Anastasia tried to speak with a few people, all her violators who didn't know they were talking with the same girl they'd gladly messed around with without holding back a few months ago.
Anastasia was tempted to tell them her real identity, but she doubted it would give her a satisfying reaction. So she was patiently waiting.
The purpose of this event was to get to know more about them, what they liked and disliked, and most of all, how intelligent they sounded.
Each time she had to face them, vulgar memories appeared in her mind, memories she was battling with not to take over her emotions and blow her cover.
Julian seemed to have noticed Anastasia's discomfort so he came to her, knowingly wrapping an arm around her waist that caught Samantha's eyes, who'd been stealing glances from time to time.
"If this is too much for you, you can take a rest," he whispered in a low tone only meant for her ears.