88.88% MHA: the music hero Orchestra / Chapter 8: Chapter 8

章節 8: Chapter 8

Aizawa took a deep breath. "So, let me get this straight. You have a daughter inside a mindscape inside your eyes that came from Babi's quirk and your galaxy eyes. Did I get everything?" Aizawa asked, trying to get everything straight.

"Also, the more he remembers, the more his mind matures." Nezu reminded.

Aizawa sighed before mumbling. "I'm too tired for this."

Gakki chuckled and asked. "Do you want me to use my quirk? I can boost your stamina back up."

Aizawa deadpanned and looked into Gakki's eyes. "Please."

Gakki nodded and opened his mouth. After a couple of seconds, a gentle violin melody came out of Gakki's mouth. Aizawa felt the effects immediately. It was a calming feeling like he was slowly waking up from a good night of sleep. Aizawa didn't remember the last time he felt like this.

Nezu pulled out his phone and set up a recording app, which got Gakki's attention. "I just want to see if the effects can be used over technology," Nezu explained, to which Gakki nodded.

Gakki continued for over five minutes until Aizawa gestured for him to stop. One look at Aizawa, and you could tell he was more awake and could survive without coffee for at least a couple of hours.

"How are you feeling, Gakki?" Nezu asked while putting his phone away.

Gakki thought for a couple of seconds before answering. "I have mixed feelings. I'm happy that I'm starting to remember stuff, and having a daughter is a weird feeling. But reliving it again sucks."

Nezu and Aizawa both nodded to that.

Nezu looked into Gakki's eyes and started talking. "So, today, we will evaluate your education and quirk. But first, I think a quick trip to Recover Girl would be in order, just in case anything changes."

Nezu then hopped into Aizawa's scarf. Then, they made their way to RP's offices. It was late morning by the time they made it to her office. Aizawa opened the door and saw that RP already had a patient, and it was a regular. Aizawa sighed at the sight of him, and in return, the student chuckled nervously.

"Gakki, this is the number one problem child of U.A. Mirio Togata." Aizawa said, pinching his nose. "How are you here this early, Togata?" He added.

Togata gave him a big smile and proclaimed in a cheerful tone. "Traning, sir!"

"You don't have training until the afternoon. Never mind, I don't have the brain power to deal with you." Aizawa grumbled.

Togata turned to Gakki and held out a hand. "As Mr. Aizawa said, my name is Mirio Togata. I'm from class 2-b, and your name is Gakki, right?"

Gakki went to grab his hand to shake, but his hand passed right through. There was a pregnant pause, with Gakki staring at his hand dumbfounded. Then, it was broken by Togata's laughter, then a wack to Togata's leg came from Recovery Girl that just got done on her computer.

"That's not a way to introduce yourself," RP proclaimed.

"Sorry, sorry, I thought it would be funny." Togata apologized. "So, is this a new teacher?" He asked, turning to Aizawa.

Nezu popped his head out of Aizawa's scarf and answered. "Nope, He's a hero hopeful that will take the recommended exam in a couple of weeks."

Togata looked at the mouse, confused. "Then why is he here?" He asked before correcting. "Not that it's terrible that you're here. It's just unusual." Togata was rubbing the back of his head.

Gakki giggled at Togata's antics. "It's okay. My situation is weird, so I don't blame you for asking."

The deeper voice threw RP briefly, but she didn't mention it.

"So, what brings you guys here?" Togata asked.

"We are here to see RP. Gakki needs a check-up." Nezu answered, which got RP's attention.

"Why? Did something happen last night?" RP asked.

"It's complicated. I have a recording of the conversation." Nezu replied, which confused Gakki because he didn't pull out his phone until he used his quirk.

Recovery Girl nodded and looked at Gakki. "Have you tested your Harp yet?" She asked, to which Gakki shook his head. "Well, would you like to test it on Togata? He only has some bruises and scrapes, so it should be fine." RP continued.

Gakki nodded and looked towards a confused but anticipating Togata. Gakki opened his mouth, and after a couple of seconds, a gentle-sounding harp started coming out of Gakki's mouth. Everyone instantly felt the effects of Gakki's quirk. They felt safe and warm, like it was pouring outside, and they were inside, cuddled in blankets.

Togata's wounds slowly started healing, and RP was examining it closely. After around seven minutes, all of his wounds were gone. RP double-checked to see if everything was fine, and she concluded that there were no noticeable side effects.

"That's amazing! You can heal and put on a show! You have a wonderful quirk." Togata exclaimed, getting up and patting Gakki's shoulder.

Gakki would have replied if he wasn't stopping himself from laughing because Togata was on his tippy toes to pat his shoulder.

"So, you don't feel tired or drained of energy?" Aizawa asked.

Togata paused and put his finger on his chin in a thinking pose. "Nope, I'm peachy," Togata replied.

RP was hugging Gakki's leg and was comically crying. "Thank god. Your generation will have a healer. I can pass away happy knowing they will have a good healer." Recovery Girl proclaimed, which caught everyone off guard, even Nezu, who had known her for over twenty years.

