83.33% Marvel: The Diamond Authority / Chapter 10: Chapter 10

章節 10: Chapter 10

The rhythmic clanging of hammer on anvil echoed through the forges of Homeworld's industrial district. Bismuth 684, her rainbow-hued hair tied back and her apron covered in soot, worked tirelessly, shaping metal into intricate structures destined for the newest expansion of the capital city. But as her hands moved with practiced precision, her mind was far from her work.

A week had passed since Azurite's message had shaken the very foundations of Gem society. The words of the Off-Color leader still rang in Bismuth's ears, a siren song of freedom and equality that both thrilled and terrified her.

As she brought her hammer down once more, Bismuth caught sight of her reflection in a polished piece of metal. For a moment, she paused, studying the face that looked back at her. Was this all she was meant to be? A builder, a tool to be used and discarded at the whims of the Diamonds?

Bismuth shook her head, trying to dispel such dangerous thoughts. She had a purpose, a role to play in the grand design of Gem society. White Diamond herself had created their kind, and had given them order and meaning. To question that... it was unthinkable.

And yet...

The sound of heavy footsteps pulled Bismuth from her reverie. She looked up to see a squad of Quartz soldiers marching through the forge, their eyes scanning the working Gems with suspicion.

"Martial law, huh?" Bismuth muttered under her breath, returning to her work with renewed vigor. Yellow Diamond's response to the Off-Color threat had been swift and severe. The once-bustling streets of Homeworld were now patrolled by grim-faced soldiers, and whispers of disappearances and interrogations filled the air.

As the patrol passed, Bismuth couldn't help but overhear snippets of conversation from her fellow workers.

"Did you hear? They shattered a whole group of Peridots in Facet 9. Said they were sympathizers." one Gem whispered.

"Serves them right." another replied, though her voice quavered with uncertainty. "You can't go against the will of the Diamonds."

Bismuth's grip on her hammer tightened. The will of the Diamonds. How many times had she heard that phrase over the past few days, used to justify every aspect of their rigid society? But now, for the first time, she found herself wondering: what if the Diamonds' will wasn't infallible? What if there was more to life than just their wills?

As the day wore on, Bismuth's feelings only grew stronger. During the midday break, she found herself in a crowded square, where a member of the House of Crystal was addressing a gathering of Gems.

"My fellow Gems." the Zircon orated, her voice amplified to reach every corner of the square, "do not be swayed by the honeyed words of traitors and rebels. The Off-Colors would have you believe that chaos is freedom, and that disorder is equality. But look around you! See the greatness that our Diamond Authority has built!"

Murmurs of agreement rippled through the crowd, but Bismuth noticed a few Gems shifting uncomfortably, their eyes darting around as if searching for a way out.

The Zircon continued, her voice rising with passion. "Remember, it was White Diamond who gave us life, who gave us purpose. To turn our backs on her divine wisdom is to reject our very reason for existing!"

As the speech went on, Bismuth found her thoughts drifting to the stories she had heard whispered in dark corners of the forge. Tales of Off-Color Gems living free, choosing their own paths, loving whom they wished. Could such a world truly exist?

But then her gem pulsed, a reminder of the power that had created her, that had shaped her very being. White Diamond, radiant and perfect, the source of all Gem life. How could she question the will of one so vast, so unknowable?

Bismuth's internal debate raged as she made her way back to the forge. The afternoon passed in a blur of heat and metal, her body working on autopilot while her mind grappled with questions she had never dared to ask before.

As the work day drew to a close, Bismuth found herself lingering in the forge, reluctant to return to her assigned quarters. In the dying light of the furnaces, she began to shape a small piece of metal, pouring her conflicted emotions into the task.

"What are you making?"

The voice startled Bismuth, and she turned to see a Pearl standing nearby, her gem gleaming on her forehead. Pearls were rare in the industrial district, usually reserved for the elite of Gem society.

