39.39% Mama's Child Vol 1 (One Piece SI) - Completed! / Chapter 13: Chapter 20,21, 22. Minister of Cake

章節 13: Chapter 20,21, 22. Minister of Cake

Chapter 20, 21, & 22. Minister of Cake

Content Advisory: This chapter includes scenes of inexplicit sexual content that may be unsettling for some readers. Reader discretion is advised.


First to rise from the ashes in the aftermath of the war of the Beasts and Monsters was Whole Cake Island in its entirety. The initial efforts to restore Totto Land were focused on rebuilding Sweet City, one confectionery at a time, to revive the lost happiness and whimsy. New structures, decorations, and sceneries came to life as culinary artists pooled their creativity, making Whole Cake Island far more beautiful and impressive than ever before.

In a remarkably short period, normalcy began to return. Cake and candy houses, towers, and stadiums lined the streets once more, and rivers of warm chocolate and cold juice flowed again. The residents of Whole Cake Island resumed their sounds of cheer and joy, signalling the return of the wonderland that was Totto Land.

With Whole Cake Island fully restored, the Ministers of Totto Land quickly initiated the restoration of their respective lands. Those whose islands had been destroyed focused on conquering new islands, especially those closest to the Archipelago, while others recovered from the aftermath.

Within less than a year, Totto Land was brighter than ever. Cotton candy fell as kids played on the confectionery lands, and adults swam in the sweet rivers. The Tartes were reinstated to their strategic positions, ensuring the security of the renewed wonderland. Big Mom's crew absorbed more citizens into the pirates, and Big Mom created more chess soldiers to add to the ranks.

During this time, all of Big Mom's children, including Pudding, became commanders of the pirates, each assigned a ship (or ships) and a specific crew to lead, especially in times of battle. I didn't miss out either; my crew was particularly special, given that I was both in training and exile.

The golden law of power is never to outshine the master - or try to, or even appear to. As it turned out, even being Mama's favorite, I was no exception to this rule. For going against Mama's will - her truce with Kaidou - I was exiled from living in her castle.

Okay, fine, 'exiled' is a strong word. Let's just say I was relocated to live in a cake mansion within Sweet City, accompanied by a royal motley of guards, chefs, attendants... hmmph-

And I was made the Minister of Cake, overseeing minor affairs of Whole Cake Island, like the rules and regulations pertaining to 'Snackalism'... hmmph-

Not to mention my personal riches that came with the relocation - a buttload of candies and sweets, tea parties and entertainment budgets, treasures of rubies, gold, and silver... huh.


I see the silver spoon, despite my slight anger at Big Mom for kicking me out of a castle I had begun to think of as my own. But maybe life outside the chateau was better. The cake mansion was always swarming with acclaimed visitors and celebrities, and for some reason, lots of ladies of exquisite taste.

Yeah, I was living in paradise, and yet... I was still just a child, albeit mature, grouped with the other children of the nobles of Totto Land. Even though I was taller than most of them, the ladies didn't appear to see me as more than that.

I hated being seen that way. My teenage mind was sharp and aware, but my physical body was still developing, leaving me powerless to change how others perceived me. The best I could do was enjoy the entertainment for my mind - all the pleasing aesthetics that came with beautiful women surrounding me like a harem, although one I couldn't fully live or enjoy. I cursed my body for not growing fast enough. I had strength, speed, and energy - why couldn't I just mature faster?

By the time of my third birthday celebration, I had grown taller by an additional 90 cm, making me stand at 270 cm. On that day, I made a wish that I would mature, if not grow faster, and stopped lamenting my inability to fully enjoy the company of beautiful women. From that moment on, I put my heart and mind fully into developing myself physically and mentally.

The evenings and showers, however, remained a time of bittersweet enjoyment. It was only natural that, from this experience, I grew wiser and also became more patient, calmly waiting for the time I'd eat the forbidden fruit.

Physically, I focused on improving my strength, speed, and agility, while experimenting with various weapons to find the one I both excelled at and loved the most.

Mentally, I aimed to conquer Ares and learn how to use my monstrous form to my best advantage. Mastering this transformation was crucial, as it would give me a significant edge in the battle with Kaidou.