Gakki blushed from the high praise before replying. "Thank you, but your quirk heals way better than mine."

RP wiped her tears away before replying. "Mine is faster, but yours doesn't use the patient's stamina like mine."

Before Gakki could reply, Nezu cut in. "It is wonderful that we have two healers now at U.A., but we are getting sidetracked right now. Togata, you may return to class, but can you tell Hado and Amajiki to report to Gym Gamma for their Hero informatics?"

Togata nodded, then waved at Gakki, saying, "I will see you later, Gakki."

Gakki waved back and turned to Nezu, typing away on RP's computer. He pulled up an audio-only video and pressed play. And what came out was Gakki explaining what happened last night. After RP listened to it, she looked at Gakki with sympathy before preparing for the check-up. In the back of Gakki's mind, a stray thought came. 'I don't like that look' was all it said, but Gakki dismissed it and waited for her to do the check-up.

After the check-up, RP concluded that his mind had matured to around an eleven-year-old's. But the rest of his body was in peak shape.

"If you start to have flashbacks, come to me to check on you, okay?" RP requested, to which Gakki nodded.

"So, are you ready for your evaluation?" Nezu asked

"As ready as I can be," Gakki replied nervously.

"While you guys do that, I'm going to the teacher's lounge," Aizawa said while walking out.

Nezu hopped onto Gakki's shoulder and went to Nezu's office. They reached the last hallway to his office when a male voice called out for Nezu.

Gakki and Nezu turned around and saw a lanky blonde approaching them. He was almost as tall as Gakki. He looked malnourished, in Gakki's opinion. But Nezu greeted him as he came.

"Hello, Yagi. How can I help you?"

Once Yagi reached them and answered. "I just have some questions about the paperwork you sent." He then looked at Gakki and asked. "Are you a new teacher? I don't remember ever seeing you here before."

Nezu and Gakki chuckled at the fact that two people thought he was a teacher. Yagi was confused, to which Nezu clarified.

"This is Gakki. He is applying for the recommendation exam. He is currently a ward of the U.A. due to unfortunate circumstances." Nezu explained.

Yagi looked Gakki up and down before commenting. "He's tall for a fourteen-year-old."

"Are you Togata's Dad?" Gakki blurted out. His curiosity was getting the best of him.

Nezu laughed, and Yagi started coughing up blood to the horror of Gakki.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to cause you pain. Let me help." Gakki said in a panic.

As Yagi went for his handkerchief, he suddenly heard a loud-sounding harp. It was almost ear-piercing, and the windows rattled from it. But instead of feeling the pain, he felt a warm and comforting feeling, and the pain from his injury had stopped aching as bad. When he looked where the sound was coming from, to his surprise, it was Gakki.

It only lasted for twenty seconds before abruptly stopping, with Gakki having a coughing fit. Nezu gave Gakki a worried look before asking.

"Are you okay, Gakki? Do you need to see Recovery Girl?

"I will be fine. I just panicked and used my quirk to loud." Gakki replied, still coughing.

He could still talk while coughing since he spoke through a speaker infused on his neck.

Nezu nodded before speaking. "Why don't we continue this in my office?" He asked both Gakki and Yagi.

To which they both nodded and made their way to Nezu's office. Once there, Nezu hopped off Gakki's shoulder and onto his desk before sitting in his chair. Gakki and Yagi took the chairs opposite Nezu's. Gakki was only coughing a little at this point. Nezu cleared his throat before asking.

"Do you want to explain to us what happened?"

Gakki rubbed the back of his head out of embarrassment before responding.

"Well, you know how I open my mouth and pause before I use my quirk?" Gakki asked, to which Nezu nodded, and Yagi just listened intensely.

"During that time, I had to choose the instrument, how many, and the volume. But I panicked and chose only the instrument." Gakki explained.

Nezu nodded in understanding, but Yagi was lost.

"I will send that to Aizawa so he can work that into your quirk evaluation," Nezu said, taking a sip of tea from a cup that appeared out of nowhere.

"Wait, what's your quirk?" Yagi asked Gakki.

Before Gakki could explain, Nezu pushed some papers toward Gakki before saying.

"I will explain your quirk. How about you start your education evaluation?" Nezu said while gesturing to a table with a chair on the opposite side of the room in the corner.

Gakki nodded, picked up the paperwork, and walked over to the table to start. While Gakki worked, the two heroes talked.

"So what is his quirk?" Yagi asked again.

"It's called Orchestra. It allows him to copy and play instruments that he has played before. And Each instrument has different buffs and debuffs." Nezu explained, to which Yagi nodded along.

Nezu handed him a piece of paper to Yagi, which he took with confusion written on his face.

"This is a list of the instruments and their effects." Nezu continued.

Yagi read the paper, and as he did, his eyes grew, and his eyebrows rose. Once he read the description, he looked at Nezu with bewilderment.

"If I didn't experience his quirk firsthand, I would have said you made this quirk up," Yagi admitted.

