decided-] [Era: -Decided-] [Race: -Decided-]

[Character: - ]

[Boons: - ]

[Flaws: - ]

[Talents: - ]

[Background: - ]

[Points: 1867 ]




[Pyrokinesis: The ability to control and manipulate fire. = 2500 P

[Cryokinesis: The ability to control and manipulate ice and cold. = 2400 P

[Aerokinesis: The ability to control and manipulate the air. = 2320 P

[Audiokinesis: The ability to control sound waves and music. = 1000 P*

[Clauditiskinesis: The ability to control and manipulate locks. =500 P

[Electrokinesis: The ability to control and manipulate electricity and lightning. = 2300 P

[Epochíkinesis: The ability to control one or all of the seasons. = 3000 P

[Erponkinesis: The ability to control and manipulate reptiles. = 2300 P

[Ferrokinesis: The ability to control and manipulate precious metals. = 2200 P

[Geokinesis: The ability to control and manipulate the earth. = 2400 P

[Hallucikinesis: The ability to create illusions. = 2800 P

[Hydrokinesis: The ability to control and manipulate water. = 2250 P

[Hypnokinesis: The ability to control and manipulate sleep and dreams. = 3400 P

[Magmakinesis: The ability to control and manipulate magma. = 2800 P

[Mnemokinesis: The ability to manipulate memories. = 2500 P

[Necromancy: The ability to control and manipulate the dead. = 5000 P

[Nephokinesis: The ability to manipulate and control mist. = 1200 P

[Osteokinesis: The ability to control and manipulate bones. = 1900 P

[Photokinesis: The ability to control and manipulate light. =2700 P

[Pylikinesis: The ability to control and manipulate portals. =23800 P

[Typhokinesis: The ability to manipulate smoke. = 900 P*

[Technokinesis: The ability to manipulate machines and technology. = 3900 P

[Thermokinesis: The ability to manipulate temperature. = 800 P

[Toxikinesis: The ability to summon and manipulate poisons. = 1950 P

[Tychokinesis: The ability to control and manipulate luck and probability. = 3950 P

[Umbrakinesis: The ability to manipulate darkness and the shadows. = 2900 P

[Vitakinesis: The ability to control and manipulate the healing process. = 2300 P

[Telepathy: The ability to read the thoughts of other living beings. = 650 P*

[Enhanced Creativity: The ability to think outside the room the box is in. = 40 P*

[Temporal Mastery: The ability to possess innate knowledge of the time. =70 P*

[Sliding: The ability to slide across surfaces for unusually long distances. = 90 P

[Cypher: The ability to translate any language or decrypt any code. =800 P*





0_0... I'm broke...shit.




[Prideful = +150 P]

[Lustful = +800]

[Slothful = +1080 P]

[Wrathful = +800 P]

[Gluttonous = +850 P]

[Greedy = +400 P]

[Envious = +1050 P]

[Sadism = +1200 P]*

[Masochism = +1400 P]

[Abusive = +200 P]

[Submissive = +800 P]

[Vanity = +300 P]

[Cuck = +2900 P]

[Over-biased = +290 P]

[Manipulative = +190 P]*

[Aggressive = +120 P]*

[Disrespectful = +200 P]

[Poor = +12500 P]





*Sigh* This is getting out of hand, really? A Cuck?



[Talents-->Self-conceptual talents]

[Self-awareness – you have a strong awareness of your thoughts, emotions, feelings, and actions. = 150P]*

[Self-regulation – you can manage and control your thoughts, emotions, and actions in any situation. =120P]*

[Self-motivation – you enjoy a high drive and motivation and are naturally proactive. =125P]

[Positive attitude – you maintain a positive outlook and attitude regardless of the circumstance. =80P]

[Stress management – you can handle and manage stress well. =85P]

[Self-confidence – you enjoy high self-esteem and embrace fearful situations. =100P]

[Resilient – you recover from setbacks with ease. =130P]*

[Responsible – you take responsibility for your actions (the opposite is that you blame others or situations). =50P]

[Patient – you can tolerate delays without becoming annoyed or anxious by them. =50P]*

[Intuitive – you naturally feel what is right. =80P]

[Energetic – you are very involved with others and tasks. =40P]




[Talents-->Social talents]

[Social awareness – you understand social situations and can understand them from someone else's perspective. =100P]*

[Social confidence – you exert confidence under social pressure while giving presentations, for example. =120P]*

[Verbal communication – you are able to vocally bring your point across in a way that is easily understood by others. =80P]

[Written communication – similar to verbal communication, but in this case through written mediums, like email. =75P]




[Talents-->Talents in general]

[Language – you have the gift of being able to identify, learn, and speak languages with relative ease. =120P]

[Math – you have a high understanding of abstract ideas. =100P]*

[Memory – you can remember and recall high volumes of information and/or visuals =250P.]*

[Reasoning – you excel at reasoning with logic. =150P]*

[Visual-spatial processing – you are able to access where objects are in space with high precision. =230P]*




[Talents-->Talents in hard skills]

[Artistic skills – you excel at creating works of art. =190P]*

[Design skills – you understand what something will look like in the future and are able to realize that result. =170P ]*

[Strategic skills – you see the big picture and are able to generate advantageous plans for the future. =200P]*

[Innovative skills – you exploit ideas to generate value. =130P]

[Executional skills – you enjoy the day-to-day process and excel at performing and achieving tasks. =130P]

[Planning skills – you are able to effectively manage activities with the available resources. =165P]*





Oookay?... This is going to take a while isn't it?



