50% Monsters Online / Chapter 1: Welcome To Virtual Reality!

章節 1: Welcome To Virtual Reality!

It is the year 2200 a lot have changed in the past century especially for the gaming community it has advanced leaps and bounds like never before unlike back in the early 2000's where video games were mostly played on either a gaming console with a controller attached to a TV or a hand held consoles nowadays video games are played via virtual reality something that was once deemed impossible. It was around the year 2020 when gaming finally began to move from consoles to Virtual Reality but it was only in its early phases back then it was nothing like it is today with Virtual Reality having become the norm for all games, we don't play video games like they did back then its all virtual reality now. Unlike back then all games are now digital which is a blessing as physical games were a nightmare to locate back in the day or so I've heard we don't use physical games anymore as everything is digital which is less hassle and time wasting it saves so much room with owning digital games over physical games.

A new gaming company was founded in the year 2080 called: Soul Software it was founded by Chriso Soul a hardcore gamer and later passed on to his son who had been working in many other gaming companies developing games. The company Soul Software was attempting the impossible dream that all other companies had given trying to develop the first full dive VRMMO they wanted to be the first to achieve the impossible dream that everyone deemed impossible they even publicly announced they would be the first to achieve this impossible dream.

"I Chriso Soul promise you the gamers this! My company Soul Software will be the first to delvelop the very first full dive Virtual MMORPG." declared Chriso Soul.

His speech had all gamers around the world excited for the full dive system that he announced that his company was developing but as weeks turned into months that turned into years without any news or announcements about the full dive system the excitement eventually died out for the full dive system and eventually gave up hope that it was even in development and just thought that Chriso just lied to every gamer to get their hopes up for his own entertainment. A century after Chriso's annoucment to the world the about the full dive system most people had all but forgotten about as there was no updates on it over the past century that was until the current CEO of Soul software made a huge announcement that shocked everyone as it came out of the blue no one was it expecting it mainly cause everyone had given up believing it was even being delveloped at all. So when the current CEO annouced that they have finally finished developed the very first full dive MMORPG at first everyone was in disbelief until it was shown via trailer that it was real and no lie all all gamers young and old were excited beyond belief as they couldn't believe that the full dive was finally here and that Christso kept his promise century ago about his company developing the system it was never a lie.

"The late founder of Soul Software made a promise to all gamers this very day a century ago that his now my company would develop world's very first full dive MMORPG I know that we at Soul Software kept you the dark about it's development that's due to how long it took us to develop it I'm sorry" Apologised Christso Jr "I'm sure the late founder would of love to annouce the success himself but sadly he isn't here with us do the task of that falls to me Christso Soul Jr in place of my Grandfather Chriso Soul"

Despite the development taking over a century to complete the company were determined to keep its promise its founder made and now the grandson of it's founder had annoced its sucsess in achieving the impossible dream of developing the very first full dive MMORPG. Naturally there a lot of gamers that were excited about this news mainly the younger gamers but the older gamers were doubtful that the company even develped it you can't blame them as the company didn't announce any news or updates about it's development for a century. Just months after the annoucement from Christso Jr his company released the very first full dive MMORPG console called: The soul gear. The console came with a already installed boxing game for free which was a bonus which from my understanding was a okay it's nothing like the boxing games of today given the price of the console not everyone were happy as it was on the more expensive side than your normal console as your typical console was in the 500 mark while this on release date was in the 1200 mark way more expensive.

Soul gear is just the name that soul software came up with for their VRMMORPG console it's nothing just a simple name that everyone can pronounce. It's not like the consoles of the past that use to be used by hundreds if not thousands of players around the world where each company had a console that had a unique name some names were tricky to pronounce while others simply added numbers after the console name every time that released a new one.The console itself use to consists of two parts the console and a piece of equipment called: The Virtual Reality Pod or VRP for short. The was very similar to those pods that are seen in movies in the past only on the outside but the inside is another story the inside is covered with VR connectors that connect the pod with any VR game, it use to be a major hassle for players to move the pod not because it was heavy or anything but because it was big it took up way too much room that it turn a lot of players off from buying that was until Soul Software released a newer version called The Soul Gear Portable. This newer version is better than its predecessor in so many ways the first is obvious to anyone that owned the previous version and that's the lack of the Virtual Reality Pod as the new version doesn't require it anymore, the second is the new design of the console the previous version was designed just like the old consoles back in the day this one however is designed as a visor that you wear and it simply logs you into the game, the third is the piece of equipment that comes with the system the Virtual Reality Connectors in the previous version the pod was covered with them and finally it's more powerful than the previous version but at the same more expensive at the 1600 mark.