"His quirk is terrific, but how did he become a ward of U.A.?" Yagi asked, not beating around the bush.

Nezu sighed and explained the situation that Gakki had to go through and how much they knew. After the explanation, Yagi felt anger and guilt, outrage from how one child could go through so much, and shame from being unable to save him.

Nezu saw this and put a stop to it.

"Yagi, you can't save everyone, and the only reason we rescued him was because the house exploded," Nezu reassured.

"Still," Yagi said through gritted teeth.

"There is an investigation, but there aren't any leads. The only thing they came up with was that a lot of gunpowder caused the explosion." Nezu told Yagi, trying to calm him down.

Yagi took a couple of deep breaths to calm down.

"So, how is your successor?" Nezu asked, changing the subject.

Yagi's diameter changed immediately, and he grew a fond smile.

"He's doing exceptionally well." Yagi fondly said before he looked at Gakki, who was scratching his head in thought. "I haven't given him OFA yet, but I will soon," Yagi explained.

Nezu scratched his chin in thought before he had an idea.

"How about Gakki give your successor a hand?" Nezu asked, a glint in his eyes.

Yagi almost spit up some blood, which Nezu ignored and continued.

"Gakki is probably going to be the best support hero out there, so would you want your successor to have the best support he can have?" Nezu proclaimed.

"First off, didn't you meet Gakki just yesterday? And second, my quirk is a close-kept secret. I don't want too many people to know." Yagi argued back.

"I have my full faith in Gakki," Nezu replied

Yagi paused at what he said. Nezu always thinks about what he says and how he says it. So if He says that, he means it.

"Why?" Yagi asked

"It's just a hunch, but I think Gakki will be a big player in the hero society. I would rather him be in our corner than anyone else's." Nezu warned, which Yagi understood.

Yagi isn't the most intelligent man, but he's not dumb. He looked down at the list of Gakki's buffs/debuffs and winced, thinking about facing someone getting all those buffs while he got all the debuffs. He could handle it, but it would be a struggle, and he wouldn't dare put young Midoriya or any other hero through that, either. Yagi sighed before looking up to meet Nezu.

"Fine, but AFO stays a secret until I get to know Young Gakki." Yagi conformed

"Great, when are you going to meet with him?" Nezu asked.

"Tomorrow morning, does that work with him?" Yagi asked, to which Nezu chuckled.

"If you're worried he won't be up in time, don't worry. He doesn't sleep." Nezu replied, trying not to go into a manic laughing fit.

Yagi just stared at him with a blank face.

"Next thing you'll tell me is that he doesn't eat, drink, or even breathe," Yagi said sarcastically.

Nezu could hold his manic laughter in anymore. And Yagi was regretting making a joke.

They continued talking for a while. They finally stopped when Gakki gave Nezu the stack of papers back. Nezu glanced at the pile and looked at Gakki.

"I will check them over later. It should be about time for your quirk evaluation. Yagi, would you mind taking Gakki to Gym Gamma?" Nezu asked. And Yagi nodded in confirmation.

Yagi and Gakki left Nezu's office and went to Gym Gamma. On their way there, Yagi decided to break the silence.

"Gakki, can I ask you a question?"

Gakki nodded and gestured for him to continue.

"What kind of hero do you want to be?" Yagi asked, gauging Gakki's response.

Gakki put his hand on his chin and took a few seconds to think about it. Once he came up with a response, he answered.

"I want to be a support hero. One that helps other heroes be better." Gakki answered resolutely.

Yagi nodded, liking the response. But he asked another question, wanting to push Gakki to see what heroes should be.

"Why not a limelight hero? With your quirk, you would get fame and be a top-ten hero fast."

Gakki scoffed at the notion.

"Sure, I could, but if I can help other heroes do their jobs better and more efficiently, I would be satisfied. Having fame or being in the top ten is not something I strive for. If I get it, I get it, but it's not a goal." Gakki finished.

Yagi was satisfied with the answer and felt he could trust Gakki with meeting young Midoryia. Yagi took a deep breath, as deep as having one and a half lungs as possible, and asked Gakki.

"How would you like to help my successor?" Yagi asked.

Gakki turned his head to Yagi and tilted it in confusion.

"I have been training someone to get into the U.A. I want you to meet and help him before the entrance exam." Yagi continued.

"Sure, when will we meet?" Gakki asked without hesitation.

"I know this is out of nowhere. And you don't have to," Yagi started but cut himself off when he realized what Gakki had said. "Wait? You don't want to know more? Or an explanation?" Yagi asked, confused.

Gakki chuckled at Yagi's confusion.

"Like I said. If I can help a hero, I guess it would be a hero hopeful. It would make me happy." Gakki explained.

Yagi gave Gakki a big smile and responded heartily. "That's what I like to hear, young Gakki. Tomorrow morning if that works for you. He is training on a beach and is there in the mornings." Yagi finished.

Gakki nodded enthusiastically.

"I would love to meet your successor. What's their name?" Gakki asked.

"His name is Izuku Midoriya." Yagi Answered.

next chapter
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  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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