85.41% MHA: Power's Of Redo Of Healer / Chapter 41: Chapter 39: Doomsday

章節 41: Chapter 39: Doomsday

"I am Fusao Shima, a loyal servant of my goddess, and today I will release you from your binding shackles that you have been tricked into thinking is life!"

All of a sudden a man adorned head to toe in robes suddenly appeared on every T.V located in Musutafu in an emergency broadcast format.

Even downtown Musutafu wasn't spared as Atsuhiro's character highlighted every jumbotron that was present, overshadowing the previous display of whatever advertisement was being shown at that time.

Everyone immediately turned their attention to the sudden voice that resonated in their ears, and the first collective response to his words after the sudden shock had subsided was, of course, laughter.

In fact in all of downtown Musutafu, an unprecedented amount of mocking and ridiculing laughter sounded out.

For a couple of seconds the resonating laughter seemed to eclipse and overpower all other sounds as everything appeared to be so diluted compared to the people's giggling.

"So I, and all my fellow servants have bound together to make this a glorious event as we mark today's day into the history book for our goddess, praise her!" Atsuhiro put his hands together in a prayer showing a blissful smile while gazing into the sky.

Though everyone couldn't hold back the venomous words that were originally caught in their throats as they began to unleash a monumental amount of disrespect towards Atsuhiro.

"Is this some sort of joke?"

"This has to be some lowlife hacker!"

"What f*cking loser."


"No one cares, freak!"

"Who is this fanatic?"


"HAHAHAHAHA I know that symbol! These are the guys from that one meme, what were they called? Oh, the church of death!"

"No way, they really pulled off something like this! Legends!"

"Woah, that's pretty cool."

"A bunch of no lifes if you ask me."

The reactions were mixed however once someone pointed out that they were related to the meme circulating around the internet they all collectively disregarded the threat of this sudden announcement or troll as nonsense.

Some people had an inkling of fear when Atsuhiro first appeared on the screen but with this realization it had all but disappeared.

"Oh bless me my goddess!" Atsuhiro raised his hands into the air as the spectators curiously watched wanting to see where he was going with this.

In a familiar hospital room a young boy holding a bottle of juice curiously gazed at the T.V or more specifically Atsuhiro and his ramblings, while drinking the last contents in the bottle.

"I understand your skepticism." Atsuhiro suddenly turned his head towards the camera as the laughs continued to resound in front of his program.

"You have lived your whole life with only the promise of reaching our goddess, the constant lies that you have been forcefully spoon fed to all of you has made you numb to the truth. But don't fret since I have seen the truth, and on this day, oh this glorious day. I WILL FINALLY BE ABLE TO SHOW IT TO YOU THE TRUTH MY GODDESS CONVEYS!" Atsuhiro suddenly roared, gripping one of his fists tightly as if it was a signal.


The ground shook violently under everyone located in the downtown area but before anyone could question the effect of the rumblings, they were suddenly introduced to the cause.

Suddenly a loud explosion reverberated resulting in a mushroom cloud to suddenly form near somewhere in downtown Musutafu.

The people were in shock at what was transpiring before their very eyes, all finally beared witness to Atsuhiro's meaning

The unlucky people who were near the first explosion could only pray in fear, hoping that they were out of the blast radius as the building instantly collapsed under the frightening amount of firepower that unleashed itself inside its interior.

Rubble and debris were the only traces left as the people caught in the area of effect were all buried under the rubble.

Bodies littered the site near the first explosion with even some limbs sticking out of the wreckage signifying their presence in the remains of what it used to be.

"AHHHHHH!" Suddenly the screams in the distance woke up the shocked citizens before being split into two separate reactions.

Some acted on their instincts and immediately tried to run away wanting to preserve their lives.

But the majority of the citizens who became crippled by the fear and shock turned their horror filled gazes back towards the man on the jumbotron.

Unlike the gentle smile he once wore, now it had been replaced with a fanatical one as it sent chills into the spines of all who gazed upon it.

