When we were outside we looked around waiting for the monsters to spawn.
I'm kinda curious to know how do they spawn, will they just appear or rise from the ground?
My question got answered the moment the sun disappeared.
I saw how bones begun to be created from nothing, then flesh, organs and then rotten skin.
"You can't see it, but the essence is transforming into monsters. Where there is no light, there's darkness."
"And that darkness produces monsters." Muwi finishes.
I smirk and dash towards the spawned zombie who immediately smells my scent and limps towards me, his rotten body produced a pungent smell that made me frown.
His appearance was hideos and extremely horrific, different from the game.
"Growwl!" the zombie opens his smelly mouth showing razor teeths and lunges at me.
I side step and with a refined movement acquired after years of training, i swing the sword upwards exactly where his neck is positioned.
The iron sword slashes the neck cleanly splattering some blood that got burned by the Biwu fire.
The zombie head fell to the ground followed soon after by the body, i look around and spot other monster some meters away, so i have some time to see how the corpses drop items.
The zombie corpse begins to rot at an accelerated speed while disintegrating, the disintegrated parts didn't drop experience only leaving the rotten flesh drop, and before i could turn around to continue my battle i felt the same type of energy i consumed for Muwi some hours ago.
The energy this time came from the disintegrated corpse and merged with my heart, giving me an uncomfortable sensation of hotness followed by a burning sensation on the heart.
I frown and clutch my left chest in pain while i drop down in one knee, Muwi looks at me with a knowing look without interfering, meanwhile he burns the monsters coming hear me.
"Hahhh hahhh" i breathe out hot air with a pained face while my body heats more and more, the burning is becoming unbearable but with sheer will i refuse to scream like a kid.
I grit my teeth causing the hot air to exit from the sides of my mouth and my nose, while my eyes change color for a second, the same color of my essence.
Yes i can now see it, everywhere, it's like seeing normaly after having a blindfold for all of my life, the essence around is transparent but visible, I don't know how to explain it.
Like when you see water.
While the essence of living or dead beings is different, the monster are coated in a weak black colored essence while Muwi has a blue one like the flames.
Mine is the same, after some time the burning receded until it disappeared and i immediately felt like new, stronger, faster, more durable and alive.
I get up while looking at the essence coating my body, i bring my hand in front of me and ignite it in fire, pristine and clear blue flames begin to dance on my fingers.
I look at this in fascination before i shape the fire easily into five arrows that begun to spin at high speed while orbiting behind me like Gilgamesh.
I look at the monsters around us while Muwi stops and jumps on my shoulder, i hear his young voice on my ear: "I'm letting you have some fun after your awakening."
I didn't need to hear more, with a though the arrows disappear from their place and fly towards their targets, with their speed the arrows are piercing the air creating even more friction while rotating that gives the flames even more destructive power.
Boom (x5)
Five consecutive explosions where heard and where the arrows landed they exploded in a burst of blue fire that lit the dark forest, many animals ran away while the monsters near the explosions caught fire, turning into dust.
I walk slowly while the flames dissipated without burning the environment, only the monsters nearby, showing how environment positive they are.
"The Biwu flame can only burn what the user wants, so there will never be accidents with the surroundings or allies." Muwi spoke while i knelt to take the sword that fell from my hands before.
I grab it and get up, with a mental command the sword got enveloped in a tranquil flame around it illuminating the surroundings.
"Go and take our things, it's time we direct ourselves to the nearest settlement. I crave some home made food." I say while pulverizing two zombies with a single swing that created a fire arc.
A skeleton archer drew and released an arrow with the intention to pierce me and i simply look at the arrow coming towards me in slow motion with calmness.
I raise my hand without coating it and grab the arrow mid air, then i destroyed it by applying some force.
So cool, this feeling of power, it's incredible.
I disappear from my place and reappear behind the skeleton archer with my sword moving fast while i give it my back, and a second later the head slids off from the meatless neck.
I hear Muwi speak from some blocks behind: "Wow, you really like to show off eh? Easy with the early monsters." I turn around and ask him: "What do you mean?"
He smiles while dropping the crafting table and fornace on the ground: "When a monster just spawned his quantity of Essence is low, thus making them weak and fragile, but the more time passes without them dying.."
He didn't need to continue as i already understood, this means that the cave monsters must be strong as fuck: "But that depends also by the amount of essence on the surroundings, for example, on caves the monsters are a lot stronger but until a certain point." Muwi says
He then continues: "But if they are inside an environment with a high amount of essence, if they have potential they can become even more stronger, like some bosses."
I nod in understanding: "Interest-"
Before i could continue i immediately sense danger and move the sword where i felt the most danger and blocked in time a sneak attack.
But the force made me fly for some blocks, i just spinned my body and landed, but with the residual power of the blow i continued to slide while looking were i was just two seconds ago.
And i see Muwi on his three tail mode with big claws made of fire around his front paws, his face was serious while looking at the being that attached me.
Small Info:
On this world, there is no more experience, at it's place exist essence, wich has more versatility and uses.
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