"I... I'm not sure," Bismuth admitted, looking down at the half-formed shape in her hands. It was unlike anything she had been assigned to create, a twisting, organic form that seemed to defy the rigid geometry of Homeworld architecture. If she had been registered and attended an art seminar, it would be fine, but she was supposed to be performing her duty. And she had just done something else.

The Pearl stepped closer, her eyes widening with curiosity. "It's beautiful." she said softly. "Like nothing I've ever seen before."

Bismuth felt a surge of pride, quickly followed by a wave of guilt. This wasn't what she was made for. This wasn't her purpose. She didn't get the authority to do something like this, especially not while she was at work.

"I shouldn't be doing this." Bismuth muttered, moving to toss the piece into the scrap pile.

But the Pearl's hand on her arm stopped her. "Wait." she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Maybe... maybe you should be doing exactly this."

Their eyes met, and in that moment, Bismuth saw a reflection of her own inner conflict in the Pearl's gaze. The longing for something more, the fear of stepping out of line, the desperate need to believe that they were more than just their assigned roles.

"Have you heard them?" the Pearl asked, glancing around to ensure they were alone. "The Off-Colors, I mean. Their message..."

Bismuth nodded slowly, her voice thick with emotion. "Yeah, I heard. But... but White Diamond..."

"I know." the Pearl said, her hand squeezing Bismuth's arm gently. "I struggle with it too. How can we question the one who gave us life? And yet..."

"And yet." Bismuth echoed, looking down at the strange, beautiful object she had created. An act of rebellion so small, and yet it felt monumental.

The sound of approaching footsteps broke the moment. The Pearl quickly stepped away, resuming the placid expression expected of her kind. "Think about it." she whispered before gliding away, leaving Bismuth alone with her thoughts once more.

That night, in the quiet of her quarters, Bismuth turned the small sculpture over in her hands. It represented everything she had been taught to reject - individuality, creativity, freedom of expression. And yet, holding it filled her with a sense of purpose she had never felt before.

She thought of White Diamond, radiant and all-powerful. The source of their existence, the guiding light of their society. To turn away from her was unthinkable. And yet, the words of Azurite echoed in her mind, offering a vision of a world where every Gem could choose their own path.

Bismuth closed her eyes, her gem pulsing with the turmoil of her emotions. She was a builder, a creator. It was the core of her being. But perhaps... perhaps she could build more than just structures. Perhaps she could help build a new future.

As she drifted into the Gem equivalent of sleep, Bismuth's last thoughts were of the small sculpture hidden away in her quarters. A tiny act of rebellion, a seed of change planted in the heart of Homeworld.

The coming days would bring more patrols, more speeches, and more attempts to quell the growing unrest. But something had shifted within Bismuth. She had taken the first step on a new path. And though the journey ahead was uncertain and accompanied by danger, she knew she could never go back to the unquestioning existence she had lived before.


The once-tranquil skies of Quadrant 84-B were now ablaze with the fury of war. What had started as isolated skirmishes following Azurite's broadcast had quickly escalated into a full-scale conflict. The Off-Colors, emboldened by their leader's call to arms, had emerged from hiding across the empire all across the world. Yellow Diamond, true to her word, had responded with overwhelming force.

On the surface of the colony, a massive battlefield stretched as far as the eye could see. Craters from energy blasts pockmarked the landscape, and the air crackled with the discharge of weapons and the clash of Gem bodies.

Leading the charge for the Off-Colors was Rhodonite, a fusion of a Ruby and a Pearl. Her four arms wielded an assortment of makeshift weapons, her movements a deadly dance as she faced down squad after squad of Homeworld soldiers.

"Keep pushing forward!" Rhodonite called out, her voice carrying over the din of battle. "Remember what we're fighting for – freedom for all Gems!"

Beside her, a massive Topaz fusion swung a huge war hammer, sending Quartz soldiers flying. The Topaz's usual stoic demeanor had been replaced by a fierce determination. They had served as guards for millennia, silently watching the injustices of Homeworld. Now, they fought to right those wrongs.

