60% Moondustt / Chapter 3: chapter-1

章節 3: chapter-1

𝙒𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙩 𝙖𝙡𝙡 begin

"Stacy it's your first day at school how do you feel" "I don't know Emma it's just that it's not like it's really my first day it's just my first day after I got into that accident" Emma chuckled at her best friend's annoyed face "do I look fat" Stacy asked, she was always insecure about herself "oh honey you look beautiful, now if you excuse me your highness, you have school" Stacy chuckled at her best friend's antics "princess, you'll get late " Her father brust out of the door with her lunch in his hand "omg dad, why is everyone acting as if it's my first day at school" "Technically it is babe" "Oh ok ok, geez calm down and yeah see you after school emm " "Umm actually you won't" Face palmed Emma "Jesus why, u going somewhere" "Yeapp but hey I'll be back on weekend" Smiled Emma "ok then c u soon bitch" "Bye Emm, bye daddy I love you" With that Stacy ran out of the door to catch her school bus "omg hey girl, nice to see you how are you " Her classmate Velma waved at her "yo, I've been good what about you, can I sit here" "Well yes Of course I am good too " The bus was back on track after picking Stacy "so V tell me, is there any tea" "Omg Stacy, you are always in search of gossip aren't ya" "Haha well who doesn't loves some good tea huh "  "Well there isn't much except for the fact that there are three new admissions in our class "  "Well it's nothing new, we have a lot of new classmates every now and then "  "Jesus Christ Stacy, will you just listen to what I'm saying, ok so don't disturb me while I'm talking alright" V rolled her eyes and Stacy made the sign of zipping up her mouth and putting her hands up surrendering playfully "oh god as dramatic as always huh, ok so like there's nothing much about the other two guys but this one guy I tell you he's such a pain in ass, he's like rude af but you know our class girls are going all Juliet over him" Stacy started laughing looking at her friend's frowned face "omg you should look at your face rn, hahaha, I've never seen you this mad, I mean I have I have seen you actually more mad than this but literally I've never seen you getting all Bruce Lee on strangers, what did he do " V who was now red as a tomato and she just hit her playfully "I hate you, you know that right" "Ok ok I'm sorry but what did he do " "Oh nothing much he just acts like the grudge " They both started at each other blankly before brusting into laughter  "is he hot tho" "Omg Stacy, not you too ugh " V got annoyed "ok, ok fine I won't ask again I'm sorry" Giggled Stacy "would you please stand up, ur highness!? " V asked dramatically  "mhm sure peasant but why" "Because madame we've reached our school, so fucking stand up you idiot" Stacy's face turned scarlet , with that they both started walking towards the school "hey V, go ahead I'll c u in class"  "You going somewhere" "Actually yes I have to meet principal  Donovan" "Sure bye, c u in class" V blowed a kiss to Stacy and Stacy just chuckled and blew a kiss to V too.....

𝙋𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙞𝙥𝙖𝙡'𝙨 𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙚

"May I come in sir" Stacy asked knocking the huge wooden door "come in" "Good morning sir" "Ah miss Bennett, have a seat my child " "Thank you sir" "How have you been miss Bennett!? "  "I'm good sir, thank you" "I actually called you because you are one of the best students of my school and also because the children of our school are like my own kids and I just wanted to make sure that you are alright, you know after that accident" Stacy just smiled not knowing what to say and also wanting this to get over and go be with her friends "ok then, you may leave ,my child" "Have a good day sir" After coming out of principal Donovan's office she checked her phone "oh shoot I'm late" With that she aced herself , running at the speed of light towards her class and being the clumsy ass she was, she ended up knocking off the door and falling down at the entrance, 'great, what a lovely way to start my day' she thought "wtf dude, watch where you're going" An annoyed voice said, "I'm sorry" She said picking up his books that she knocked off, she looked up at him handing him his books and at that moment she knew he was trouble, they stared at each other as if trying to read each other's soul, his eyes were the most beautiful thing she has ever laid her eyes on, sure they weren't blue or green or grey, they were brown but they were beautiful , the beautiful word was such an understatement they were picturesque , looking at her, he felt a spark something he never felt for anyone else "hey I'm Peter" He broke the silence "umm h.. Hi I'm st.. Stacy" And for the first time in her life she Stuttered in front of someone  "omg Stacy, how have you been girl, come with me we have a lot to talk" Someone chirped, it was Jen her bestfriend "hey Jen, she waved " "It was nice to meet you Pe.. Peter" But when she looked back to speak to him he was already gone 'ugh stupid, stupid Stacy, why the fuck were you stuttering, but like damn he is dreamy, get a control on yourself, you brat' she face palmed herself "hey, you alright I've been calling you since minutes but you are zoned out " Jen nudged her shoulder "I'm alright" She said , walking to her bench she felt a heated stare, when she looked back, she met with a pair of delicious brown eyes, heat pooled on her cheeks making her go scarlet to which he just smirked making her blush more...

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  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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