One of the reasons why the console is very expensive is mainly cause of all the hardware that went into making the console the console isn't made of some of those materials that can be easily obtained that helps with mass production of anything you can tell straight away that this console is made of sturdier materials than others and not to mention the constant updates that happens every couple of months to the Soul Gear which other consoles barely got. Nowadays the cheapest the console goes for is around 1400 that is just the cheapest while at full price it's 2,000 the console kept increasing in price with each new version that was released that had better software, better storage and better equipment that wouldn't work on the older version the current version of the console is called Soul Gear Nexus. The console itself is as I just mentioned a all digital games console nowadays all consoles are digital as we've moved away from physical games, movies, music and books almost everything nowadays is digital even when doing a transaction it's done digital now, the storage of the console beats the older consoles by leaps and bounds with having the ability to store up to ten thousand games which is a huge improvement from any console of the past.

"Really now? I don't know if lady Luck has finally decided shined her light on me or something." I spoke as I checked the parcels over for a second time as I still couldn't believe what was delivered to me "this is a omen of worst luck to come"

My name is Ryder Stone I'm just your typical eighteen year old high school student I'm a second year student attending Lunar high school or I was until the school year ended,I'm not a popular nor am I a loner in fact I'm just your average student that just prefers to keep himself to himself I have average grades at best as I'm not good at studying. I originally lived with my mom in this house a family house that my parents brought years ago before I was born it's your standard three bedroom house you'd find anywhere in the country Hail of of the major four counties, but sadly she passed away just two years ago to a undiagnosed disease that wasn't discovered until after she had passed away which was heartbreaking to know that was the reason she died. My father had gotten into a terrible car accident eight years while on his way to work and didn't survive I can vaguely remember what he looks like, I have no siblings as I was an only child nor do I have any relatives as both my mom and dad were an only child to the parents I'm an orphan.

I'm 5'10 which slightly above average height for guys my age with a lean build I do tend to stay healthy, hygienic and fit or at least I try to,I have white skin with a decent complexion, I have short chestnut brown hair that falls to my shoulders and brown eyes I've heard many times that I strongly resemble my mom when she was younger, my looks are as plain as paper at least to my observation at least.

"I originally thought I was cursed or something given how many times misfortune kept hitting me" I said as I was carrying the parcels to my room "it has hit me one after another with misfortune"

Don't get me wrong I am sad that my mom is gone but the one lesson she taught me while growing up is that when someone dies they aren't really gone they are still here in your heart, I've still got to move forward in life besides I've got my friends to help me so I'm not really sad as they always cheer me up whenever I'm sad. I can say for certain it's definitely lonely living alone especially when you've lived with someone for so long like I did with my mom every time I return home to empty house I'm reminded that I'm a orphan now I've got no family to depend and no one to really call family it's tough living alone as it reminds you of all these things. Another lesson that mom taught me early on is that life can be tough, cruel and unfair at times but if you manage to to endure all three you will come out not only as a stronger person but a wiser person which is a definite good lesson to be taught as I'm currently enduring all three right now.

