Asha is an 18 years old citizen of the post-apocalyptic metropolis, a “stronghold” that divides the left society to casts, forcing them to separately live in the districts of the city.
While the other citizens try to be obiedent to the peace breaking officers, Asha tries to record their wrongdoings and help people open their eyes to the injustice ruling their society.
Thinking that there is no worse enemy than these officers, one day Asha is proven wrong, witnessing that a much more dangerous power grows to be a threat to the whole humanity.
With her new awaken powers, she tries to discover the truth behind it all, her coworkers, her powers, her family, the organizations and the metropolis itself, all with being entangled in dark romance, with a cold-blooded assassins, that care about their goals no less than she does.
Being chased by an unknown group of people,
uncovering dark secrets unpurposefully, Asha tries to emerge from the void of the metropolis being more tangled than everyone has thought, with every step proving the reality to be fake.
寫檢討作者 ashfrei