67.85% Magus in Marvel / Chapter 19: Chapter 5 Part 1

章節 19: Chapter 5 Part 1

Magus in Marvel

Chapter 5 Part 1

By: Pineappl3

I walked through the open area of the heavily warded underground floor and stopped not too far from four stone cubes. They were hastily built, but with the runes that now covered them, they would keep the prisoners inside for quite a while.

Entering the first cube with a spatial tear, I appeared right before Charles Xavier. He was bound at the feet and around his wrist were one of my newest prototypes. Similar to the artifacts made for both Aldebaran and Balrog in the fact they suppressed the X-Gene, it differed in the fact that these shackles couldn't have the effect turned off.

I still had the problem where it had to target a specific X-Gene rather than all X-Genes, but with my new blood samples, the day I had a functional suppressant for Mutants was near.

I looked at the defeated form of a fellow scholar and pitied him, if only slightly. He was now not only physically handicapped but also mentally. His constant begging for his abilities back had grown quickly on my nerves, so I used a simple silencing spell to shut him up.

It was hours after the fact that he finally stayed silent of his own volition. Now though, he carried an empty gaze as he stared at the plane stone walls of the cube. He acted as if I hadn't even entered and I decided it would be better to take a look at his mind rather than getting him to tell me himself.

I cast a spell, aptly named 'Probe Thoughts,' and started to comb through the highlights of Xavier's life. What I found was. . . Interesting to say the least. Starting from as early as the womb, it seemed Xavier had even the tiniest inkling of psychic abilities. It was with these nascent powers Xavier killed his twin sister, causing her birth to be a miscarriage.

From then on, his abilities only began to grow and he began to use his powers more and more often, from cheating at scholastic events to even cheating at sports. Besides the horrid deed of sororicide, I had seen nothing wrong with what Xavier did. That was until I saw what he did to 'Logan' and another individual named Jean Grey.

'Logan' as he was called, was an entirely different person from what he himself knew. He was actually James Howlett, a Canadian with over a century to his name. Xavier was to be assassinated by Howlett, but using his abilities to detect thoughts, Xavier was able to thwart the attack.

Sadly for Howlett, it didn't end there. Xavier removed the mental programming he had received from some government experimentation, but he also in turn left his mind a mess. 'What an amateur. If you take apart a mind, at least put it back together.'

The work was sloppy and the only one to suffer from it was Howlett. Nothing but positives came from this for Xavier. He was able to convince Howlett to join his cause and it was from this event and a few others that led Xavier to eventually play god.

Recently Xavier had recruited a woman named Jean Grey who he had 'nurtured' for several years. She had been scarred from a terrible event that had also caused her own psionic powers to awaken. The traumatic event and the awakening of her powers did her no favors and left her a withdrawn husk of her former self.

Under the guise of helping, he taught her how to control her powers and without her knowing sealed her true potential. He was afraid, as he couldn't feel the true depth and limit of them.

This was his true blunder, the second reason I couldn't let him go. He willingly sealed the unknown, he was a coward. He was afraid of the abyss and dared to look the other way once a mere glimpse peered back. To make matters worse he sealed it away.

I knew it would not end well for the girl, as nothing good ever came from hiding your true self for too long. Her powers would continue to grow until the seal burst, and I knew she would not be the same after it did.

I looked at the man in front of me in disgust. Not only had he manipulated others, but he had also tried to do it to me, albeit subconsciously. Usually, I would have just killed him outright, but I was glad I had refrained from doing so.

'Looks like I'll have to solve this Jean Grey problem before it gets out of hand. I've seen first hand the wrath of a Magus who deals with minds and if Xavier's glimpse of the girl's powers is any indication, even at my peak I would struggle against her sheer power.'

Finally finished with the pathetic man I had not so long ago looked towards for knowledge via his publications, I walked forward. A new spatial tear opened up and I walked through.

Still roaring with righteous fury was one Scott Summers. He was a peculiar man whose optical facets projected a ruby-colored force. His own body seemed protected from the said force, and after hours of probing, I found the energy to be near limitless.

I frowned as I looked at him, "Struggle all you want. You still won't be any closer to leaving. I didn't even need to suppress your powers, those glasses do it well enough."

"Let us go, or I swear you will regret it. The X-Men won't forget this villain. We came here in peace and you attacked us."

I shook my head in the negative, "That is incorrect, Summers. One: you trespassed. Two: you attempted to assault me. And even now you slander me. I assure you, I am no villain. The real villain is your father figure, Charles Xavier."

"What are you talking about!?" Summer roared. "Charles has given us a place to live, he accepted us when the world wouldn't and he even taught us to control our powers."

I gave a chuckle at that, "Obviously not well if you need glasses to regulate yours. And don't get me started on the 'Training.' He's just grooming his own personal army."

"You know nothing about Charles or the things he has done for us."

"Sadly my boy," I shook my head hopelessly, "I know all too well now." I took a quick peek at Summer's mind before moving on to the next prisoner but stopped before I entered my portal.

"Well, it seems a young Jean Grey and Mr. James Howlett were not the only ones to be mentally manipulated. Tell me, Summers. Did you know your feelings for Jean were completely fabricated?"

The man looked at me confused, then he roared in anger, "Leave Jean out of this, you don't know what you are talking about. My feelings for her are real and once I get out of here I'll let them be known to her."

I stepped halfway through the portal to the next room and left him with this, "Maybe you love her now, but your initial interests were fabricated. And those desires you have for a family with her—that part of your mind to make her yours no matter what, those sick desires you keep hidden—if you tell me those are real then you are scum."

Pineappl3 Pineappl3

Hey everyone, sorry for the small chapter. I've got a really sore throat, my head is pounding and I feel absolutely terrible.

If you wanna talk once I'm feeling better, I'm on discord. Code: F9G9ub4NDr

See you guys tomorrow.

next chapter
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  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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