Monsters Online is the latest game to be released by Soul Software it was your typical monster slaying game but in Virtual Reality it's their latest and yet their most popular game to be released this year, it is the first monster slaying game to be releases on the Soul gear and the first to be in virtual reality until now there hadn't been a monster slaying game released for virtual reality fans of the genre had been asking for years for one to be released. It has some very unique features that some other games don't have for one it's a virtual reality monster slaying its leaps and bounds beyond any other monster slaying game, two it connects your real body to the game via the virtual reality connectors which sends a avatar of your real body into the game, three it's supposedly prevents players from soft resetting to obtain better loot, four it stops players from grinding levels against a single boss I don't know the full details on this feature and finally there is the golden ticket feature which supposedly grants special abilities in and out of the game which is why the game is so popular right now it's the top of any gaming score board. If I'm honest I hadn't expected to be able to play the game yet at all due to how expensive the soul gear is and that Monsters Online for a game is on the more expensive side of the scale compared to other VRMMO's that have been released

"My local gaming store was have a huge deal on consoles and any games" I muttered as I opened my parcels "buy them together was a lot cheaper that it only cost me 1200 while buying them separate at full price would of cost me around 2600"

I need to create a account on the Soul Gear sever before I can even play the game otherwise Monsters Online won't even load up up as it actually requires a Soul Gear account to save and load you personal data which I've heard older games were like this back in the day not that it bothers me too much. Creating the account is simple and straightforward nothing too complicated to it I heard that back in the day creating a account for different games that required it was a huge hassle that took almost a entire hour to complete I'm lucky it only took me a few minutes to create a account on the Soul Gear server. Monsters online is already installed on the Soul Gear which I'm pleased about cause from what I've heard from is that it takes a long time to download mainly cause the game file is huge if it's compared to games from older consoles they wouldn't be able to play it let alone download the game due to their small storage that's just how big the game file is supposedly is. As I've mentioned Monsters Online has a few unique features one which has made the game extremely popular and that's the Golden Ticket feature in fact it's the game's selling point but despite that obtaining a golden ticket isn't as easy as it sounds from what I've heard from a friend it's extremely hard to even obtain one of these tickets for a few reasons one they are a drop item with a extremely low drop rate which I've course I bet a lot of players wish they could soft reset for the item, second they only drop from certain monster that just randomly appear throughout the game at different places and different times and finally the developers themselves have stated that they made it challenging to get the tickets as it would be more rewarding when you finally obtain the ticket.

"I agree with the developers that it's more rewarding when you actually obtain a item you've been searching for" I muttered "it's definitely going to be worth it that's for sure"

Also I mentioned that the golden tickets granted you special abilities which is applied to by your avatar and physical body via the virtual reality connectors as they connect your body to the game itself I'm not entirely sure of the details of the features I only know a few bits of information that I've been told by friends who have played the game themselves. A feature that I had forgotten to mention is that virtual reality connectors don't just connect you to the game but apparently your actual body is the very avatar I'm not too sure how that works but I've heard it makes the game even more enjoyable that you'd imagine as I've already mentioned I'm not too sure of anything as I haven't played the game yet. Naturally Monsters Online has come with VR connectors I do believe the VR connectors also help keep a stable connection between our bodies in the real world and our avatar bodies in the the game. Is this to keep the game running smoothly? I'm not really sure myself.

"The VR connectors are vital piece of equipment for this game" I muttered as I laid down on my bed "I bet they aren't cheap to make"

By following the information leaflet that came with the virtual reality connectors it stated that I've got to place the three connectors on my body the connectors are shaped like a triangle two on my chest and the last one on my crotch which is odd why would you have connectors in those places? I'm not the developers of the connectors or Monsters Online so I don't understand why I'd have to put them there but they are a vital component to play the game once I had place the connectors where I had to I then put the Soul gear itself on which is mainly a Vizor with a single click of a button I turn in on and instantly my vision changes to a place I'm not familiar in fact it looks a lot like a library.

"I really I wasn't expecting this to be honest when I turned the Soul Gear on" I spoke "I was expecting to launch the game myself but guess since it's the only game installed on the soul gear it automatically launched upon being turned on"

I have to admit one thing about the Soul Gear its loading speed is something that older consoles can't beat it was instant that's just how fast the game loaded up I've never played any game that had a loading speed that fast. I'm honestly surprised that the first thing I see upon the game loading ip is this library I didn't even notice my vision change until I was here in this library the transition was so smooth that you couldn't even notice it I've never heard of anything that was that smooth. Now as for this library there is one thing I've got to say ; Who The Freaking Hell Owns This Place? I've never seen a library this is massive in my live it has to belong to someone from nobility or a wealthy family like those you see in the movies cause there's no way that normal people like me could ever own a library like this I can only dream of of owning a library like this. I began walking around this library to see what objective I've got to complete to leave this place or find someone to help me begin or finish the tutorial cause all games have tutorials while walking I noticed that there was sunlight coming from the windows from the second floor which unreal it was as if I was in the real world no VR game I've played before felt this real but unfortunately there wasn't any doors to be seen which meant this great hall is the only place I'm allowed to explore.

