The king led them toward the large house they had seen earlier, the one marked with totems and guarded heavily. As they entered, John noticed the inside was simple but homey. It wasn't a royal palace or anything fancy, just a large home. They were led into a dining area where a goblin woman, as old as the king, sat. She had long gray hair and wore simple robes. Two younger goblins were with her, one male and one female.
"These are my family," the king said, introducing the woman as his wife and the two younger goblins as his children. The son, who looked about nineteen, was quiet and reserved, sitting calmly at the table. The daughter, on the other hand, had a fierce energy about her. She looked only a year younger than her brother but carried herself like a fighter, her gaze intense.
John took his seat at the table, Muwi sitting beside him. The meal was simple, mostly meats and vegetables, but it felt warm and welcoming.
John looked at his really old appearance and how young the children are, the King noticing his gaze smiled and spoke:
"We goblins don't live long," the king explained, his voice calm but steady. "Our lifespan is short, and after twenty years, we age rapidly. I am twenty-eight, my wife twenty-seven. My son is nineteen, and my daughter is eighteen."
John raised an eyebrow at that. "So, you guys hit adulthood at ten, huh?"
The king nodded. "Yes. We mature quickly, but our race has always been like this. It is our fate."
As they ate, the conversation shifted. John learned that the goblins didn't see themselves as monsters anymore. They had evolved, changed over time, and become something more. They had families, businesses, and a desire for peace.
The daughter, despite her aggressive demeanor, was fiercely protective of her people. The son, however, seemed more interested in the outside world, asking John questions about what lay beyond the forest.
John answered honestly, but the more he spoke with the family, the more it became clear, these goblins weren't the threat the kingdom made them out to be. They just wanted to live peacefully in their corner of the world.
By the end of the meal, John had made up his mind. The kingdom's quest was bullshit. These goblins didn't deserve to be wiped out, and he wasn't going to be the one to do it.
He glanced at Muwi, who nodded as if reading his thoughts. They both understood the situation now. This wasn't just about the quest. It was about something bigger. The kingdom likely saw these goblins as a potential threat, but that didn't mean they deserved death.
"We'll stay for a while," John said, leaning back in his chair. "There's a lot more to learn here." he then looked at his clean plate and then at the wife: "The food is good, so i have another motive to stay"
The woman smiled and answered: "Youn man, it was my daughter who cooked." Her amised smile made John raise his brows, he turned his head and looked at the proud daughter who looked at him and said: "Be honored!"
John smiled and made himself comfortable, glancing at the shaman's family around the table. He leaned forward, resting his arms on table, feeling the weight of what he had seen. These goblins weren't mindless monsters. They had families, lives, and a functioning society. He couldn't just walk away from that without understanding more.
"So, what are your names?" John asked, breaking the silence. He looked at the old goblin shaman, his long white beard resting against his chest, eyes still sharp.
The shaman glanced at his wife and children before answering. "I am Gruk, the king of this city. This is my wife, Irna, and my children, Vex," he nodded to his son, "and Kira." His daughter, Kira, gave a sharp nod, her expression fierce. She had a warrior's spirit, no doubt about that.
Muwi perked up, his tails swishing behind him as he looked at them curiously. "And what's the name of this city?"
Gruk leaned back in his chair, stroking his beard. "This city is called Krag. We've lived here for many years, hidden from the outside world. We built it with our hands, piece by piece, after we broke free from the old ways."
John nodded. "Krag, huh? Seems like a solid place." He glanced at the map he had pulled up earlier, confirming their location. "You've done a hell of a job here."
Gruk gave a small, tired smile. "We've tried."
After the meal, John and Muwi decided to explore the city. They walked through the stone-paved streets, taking in the sights of Krag as the day faded into twilight. The goblin city was alive with activity, despite the hour. Lights flickered from inside homes, and the chatter of goblins echoed around them.
"Crazy, isn't it?" Muwi said, jumping down from John's shoulder to trot alongside him. "Feels like we're in a human village."
John nodded, watching as goblins went about their business. "Yeah, it's... normal. I didn't expect this."
They passed by a blacksmith's shop, the clang of hammer on metal ringing out as a goblin worked tirelessly at his forge. The weapons and armor he made were nothing to scoff at. Goblins stopped to chat with them, curious about the outsiders. John answered a few questions, laughing at their surprise when they realized Muwi could talk.
At one point, they found themselves near a small tavern, where a group of older goblins sat outside, enjoying the cool night air. They waved John and Muwi over.
"You two must be the ones everyone's been talking about," one of the older goblins said, his voice raspy with age. "Newcomers don't wander into Krag every day."
John grinned. "That's us. Just travelers, passing through."
The goblins chuckled, exchanging glances. "Well, travelers or not, you're welcome here. This city's been hidden for so long, it's good to see some new faces." Another goblin added, "You're not here to cause trouble, are you?"
John shook his head. "Not at all."
Muwi, always the charmer, wagged his tails and added, "We're just here to explore, no harm intended." but John asked: "Why the question, did someone already cause trouble?"