On the Homeworld side, an Aquamarine hovered above the battlefield, her wings buzzing as she directed troops with cold efficiency. "Surround and shatter!" she ordered, her high-pitched voice filled with disdain. "These Off-Colors are an affront to the natural order!"

A squadron of Jaspers charged forward, their helmets lowered like battering rams. They crashed into a line of Off-Color defenders, the impact sending shockwaves through the ground.

But the rebels held firm. A Sapphire watched over the battle, her precognition allowing her to anticipate the Jaspers' moves, and called out warnings to her comrades. "The Jaspers will attempt to break our line in precisely two seconds!"

Thanks to her foresight, a Bismuth was able to reinforce the defensive position just in time. Her arms transformed into massive hammers, meeting the Jaspers' charge head-on.

The battle raged on, each side fighting with a ferocity born of desperation and conviction. For the Off-Colors, this was a fight for their very right to exist. For Homeworld's forces, it was a battle to maintain the only order they had ever known.

In the midst of the chaos, a Lapis Lazuli rose into the air, her water wings spreading wide. With a gesture, she summoned a massive tidal wave from a nearby ocean, sending it crashing towards the Homeworld forces.

But Yellow Diamond's troops were prepared. An elite Peridot, her limb enhancers crackling with energy, activated a massive force field. The wave crashed against it, the water splitting around the protected Homeworld soldiers.

As the battle reached a fever pitch, a new player entered the fray. A massive ship, easily recognizable as belonging to Yellow Diamond herself, appeared in the sky. Its presence cast a shadow over the battlefield, and for a moment, both sides paused in their fighting.

A beam of light shot down from the ship, and from it emerged a towering figure that struck fear into the hearts of even the bravest Off-Colors. Yellow Diamond herself had arrived on the battlefield.

Her eyes blazed with fury as she surveyed the scene before her. With a single gesture, she sent a massive bolt of destabilizing energy across the battlefield, destroying the physical forms of dozens of Gems on both sides.

"Enough!" Yellow Diamond's voice boomed, echoing across the colony. "This rebellion ends now. Surrender, and you may yet be shown mercy."

For a moment, silence fell. The Off-Colors exchanged glances, uncertainty flickering across their faces. They had never anticipated facing a Diamond in direct combat.

But then, from the back of the rebel lines, a voice rang out. "We will never surrender!" It was Fluorite, the six-Gem fusion, her massive form lumbering forward. "We... fight... for... our... right... to... exist!"

Her words seemed to reignite the spark of rebellion. The Off-Colors rallied, turning to face Yellow Diamond with renewed determination.

Yellow's eyes narrowed, her gem glowing with barely contained power as the ground beneath her shattered just from her aura. "So be it." she snarled. "Then you have chosen your fates."

What followed was a battle, no, a massacre, unlike any the colony had ever seen. Yellow Diamond was a force of nature, her every movement causing devastation. She fired blast after blast of destabilizing energy, each one capable of decimating multiple Gems at once. She could casually annihilate entire squadrons with a wave of her hand.

But the Off-Colors fought back with everything they had. Rhodonite led a daring charge, weaving through Yellow's attacks with incredible agility. The Topaz fusion used their strength to hurl massive boulders at the Diamond, forcing her to divide her attention as she easily blocked the minor attacks.

Saphire's precognition proved invaluable, allowing the rebels to anticipate and dodge many of Yellow's attacks. "Yellow Diamond will aim for our left flank in exactly five seconds!" she would call out, giving her allies precious time to prepare.

The Lapis Lazuli took to the skies again, engaging in an aerial duel with Yellow Diamond. She manipulated massive amounts of water, forming it into spears and barriers, trying to match the Diamond's raw power with versatility and creativity.

Throughout it all, Fluorite acted as the rebels' anchor. Her massive size made her an easy target, but also allowed her to absorb hits that would have shattered smaller Gems. She moved slowly but deliberately, each of her actions carefully considered by the six Gems that made up her being.