As for Haki, I was limited - especially mentally. I believed Katakuri was the best and only person suited to teach me Haki properly so I could attain peak levels like he did. But with Katakuri and Perospero barely recovering from Queen's plague, I chose to focus on my physical training and mastering my monstrous form until they fully recovered.

Seeing how much the doctors of Totto Land struggled to cure even one of Queen's plagues - always finding means to prolong life but never truly treating the virus - I developed a newfound respect for Tony Tony Chopper. His expertise was awe-inspiring, and I vowed to discover a ship doctor like him for my future adventures.

With the events of the War of the Beasts and the subsequent efforts to restore Totto Land, Big Mom had postponed her impending attacks on the three major targets she had imposed on me: Impel Down, Mariejois, and Whitebeard. Initially, she was impatient, but as the restoration of her pirates took time, she adopted a calmer demeanor, as if the entire idea was slipping from her mind. However, in one of her announcements, she declared that she was expanding the pirate group to be large enough to perform all three attacks at once, regardless of the casualties. She however added that, if she determined I was as strong as she hoped I'd be, she would proceed with the attacks, regardless.

With a little more information from Snack, I came to realize why she had marked these three targets. Impel Down was due to Daifuku's capture on the day of my birth. I had always thought Daifuku was out capturing more territories for Big Mom. However, upon discovering the truth, I felt both sad and guilty knowing he was in Impel Down. Big Mom, however, didn't seem particularly enthusiastic about rescuing him. In fact, she was disappointed in him for losing something precious to her and crucial to her overall plan.

This led to the second mark - Mariejois, where the government, boldly, had taken the one thing that all ambitious pirates could battle for - a poneglyph, specifically a red road poneglyph. Daifuku had been transporting it from an unknown location when he was intercepted, captured, and the poneglyph was lost to the Marines. Learning about the Vice Admiral involved in the capture, I wasn't surprised.

It was the first time I had heard of the government possessing a poneglyph, and worse, a road poneglyph. Poneglyphs in One Piece had two major interpretations: the World Government declared them dangerous because of the ancient weapons, while the free-minded saw them as the true ideals of the fallen Kingdom written on some of the stones.

Moreover, the red road poneglyphs mapped out the route to Raftel - the last island on the Grand Line, believed to hold the One Piece. Only one man and his crew had made it to that island - the renowned King of the Pirates, Gol D. Roger - and every other ambitious pirate wanted to take over that mantle, including Big Mom.


"Keki-sama! Keki-sama!" A voice rang out urgently, echoing through the exteriors of the cake mansion. A servant, dressed in a uniform of whipped cream-white and chocolate-brown, hurried through the lawns, her footsteps barely making a sound on the marshmallow pavements.

The exterior of the Cake Mansion was a grand sight to behold. It resembled a typical noble-like mansion but was made entirely of cake and other confectioneries. The walls were frosted, the windows spun of sugar, and the towers and turrets made of stacked cookies and gingerbread.

The lawns surrounding the mansion were a lush mix of green and confectionery delight. Most of the grass was edible, a soft blend of cake and sweetened herbs that released a faint aroma of mint and vanilla when stepped on. Yet, not everything was edible. Some parts of the lawn were real, a necessary balance to prevent the entire area from succumbing to the cake's sweet temptations and to ensure a sustainable environment.

Tree trunks were covered with marzipan and branches bore real leaves. The flowers in the well-maintained gardens were living blooms, most secretly homies.

The servant hurried across the exquisite grounds, her uniform flitting through the sweet-smelling air. On the marshmallow pavements, she moved with ease, but on the candy cane paths, her pace caused her to stumble over a patch of grass that was more real than edible, but out of place, regardless,.

She quickly regained her balance, her cheeks flushing slightly with embarrassment. Glancing around to ensure no one saw, she reached down and plucked a small flower that was both real and sweet, nibbling on the petal with a quick bite before continuing on her way.

Finally, she approached the area where the Prince of Totto Land and Minister of Cake, Charlotte Keki, was training. Her urgency seemed to dissolve as she noticed his towering form engrossed in a rigorous training session.