"Do not be scared, rejoice! SINCE I WILL FREE YOU!" Atsuhiro crazily shouted, gripping his other fist together.










Every explosion boosted the might of Atsuhiro's words as massive mushroom clouds suddenly started pooping up like popcorn across Musutafu.


The ground started to rumble under the massive shockwaves being sent into the earth, even going so far as to knock some civilians who were already quaking in fear down to their knees.

Smoke slowly started to fill the skies as the blue sky had started to become slowly covered in the haze of all the after effects of the explosions.

In a familiar hospital room a little boy shivered in fright after gazing out the window seeing the massive amounts of smoke form in his pupils until suddenly the bottle in his hands started to light up.



The hospital that remained so quiet had now began to erupt as each layer of the hospital shot out flames as one by one the floors all gave way to the explosive might that suddenly appeared.

Only once the blasts reached the top floor did all the destructive power combine giving way to a massive explosion that would leave no survivors.

The increasing amount of cataclysmic explosions only led to more mass panic as it sent everyone into a frenzy state with only one goal in mind, survival.

"BUT DO NOT FEAR DEATH!" Atsuhiro yelled to the citizens who were scrambling like ants below him trying to escape from their impending doom.


"DO NOT RUN AWAY FROM YOUR FREEDOM!" His words only induced more terror as even the people in the safe areas that didn't have any bombs cowered in fright at the thought of being next.


"EMBRACE YOUR DESTINY!" All those who previously mocked Atsuhiro had their laughter turn into pleas of mercy and cries for help.

More and more buildings began to turn into rubble under the sudden volatile force leaving all those in its contents to the fate Atsuhiro thus far had been preaching, death.

One after another a mushroom cloud would pop up into the sky only to be ignored by the citizens trying desperately to find some sort of shelter that could save them.







The once peaceful bustling city became an apocalyptic wreckage under one man, yet no one could stop the oncoming disaster set before them, not even god could save them.

"SO I SAY TOO YOU! TO ALL OF YOU! NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE! EMBRACE THE DESTRUCTION! EMBRACE DEATH! EMBRACE THE GODDESS!" Atsuhiro roared ecstatically as he clenched both fists in his hands.


A massive eruptive force shook the very earth to its core as a symphony of explosions went underway resonating throughout Musutafu under the composer that was Atsuhiro.

Not even the jumbotron that illuminated Atsuhiro's figure was spared as the colossal explosion roared itself into existence resulting in more mass destruction and death.

With all these explosions, a domino effect began to occur, whether intentional or not, suddenly some structures in the radius of the tainted exploding buildings started to mirror the same reaction causing another trepidation to fall upon Musutafu.

An incredulous abominable flame ignited from the aftermath as it started sweeping through the city while expanding the tragedy already unfolding upon everyone.

The hunger in these flames could not be subdued with only crumbs as it made its way to the areas of downtown Musutafa that still remained slightly unaffected.

With these flames came the overbearing smoke, before it only littered the sky but now it had fully blocked all rays of hope from the sun as only black ash clouds could be seen.

The scent of death filled the air as people desperately tried to survive, even when buildings collapsed on them, or when the flames burned their flesh, and even if their lungs filled with smoke.

Some individuals still desperately tried to make an effort to survive, the ones who had managed to crawl their way to safety were the few to live with what they saw today, and when the topic ever came up in the future one word was always mentioned every time the scene appeared in their heads.

Hell, that is what all people would describe this moment as whenever they had to recall these tragic events that transpired on this fateful day.

Unlike the common citizens however, there was a collective group of people given the task of helping and protecting the peace in situations like this one however even they were speechless.

These heroes who were supposed to be the hope of the common people all watched in horror at what unfolded before their eyes yet one hero didn't hesitate as he moved with all his might to save even one person in danger.

"NO NEED TO FEAR! FOR I AM HERE!" A loud booming shot that even seemed to tower over the constant crashing of rubble sounded as the people all gazed toward the man who was known as the symbol of peace.

