The fuck is going on?
—This is fucking disgusting...
His body was covered with some non-Newtonian liquid. It was solid when he struggled and liquid when he stopped moving. He couldn't get anywhere, and he couldn't see sunlight anymore. The same goo covered his eyes. It also smelled horrible, like a mix of sewer and vomit. Yes, the worst thing was that the villain was trying to get into his mouth and was partially controlling his body despite his resistance.
—Damn it! Why is this happening to me… I'm going to puke... What did this villain think he was...? A hentai protagonist?
His eyes could sometimes see the foul-smelling tunnels he was walking through, though he could hear the villain grumbling. He probably didn't expect a guy like Felix to put up such resistance.
He felt the villain turn around as if to see if he was still being chased, and apparently, he was still being chased. Even in a liquid state, the villain was still secreting hormones, and Felix had easily felt his adrenaline flow because of the unwanted closeness he had with him. Suddenly he saw some light, then cries resounded all around him, partially muffled by the liquid he had all around him.
He heard warnings from several people, probably heroes, who were trying to help him. However, the villain only tried even harder to get inside his body, as if to warn everyone that it was a hostage situation. Unfortunately for the villain, the closer Felix was to his victim, the more hold he had. It took some time, but from that distance, he could manipulate the enemy's pheromones and hormones in such a way as to destabilize or even paralyze with fear the thing that was trying to suffocate him.
—Here you go, you damn degenerate!
●{Cortisol Burst}—{Boost metabolism, memory formation & reduce inflammation.}
●{Melatonin Bed}—{Cools the body, makes people less aware and sleepy.}
●{Lemon Pheromone}—{Releases a cloud of releaser pheromones within a 5-meters radius.}
For him, mixing preexisting hormones with pheromones was simple, and that's precisely what he did. He combined this with melatonin and cortisol to considerably increase the villain's stress while giving him the impression that he was losing strength. The signaler pheromones would do the rest.
He released them as vigorously as he could. It wasn't yet natural, but his opponent's reaction showed the result of his efforts. The monster, which is probably more vulnerable to this kind of attack when in liquid form, lay on the ground like a puddle while Felix stood in the middle of it, with passers-by taking pictures and the heroes not knowing what to do.
"This was something..." He mumbled, realizing the villain's quirk didn't soil him. "Guess he wasn't that strong after all."
A hero approached him as he watched the enemy, who seemed to have been knocked down for no reason. He then asked other heroes for help to come and clean up the mess that the villain had managed to do in such a short time.
As for Felix, apart from a little pain, he wasn't suffering from anything. Even All Might, who had come out of the drain behind him, was no longer worried about the situation. He peered at the young man for a moment before tapping his shoulder, smiling broadly as blood seemed to come out of his mouth, he wanted to talk but stopped... and he just raising his thumb. Felix didn't even have the time to see him fly away as he was already gone and flying through the sky...
However, a shock wave followed and knocked him down and then rolled him to the ground.
—Thanks for the gust of wind… Nice one, Superman.
Everyone here seemed to worship All Might. The fact that he had American origins must have had something to do with his popularity, in addition to being the strongest and enigmatic. If there was one thing Felix couldn't argue with, it was two qualities that the all-powerful hero possessed. He didn't like him but respected the symbol he embodied; it was thanks to him that this country had stood firm, and therefore thanks to him, so many heroes had been born.
A female voice behind Felix startled him; he turned and instantly recognized the costume, as well as some of the heroes who were with her to evacuate the place.
"Yeah?" he said, holding the young heroine's hand, a naughty thought in mind. "How's your first day on the job?"
"So you saw me this morning... Already a fan, I guess. If you want to support me, you can do it at the Lurkers' office," she paused, her vain glance taking over, thinking she understood something; however, she was utterly wrong.
"I don't turn into a fan in such a short time," he said. "It would take a lot more than that for me to give such a reward to a heroine who didn't even step up to defend me."
His smile unsettled her, causing her to try and move away from him, but she was soon surprised that she was still holding his hand. Despite their apparent cordiality, Felix's eyes concealed an ounce of malice that an inexperienced heroine like Mt. Lady couldn't catch. Still, she did feel something. Felix doesn't require a full-on touch to transmit hormones, after all. Just a graze on the skin can sometimes be more than enough to get small results. Step by step, first a graze, the rest later. He had to pave the way for later; he knew full well that he couldn't boost himself and boost everyone while enjoying the feminine assets of any heroine without at least creating a stable relationship between him and his targets.
