『Rabbit Hero: Mirko → Strong, Nimble, Rapid, Intrepid, Resilient.』
Now Felix knew who he would have to fight. Actually, although he'd already fought off people with such features in jail, like a man with a [Honey Badger] quirk—and won thanks to his hormones, not due to his strength; this animal is fucking scary, so a mix between human and honey badger is not to be taken lightly—he had witnessed how this rabbit hero fought on several videos and, being true to himself, it looked terrible for him.
Of course, his training with Nighteye had helped him awaken his old reflexes and perfect specific moves, but he couldn't reach a professional hero level in only two weeks. He'll need to rely on what makes him a danger to everyone, like a bio-hazard kind of power: his hormones.
He was going to have to rely on something else too.
If she had a rabbit's abilities, such as keen hearing and tail, she also had to have partial metabolism of this animal. Based on this assumption, she would be much more receptive to pheromones and other more animal-like hormones, such as testosterone. He could even copy her quirk more easily since she attacked only with her legs...
That said, he still had to find a way to reduce the impact of her kicks and to be able to dodge the one he couldn't tank. For that, he trusted his plan and that of the Hero Commission. Probably the only that he will trust them, as this plan gives them access to something they need, and access to something he's interested in, they both accepted.
Meanwhile, for the first part of his plan, everything was in motion. He would need to store the hormones and pheromones from himself and someone else if he wanted the effect to be strong enough to destabilize someone like Mirko.
"Thank you for coming to help me with my house move," Kaoruko appreciated—otherwise known as Bubble Girl. "I thought I would have to do this on my own."
"You're helping me with my training, so here I am," he replied, shrugging. "I'm just wondering why you didn't ask Centipeder or a friend of yours. I'm sure they would have helped you."
"Well..." she seemed to look for an answer as she looked down at the ground. "He was busy, so was Nighteye, and my parents and friends live too far away for that. Hahaha!"
"Really?" he asked, raising an eyebrow, teasing her. "C'mon, admit it's just an excuse to be with me."
After a moment of silence, Kaoruko sent bubbles toward his eyes to make him shush, sulking. She was getting closer and closer to him, both emotionally and physically, and he was obviously responsible for that. Anyone receiving such a large amount of oxytocin would want to talk with him more. Unlike pheromones, it took time, and you had to portray the situation with the person as a normal relationship, with respect, care, and shared moments. Still, at least the results were there, and the relationship between him and her was pleasant without being sexual.
Even if this is likely to happen soon.
Although Felix's quirk would have been a great help in her house move, he preferred to avoid being spotted by anyone. But... well, Nighteye was already aware of his quirk and had spoken to the HPSC about it. After a few arguments, they told him a few lies mingled with a bit of truth. It was actually better for everyone. Thanks to this, they were both able to train other abilities that Felix had until then only used as a last resort.
Ingestion and assimilation of super-hormones.
It took a while, but he could already partially use Nighteye's quirk for a minute, giving him time to react to quick blows, but unfortunately, not as fast as Mirko's ones. The effectiveness of the power was diminishing as it went on. However, it gave him time to act accordingly. This would be another determining factor in his ability to equalize against Mirko's speed.
After all, he didn't have to win against her fairly. Winning is still winning, even more since he's not a hero. Plus, the commission ordered him to win no matter what. So he didn't have to condemn himself for using various ploys.
—Just goes to show, these sons of bitches can sometimes make intelligent statements. Once in a while.
"What's happening to you?" asked Kaoruko as she dropped off the last boxes.
"I'm thinking of a strategy to beat a hero," he replied, putting a hand in front of his mouth. "I'm a little stressed for the next few days."
"It's true that your fight is only three days away now. That said, I don't understand why no one wants to tell me who you will fight."
"...It's some kind of confidential shit. I mean, even Nighteye can't say," Felix added, seeing it as an opportunity to get closer to Kaoruko. "I can tell you, but promise me it will remain a secret."
The young heroine's eyes widened; despite her blue skin, one could see a slight change of color as she nodded with a little smile. She seemed very passionate despite the serious appearance she was giving at work.