When all hope seemed to be lost under the heavy amounts of death, one man filled each survivor's heart with one emotion, hope.


All Might Third Person POV

'How could someone do this?' All might gripped his fist as he jumped through the air trying desperately to make his way to the catastrophic event that was underway as it reaped so many lives every second he wasn't there.

Previously he had been resting in his house since after his injury with All For One he had to constantly go under immense amounts of surgeries.

The result of all these measures to preserve his life had slowly begun to eat away at his body resulting in a noticeable loss of weight; however once All Might used his quirk he transformed back into his previous form.

Though now All Might's quirk was a double edge sword as it was slowly killing him and the time he could use.

Like for example last year he could use it for about fifteen hours a day but now it was fourteen and that scared All Might internally but he never showed it externally.

'I need to focus on saving everyone.' All Might who had unconsciously turned his gaze down to his injury shook his head.

"NO NEED TO FEAR! FOR I AM HERE!" He shouted from the air as his voice resounded through all of the ears of the people located below.

Then rotating his body he seemingly pushed himself off the air before somersaulting into the ground.

Dust suddenly covered his body though once it dissipated it revealed All Might holding his hands on his hips while showing a glimmering smile.

"FOR I AM HERE!" All Might proclaimed before springing into action.

'There!' A sudden sonic boom resounded from his leap as he made his way into a fiery wreckage that was formerly a beauty parlor.

Seconds later All Might was carrying five women in his arms who were all coughing violently and as he made his way out he saw all the heroes still petrified at the disterious event happening in front of them.

"EVERYONE HERO HEAD MY WORDS!" All Might was a little frustrated at these actions announced to the couple heroes in his surroundings.

"AS LONG AS I AM HERE! THE SYMBOL OF PEACE! MUSUSTAFU AND ITS RESIDENCE WILL NOT FALL NOR WILL WE BE DEFEATED!" All Might sounded out as the heroes who once wore faces filled with fear now had a resolute expression knowing they now had a wall to lean on throwing away all hesitance they previously harbored.

"NOW WHO HAS A QUIRK THAT CAN HELP IDENTIFY WHERE SURVIVORS ARE!" All Might asked out as a young woman with three snakes on her head sheepishly raised her hand.

"I do, my hero name is uwabami an-"

"GOOD!" All Might appeared right next to her however before she could finish her sentence he suddenly picked her up.

"ALRIGHT YOUNG LADY PLEASE ASSIST ME! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" His boisterous laughter seemed to have a calming and soothing effect letting people feel a little relieved once they heard it.

"What are you-AHHHHH!" Before she could finish her sentence, All Might suddenly leaped into the air with her in toe.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!NOW YOUNG LADY POINT OUT WHERE THE SURVIVORS ARE!" All Might announced as she forcefully calmed herself down while closing her eyes.

The snakes on her head suddenly acted as radars and constantly moved around until they finally sent signals down to Uwabami when they finished.

"There!" She suddenly pointed and not even a half a millisecond later did All Might jump into action.

All Might knew his weakness and when it came to natural disasters more specifically ones that covered his sight then he had to rely on someone.

Especially in these cases when smoke, flames, rubble, and debris constantly covered his vision so he decided to have some help.

Placing Uwabami down right as he hit the ground he didn't even hesitate to jump into the burning building.

Nothing could stop the wrecking force of his power as he sifted through each and every room while pulling out every survivor located within.

It was a three story building yet All Might clear it in less than 30 seconds with at least ten survivors in tow.

"WE HAVE INJURED! I NEED ASSISTANCE FROM MY FELLOW HEROES!" All Might yelled to the scrambling heroes on the nearby street.

"Yes All Might!" Some heroes ran over to the symbol of peace while assisting the survivors he just saved.

All Might raised an eyebrow while looking down this street while also recalling the street he was on previously.

'Why are the banks and jewelry stores all seemingly fine?' All Might saw a lot of buildings on fire but before he could put any more thought into it Uwabami ran up to him.