At only five years old, Keki stood 450 cm tall, his imposing presence unmistakable. The servant's breath caught in her throat as she observed him with awe and admiration. She marvelled at his dedication, her cheeks blushing with pride - momentarily forgetting the reason for her hasty arrival - as she watched him wield the blade.

Keki's movements were far from fluid. Each swing and thrust was forced, as though he was visualizing using a much larger blade in his mind. Despite the amateurish display, his technique was marked by impressive intensity, focus, and dedication.

He had been at this since early morning, training consistently ever since he chose the blade as his weapon. Keki wasn't much of a boaster, but in moments when his childlike enthusiasm showed, he would often talk about wanting to master the blade so he could wield Big Mom's Cognac at maximum length and power. He would say that Cognac was what he would use to take Kaidou's head, and in his training, he would swing the largest blade he could manage, hoping to master control and precision.

Most people would find Keki's behaviour strange, but he had proven time and time again that he was built different - holding conversations and acting in ways that even most teenagers couldn't fathom. This wasn't entirely new to the Charlotte family, as Katakuri was famed for his behavior on the day of his birth - how he walked and sat in a chair, and from that day onwards, he was rumoured to have never laid on his back.

There were other curious cases, like Zuccotto, who was said to have developed a drinking problem from his womb, and Pudding, who was said to have started reading as soon as her third eye opened.

Despite all of these attributes, however, the people of Sweet City and Totto Land had grown to love and support Keki's dreams and ambitions. Famed swordsmiths in Totto Land attended to all his blades for free, adjusting and improving them wholeheartedly. Most of Keki's attendants were volunteers, except for the Royal Guards and chefs.

The servant herself was one of these volunteers, showing her gratitude after Keki's decisive actions during the War of the Beasts and Monsters. His ability to take control during such a chaotic time had been crucial for the citizens' survival. Unlike many pirates who prioritized their ego over the welfare of the people, Keki had demonstrated a rare sense of responsibility and leadership.

As she watched, Keki staggered slightly from his stance, the blade he was holding clearly unable to achieve his mentally choreographed move. He cursed under his breath, a simple "Damn it," before noticing the servant's presence. The servant took a step back, her heart pounding. She couldn't shake the thought, that given his immense growth and strength, he might perceive her as a mere nuisance - a small, insignificant bug in his world.

After a moment of silence, Keki's eyes locked onto her, his gaze steady and marked with a pregnant anticipation. He asked, "Is it time for my mid-day bath already?"

The servant was momentarily taken aback. She realized that his question made sense - he had been training since early morning with hardly any breaks. The thought of a shower or a bath seemed like a reasonable respite for someone who had been working so hard.

Yet, there was something in his tone - a darker, more introspective edge - that hinted at a deeper longing. It was as if he had been waiting for this moment, not just for the physical relief, but perhaps for a... deeper sense of comfort.

The servant's mind wandered for a second before she caught herself and refocused.

Since moving to the mansion, the warm chocolate baths had become a norm for the prince. They were not just a luxury but a part of his routine, a soothing ritual to counterbalance his gruelling training sessions.

However, these sessions hadn't been the most popular - at first - especially among the adult men.

If older men engaged in them, they were termed as 'controversial,' and if they broke the rules of Totto Land, the men involved would be judged, shunned by society, or even executed.

But not Charlotte Keki.

He was a 5-year-old child, after all, and most people argued that it was only natural for a boy, separated from his mother at a young age, to yearn for the constant presence of women, even in his baths.

Moreover, the women argued that they were helping give Keki solace and relaxing his body after his tough training sessions. Sometimes, they would even go as far as to explain the process of how they catered for him, leaving the objecting men in a state of pure envy and desire.

When Keki was asked about his baths, he simply replied that there was nothing to say about it since he was just five years old. The majority of Totto Land agreed that their prince deserved the best, but a smaller group disagreed and coined the term "Keki's Harem," which quickly gained popularity across the land.

Despite the controversy, Keki continued his baths, and most of Totto Land supported him. In fact, they embraced the practice and established a rule that only the most beautiful in the land could attend any of Keki's Harem. This became one of many regulations that evolved into state rules.

Refocusing, the servant caught Keki's gaze and patiently waited for his response.