"Greetings Player fourteen billion" greeted the woman that appeared out of nowhere "I'm Lisa the general Ai for all new players like yourself for Monsters Online"

I was literally surprised I mean who wouldn't be if a person just appears out of nowhere like that? I hadn't even noticed that she appeared in front of me without me even noticing she was there until she spoke it was like she literally just teleported in from somewhere just that moment when she spoke which I know is possible given that this is a video game and all. Fourteen billion? I take it I'm the fourteen billion player to begin playing this game I'm surprised there's that many players playing this game but at the same time I'm more surprised that there's aren't more players given how popular the game is. She called herself Lisa a general Ai that's in charge of new players like me she's going to teach the basic commands of the game, general knowledge of the game as this game isn't like any other game out there and then send me to some start town which all games do.

"Player Ryder Stone please follow me" Lisa spoke "to the back of the library to finalise your monsters online account"

Despite being a Ai developed by the developers of this game Monsters Online she seems like just a normal woman that I'd meet anyway in the world nothing about her makes her seem like a Ai at all. I've heard that all the NPCS of this game were like real people they all have unique Ai's that allows them to have real conversations like you would with a friend or a neighbour the developers are breaking records with each improvement they make in this game I can see why it's so popular. Lisa is a tall woman If I had to guess she's probably around 5'8 5'10 with a slender build she is designed to look slender, she has a large chest I don't know her actual size but I can guess she's probably somewhere between F-H cup, she has white fair skin with excellent complexion, she has short pink hair that falls to her shoulders and crimson eyes, she is a beauitful looking woman.

"A very extensive collection of books here" I muttered "bet there's a book from all over the world or something like that"

"This is a library full of books" spoke Lisa "from everything related to Monsters Online"

"…." I was stunned speechless "…."

"Player Ryder here at the library of Monsters Online" said Lisa "I Lisa will help you get start before sending you into the vast world that that is known as Monstrous"

I'll be honest I was shocked that every book in this library was a book related to Monsters Online it never crossed my mind that these books were all about monsters online I guess it should of been oblivious to anyone that these are books within Monsters Online so naturally they had to be about Monsters Online in some way. I'll admit I didn't actually see that coming for the name of this world I was expecting something unique but not something like this it was so simple and plain usually a name of a world in any video game has always been unique but this is the first time I've have heard a simple and plain naming world in a video game that it's rather disappointing to be honest. Getting back to the tutorial of this game it's rather unique to say the least older games had a simple and boring tutorial but this is rather refreshing to have a unique tutorial. Getting back to the tutorial of this game it's rather unique to say the least older games had a simple and boring tutorial but this is rather refreshing to have a unique tutorial. The controls of this game aren't going to be too hard to learn given there aren't any buttons to press which is a given as this is virtual reality so there's no control attached like the in the past.

"Listen up!" Spoke Lisa with a stern tone "the controls of Monsters Online are straight forward to log out, bring up your status window or to open options either say or think the word"

"That is straight forward" I said "and easy to do"

"I'm sure you are aware of this but Monsters Online is a 18+ game cause of all the sexual and violent content within the game" said Lisa "the population of players in Monsters Online is 94% men and 6% women"

"That's uneven for any game" I muttered "but it is expected as Monsters Online was originally aimed for male players"

It's surprising that there is a low percentage of female players playing this game compared to male players but I guess that's a given as this game was aimed for male players when it's released so of course the male population would outnumber the female population within the game the content of the game itself could turn some female players of from playing the game as I'm sure not all female players like violent content and would prefer other types of games without the violence and at the same time this game has sexual content which would definitely turn a lot of female players away as that type of content is usually played by male players it's rare to see girls play that type of content in the first place.