He could make the relationship a purely sexual one and boost them like that. Still, the hormone level gained would not be very high, and their boost would be almost nil because, unlike men, some female hormones like oxytocin and estrogen are mainly produced when they are in love. For example, prolactin is only produced during pregnancies, so...
His behavior could be considered mischievous at times, but he was like a villain working for the state, after all, as a kind of privateer. What kind of spark would that make when all this becomes public knowledge?
"Haha! Kidding, kidding, sorry Miss. I just think you're attractive, so I wanted to see what kind of expression you'd make; my bad. I already know you can't go in such a cramped place with your quirk," Felix chortled as he removed his hand while touching the heroin's palm with his own. "I guess you wanted to ask something, didn't you?"
"...You probably used your quirk to knock him out, didn't you? You don't look like you're from around here, but in Japan, you need to wait for help; using your quirk is only in last resort, especially if heroes are around, just like in your case."
"Huh...? No, no. I'm quirkless. I used a Taser." He said, showing one the taser he stole from the bodyguards that came with Recovery Girl the other day. "I already know what you're gonna say, but no. I'm in the right to defend myself if some random dude tries to asphyxiate me."
"Yeah, yeah... I agree. It's dumb. But dumb as they are, laws are laws... Heroes and police take care of that stuff," she sighed, closing her eyelids. However, when she saw his taser, she widened her eyes and frowned. "You can defend yourself but try not to do it again. Now, can you explain to me what happened with the villain?"
"Well, I don't really know. When he tried to put me to sleep, I managed to use the Taser, and he stopped dead. After this, he splashed to the ground like a puddle of shit."
"Mhm. Like a puddle of shit, huh. This type of taser can't knock out someone. It's... No, never mind. Now that I have witnessed your poetic skills, can you be more honest with me?"
"Did every Japanese person act like a cunt when seeing a foreigner?"
"No, don't be mistaken. You just look like a liar, pal, nothing else." she laughed with a sparkling gaze, unaware that the lie Felix tried to protect was the one her bosses and the President herself kept secret to avoid problems. "So?"
"No need to look at me like that," Felix grunted while trying to remember the few vigilantes he saw on TV that could be credible in that kind of situation. "I didn't see well, but I saw someone on the roof of this building with a kinda strange rifle, like a two-colored one, or something like it, dunno, I was still catching my breath at the time."
"Right..." she responded by looking at the building.
—Doubtful, isn't she? I can't blame her. Now... If I use too many hormones and pheromones simultaneously, she will notice, so as expected, we will do it gently. But maybe I can try something a bit naughty, just for starters.
Mt. Lady nodded after analyzing the former inmate from top to bottom. Impossible to know that he had just implemented in her the love hormone and some testosterone, a hormone that even in women causes a very pronounced increase in libido and fertility. It would take a long time before it would work—so thankfully, he tried to accelerate the process using his quirk—but when it does, the effects are quick to kick in, especially if she's of the wild type.
Yeah, maybe he could try something; even though Bubble Girl was his "test girl" for the next two weeks, trying something new could be a great idea and would be a way to get rid of the old hormones decaying inside him. They were more potent than the ones he was making today since they were from a time when he wasn't in jail, so he could still practice... In retrospect, it was a miracle that some old hormones remained intact after over three years.
—Well, it's time to test things up.
Felix closed his eyelids, putting one of his hands on the Mt. Lady's shoulder, and pushed her the other way as if she were his friend to show her what she wanted to see. He didn't want to rush her, so he didn't put any pressure or sexual intents in his doing. She turned to him, perplexed and raising an eyebrow, but remained silent. He brought her to two other heroes and went where he "thought" he noticed the vigilante responsible for defeating the villain.
And then...