She quickly composed herself and took a bow. "Yes, Keki-sama. Your bath is always ready and prepared."

Keki chuckled softly, as though suppressing a laugh of secret pleasure, and lifted his wide, 300 cm long blade. He sheathed it in his back scabbard and began walking toward the Mansion's interior.

"Oh, Keki-sama," the servant called out as he was leaving the training grounds. Her tone carried a hint of forgotten urgency.

Keki halted, and the servant hurried to face him. She bowed again and said, "The Minister of Butter is also in Sweet City and has requested to see you."

Keki's brow furrowed, and a hint of annoyance crossed his face. He looked down at the servant and replied, "I wouldn't miss my bath for the world. If it's urgent, she can find me there."


My baths were nothing short of pure indulgence. Although it wasn't maximum pleasure, I always enjoyed the ritual and understood that great things come to those who are patient. As such, I had learned to be patient, biding my time for the day when-

Moreover, I was fortunate to exist in a world where there was always a workaround to navigating any obstacle. In my case, the perception of maturity.

As I settled into the chocolate bath, the warm, velvety liquid enveloped my naked body, bringing a deep sense of relaxation. It wasn't until my body was fully immersed that the women, a carefully chosen entourage, turned to look at me and approached to begin their work of soothing my muscles.

Clad in elegant swimsuits that shimmered faintly in the smoky mist, they moved both gracefully and deliberately. Their soft smiles and gentle hands conveyed a sense of calm and attentiveness as they began their task. One by one, they traced their skilled fingers over my massive form, applying just the right amount of pressure to both tense and relax me.

I closed my eyes and tilted my head slightly, surrendering to the soothing sensation. The combined effect of their touch and the warm chocolate bath was already enough to make me begin savoring the moment. Yet, this was only the beginning.


At first, she couldn't fathom why a child's bath had been labelled as a harem. It seemed far-fetched and morally dubious. That was, until she experienced it firsthand - from start to finish - and her entire perspective shifted.

What struck her most was her own involvement. Being one of his sisters, it should have been a tremendous taboo, but it wasn't - at least, not in the eyes of those who mattered.

Her participation, along with that of others, seemed to enhance the perception of Keki's harem. The fact that some of his sisters were involved proved that nothing sinister occurred during these sessions, easing public concerns and allowing it to be accepted as a customary practice across Whole Cake Island and beyond.

Moreover, the shame faced by those who had previously criticized Keki's baths as a moral degradation led to the enactment of a new rule: "What goes on in the harem, stays in the harem." This law was strictly observed, particularly by the participants.

Although the term "Keki's harem" was officially abolished, its popularity ensured its continued use.

Despite this, Charlotte Galette, like many others, knew the truth. Keki's harem was not entirely free from taboo. But to discern and understand this, one had to be apart of the harem - after meeting all the mandatory requirements.

Galette paced through the corridors of Cake Mansion, her mind a whirl of conflicting emotions.

As the Minister of Butter overseeing Margarine Island, she had arrived with an important message from Big Mom and a pressing concern of her own. Her duty had brought her to the heart of Keki's domain, yet she found herself caught between her official responsibilities and a powerful, unexpected urge.

Her thoughts drifted back to the times she had participated in Keki's lavish baths. The sensory memory of the warm, velvety chocolate bath and the experience of those indulgent moments had never quite left her. The allure of such an experience had a way of consuming one's senses.

When she learned that Keki was in one of his famous baths, it was as though an unseen force had gently urged her towards it. The mere mention of the bath had triggered a flood of nostalgia and longing. The allure was undeniable.

She had insisted that the nature of her matters was urgent and that she would join Keki in his bath to discuss them in a fittingly royal manner. Nothing odd about that, at least not in most of Totto Land.

As she made her way into the bathhouse, the scene that greeted her in the harem was already taking on a wild, extravagant turn. The women's gentle ministrations had transformed into spirited, hedonistic indulgence, blending pleasure with an almost frenzied abandon.

She didn't hesitate to join in. The urgent matters would just have to wait.


Maybe it was the way he touched them, the way he looked at them, or the way he attended to them... The women in the baths couldn't quite pin down what made Keki so irresistibly captivating.

Was it his appearance?

