Zuri smoothed the crease on her dress and stared in disbelief at the woman in front of her. Tonight's host lent her the perfect attire to mingle with the crowd.
The dress was long enough to conceal her comfortable flats. The deep hood also made it impossible to determine her identity. The sleeves had the perfect flare to commit a sleight of hand without detection.
A chain draped over her hips, giving her a sinister appeal. Combined with the neckline, which was low enough to be interesting without being too revealing, she'd blend in perfectly in the background.
Zuri touched the underside of the neckline as if feeling for something. She sighed in relief when her fingers felt something cool and smooth.
The vial was still there.
Staring at the mirror, her reflection looked serene as if reassuring her.
'The victim won't feel pain.'
'All it takes is one dose.'
'Just one.'
She gave the girl in the mirror another look and she saw the woman before her smile like a sultry sorceress.
It's time to set the wheels in motion.
"Come in."
The maid who ushered her to the room handed her a velvet satchel.
"Your clothes."
She reached out for the bag and studied it, unable to resist running her fingers over the soft material.
Following the maid, she saw the host on the chaise lounge where she sat earlier. The woman had a pensive look while staring at the wall of weapons. It took a few seconds before the lady acknowledged her presence. She could see the woman's lip form a slight smile after scanning her appearance.
"Now, you look perfect."
The lady clasped her hands like a proud sister.
"I need to attend to some matters. Marie will escort you downstairs."
Zuri, who had no idea how to respond, nodded. After arguing with herself, she tried to stammer a few words of thanks but before she should, the woman touched her arm.
"It's my duty as a host."
The woman smiled before nodding to her. With a graceful flourish, the woman disappeared into the room and Zuri followed the servant back to the party. She observed her surroundings while following the servant to the main hall. She was starting to have a clearer idea of the layout of the place, but the dim lighting makes it harder to map out the place in her mind.
The hall was teeming with activity when Zuri entered. Unlike earlier, no one paid extra attention to her.
She sat on the edge of the bar, her head bowed down as she tried to form a plan. But before she could plot her next move, she saw a glass of liquor slide beside her hand. When she looked up, all she saw the back view of the man behind the bar.
She took the goblet and stared at the swirling liquor. Before she could make heads or tails of her current situation, something slammed on the high chair, almost dislodging her from her position.
"You could have poisoned him, you dimwit! When I told you to be delicate, I wanted it to be discreet."
The booming voice echoed inside the hall but no one seemed to care, as if it was an everyday thing.
"You orchestrated a bloody shooting!"
After spitting those words, the ferocious man picked the fallen person off the floor, bumping into her in the process. Shifting quickly to another seat away from them, she saw how the attacker lifted the man by grabbing his neck before slamming him back on the ground.
Like a limp doll, the victim stayed on the ground but no one cared. Guests simply avoided the space occupied by the body on the ground.
Conversations continued, musicians did not miss a beat while playing a lively tune. Before Zuri could look away from the man on the floor, someone dragged the sorry figure by the arm.
The man's shoe with something protruding out of it was left close to a group of men who were clinking glasses. One man saw the shoe and simply kicked it to the corner of the room and continued to talk to his friends.
She was about to go back to her seat in the corner but two people took the seats in the corner before she could. The two men appeared like they just came from a farm and still had their work clothes on.
Left without a choice, she sat on the vacant seat in the middle of the bar which remained unoccupied. The wine she had earlier was still sitting on the bar counter. The gruff-looking fellow had no qualms of reaching for the goblet and draining it in one go.
Even from her seat, she could hear the man's gulps and his satisfaction over the drink. Afraid of being roughed up, she kept her eyes on the bar but her ears were wide open.
"Every year, we get one holiday! And we're not even allowed to leave?"
The complaints were clearly from the man who drowned her wine.
"It is rather unfortunate. But we're free to do anything tonight," a gentler voice replied. Zuri could tell that the suggestive comment came from the lanky man with him.
Choosing to ignore them, she looked up only to be greeted by the bartender who placed a goblet in front of her.
"Liquid courage."
The man's words were so soft they were barely audible. Zuri stared at the glass and to the man.
"Tonight, there are no rules," the man took her hands resting on the bar counter and wrapped it around the glass.
"None." The words sounded so seductive. Zuri felt like Eve in the Garden of Eden being tempted to sin.
"Bang...Marry... Kill."
She felt confused at the man's next words but his next words gave her a frightening clarity.
"Anything goes."
Clinking a glass to hers, he left her with meaningful words before raising a hand to acknowledge someone who sat at the far end of the bar.
"Indulge yourself."
"Hey, Barber!"
A clean-shaven man who had crazy hair with a white streak, pretty much like a skunk but more ferocious.
"You're here early. Did the Devil kick you out before you could do your... thing?."
The man did not answer but he took a swig of the liquor that the bartender placed on the counter.
"Want a meat pie?"
The man glared at him before taking another swig at the drink and pushing the glass towards the bartender.
"But the Devil works like clockwork. Why would he miss his appointment?" The bartender remarked while refilling the glass.
"He'll join the celebration tonight."
The liquor sloshed on the side of the glass. The bartender procured a rag from somewhere and wiped the counter clean. His eyes strayed to the woman in scarlet who swirled the wine in her glass before taking small sips.