●{Lemon Pheromone}—{Releases a cloud of releaser pheromones.}
As he thought, it was pretty limited, especially since these pheromones were not human. It came from several animals, and he refined it over the years to make it his own. Despite that, it was almost imperceptible and undetectable by most humans. Still, in such a narrow alley, with no wind, and after stockpiling years of decaying pheromones—now hurting his glands—it seemed to work quite well, contrary to what he had tried in the past... So it was possible, but how? As a few seconds passed, the only woman in the group started to feel the effects of what she had just breathed in, stopping Felix's musings.
"Whaa~t...?" was the only sound that came out of Mt. Lady's mouth before she widened her eyes.
"So, you think this is where you saw this... vigilante, right?" she asked, managing to ignore the heat she was feeling.
"Yep, someone was here. 90% sure it was a woman. I'm pretty good at spotting boobs, so..."
"...Yeah?" she sighed deeply, giving him a bombastic side-eye. "I'm sure you're good at that..."
"I'm as honest as ever." He lied.
"...Very well," replied the two other sidekicks. "I'll make a report. Bigshot gonna investigate a bit. If you need anything, just call me."
After the departure of two heroes she didn't even know, Mt. Lady nodded slightly and stared at the alley, putting her hands on her waist with an ominous stare. She kicked into a pebble as a child would before turning to Felix and pointing at him.
"What did you do to me?!"
"Uh...? What do you mean?"
"I feel fucking weird!"
"What are you on about, bitch? Stop yelling..."
"I feel WEIRD since you touched me, and it's... ah~ ...What did you do?"
"So that's it? It's okay to feel funny when someone touches you. I'm not going to hold it against you. Actually, I'm flattered.~"
"Stop acting like a stage actor, asshole! You're one of the biggest liars I've seen in my twenty-two years of existence, and yet I've encountered some of the worst, but you're at the top of the jerk food chain."
"It's ironic coming from someone who makes her fans believe that they can have a tiny relationship with you when in the end you're just using them to promote yourself and catapult your career in a comfortable spotlight. If I'm a jerk, you're a thot."
The heroine, barely able to stand without rubbing her legs between each other, tried to remain as steady as possible while maintaining her angry stare at Felix. She frowned even more as the last of the pheromones Felix could trigger from her glands reached her brain while the hormones he had sent prior penetrated her metabolism more and more.
She unconsciously spread her legs a tad as the fabric of her costume darkened at her crotch, feeling uncomfortable. Her knees buckled as the wet spot grew larger, eventually dripping thin trickles of love juice from her pussy yet hidden under two layers of fabric. The young woman leaned back against a wall with one hand in front of her face, panting loudly.
"Stupid fucking shit, it's so embarrassing... I knew I should have done something about my... N-Now, I'm all over the place... goddamn, it's a hell of a disaster, how am I going to hide this mess...?"
"Can I help?" he asked with a sigh after getting close to her while being aware not to cross the line.
She looked back at him with a completely different stare, a stare of starvation, but not THIS type of starvation. She straightened up towards Felix with one of her hands struggling not to go down to her unholy hole highlighted because of her love juice... one could easily discern her swollen vulva, her clitoris, and the slit where all that lovely sex juice was coming from.
"Well, you look like you're having a complicated first day at work."
"Shut up and... just do what I ask you to do..." she snarled, looking daggers at him.
"And what would it be?" he inquired, containing a mischievous smile.
"The other heroes are still hanging around, so... need to be quick..."
She gazed from her pink irises onto the yellow one of Felix and grabbed his hand to bring it back to her, still leaning on the wall. Felix's palm and then his fingers flawlessly grasped the perfect shape of her breasts as she shuddered the moment she felt his touch. Being much taller than her, he had an exceptional sight on her body, delicate and plump where it was advisable. Even if her hips were rather slim, her breasts compensated for this lack and were outlined through the tissue, her erect nipples, and areolas, which craved for only one thing. Felix immediately felt her warm breath on his neck as she used her second hand to pull him closer to her.
"The fuck are you waiting for?! Do it!" she yelled, ducking her head, almost pained at not being taken seriously.
Felix smiled, amused by her behavioral U-turn despite the fact that she maintained her grumpy temper. He took with his other hand her chin and made her look at him again before bringing her lips to his; they touched softly, first brushing softly against each other, then connecting. Felix's tongue now tenderly entering her mouth, Mt. Lady's brain freeze with irrational delight; she could, at the moment, only think about one thing. And that was fine for both of them.