He was tall, with a striking physique. His muscles had become leaner, and his pink hair had grown longer, cascading to his shoulders like Linlin's when she was younger. His mesmerizing blue eyes sparkled with an almost unspoken wisdom, and his body had contours that were the epitome of allure. He was a living marvel.

Or was it his charisma?

His presence was magnetic. There was an undeniable charm in the way he carried himself, a blend of confidence and intrigue that drew everyone in. He engaged with them with a mix of intensity and gentleness, making him all the more enchanting. The way he remained non-judgmental of their indulgence and unspoken desires, accepting their needs without revealing too much, yet showing enough enjoyment to hint at his own satisfaction, added to his allure. His comfortable exterior seemed to suggest that, once his time came, they would go above and beyond to repay him.

As the ladies grew increasingly comfortable with Keki, they no longer hesitated to voice their desires and request his attention. Initially, their focus would be on pampering him in every conceivable way. Yet, as the atmosphere evolved, so did their roles. Their requests began simply, with invitations to "touch here," but gradually shifted to more intimate suggestions like "squeeze this," heading to more depraved requests.

Despite their growing boldness, the ladies maintained a level of restraint, mindful of Keki's youth and their own personal guilt. Though his features made him appear to be a grown man, they remained acutely aware of their boundaries, much to Keki's quiet disappointment.

In the midst of this intricate dance of restraint and indulgence, Keki arguably enjoyed these baths more than the women themselves. Within the murmurs, every touch, glance, whisper, and chuckle, he relished the validation and control he had garnered, keeping his quiet yearning just below the surface of his composed exterior.

When the bath came to a disappointing end, with the women always pulling back just before crossing an invisible line, Keki was left yearning for the next bath.

Galette found herself so immersed in the experience that she completely put aside the important matters that had brought her to the Cake Mansion. It wasn't until the hour of lunch that she recomposed herself and made her claims to Keki.


At lunch, the mood had shifted to one of formality, but the memories of the bath lingered in my mind, undisturbed by the tantalizing aromas of the lavish feast before me. Plates were piled high with exquisite dishes, and I took my place at the head of the table, my demeanour now more reserved. Galette, with her stout figure in comparison to mine, seated herself next to me, her eyes briefly meeting mine as if silently reiterating the most popular state rule: "what goes on in the harem, stays in the harem."

As more guests filled the seats until there were no vacancies remaining, the dining hall took on an air of royalty. The long table was set with a variety of delicacies, from chunks of roasted meat to exquisite and new brands of juice, all arranged on fine china with silver cutlery and crystal glasses. The confectioneries, featuring creations from the star bakers and chefs of Totto Land, were a feast for the eyes and palate.

The centerpiece of the meal was meat from a sea king that had ventured into the sweet waters of Totto Land, only to meet its end at the hands of a very long blade. It had been roasted to perfection, and the mere sight of it made my mouth water.

Once everything was set and the servants had bowed and stepped aside, I gave a nod to the guests and began to delve into the feast.

As I ate, no one else dared to touch their food. An unspoken rule dictated that they must allow me to have my fill before they could indulge. Initially, I found this tradition ridiculous and uncomfortable, but over time, I had adjusted to sitting and eating while being watched. It was difficult to change this practice, especially given the ever-changing guest list. Only the famous dined with the prince, and rarely did I see the same face twice - there were simply too many famous people. It was monotonous, and one of the few aspects of my life I genuinely disliked.

Moreover, every guest had a motive - whether to promote their ventures or gain more fame. It was a constant reminder of my role as an important person, and I found it tiresome, agreeing that it's indeed lonely at the top.

The ministers, too, followed a similar pattern. They came only when they needed something from me, typically involving sibling territorial disputes. According to Totto Land's rules, the minister with dominance over a particular substance had control over the island that used it the most. The biggest troublemaker was always the Minister of Finance, Charlotte Noisette.

Noisette argued that, since all islands used the same currency, he should have control over more territories than just his own, Kinko (Bank) Island. His arguments often led to conflicts with other siblings, particularly the weaker ones, resulting in frequent squabbles.