"Okay…" spoke Lisa as she cleared her throat "let us move on"

"Monsters Online have three primary classes or starter classes if you would" added Lisa "The warrior class, The rouge class and the Mage class"

"The typical three classes" I muttered "I haven't thought about what class I'm going to choose yet"

"Each class has a different evolution lines that only they can unlock by achieving certain objectives" said Lisa "it's recommended for all players to carefully think what evolution path you'd want to go in"

What Lisa is saying is true in older games each class had the potential to unlock a greater class of the same type once you'd reach certain conditions to unlock them that is all three classes has multiple routes they can unlock but the requirements were tricky to figure out in older games I'm guessing it will be the same in this game or will it surprise me as well. The one thing that Lisa hasn't mentioned is that each evolution lines have positives and negatives to them which sometimes make a play through easier or harder depending on the evolution lines you unlocked so it is better to think about the line you'd want to unlock.

"Player Ryder" said Lisa as she clapped her hands and when she did a display screen showed up "please choose a class"


The class a very powerful and popular class that new players usually always choose mainly cause of its high attacking power it deals a lot of damage, its high defensive power allows it to take a lot of damage and of course it's high health bar which makes this class a instant pick for new players as it makes for the perfect tank in any party but as great as the warrior class is it does have it's negatives its a very slow class especially since players usually always wear heavy armour that adds to the class's overall defensive ability which is understandable you can't have one without the other that's just how this class works it has amazing offensive and defensive abilities which comes with the cost of the class being slower than the other classes it's a acceptable negative overall this class is easier to use and is a great pick.


The rouge class is a game changing class it's a underrated in so many ways older player who have had experience playing this class usually choose this class mainly cause of its high speed it avoids most attacks, stealth ability it can sneak up on enemies without being detected, can detect traps and dismantle them and lock picking being able to open all chests with a lock this class is a perfect scout for any party but as great as the rouge class is it does have its own negatives it can't deal much offensive damage, its defensive ability is on the mid side and its health bar isn't as high as the warrior class but despite it's negatives it's a great class to choose from.


The mage class is a powerful and popular class that new players usually choose mainly cause it cause various elemental spells making it a great offensive class, it's long range attacks makes fighting mid air enemies easy for this class, its high mp making it able to use a lot of spells and of course its various healing spells makes this class a all rounder on any team as it can take up most roles in a party but as amazing as this class is it comes with its own negatives its defensive ability is nonexistent, its speed is average it gets hit by almost every attack, its hp is on the lower side of the scale overall this class is a great class despite its negatives.

"This is a tough decision" I muttered as I thought it over "each class is good in its own right"

I've played countless games where I had to choose a class before and of course I've played as each class so naturally I know the negatives of all three classes better than most new players would know as they would think each class is straight forward and easy to use let me tell you they'd be dead wrong these classes aren't that easy to use as I struggled with each of them at first. The warrior class is the most useful class out of all three as it was the perfect class for me at the time when I was playing it had amazing offensive and defensive powers and naturally it's hp was outstanding making it the ideal tank for all the parties I was in and even when I was playing solo the only downsides is that it was very slow fighting any agile enemy would be a hassle to fight as I couldn't hit them and they couldn't reduce my hp fast enough it would be a battle of endurance, it couldn't attack long range and mid air enemies as a warrior its primary weapon is a sword and shield meaning it attacks in close range those that attack from a distance or from the air have a advantage against this class which is why I always joined a party when I'm playing as the warrior class.

"The warrior class was a pain in the ass to use" I muttered "it's lack of long range attacks made it a hassle to fight most enemies that attacked from a distance or mid air"

The rouge is the most boring class out of all three of them sure enough it has incredible speed to avoid most attacks but it comes with the price of not being able to wear heavy armour which leaves his defence pretty low compared to the warrior class, its stealth ability makes it easier to sneak into enemy camps to loot them or catch them off guard with a surprise attack, detecting and setting up traps made things way too easy and with the ability to pick lock almost every chest the play through was as boring as anything I could ever imagine which is why I've never played that class again since the first time I played it as it was a boring class. Sure enough that the rouge class can deal with long range attackers as it can also attack long range if you equip a bow and arrows and it can also attack mid air enemies which does sound useful on paper but isn't exactly as the rouge's defensive ability as I stated is very low that some high damage attacks would usually take it out before it could take down those long range and mid air attackers.