As the battle raged on, it became clear that while Yellow Diamond was incredibly powerful, she was not invincible. The coordinated efforts of the Off-Colors were taking their toll, forcing her to exert more and more energy to maintain her advantage. While Yellow easily outclassed everyone here, being forced to use her full strength, or God forbid the Speed Force, on Gems she viewed as a minor nuisance would be beneath her.

Seeing an opportunity, Rhodonite called out to her fellow rebels. "Everyone, together! We can do this!"

In a move that would be remembered for millennia to come, the Off-Colors launched a synchronized attack. The Lapis Lazuli created a massive water hand, which the Bismuth reinforced with metallic structures. Rhodonite and the Topaz fusion leapt onto it, using it as a platform to launch themselves directly at Yellow Diamond.

Saphire's voice rang out, "Yellow Diamond will attempt to block with her left arm in exactly three seconds!"

Armed with this foresight, Rhodonite and the Topaz adjusted their trajectory mid-air. As Yellow raised her arm to block, they twisted around it, landing blows directly on her gem.

For the first time in the battle, Yellow Diamond staggered. Her form flickered, the impact on her gem momentarily disrupting her physical form.

A cheer went up from the Off-Color ranks. They had done what many thought impossible – they had hurt a Diamond.

But, it was at that moment that the air seemed to freeze, with Yellow suddenly standing straight and opening her eyes, eyes that glowed an eerie yellow color.

Then, the world seemed to shine completely yellow as all the Gems on the battlefield felt their forms deteriorating.

The Off-Colors braced themselves, knowing that this could be their final moment. But they stood tall, proud of what they had accomplished, ready to face whatever came next.

As Yellow Diamond was finishing her attack, a solid dome made of glass suddenly surrounded her.

Once the light faded, a new figure stood on the battlefield – Azurite herself had arrived.

Her dual gems glowed with power, and the very fabric of reality seemed to bend around her. "Enough, Yellow Diamond." Azurite said, her voice carrying across the battlefield with unnatural clarity. "This battle is over."

Yellow stared at the minor Gem that dared to defy the will of the Diamonds, a fool playing a minor game if she had ever seen one.

She had not met the Gods that represented foundations of reality. She had not ventured into the Dimension of a being of neverending darkness. She had not fought against a being that survived multiple incarnations of the Universe.

But she dared to defy her. No, she dared to defy them. No!! She dared to defy White!!!!

The energy around her seemed to grow denser, yet Yellow understood that this minor Gem must have some type of mutation ability, otherwise she wouldn't have chosen to appear before her like a fool.

"For what reason does a Dead Gem walking choose to show themselves to me?" Yellow asked, her voice carrying a coldness that could freeze stars.

'I would wipe this pitiful creature out if I didn't think she had a backup plan.' Yellow thought.

Azurite stared at her, her form shimmering as she absorbed the ambient light. "To save the lives of my comrades. And I'm here to show you that the era of Diamond rule is coming to an end."

Yellow's eyes widened as she couldn't believe that a Gem would dare appear before her and proclaim such nonsense.

'INSOLENCE!! IT IS TAKING EVERYTHING IN MY BODY TO NOT WIPE THIS DISGUSTING CREATURE FROM EXISTENCE!!!' Yellow thought, with her anger threatening to overtake her rationality.

With a gesture, Azurite created a massive glass dome over the entire battlefield. Inside it, images began to play – scenes from across the empire of other Off-Color uprisings, of Gems from all walks of life questioning the order they had always known.

"Look, Yellow Diamond." Azurite said, her voice tinged with both sadness and determination. "Look at what your perfect empire has wrought. The suffering, the oppression, the countless Gems shattered or forced into roles that stifle their true potential. Even the minor options you do give them are merely an illusion, as even then they truly have no choice other than being cogs in the machine for you and the other Diamonds." 