"I found more survivors!" She hurriedly ran in high heels which was a questionable accessory to a hero costume.

All Might shrugged off this thought for a moment and focused on saving as many people as possible.

Even as his wound throbbed his face never contorted as the only expression that adorned his face was a smile.

One smile that showed confidence, and gave the people a sense of relief seeing their symbol of peace smiling even in the face of great danger.

'One more.' Every time All Might saved someone that singular thought rang throughout his mind.

'One more, one more, just one more.' All Might always wanted to save people ever since the day he couldn't save the person he cherished most, his master.


All Might's head suddenly rocketed to his left as his eyes widened in astonishment seeing a hero being impaled by sharp claws.

"Kekekekeke! For the church of death!" A man sadistically shouted while releasing his claws from the formerly impaled hero to then setting his sights on a nearby citizen.


"Detroit Smash!" All Might exploded off the ground and punched the crazed man in the face resulting in him skidding backwards.

"HOW DARE YOU VILLAIN!" All Might's chivalrous words were contrary to his inner thoughts.

'Why is he screaming that blasphemous church name!' These were the thoughts circulating at rapid speeds in the symbol of peace's head.

There was a reason for this and if All Might only stayed a second longer to watch his T.V would he understand the reason but since he spent the last hour saving as many people as possible he didn't see Atsuhiro's second half of his speech.

1 hour earlier

"EMBRACE DEATH!" Atsuhiro crazily renounced as the last of the explosions resonated, even making the ground under him shake.

"YES, YES!" Atsuhiro put his hands on his cheeks while slowly pulling him down as the smile remained plastered on his face.

"Do you see it?" Atsuhiro tilted his head to all the people still watching who weren't caught up in the explosion.

"Do you see all those void pieces released back into our goddess arms." Atsuhiro drew his hands to his chin as his smile grew even wider showing off his pearly whites.

"But there is something that still pains me." Atsuhiro grabbed his heart while stumbling backwards as his face contorted and once he reached a certain spot he fell to his knees.

"Even though we did so much it still isn't enough." Atsuhiro, still clutching his heart, fell to the ground fully.

Seconds passed yet he didn't move from his spot, only showing that he was in an immense amount of pain while squirming a bit on the ground.

"Which is why I need your help." Atsuhiro slowly raised his head as a longing look appeared.

"Yes you!" Atsuhiro crawled forward while reaching out his hand as it trembled in the air.

"Our goddess needs more brave servants to carry out her will." Atsuhiro's face started to twitch maddeningly trying to form a smile though it always stopped inches away from its true form.

"Which is why my goddess has given me specific instructions on what to leave untouched for all her potential believers." Atsuhiro raised himself slowly into the air.


When he snapped the screen suddenly changed with a list of places with names and address which now littered the screen

"For all those who wish to serve our goddess I present you a gift, these are all the places where our society stores its riches." Atushiro spoke and once he did the screen suddenly turned into two.

"All are untouched per our goddess orders so for all her brave servants that desire these material possessions, I ask, no beg you, to give faith in my goddess and reap as many of these treasures as you want if only you keep the belief of our goddess in your heart." Atsuhiro walked closer to the camera before his shaky hands grabbed it, pushing his face closer.

"But all I and my goddess ask for is one simple thing, to kill as many people as you can!" The crazed smile returned to his face as his maddening laughter resounded.

"FOR THOSE WHO HESITATE KNOW THIS! LIFE IS NOTHING BUT AN ILLUSION! A FANTASY! THE ONLY RIGHT ANSWER IS OUR GODDESS!" Atsuhiro pulled the camera even closer as his breath covered the whole lens but once the fog faded, Atsuiro's face adorned a calm expression.

"I am Fusao Shima, a loyal servant of my goddess, and I thank you for your time." Atsuhiro curtly said before his image disappeared leaving the list with all the names of the stores along with their address to cover all those screens in his stead.