However, fearing Big Mom's anger, they would bring their disputes to the highest-ranking minister, the Minister of Whole Cake Island. I would then find myself explaining the same thing to Noisette repeatedly, only for him to return with the same argument against another sibling. This endless drama was becoming unbearable.

As I ate without restraint, almost as if I were the only person in the room, I glanced at Galette and wondered if Noisette had become bold enough to attempt claiming Margarine Island. Even he should realize that would be a foolish move, but I wouldn't be certain until Galette spoke her reasons for visiting Cake Mansion, after the meal.

Even so, I found the politics of this life greatly suffocating and longed for a level of freedom, dreaming of the day I could set sail and experience the open sea. I had the means, capabilities, and desire to embark on such a journey, even taking my harem along with me. However, that decision was not mine alone to make; it rested heavily with Big Mom. Whether I liked it or not, I was constantly reminded of this fact.

I picked up a piece of the roasted sea king meat and took a hearty bite, savoring its succulent flavors. The meat was unlike anything I had ever imagined - tender, rich, and far surpassing any expectations. It was perhaps the finest creation in any anime or manga, with its exaggerated, mouthwatering appearance making it even more delectable.

As I swallowed the meat, bones and all, I reveled in the primal satisfaction it brought. I had always dreamed of consuming such a feast in one go, and now that I could afford it, I was unrepentant. The juices dripped down my chin, and I wiped them away carelessly, focused solely on the pleasure of the meal. The guests watched in respectful silence, fully aware that this was my moment, and waited patiently for their turn to indulge.

It was customary for them to begin only after I had my fill and left the room. They would then break the silence with the clattering of spoons and spirited conversations that often left me feeling somewhat isolated. However, I never let it get me down, bolstered by the fact that I had my harems - limited as they may be - at a very young age.

Moments after my meal was done, I prepared for my next training session out in the waters of Totto Land. Passing by the waiting room, decorated with large, cozy furniture, I noticed Galette patiently waiting.

She was a pale-skinned woman of average size, with shoulder-length fuchsia hair that curled at the ends and bangs covering the right side of her face. Her yellow eyes and notably thick eyelashes gave her an enigmatic look, especially in contrast to her younger twin, Charlotte Poire.

As usual, she wore a short red-violet dress complemented by a long dark purple feather coat, which gave off a Donquixote Doflamingo vibe. Magenta gloves adorned her hands, and two arrow-shaped horns topped her head, adding a distinctive touch to her appearance.

She seemed to notice the blade on my back more than my towering form, leading her to ask, "I haven't seen the Crown Prince in raw action for some time. I'd like to see how much you've grown in your training."

I replied casually, "Sure, I was actually heading over to Ice Island. I hear the people there are struggling against some sort of Ice Demon. I'd very much like to see it for myself and deal with it if I think it's not worth capturing."

"The Ice Demon!?" Her voice spiked. She stared at me, disbelief evident on her face, as if she couldn't fathom why I'd want to take on such a challenge.

I could almost hear her thinking, "Is he mad? Even strong, he's still just only five years old for such a challenge." In my mind, I answered, "Well, I'm not. I was blessed with the body of a monster and the memories of a teenager exposed to a lot of visual violence. With these gifts, how could I be a normal five-year-old?"

She followed my lead as we headed to the docks to board one of my ships.

Currently, two vessels were docked in place. The first, a ship of relative size, was impressive but not extraordinary compared to the Queen Mama Chanter. It featured a sleek hull and four elegant masts, making it stately yet clearly designed for more standard journeys, adhering to traditional naval design.

The second ship, however, was something else entirely. Still under construction, this vessel was gargantuan - literally, as it was being built to accommodate a literal giant. Mama must have anticipated that I would grow to be a giant, for she had the shipwrights design the blueprints to make it even larger than the Queen Mama Chanter, her own pirate ship. However, I doubted that I would ever sail in this ship when she was still the captain... maybe after she had retired.

The scale of this behemoth was so immense that it appeared the shipwrights were attempting to build an entire island on the water. The blueprints revealed towering masts meant to reach the heavens, evoking thoughts of Thriller Bark and wondering if they were trying to recreate the Noah, the largest ship in One Piece history. However, given the lack of Giant manpower crucial for constructing such a massive vessel, it was clear that its completion would take several more years. Until then, the ship would continue to stretch and widen, perhaps eventually connecting with the nearest island to Whole Cake Island.