Yellow Diamond's fury seemed to grow even stronger, if that was possible. 


Inside of White's new Dimension, a new emotion began to take shape as a force. One that would be the first born of all the new forces thanks to Azurite.



Azurite continued, her words resonating with all of the Off Color Gems present. "It doesn't have to be this way. We can build a society where every Gem is free to choose their own path, where our differences are celebrated rather than punished. Where choice actually matters."

For a long moment, silence reigned on the battlefield. Then, slowly, Yellow Diamond lowered her arm, the energy she had gathered dissipating.

'Let them leave. It is better in the long run.' Yellow heard White'e voice sound in her mind.

"Leave now, before I change my mind, you pitiful ingrate." Yellow said, but her voice lacked its usual conviction as she wondered why her mother asked for this mongrel to be spared. "But I can tell you this; Order will be maintained."

Azurite smiled sadly. "Change is already here, Yellow Diamond. You can fight it and watch your empire crumble or you can work with us to build something better."

With that, Azurite raised her arms. The glass dome shattered, its fragments swirling around her in a dazzling display. In a flash of light, she and the Off-Color leaders vanished, leaving behind a battlefield frozen in a moment of profound change.

Yellow Diamond stood alone, her troops too afraid to approach, the weight of what had just occurred settling over her like a physical force. For the first time in her long existence, doubt crept into her gem. Did her Mother make a mistake? But she was perfect, she couldn't make a mistake. So what just happened?

As news of the battle spread across the empire, carried by Azurite's broadcast and countless eyewitness accounts, it became clear that nothing would ever be the same. The Off-Colors had stood against a Diamond and survived. More than that, they had shown that another way was possible.


In the grand chamber of the Diamond Authority, tensions were high. Yellow, Blue, Grey, and Brown Diamond had gathered to discuss the crisis that threatened to tear their empire apart. The absence of White Diamond was palpable, her empty throne looming over them like a silent judge.

Yellow Diamond paced back and forth, her form crackling with barely contained energy. "This is unprecedented." she growled, her voice tight with frustration. "An open rebellion, broadcast across the entire empire! And then to spread the words from the results of our battles, as if they achieved something notable!! We must crush this immediately, with overwhelming force!"

Blue Diamond, seated on her throne, shook her head slowly. Her eyes were still rimmed with tears from the emotional impact of Azurite's message. "Violence will only beget more violence, Yellow. We need to understand why they're rebelling since direct force is causing the opposite effect that we want, address their concerns-"

"Address their concerns?" Yellow whirled on Blue, her eyes flashing. "They're challenging the very foundation of our society! There's nothing to understand - they're traitors, plain and simple!"

Grey Diamond, who had been silently observing from his seat, finally spoke up. "It's not that simple, Yellow. This Azurite... she's clearly been planning this for a long time. We can't underestimate her or her followers."

Yellow's gem pulsed with irritation. "And whose fault is that, Grey? Wasn't your division supposed to prevent exactly this kind of uprising?"

Grey's eyes narrowed. "My division has been working tirelessly to root out dissent. But even we can't be everywhere at once. And may I remind you, Yellow, that it was your elite squad that failed to capture the Off-Colors in the battles that have already occurred?"

Before Yellow could retort, Brown Diamond cleared his throat. All eyes turned to the scientific genius of the Authority. "My siblings." he began, his voice calm and measured, "I believe we're overlooking a crucial factor in all of this."

"And what might that be?" Yellow asked, her tone sharp.

Brown's eyes gleamed with an intelligence that bordered on madness. "White Diamond's grand design, of course. Don't you see? This rebellion, this 'crisis'... it's all part of her plan."

The other Diamonds exchanged glances. Blue looked confused, Grey skeptical, and Yellow... for the first time, a flicker of doubt crossed her face.

"What do you mean, Brown?" Blue asked gently.