"Playing as a rouge was one hellish of a play through" I muttered "it was so hard just playing as the rouge class"

The mage class however was up up there with the warrior class as the most useful and most fun to play as mainly cause of its high mp stat I could use countless spells including healing I didn't need to constantly bring hp potions with me and thanks to a ability in the game I recovered mp pretty fast so there wasn't really any need for mp potions either while playing in a party I had access to buffs and debuffs spells but playing solo I could attack long range and take out enemies from the air this class was a beast in older games but a few downsides to this class was its strength and defensive stats are garbage this class isn't known for it's strength attacks as it most often uses magic and since it attacks from long range it barely needs defence at all overall this class was so good that I've played it in other games as well.

"The mage class is way too much fun" I muttered "but the problem is I don't know how it plays in this game"

"Have you decided on a class?" Asked Lisa "remember you can't change your class once you've chosen that class"

"Yes." I answered "I've decided to go with the mage class"

"Are you certain you want to go with that class?" Asked Lisa "The mage class as more negatives compared to the other classes and takes longer to open it's evolution lines"

"I'm aware of that" I answered "and I'm still going to go with the mage class"

"If that's what you've decided" said Lisa as she snapped her fingers the next moment my outfit changed to that of a mage "this is the basic gear for all new mage players"

The equipment that I'm wearing is as basic as it gets as it's just a mage's robe it's simple in design in the colour of crimson and as a beginner equipment it's not going to have the greatest stats nor is the staff that I'm currently holding but it will help me in the beginner area of the game that is until I get better equipment to replace this. I'll admit I two things that I wasn't expecting I had expected the robe to actually feel like I'm actually wearing the robe instead of it just being equipped I can tell the fabric is on the cheap side and I bet a strong enemy would easily shred it to shreds while on the other hand it actually feels like I'm hold this stuff as I can feel the wood in my hand this is only the tutorial and yet it feels so realistic right now.

"Moving on" said Lisa "Please open your status menu"

"Okay…" I said "open status"

I was stunned speechless at what I saw when my status screen opened I hadn't expected it to be this detailed in older games of the same genre it was nowhere near this detailed in comparison it was always lacking in the status menu department as it was confusing at times while at others it was straight forward it was always complicated in older games but in this game it appears it doesn't have the same issues as older games had with the status menu it looks to be straight forward and easy to understand. I had heard from my friends that this game can't be compared to older of the same genre as it would be unfair to older games and insulting to the developers of those older games since this game is a entire different beast from those games everything those games can do this game does better on do many levels that my friend just straight out stopped comparing them.


Name: Ryder Stone

Age: 18

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Class: Mage

Spells: None

Special abilities: None:

Health Points: 0

Mana Points: 0

Stamina: 0

Magic: 0

Strength: 0

Defense: 0

Agility: 0

Charisma: 0

Cunning: 0


"Wow" I muttered "I like this status screen it's easy and straightforward nothing complex about it at all"

"As a new player you've been awarded some status points" spoke Lisa "think of them as a beginner's perks if you would"

Beginner's perks? That sounds like some promo for a mobile game but honestly it's sounds just as it is a perk mainly cause it definitely does seem like beginners perks with how many points I just given I've got ten points this is beyond fair I can tell you that in all other games I've played it's rare for games to give you status points straight off the bat like this and if they do they don't give this amount at best it's probably around two to three at best this game is too kind to me. Since I'm playing as a mage there won't be any need to put any points in strength and there's no point in putting any in agility cause I'm sure there will be spells to increase my speed later on as I level up so I put two points in my hp as health is very important in games like this,two points in my mp mana is extremely important for the mage class, two points in magic as magic damage is the only way this class deals damage, two points in defence as it's important to build this class's defence otherwise you'd defeated countless times as it's defence stats is garbage and two points in charisma I've played a lot of games and charisma is a very important stat for persuading NPCs it's a stat that you've got to improve.