Same thing for the way she dressed. Felix was used to seeing her with a revealing outfit, but in public, she wore only pants and t-shirts, partially highlighting her forms. Now Felix could see what she looked like naturally. Far from the sex appeal she had with her heroin outfit, she exuded a charming and agreeable aura. Something purely genuine and sincere.
Something that Mt. Lady was absolutely lacking.
—First stage successfully completed.~
Secrets are the guilty pleasures of women, even though they find it very difficult to keep things secret. Since he had gotten close to Kaoruko, he could be sure that she wouldn't tell anyone. Not now, at least, as long as he had her trust and interest, he would be safe.
"Alright. I was charged to win a fight against Mirko, the rabbit hero. No one gave me a reason. They're just pressuring me to do it no matter what."
"H-Huh?! She's a rising star! She's shown incredible abilities seen only in the best... impossible for you to win without a quirk... So yeah, you definitely..."
"I know. That's why the commission helps me. But it doesn't help me de-stress."
"Well..." she continued, putting her hand on her chin. "How about I make you something to eat? It'll cheer you up! And then I'll show you my amazing cooking skills."
"Am I allowed to be afraid of the result?"
Kaoruko gave him punches without any strength as a cheerful and gentle smile appeared on her face; her eyes filled with a playful glow.
Bubble Girl's apartment was quite close to his residence, in a secure neighborhood area, with surveillance cameras and police patrols more frequent than anywhere else. Anyway, Felix took advantage of this moment with her to raise the heat a little more without her noticing. He didn't comment about how she was making her chocolate fondant and just helped her prepare everything. His baking experience was screaming for him to do something to save the day, but he wasn't there for that.
He was just touching her arms at times to help her get the proper movement or stop her from doing something stupid that would transform her fondant into an alien life-form. Pheromones and hormones were pouring into her, leaving no escape for her yearnings.
—At this point, the more she will fight against it, the more she will want to be with me. And since she's already shivering I can say that half of the work is already done. Oh, sweet summer child.~
After they managed to get the cake out of the oven just before it became a lump of coal, they started discussing her quirk, learning about her abilities that could be used during a fight. She hinted that she could help him in the future if he needed help since he came here today. During this time, Felix was careful to talk only about her. People tend to be much more receptive and love people who care about them, even if this seems unnatural, but against all odds, Kaoruko also wanted Felix to talk about himself.
She started asking him questions but laughed after seeing the expression on Felix's face. The drink he had just swallowed was awful sour. Like, what the fuck.
"What exactly did you make me drink...?"
"Is this your first glass of lemon juice? Ahahah! It's good for your health, though," she chuckled with a broad smile before changing the subject. "One thing puzzles me, Felix, why you agreed to come to help me on a Sunday? You've got a lot to do..."
"Why did I agree to help you on a Sunday?" Felix mumbled as he scratched his head while a grin appeared on his face. "You'd like to hear something, wouldn't you?"
"Well... I wondered if you had reasons or if it was out of kindness. Most people are only egoistic, not that this is bad, but I wanted you to be honest."
"Honest, huh? Of course, I have reasons to help you; nobody does things out of the blue for someone they know only for a few weeks maximum. When I want to be with someone cool and attractive, I agree to help. So here I am."
"Mhm?" she replied with her mouth half-open after finishing her piece of fondant.
"Don't look at me like this." he sneered.
"You're kind, and it's unsettling; you're not Felix! Go out of his body, demon! Vade Retro Satanas!"
"Hey! I can be nice like any other human being. I just don't feel like it most of the time. Here you are overreacting again with a humor that only you can laugh at."
"Ah well, there you go, that's the Felix I know. Vexatious, sharp, and tactless. I cannot tell you what I prefer between these two parts of you, to be honest. It's like choosing between homemade cookies and brownies." babbled Kaoruko, raising an eyebrow.
"Homemade cookies, for sure."
"Brownies are good too, tho."
"Cookies win for sure."
"On this topic, the doubt I feel, young padawan."
"Is that a reference to movies over a century old? How old are you? Three hundred years old?" asked Felix with a sarcastic tone.
"Geez, fuck off, will you? Today everybody rejects classical sci-fi movies that structured the genre. Manga and anime have crushed even the comics from back then."
"In these cases, it's woke-culture and political correctness you have to complain about, it's what ruined most franchises like Marv*l."