Brown leaned forward, his excitement palpable. "Think about it. White Diamond is perfection incarnate. Her wisdom is beyond our comprehension. If this rebellion truly caught her by surprise, if it was a genuine threat to her rule, don't you think she would be here, leading our response?"

Yellow's pacing slowed as she considered Brown's words. "But then... why? Why allow this rebellion to happen at all?"

Brown's smile widened. "To test us, of course. To push our empire to new heights. Consider the possibilities - this conflict will drive technological advancements, strengthen our military, and ultimately reinforce the Diamond Authority's rule. From the crucible of rebellion, a stronger, more unified empire will emerge!"

Grey nodded slowly, his analytical mind seeing the logic in Brown's argument. "It would explain why White ordered us to spare the Off-Colors in previous encounters. She's... cultivating them, like a controlled burn in a forest."

Yellow's gem pulsed with conflicting emotions. The idea that White had planned all this, that she had ordered Yellow to show mercy to rebels... it challenged everything Yellow thought she knew about her role and her mother's expectations.

"If that is true." Yellow said, her voice uncharacteristically quiet, "Then why didn't she tell us? Why let us struggle and doubt?"

Blue reached out, placing a comforting hand on Yellow's arm. "Perhaps... perhaps this is a test for us as well. To see how we handle a crisis, to push us to grow and adapt."

Yellow pulled away from Blue's touch, her mind racing. For the first time in her existence, she found herself questioning White Diamond's methods. The doubt felt like a crack in her gem, painful and destabilizing.

"But the cost." Yellow muttered, almost to herself. "The Gems we'll lose, the damage to our colonies..."

Brown waved a hand dismissively. "A small price to pay for the glorious future White Diamond envisions for us. We are but pieces on her cosmic chessboard, moving according to her grand strategy."

Grey's eyes narrowed as he studied Yellow's reaction. "You seem... troubled, sister. Surely you're not doubting White Diamond's wisdom?"

Yellow straightened, pushing down her doubts with an effort of will. "Of course not." she said, her voice regaining some of its usual strength. "White Diamond's will is absolute. If this is indeed her plan, then we must play our parts to perfection."

Blue, ever empathetic, sensed the turmoil beneath Yellow's façade. "Perhaps." she suggested gently, "We should seek White's guidance directly. If this is truly part of her plan, wouldn't she want us to understand our roles fully?"

Brown shook his head vehemently. "No, no, no! Don't you see? That would defeat the purpose of the test. We must prove ourselves worthy by deciphering her will on our own, by rising to this challenge without her direct intervention."

Grey nodded in agreement. "Brown's right. If White wanted us to have more information, she would have provided it. Our task now is to respond to this crisis in a way that aligns with her greater vision."

Yellow's gem pulsed with renewed determination, though the seed of doubt remained buried deep within her. "Very well. If this is White's will, then we will make her proud. We'll crush this rebellion, but we'll do it strategically. We'll use it to strengthen our empire, just as Brown suggested."

Blue sighed, still uncomfortable with the idea of more violence that did not seem to be working but seeing no alternative, she asked. "What do you propose, Yellow?"

Yellow's eyes gleamed with tactical fervor. "We'll let the Off-Colors think they're making progress. We'll allow their message to spread, and let them gather followers. And then, when the time is right, we'll strike with such overwhelming force that no Gem will ever dream of rebellion again."

Grey nodded approvingly. "My division can help with that. We'll feed them false information, and lead them into traps. We'll make examples of their leaders, show the empire the futility of resisting the Diamond Authority."

Brown clapped his hands together, his eyes alight with manic glee. "And I'll accelerate our weapons research. We'll develop new technologies to track and subdue Off-Colors. Perhaps we can even find a way to 'cure' their defects, bring them back into the fold of proper Gem society."

Blue looked from one sister to another, feeling the weight of their decisions. "And what of the Gems who join them out of genuine belief in their cause? Are we to shatter them all?"

Yellow's expression hardened. "Any Gem who turns against the Diamond Authority is a traitor, Blue. They've made their choice."