This was another important part of Shin's plan for this attack, and it all laid with one of humanity's sins, greed.

You would be surprised at how many times Musutafu had suffered disasters so it would probably take 3 or 4 hours at most to quell this attack but even then Shin was confident that no one would disrupt him except for one thing, heroes.

Shin knew that the association might intervene if it became too noticeable which would only lead to more annoying after effects hence he decided to get 'villains' involved.

Which is why he decided to leave all the places that contained immense amounts of wealth seemingly safe in this horrible disaster.

What better opportunity for someone with a decent quirk to try to covet some wealth for themselves, which in turn would give heroes a hard time, leading to a smooth operation.

Though some of the places could get caught up in the after effects of the explosions Shin didn't really care since these greedy people would still most likely jump at the chance to get rich quick.

Present Day

'Dammit, why are there so many of them!' All Might gritted his teeth though the smile still remained as he took down another villain until it clicked in his mind.

His head turned to the perfectly intact jewelry store as the pieces slowly fell into place causing an immense hatred and anger to form in his heart.

'Those damn church bastards.' All Might assumed were left untouched so that the church of death could induce more chaos by swaying the villains greed.

"HELP HELP HE-KURK!" A woman screamed but before she could finish her cires, her throat became impaled with a spike making All Might's eyes widen.

Shin wouldn't realize this after the attack but the result of making his gospel a meme allowed for it to spread to even the most deranged people who desperately needed something to believe in, and once they saw Atsuhiro's speech it only propelled them to send more people to the void for their goddess.

"FOR THE GODDESS!" The man frantically shouted while running after another citizen that was recently saved by All Might.


"IDAHO SMASH!" All Might appeared in front of the crazed man in half a second before thrusting his leg into him causing him to fly backwards.

It was then he saw it or at least saw the real chaos that had started to form. He was previously in an alleyway stopping a criminal but once he got a good view of the street his eyes trembled.

Villains started popping out of the woodworks left and right while slaughtering people without a second thought.

'But I'm the symbol of peace?' All Might gripped his fist not knowing why this was happening when he was still prominent but in fact the underworld had become restless recently.

For the past two years All Might's hero activity had slowed down considerably due to focusing on all of the surgeries, and because of this he hadn't noticed that the underworld was slowly brewing with anticipation at the idea of All Might not being around.

The problem with the symbol of peace or its meaning was the fact that All Might had to be constantly appearing before the public to scare those that intended to harm the symbol he represented back into the shadows.

Though as of late the people lying dormant in these shadows had been growing restless and forgetting what the mighty number one hero was like, they decided to test their luck and this event was the perfect opportunity.

'I must not falter!' All Might closed his eyes and heaved a deep breath as a bright energy started to flow through his veins.

Then once they shot open everything suddenly slowed down as All Might bent down before springing forward.


All Might's speed appeared hazy to the naked eye as he rocketed himself at immense speeds appearing in front of the criminal about to do dastardly things to a middle aged woman.



The villain's ribs cracked as All Might punched him in a furry though his presence disappeared and when it did the villain flew backwards instantly falling into a sudden deep slumber.






All across the street the people stopped to see the villains who were once terrorizing them to be suddenly knocked unconscious as a figure rapidly moved forward.

Then at the end of the street All Might stopped as his wound screamed in pain however the only expression he showed was a bright smile.

"DO NOT FEAR CITIZENS WHEN I AM HERE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" All Might laughed as he went back to where Uwabami was.

"Uwabami, I still require your assistance." All Might gave her a thumbs up and the once frowning Uwabami showed a bit of relief.

"You can count on me All Might!" She showed a resolute face as he put his hands on his hips.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! Let's get to work!" All Might picked her once more but at this time she was used to it.


All Might Third Person POV End

With the city of Musutafu thrown into an uproar, right now a meeting between the people behind the country of japan was commencing.

Han, who Shin had met previously, had already sent his family into his bunker while he went into a room specifically meant for these meetings.