Women produce oxytocin, the hormone of love and happiness, mainly through exchanges like this one, so it wasn't difficult for Felix to increase their potency while simultaneously creating some. But even like this, this woman seemed to have a strong will; even if he wasn't the type of dude who likes seeing girls at his feet, he wondered what it would look like with her.
She wrapped her arms around Felix's neck, trying to control the situation, but since she couldn't even stand still, this effort was kinda cute. As he continued to kiss her, the ex-con caressed her tits, taking time to tease her nipple, massaging it softly before breaking the kiss and running his lips over her neck, which made her shiver again.
Mt. Lady's body started to tense even more as her generous chest wobbled from left to right, trying to fight the surge of pleasure boiling inside her. She closed her eyes, frowning, and drops of sweat beaded on her forehead as her legs buckled, her lips letting escape a moan that she managed to stifle under her hand. A stream of love juice managed to emerge through her clothes, leaving a small puddle on the ground as she continued to moan quietly while her knees continued to buckle to keep her standing.
"Here you go.~♪"
To tell the truth, Felix was surprised it had been so straightforward, but coming to think of it, his hormones back then were kinda cracked thanks to his mom helping him, so it wasn't really a surprise. She told him his quirk was better than hers, but he hadn't had the chance to ask her how. It had been so long since he had used his quirk as his mother showed him that he had forgotten how effective they were with women. He delicately took Mt. Lady's chin and turned her head towards his own. She widened her eyes again, but her body remained still and somehow compliant.
Sometimes, your subconscious, dormant desires act more potently than your brain and psyche. That's what hormones are for—fuelling the flames inside people.
"You good now?" Felix asked with a smile.
"Go... away... before someone sees us..."
Noticing that she was already starting to put her hands around his neck to immediately restart what they were doing, and that, as a result, her actions and words contradicted each other, he decided it was indeed time to stop. He may have been manipulative, but he didn't wish harm on others either. Being evil for the sake of being evil was not relevant to him, so he just helped stoop up again.
—That was refreshing.~♫ Pleasing a woman is always good. It sends a lot of meta-hormones into my own brain. But yeah, it's better to stop now; the two heroes who were with us might come back, and I prefer to avoid pointless risks. It was already ballsy enough.
And, well, there is nothing more effective than cutting off a woman's desire for the flame to blaze again in the future.
"I'm sorry, Miss. Are you alright?" Felix inquired, giving her a tissue to wipe out the hot and juicy mess between her leg. "The teasing was a bit too much..."
"I... I'm alright... Thanks."
"Can you walk?" He asked again, seeing her knee buckling. "I can help y-"
"I said it's alright...! Just leave, w-what if Kamu- What if some heroes see what we've done here?!" Mt. Lady raised her voice, coming to her senses and restoring her attitude.
"The contrast between when you're enjoying yourself and when you're trying to be tough is really cute, Miss."
"Fuck off..."
"Well then, I'll fuck off. I also have things to do." He concluded, slightly bowing in an apology as she looked up at him with mixed feelings. "With the weather being so hot, it shouldn't take too long for your crotch to dry."
"Go away!"
"Haha! Alright, alright, bye-bye."
—Isn't she fun to tease?~♫ Once tamed, women like her make good wives. Or good bitches. Depends.
The jailbird eyed her one last time. She was half-paralyzed, still trying to walk without being stimulated by her own movement, probably realizing what she had just done after the pheromones and hormones had partially diluted into her blood.
The fact is, she didn't seem too ashamed or distraught about it. Given that he hadn't used that many hormones, only his weak, bundled pheromones, and that he was still synthesizing his own super-hormones to restore his strengths, he was surprised.
All this being only a ridiculous tiny shred of what he could do reassured him as he doubted that he would be good enough for his fight in time. The training was a good idea; maybe thinking about it with more care would even better him.
—Whatever, I'll think about that later. I'm going to get yelled at for being late. Plus, I still haven't eaten anything yet... Talk about a crappy day. Anyway, I just have to go over there and tell them the results... Not that I will talk about that gigantic lechery I just had.~
The hunt shall begin. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Edited on December 1, 2024.