Grey held up a hand. "Not necessarily. Some could be... re-educated. It would be a powerful message to show that even the most misguided Gem can be brought back to the light of the Diamonds."

Yellow considered this for a moment, then nodded. "Agreed. We'll make examples of the leaders but offer redemption to the followers. It will reinforce our benevolence and strengthen loyalty among the lower castes."

As the Diamonds continued to plan their response to the rebellion, the seed of doubt in Yellow's mind continued to grow. She pushed it aside, focusing on the task at hand, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something fundamental had shifted in her understanding of White Diamond and her own place in the empire. Did she really understand her Mother?

Blue, sensing the undercurrents of emotion in the room, spoke up once more. "My sisters, my brothers." she said softly, "Whatever course we choose, we must remember that these rebels are still Gems. They are misguided, yes, but they are part of White Diamond's creation. Perhaps... perhaps there's a way to bring them back without shattering or violence."

Yellow turned to Blue, her expression a mix of exasperation and grudging affection. "Always the gentle one, aren't you, Blue? But this isn't the time for softness. We need to show strength, unshakeable resolve."

Grey nodded in agreement. "Yellow's right. Any show of weakness now could embolden other potential rebels. We need to make it clear that challenging the Diamond Authority is not just futile, but catastrophic."

Brown, who had been scribbling notes and diagrams on a holographic display, looked up with a gleam in his eye. "What if we could do both? Show our strength and our... let's call it magnanimity. I have an idea for a device that could temporarily suppress a Gem's form and memories. We could use it to 'reset' captured rebels, give them a chance at a new life within the proper order of our society."

Yellow's eyes widened at the suggestion. "Interesting... Grey, what do you think? Could such a device be used effectively in your operations?"

Grey pondered for a moment, his tactical mind already seeing the possibilities. "If Brown can make it work, it could be an invaluable tool. We could infiltrate rebel groups with our own agents, sleeper agents who don't even know they're working for us."

Blue shuddered at the implications. "That seems... cruel. To rob a Gem of their very identity..."

"It's kinder than shattering." Yellow countered. "And it serves the greater good of our empire. Brown, begin work on this device immediately."

As Brown nodded eagerly and began to outline his plans, Yellow turned back to the group at large. "We need to coordinate our efforts. Grey, your division will focus on infiltration and information gathering. Feed the rebels false intel, lead them into traps. Blue, you'll be our public face. Address the empire, reassure the loyal Gems that we have the situation under control."

Blue nodded, though her expression remained troubled. "And what will you do, Yellow?"

Yellow's gem pulsed with power. "I'll mobilize our forces. We'll let the rebels think they're making progress, but we'll be ready to crush them the moment they reveal themselves fully. And I'll personally lead the assault on their main base once we locate it."

As the Diamonds continued to refine their plans, the atmosphere in the chamber grew heavy with the weight of their decisions. Each of them felt the absence of White Diamond keenly, wondering if they were truly acting in accordance with her wishes.

Yellow, in particular, found her thoughts returning to the doubt that had taken root in her mind. The idea that White might have allowed this rebellion, might have even orchestrated it, challenged everything she thought she knew about her purpose and her relationship with her creator.

As the meeting drew to a close, Yellow stood before White's empty throne, her gem pulsing with a mix of determination and uncertainty. "Whatever your plan is, White," she whispered, too quietly for the others to hear, "I hope we're doing the right thing. I hope... I hope I'm making you proud."

With those words, Yellow turned back to her siblings, her face a mask of resolute authority. "Let's get to work." she commanded. "We have a rebellion to crush and an empire to preserve. For White Diamond, for the Authority, for the very future of Gemkind!"

As the Diamonds dispersed to their respective duties, the grand chamber fell silent once more. The empty throne of White Diamond loomed over all, a silent witness to the machinations of her children, to the doubts and fears they dared not speak aloud, and to the coming storm that would shake the very foundations of the Gem Empire.

next chapter
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