"I know, but just thinking about the folks back then who saw the superheroes of their childhoods having to change to fit the requirements of some delusional minorities pisses me off." she groaned after drinking her glass of water.
"Yeah. Imagine the disaster. I mean, imagine if Sponge Bob had gotten the same treatment. I feel like I'd still be depressed." Felix sighed before looking at his watch. "Wha- It's already this late...? If I miss my training, I'll get blamed by these fuckers, and they'll find a way to break my balls... I'm sorry I need to g-"
"Ah? H-Hold on."
"Yes?" Felix inquired, already knowing the answer.
"Stay... No need to leave so abruptly... I've got something else planned for you and me. I'll call them and tell them that it's my fault, that I was the one who stopped you from going."
"Huh...? You don't have to do that; it will just put you in jeopardy." Felix explained, not wanting to get her into trouble without a real good reason but seeing another opportunity. 'What do you mean by "something else plann"-"
"Stop pretending that you don't understand what I'm implying! You're far from stupid!" she exclaimed, frowning, her blue skin turning blueberries-colored.
She got up from the kotatsu and walked towards Felix without daring to look him in the eye. Bubbles came out of her skin and then burst, releasing a soothing fragrance, but one that the ex-con knew well. There were plenty of bubbles of different sizes, all flying toward him with a singular purpose.
"An aphrodisiac fragrance? If you really wanted me to stay, you could have just asked me, you know?"
"It's your fault," she muttered while approaching him. She took him by the neck and stuck her head to his chest. "Your heart isn't even beating faster than usual. You said I was attractive; so that's strange, don't you think?"
"Getting a reaction from me takes more than seeing a nipple and a kiss. So don't be too down about not making me yours in such a short amount of time. You have to work to get what you want, don't you?"
"Making you mine? You're the one imagining things. I only want a little company for today, I... don't ask for more," she whispered, her eyelids half-closed.
After realizing that he had partially lost this fight over who would have the final word, he also admitted that he had won the fight over whoever was in control. He smiled at the girl and sighed, knowing what would happen soon enough.
—Oh God... The time has come. I haven't fucked for almost four years... At this point, it's like I'm a virgin again. I wonder if I'll have enough stamina.
Felix released pheromones before raising her face, putting his lips on her soft and glossy ones, and starting a wild french kiss. It worked almost every time; he could manipulate a dose of hormones with any of his six quirk factors, and the tongue was one of them.
Kaoruko accepted the kiss with a small moan that conveyed a lack of experience. Just to vitiate her, he broke off the kiss and looked at her.
"Would this be your first kiss by any chance?" he asked with a provocative smile, but she shook her head. "Eh, too bad."
The heroine then pulled him by his tie to force him to kiss her again. In Kaoruko's mind, at this moment, nothing seemed to matter anymore except Felix. She kept creating aphrodisiac bubbles to get him more and more hooked, perhaps trying to satisfy the man in front of her with only her tongue and her quirk, but she trapped herself without realizing it.
"Kaoruko, it's against the law to use your quirk outside of the professional field, that not very heroic, you know," Felix intervened, caressing her cheek.
Felix slid his hand towards her crotch as she tensed up, feeling his fingertips approaching her slit. Her eyes lowering toward Felix's hand, she soon relaxed, grabbing his wrist, waiting for him to do more. For now, Felix didn't even bother to slide his hand into her panties and began feeling her through her clothes. Having regained control of the situation after struggling with the aphrodisiac effect of the bubbles, he made Kaoruko understand that for this one, he'll be the dominant one.
All this was new for the heroine, and given that the dose of hormones she'd received, despite being rowdy, was relatively strong, fighting against this sexual aspect of herself was simply unimaginable. She sensed her breathing becoming more erratic, her slowly hardening nipples rubbing against the fabric of her t-shirt... That'll teach her what can happen by never wearing a bra. Now Felix could see, thanks to the bubbles she was producing, the contour of her jugs and her large areolas and inverted nipples that she was so ashamed of.
The ex-con lifted her t-shirt, passing his hand over her breasts before licking them with the tip of his tongue and gently encircling his teeth around them to avoid hurting her before nibbling and sucking on them, forcing her to let out a small cry. Her now hard and sensitive nipples stood out slightly through the slit of her inverted nipples.