However, both ships were to resemble Queen Mama Chanter in one key way - they would both be homies. The first ship already embodied this feature. As a homie, it benefited from enhanced speed and efficiency while sailing the seas, a trait I was already accustomed to.

"'Jake's Sunset' is as elegant as ever," Galette admired, referring to the name I had chosen for the first ship. It was metaphorical, symbolizing the abrupt end of my past life.

"She's even more majestic at sea," I replied as we climbed aboard to meet the awaiting crew.

At my command, Jake's Sunset set sail.

The observation deck on the upper level offered a panoramic view of the waters ahead. As I gazed at the horizon, I decided it was an ideal spot for a somewhat formal conversation with Galette to discuss the matters that had brought her here this time.

"It's not Noisette again, is it?" I started off with a casual tone, referring to the renowned antics of the Minister of Finance.

"Haha," she chuckled, resting her body on the railings, her tone adopting my casual demeanor, "even the greedy bastard knows his limits."

I sighed with relief. "I'm actually glad to hear that."

Galette exhaled deeply, as if releasing a lot of built-up tension. She leaned back, soaking in the warm sun rays for a moment before turning her gaze back to me.

"Much better," she said, relaxing her shoulders. "Now, onto the reason I'm here. It's about the archipelago."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What's going on with Totto Land?

Galette's expression grew more serious, as if she was plotting an entire war in her mind. "A lot of islands could be affected by an upcoming event. It's shaping up to be something like a war among the islands, and I've been delegated to ask you to keep Tartes out of it."

I processed the information quietly. 'Tartes? A war among the islands? What exactly did she mean?'

"The ministries are organizing a friendly competition among the pirates - to boost crew unity and morale," she said, pausing as if studying my reaction. I remained stoic, prompting her to go on. "The kind of competition that has been selected is often associated with loyalty, skill, endurance, and pure chaos. The latter seems to worry most that the highest reigning authorities - you or Mama - could dispatch the Tartes to intervene in the commotion that will arise, and that will do little to boost crew morale."

"What kind of competition are we talking about here?" I wondered aloud.

After a moment, she revealed, "It's a Davy Back Fight. It's a type of competition where pirates from opposing crews challenge each other for the right to take members or sometimes treasures from the opposing crew," she explained. "It's mostly known for testing loyalty and cultivating wit, but especially the chaos it leads to. The winning pirates will end in a victorious celebration while the losers..."

I noticed her voice trailing off and understood that she wouldn't finish the statement. Besides, the specifics weren't all interesting to me. I already knew the Big Mom pirates were prone to violence.

"You said it will be violent. Just how violent are we talking here?" I asked.

"The weak pirates will be discarded from our ranks," she said, her voice malicious.

"Huh," I fathomed the conflict. My memories of the Straw Hats versus the Slow-Slow pirate guy participating in a Davy Back Fight had already clicked, and I understood that even Mama wouldn't disrespect such a competition - that is, if she knew about it. If she didn't, she'd just send the Tartes marching in on whatever island the competition would happen, because she didn't appreciate her children quarrelling over lands, pirates, or treasures. And they feared her for it.

"It's not the worst idea," I chuckled, knowing there was no stopping this, "But even if I wanted to, Tartes doesn't really follow my orders. Besides, my crew and I have had our fair share of trouble with them."

Galette laughed with hidden amusement. "Yeah, I've heard about the incidents where Jake's Sunset has been reprimanded for trying to leave the archipelago."

I shrugged. "What can I say? I dream of sailing the waters beyond Totto."

Galette looked at me with understanding. "That's long overdue, but Mama will never let you leave until you master at least one form of Haki."

I shrugged again, unbothered. "I'm waiting for the time I can learn it right, from Katakuri when he gets better. Besides him, I have faith that only one other person out there can truly teach me Haki properly. I won't settle for half-assessed teachers. Moreover, I am already indestructible and nearly invincible as it is. Learning Haki would just be a bonus."

Galette gave me a look that held a mix of respect and curiosity, making me wonder what she was thinking.