"This looks alright" I muttered "for now at least"

"If you're down with adding your points we can move on" said Lisa as she snapped her fingers against my status screen instantly closed and then another screen opened up "please choose the magic you want as your basic element"

Fire magic:

The basic fire element magic one of the more tricky elements to master as it does require more practice than the others to summon fire on the palm of your hands but once done it will quickly become one of your best weapons to use against your enemies in battle as it can leave a status effect on your enemies that will work to your advantage.

"I'm not really a fan of fire magic" I muttered "and the burn status isn't really a advantage when you get into the later levels of any game"

Water magic:

The basic water element magic it's one of the tricky elements to master compared to the other elements as it requires more practice than the others to summon and control but once mastered it will become your ace against your enemies in battle it has a great advantage against those that wield the fire element.

"Water magic wasn't that impressive to me" I muttered "besides it grants no status effect at all it was the most unpopular element in the older games"

Wind magic:

The basic wind element magic it's one of the easier magic to master compared to the other elements as it doesn't require that much practice to master than compared to the other elements to be able to summon wind in the palm of your hand it will become a very useful asset in battle against your enemies as it grants you a ton of buffs and debuffs you can use against your enemies to turn the battle into your favour.

"Wind magic was the most useful" I muttered "but it was at a disadvantage against those with fire element abilities"

Lighting magic:

The basic lighting element magic it's one of the easiest magics to master and use compared to the other elements which requires a lot of practice to even master them but lightning magic is a straightforward lighting base element that requires no practice to summon lightning in the palm of your hands it will become your greatest weapon against your enemies dealing huge damage to them while also inflicting the paralysed status effect on them.

"It's one of the best elements you can choose" I muttered "its damage is real and the status effect is a nice bonus it's only downside is it's weak against anyone that use wind magic and useless against anyone who uses earth magic"

Earth magic

The basic earth element magic is one of the hardest ones to master has it requires a lot of practice to be able to summon earth into the palms of your hand but easier to use in battle against your enemies compared to the other elements it will easily become your greatest offensive and defensive weapon against all enemies.

Healing magic:

The basic healing element magic it's the easiest magic to master and use compared to the others it doesn't really require any practice to master and to summon the healing light in the palm of your hands it will become the greatest asset for you and your allies against your enemies as hp potions won't be needed all the time.

"It's a great magic alright" I muttered "but the downside its all about healing it has no offensive spells at all you've got to rely on your party members to do the work"

"Have you decided on an element?" Asked Lisa "You should choose the element that fits your play style"

"…I've decided to go with lightning magic" I muttered "it fits my play style perfectly"

"I see you've picked the lightning element" said Lisa "in that case let's move on"

"Is it me or did she sound disappointed in my decision?" I muttered "it's as if she wanted me to choose something else"

"Within Monsters Online there are a few features that you may or may not know of" said Lisa "the first is the immediate teleportation feature if your hp ever drops to 1hp you will be forced teleported to a safe location cause if your hp ever hits zero you die in both monsters online and the real world"

I was already aware of some of the features this game had but I didn't know about this feature in fact I hadn't heard anything about it until now honestly it's a great feature to have it might teleported you elsewhere which would be annoying but when your actual life depends on it you can't really complain as it's better than be dead now isn't it? I did hear there were some risks to playing this game but I didn't know the full details of the risks until name so you can actually die in the real life if you die in the game I'd say that's the biggest risk there is and only thrill seekers who are chasing the greatest challenge with real dangers would play this game carelessly.