Felix stepped back without further ado as he pulled down her clothing, then put a hand to the side of her head and looked into her eyes. His finger slowly started moving between her two lower lips emerging through her clothes as her love juice moistened her clothes, which reminded him of a prior experience.
"Want me to continue taking the lead?" Felix asked with a smile.
"No problem. Then I'll give you a splendid first time; what do you think?"
"Do it..."
"So, where do you want it to be? I'm up to anything, so don't be shy."
"In a bath... please…" she answered with a shameful tone.
"So this is your fetish, eh? It can be hot doing this in water, right. I'm down."
The bathtub was larger than he first thought, leaving plenty of space for two or three people to get into it. After filling the bathtub with hot water, Kaoruko undressed without wasting time, revealing her body as smooth and shiny as a soap bubble. Her slender shoulders were the extension of a thin, feminine neck shuddering at the thought of what would happen next. Her's breasts glowed in the light like the rest of her body; the uniqueness of it was a rare sight that was the guilty pleasure of many cultured men, I l mean, inverted nipples are way too underrated. Her hips, like the rest of her body, were slim but fleshy, revealing a bubble butt bouncing and undulating with each step she took.
She rushed into the water, immediately creating bubbles of all kinds. Felix followed her, the effect of the aphrodisiac bubbles already starting to make him excited again.
"You're... hard..." she said, her breath already taken before doing anything.
"Indeed, and you have eyes that allow you to see," Felix mocked with a provocative simper, knowing that even though water, the one place on his body that produces pheromones strong enough to trick most people would have an effect.
"No need to be an ass even when we're doing this..." Kaoruko grumbled before moaning cutely as she brought Felix's cock between her two buttcheeks once she sat on top of him. "Try to lead me please."
"Roger, just relax and everything will be more than okay."
Kaoruko placed her two legs around the young man, enclosing and blocking him, and tucked his manhood between her two lower lips before gently inserting his rod into her depths. She was a lot tighter than he thought she would be. The sidekick probably never did it with anyone else, nor never used any toys. That was cute of her to offer this precious gift to him, so she will show gratitude in his own way.
—All this will give me a lot of fresh hormones, so I might as well give a bit of mine to her as I promised to the HPSC. Making her stronger is my responsibility, at least for now.
Bubble Girl began to move up and down, her vagina trying to adjust to Felix, he gave her time to breathe and taste with her pussy his prick that filled her whole inside, radiating a sexy and slippery warmth that she accepted greedily into her. To support her a little, he pushed gently her ass to the base of his length, stopping as soon as he saw that she winced a bit.
They continued this until she instinctively began to use her twat to pleasure herself and him, slowly moving up and down. She once again contracted her cunt around him, unconsciously trying to pump the cum from his balls out of him, but failed to do so when her own aphrodisiacs forced her to speed up the pace at which she moved her hips. She shifted to an acceptable speed for a beginner and straightened the rest of her body upwards, whereupon Felix brought her closer to kiss her neck and caress her clit. At that very moment, he felt her pussy tighten even more as something other than water, something hot flowed down his cock.
"Yeeees!♥ Ah~... Fuck... Geez, that's too good...~"
"Of course that's too good. Glad you're enjoying yourself even if I don't do much."
Despite her orgasm, she pushed Felix's cock again inside; his prick now engulfed in a warm and tender muscle that gently squeezed and twitched his fifth member from time to time, massaging and loving inch after inch of him. Kaoruko sighed from relief after calming down and strokes Felix's hair as he started to feel the heat. But before Kaoruko managed to do anything, she orgasmed a second time after he decided to send a salvo of his remaining pheromones.
It had been so long since he hadn't fucked that his dick released an abnormal dose of testosterone and sex pheromones. She had just felt the sexual frustration of a man whose quirk is strongly related to sex but who couldn't use it for 3 years.
"I will do it myself now, just relax and appreciate, 'kay?" he explained, taking the sidekick by her hips.