Darkness covered his face as he gazed at a screen that highlighted eight other figures right as the attacks commenced.

"At what level is the situation?" A distorted voice spoke out, finally breaking the silence.

"S." Another distorted voice resounded right after the other voice dropped.

Then silence insured once more as Han loosened his collar since these meetings always put him on edge.

"We need to shut down the city and close down the borders of Musustafu, temporarily." Han spoke out as it was then distorted as well.

"I agree." Someone spoke out once his voice sounded out.

"That would mean cutting off support from heroes in other cities." Someone disagreed since it only seemed logical to allocate more heroes to quell this sudden attack.

"Not entirely." A voice spoke out to which Han could guess was the vice president though still remained unsure since these stupid voice distortions made everyone sound the same.

"Explain." The voice spoke out wanting it in detail.

"We could make an exemption for heroes to enter, which I could personally see too." Han most definitely knew it should be the vice president after she spoke as he shook his head.

"I think shutting down the city is fine but closing the borders is too much for a simple terrorist attack." A new voice spoke out disagreeing entirely with the idea of closing the borders.

"I agree."

"I do as well."

Han immediately knew this would be trouble for what he wanted in the future so he decided to take the lead.

"Right now the underworld is in a state of chaos." Han spoke out since he needed to get the attention focused on him.

"The Inawa and Sukowa desperately want to gain as much of a foothold in the city as possible, everyone knows how they are pushing for all the broken pieces of the Yakuza which would in turn lead to a lack of balance." At the mention of balance the rest of the people remained quiet while truly contemplating his words.

"If we don't close the borders and one of those gangs swallows the Yakuza's assets then we will have difficulty controlling the underworld like we have been doing for the last two years." Han knew one thing and it was that everyone in this meeting needed to control everything or at least had the desire for it.

Han was no exception since if he turned this situation in Shin's favor that meant when it came time for his next visit he could at least get more answers to the millions questions that popped up in his mind from his previous confrontation.

"It is true we have been lacking when it comes to holding down these gangs as of late, since we usually ignore them as they always seem to fight amongst themselves every now and again allowing for them to do our job for us." A voice suddenly spoke out as Han grinned widely.


"That is true."

"For the first time in centuries the underworld came within our grasp yet these uncivilized vagrants want to finally show their heads after we fought tooth and nail to get rid of that bastard All For One." Han spoke his name leaving the people to remain deathly quiet once more.

This is what Han wanted, this dark room only moved for pure benefit for the collective interest in controlling Japan.

Now, after an immense amount of effort, they finally held Japan within their grasp after tirelessly working to get rid of AFO, but now they were faced with another scenario where the control could slip out of their hands.

"I don't think that this situation could lead to the balance being disrupted." The voice that had disagreed before continued its reasoning.

"No, that might be the correct assumption to make." Han clenched his fist knowing he hooked onto the vice president's paranoia.

"Elaborate." One more voice chimed in.

"I have just received a report that says that there is a mass outbreak in villain attacks happening all over Musutafu." This made the others who wanted to disagree bite their tongues.

"Evidently the man known as Fusao Shima left a number of banks and jewelry stores unharmed which seemed to tempt these bugs." Most of the members in the meeting didn't stay for the second half of Atsuhiro's speech before calling the meeting so some were in the dark.

"Still the amount of these unruly savages shouldn't be enough to preoccupy the heroes, especially all might." One hissed out clearly dissatisfied with the sudden event.

"I have gotten word that it is speculated that around a thousand villains are currently making waves and that is only right now." This resulted in everyone not uttering another word knowing that this wasn't a small number.

"The heroes will be preoccupied for some time which could let these gangs move in, and the private forces that are currently available will mostly likely be unable to handle the sudden influx of villains wanting to saturate their greed." This sentence led them all coming to a collective agreement though the nods they were showing.

"Then we will shut down the border."

Author's Note: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and since I built it up so much I decided to dedicate the whole chapter just to the attack.

next chapter
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