"The second is the virtual reality connectors they automatically connect to the soul gear allowing for a full body scan which is how your avatar looks exactly like your real body down to every detail" explained Lisa "whatever happens in monsters online will be applied to your real body as the virtual reality connectors connect your body with the monsters online itself"

I definitely didn't know the full details on the virtual reality connectors as I didn't do any research on them at all so of course I hadn't known that they actually connected to visor itself to be able to perform a full body scan I did that my avatar would look like my actual body but didn't know how they were able to pull it off until now that is. I also knew that virtual reality connectors connected my real body to the game but I had no clue that any damage I received in the game my real body would actually receive its kind of scary thinking about it i could get hit with a sword and my real body would gain a scar or would I have a deep cut?

"Would I die from being hit with a sword?" I muttered to myself "or would it just leave me with a scar?"

"Neither" answered Lisa "as long as you use a healing potion any injuries that you receive in battle with heal that also applies to your real body"

"…sweet" I said "no need to worry too much about having scars all over my body"

"I'm sure you know already that there is a certain item within Monsters Online" said Lisa "a item that hundreds of thousands of players are currently searching for as they play Monsters Online"

"The golden ticket right?" I asked "it's a hot topic among us gamers right now"

"That's right" answered Lisa "the rarest item in Monsters Online that everyone is trying to obtain"

"…" I stayed silent as I listened to Lisa "…."

"The golden ticket is a special item that can grant the players unique abilities" explained Lisa "it's rare with a extremely low drop rate from monsters"

Just as I was told by my friend the information I got from Lisa matches my friend's information about the golden tickets they are a current hot topic among all us gamers right now as it's a rare item that can only be obtained by defeating a certain type of monster called: Extra. The extra monsters are stronger than your normal variant of monsters but weaker than a unique monster which is what they are called extra to be honest that's just a odd name to call them they should of gone with a cooler name but I'm not the developers of this game. The drop rate is extremely low at 0.001 % it's nearly impossible to obtain one of these tickets despite there being a unlimited amount of them, I don't know why they would make the drop rate that low for cause it's not fair for us players who has to not only search for these extra monsters but hope they actually drop the ticket. The golden ticket grants the person unique abilities which strengthens their avatar but it is also applied to their real body but it's not only unique abilities that can be obtained from these tickets I've heard of some tickets granting various physical changes as well I'm not sure on the details.

"I've got to be extremely lucky to obtain one" I muttered "and even then I've just have to hope it has a effect I'll like"

"As mentioned earlier Monsters Online is 18+ due to the content mainly cause of the sexual content within Monsters Online" explained Lisa "this sexual content allows other players, None player Characters and monsters to conduct sexual activity within Monsters Online"

"…." I was stunned by that "…."

"If any female players perform any sexual activity within Monsters online a male player, NPC or even a monster they will become pregnant as everything that happens within the game is applied to their real bodies" explained Lisa "the same is said for any female NPC"

I'll admit I didn't know any of this as I mentioned earlier I haven't done any research on any of the equipment for the soul gear as that stuff doesn't really interest me nor have I done much research on this on Monsters Online as research in general bore me I prefer learning things first had I learned all I know about monsters online from my friends. I did know that there were some sexy content but nothing to this extent in older games where there were some sexual content it was always with a companion or a love interest there's never been a game where the sexual content could leave not only the female players but the NPCs pregnant and not by the male players and NPCs but by Monsters as well this is truly a game that's not meant for female players and yet some still play it probably for the thrill like the male players.

"With that I herby conclude the tutorial" said Lisa "I welcome you to Monsters Online"

Once she had said that she simply clicked her fingers again but this time my vision changed once again this time however it was to that I've a small town it was no bigger than your typical small town but it was big enough to feel compact the town itself seemed to be medieval with how the buildings looked. I noticed my hp bar at the top on the left it's what I expected of a hp bar nothing to really complain about or really comment about, just under my hp bar is my mp bar and just like my hp bar there's nothing to really say about, on my lower right is a mini map with some icons the map seems to be very detailed and very useful from what I had heard about it from my friends. There appears to be at least two side quests which is a given as most beginner towns or areas always have a very side quests, there's a bulletin board with more side quests to do which would keep most new players busy for a while and finally there's the story quest I'm definitely going to busy for awhile at least in this area which is called the town of new beginnings.

"Now that's a perfect now for a town like this" a muttered "the beginning town"

next chapter
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  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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