[Background: - ]


Okay, math time...








I f*cking did it!!! Yessss!!!

Looking over the my life's greatest work, managing to actually get a decent amount of perks.

The amount of points I needed was 6340. I only had 1867, so I needed to get a few flaws, feminize myself a bit, and give myself some type of tragic backstory.

Taking the initial 1867 and subtracting the 35 for gender, adding up the additional 1934 for feminization and 1510 for flaws brings it up to a total of 5276 points. Slap a tragic backstory onto that bad boy and I have the max amount of points I can use.

So to recap, for everyone that skipped all the jargon the happened upstairs:

[Hight (150 cm + 10 P for every cm): 150 P* for 165 cm

[PP size (6 inch + 150 P for every Extra Inch): 300 P* for 8.5 Inches... Shut up, I need this


[Audiokinesis: The ability to control sound waves and music. = 1000 P*

[Telepathy: The ability to read the thoughts of other living beings. = 650 P*

[Enhanced Creativity: The ability to think outside the room the box is in. = 40 P*

[Temporal Mastery: The ability to possess innate knowledge of the time. =70 P*

[Typhokinesis: The ability to manipulate smoke. = 900 P*

[Cypher: The ability to translate any language or decrypt any code. =800 P*


[Self-awareness – you have a strong awareness of your thoughts, emotions, feelings, and actions. = 150P]*

[Self-regulation – you can manage and control your thoughts, emotions, and actions in any situation. =120P]*

[Resilient – you recover from setbacks with ease. =130P]*

[Patient – you can tolerate delays without becoming annoyed or anxious by them. =50P]*

[Social awareness – you understand social situations and can understand them from someone else's perspective. =100P]*

[Social confidence – you exert confidence under social pressure while giving presentations, for example. =120P]*

[Math – you have a high understanding of abstract ideas. =100P]*

[Memory – you can remember and recall high volumes of information and/or visuals =250P.]*

[Reasoning – you excel at reasoning with logic. =150P]*

[Visual-spatial processing – you are able to access where objects are in space with high precision. =230P]*

[Artistic skills – you excel at creating works of art. =190P]*

[Design skills – you understand what something will look like in the future and are able to realize that result. =170P ]*

[Strategic skills – you see the big picture and are able to generate advantageous plans for the future. =200P]*

[Planning skills – you are able to effectively manage activities with the available resources. =165P]*


[C*m Squirting (Strong): +5 P]

[C*m on command (Heavily): +1 P]

[Tasty C*m (Sweet): +5 P]

[Addictive C*m (Low): 0 P]

[Big Ass (Thicc): + 450 P]

[Clean Ass (Hole): +600 P]

[Plump Ass(Hole): +100 P]

[Thighs (Thicc): +50 P]

[Waist (Narrow): +10 P]

[Nipples (Big): +25 P]

[Breasts (Small): +20 P]

[Voice (Sexy): +5 P]

[Eyelashes (Sex): +2 P]

[Face (Feminine): +580 P]

[Lips(Thicc): +10 P]

[Hair (Silky): +1 P]

[Muscle growth (Womanly Above average): +10 P]


[Sadism = +1200 P]*

[Manipulative = +190 P]*

[Aggressive = +120 P]*


And for the backstory, I, just put that I was abandoned at birth in front of a prostitute's house. After the prostitute decides to take care of me out of her motherly instinct,

live with her for about 2 or 3 years during which I have to survive all the sanity-threatening situations, and knowing that my new mom is getting railed from behind every night.

Until one day while she's taking me home from the daycare she gets mugged, in the process of her being mugged, I was dropped and entered a 3-month coma.

Right before the mugger changes his mind, and is about to have his way with my new mom, a man jumps into the Frey and rescues my mom from the would be rapist.

After he saves her and brings me to the hospital, him and mom bond during that 3 moth period in which he helps mom to stop prostituting herself for money.

After waking up, I will find mom and the man standing by my bedside talking, and then call out 'papa' and 'mama' witch domino's into them falling in love down the line, and get married. At which point I would be 4 years old.


'And that's about how my life's gone so far' I thought, looking out the window of the car at the passing scenery.

Looking back at mom and dad happily talking in the font seats, I can't help but think.

'Yeah... that backstory I thought up all those years ago was f*cked up.'

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦票 榜單
Stone -- 推薦票








寫檢討 閱讀狀態: C2
  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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Stone -- 推薦票