He used a bit of adrenaline to carry her without getting tired too fast and lifted her up and down. She wrapped her arms around Felix's neck, her body now wholly glued to her partner's, while her hard nipples rubbed against his pecs. The young woman's light body shivered pronto as Felix's large cock touched the deepest depth of her womb with each new penetration. Sometimes, she squeezed surprisingly hard on his cock, but the inside of her pussy was so slippery thanks to her quirk, that his shaft was still going back-and-forth freely.
She started kissing him again, letting her tongue slip inside his mouth and savoring every inch of it. He was her man; if she was to be dominated, it was by him and him alone.
"Please~♥ Harder..." she whispered, her eyes lost in an ocean of pleasure.
"It's up to me, girl," he replied with a smirk. "It would spoil the fun if I just did what you wanted from me."
He slowed the pace by caressing the heroine's neck and sent into her a bunch of hormones. So much so that he "forced" the young woman to do on her own what she wanted him to do.
"Look at you now.♫" he chuckled by kissing her neck. "You look lovely."
She raised her hips as high as she could, while being careful to keep his cock in her twat, and slid his rod as deep as she could, causing her to orgasm again. The inside of her vagina contracted several times again, taking her breath away and causing Felix to have to control himself.
"What did I tell you? You mixed your love juice with the bathwater… What a naughty girl." he whispered in her ear.
"Stop talking... dummy..."
Felix made Kaoruko get up and stand. He then did the same, but to go behind her before taking her head in his hand and holding her back as his manhood penetrated her hungry slit. He used his other hand to massage her breasts, and since his penis was now out of the water, he would release the sexual pheromones without blocking them... This was his only passive skill... A bit cringy, too:
●{Allmighty Rod}—{Hormones & pheromones releaser; this body area is saturated with it, making it a compelling argument for most people, mainly women.}
—Poor girl won't ever be able to satisfy herself with anything else other than my cock...
The young woman's thoughts fogged up the instant he began to pound her vigorously. His body's sound against her buttocks resonated in the bathroom and accompanied Kaoruko's consecutive orgasms. Sprays of love juice would occasionally come out of her pussy as she rolled her eyes with each penetration.
It was as if she was melting on the spot, the smell of sex made her so addicted to the man's penis that it almost became a drug.
"Ooh~ Cum... insiiide me! As much as you want!♥"
"P-Please! Ah~!♥"
Felix moved much mightier and faster than before, wishing to finally release his children, who had been waiting to go out for a whole hour. Kaoruko didn't resist for long and lowered her head, trying to fight against her umpteenth orgasm. With three final powerful thrusts, Felix unleashed his seeds deep inside her womb. Realizing what was happening, she closed her eyes and savored the manly liquid that was flowing inside her. Like a bubble wandering around inside her...
"Y-You... put a condom on...?" she asked in a tearful voice.
"You're a hero, and I respect that. I don't want to stop you from working, so I put it on from the beginning. Plus, I can't be a father with the situation I'm in right now, it would be completely irresponsible." he admitted while taking his dick out of the tight slit that was dripping with love juice.
She answered nothing and let herself be carried away by Felix, who took her out of the bathtub and put her on the bath mat. She collapsed to the floor on her knees, her arms flailing.
"No need to be so disappointed," began Felix as he approached the young woman with a condom full of cum still on his dick. "You can try some if you want."
Kaoruko opened her eyes and tried to catch the abnormally large bubble of cum that had collected in the tip of the condom; testosterone was useful for this kind of thing.
She licked the tip of the condom first before biting it with her canines to make a hole, causing the semen to flow gently into her mouth. She opened her mouth wide and pressed on the tip of the condom to squeeze out as much of it as possible as quickly as possible.
After swallowing the whole thing in a few sips, she took the condom off Felix's cock and started to milk any sperm he might have left. Kaoruko licked his glans, being careful to clean everything, and sucked the tip as soon as a small drop of semen showed up.
She looked up at Felix, proud of what she had just done, as a hand patted her head.
"Good girl."
[Metabolism & Libido Check → Cleaned.]
[Exceeding Body's Capacities: 0%.]
[Stored Hormones & Pheromones: 71%.]
[Level 69 — {138/138}.//"#?]
—Mission accomplished. But... I've never seen these symbols before...
Reworked done on December 1, 2024.
4.4 words long chapter.