"Wait," I realized, "If you knew about my limited authority over the Tartes, why bother coming to me and not just head straight to Mama?"

She breathed deeply and looked at the horizon, her eyes meeting the shining sun beyond the falling cotton candy. "You are still the second most powerful person in Totto Land," she said with a calm voice. "It would look bad for the ministers if the Davy Back Fight happened without you knowing about it."

"Huh," I mused, feeling a sense of respect and power.

"Besides," she added, "they also sent an invitation for you and your unit to join in the competition."

I withheld from immediately responding - gazing to the silhouette of an appearing island - still musing over the extent of my powers. Finally, I replied, "I'll think about it."

"Land ho!" I overheard a crew member shouting from the mast, using a term I had never heard in One Piece. The rest of the crew whistled and cheered as if they had just returned from an invigorating adventure and hadn't been on land for some time. It genuinely made me disappointed, wishing I could get out to the wider Grand Line sooner, and maybe adventure in the Blues and scout better pirates for my unit of the Big Mom Pirates.

The navigator's voice cut through their cringe-worthy cheers, pointing at the Eternal Pose and stating that we were yet to reach Ice Island. I admired the navigator's ability to calm the crew, but his awkward gesturing made me yearn for a better navigator, besides wishing for a better crew unit overall.

"A better blade too," I mumbled as I felt the sword on my back. It looked powerful and cool, but I knew from firsthand experience that it would break the minute it faced a strong opponent. Totto Land was known for many things, but exceptional swordsmiths and blacksmiths weren't among them.

'Maybe the Davy Back Fight isn't such a terrible thing after all,' I found myself acknowledging, seeing an opportunity to claim some of the best of Big Mom's crew over to my commandeered unit.

"Keki," Galette's voice cut through my train of thoughts. "Many have tried and failed to capture or defeat the Ice Demon of Ice Land. Moscato is the only one known to have mysteriously 'tamed' it and taken control of Ice Island. Even so, it remains a feared menace."

"With all that said, do you think you can take it?" she asked, curiosity in her voice.

"Mh-mhh-mhh-mhh," In response, I chuckled. A weird chuckle - a very weird habit I had unknowingly adopted that sounded like I was suppressing an inward laugh while enjoying a secret pleasure. This chuckle, and ultimately laugh, had become a plague I couldn't shake.

But even with my weird chuckle, I meant to show her that I believed in myself, and the legend of the Ice Demon - or rather, Oni Kuma (Demon Bear) - didn't scare me one bit.

---To Be Continued---


Keki: I've been bathing with sexy ladies since I was younger than five (smiles to himself) the baths were so mh-mhh-mhhh. People even started calling them harems. They weren't far from wrong.

Sanji: Eyes bulge out, face turns beet red, and steam shoots out of his ears. He clutches his head in disbelief.

"WHAT?!? NO WAY!!!"

Notices the harem group coming in and surrounding Keki.

Sanji's jaw drops to the ground, and he starts frantically waving his arms.

"Bathing with sexy women since you were younger than five?!? THAT'S UNFAIR!!!"

Sanji falls to his knees, pounding the ground with his fists, tears streaming down his face.

"Why couldn't I have had a childhood like that?!? You lucky devil!!!"


Oden's Spirit: Appears in a pot of boiling oil, laughing and grinning widely.

"Hohoho! I see someone's been living the good life from a very young age!"

Oden's spirit leans back with a hearty laugh, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You know, I had my fair share of harems at fifteen, but it sounds like you've got me beat! Ah, youth these days! The things I would've done to have started that early!"


Brook: Eyes widen in astonishment, then he grins cheekily.

"Yoohohoho! Bathing with sexy women since you were younger than five? That's quite something!"

He turns to the women surrounding Keki with a mischievous soul vibe.

"Ah, excuse me, may I see your pa-" Suddenly freezes with realization.

His expression changes to one of deep regret.

"W-wait a minute... you've been seeing women's pant*** for years already,."

Brook slumps with a dramatic sigh, his skeleton shoulders drooping.

He falls to his knees too and pleas, "Teach us your ways master,"

Sankyu for reading and have a wonderful time. Early acces in the usual sites.

Next post is - Saturday (comes with forgiveness chapter)

next chapter
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