42.85% Magus in Marvel / Chapter 12: Chapter 3 Part 4

章節 12: Chapter 3 Part 4

Magus in Marvel

Chapter 3 Part 4

By: Pineappl3

Three months since Athena stole the blueprints to Tony Stark's Arc Reactor and I had already made great strides in my tower's technology. Every floor was powered by a large warehouse sized Arc Reactor hidden away in folded space.

Not only that, but the large mana to electricity mana circle on the underground lab floor was replaced so it created mana using many many of its own warehouse sized Arc Reactors.

It had taken up a lot of my own time as I was the only one who would fold space. Regardless, I was happy. Not only had I finished my impromptu project 'Helios I,' but I had also finished studying 'Dhampir Serum' and I now had enough Orichalcum to begin 'Project Aries.'

The serum was a work of art, even as a potion master, I could confidently say I was one of the only people in the world who could create such a thing. So I was pleasantly surprised to learn someone else could match me in Alchemy.

I was excited at the prospect of finding their research or even meeting with such people to converse with and trade theories. Truly, this was a great world. From my studies on the concoction, I had determined that by using the blood of a very pure blooded Vampire and a human, along with a few ingredients that I had yet to find out, this was created.

In all essence It gave you many of the same benefits as a Vampire, but without the negatives. Although this is the case, sadly there is a small downside. The human blood not only negated the weaknesses, but also weakened the abilities gained from the serum.

For me, this had nothing but positive consequences. The 'Dhampir Serum' Increased healing, strength, durability, senses, reaction and it even ever so slightly increased resistance against magic.

I stared down at the vial containing the wondrous fluid and sat in thought, 'I could drink it and be rid of this cancer much earlier, or I could save it and try to replicate it. Ah, what am I thinking? My Mother wanted me to have it, I'm not so engulfed in my thirst for knowledge and power that I couldn't abide by a small wish from my Mother.'

Having made up my mind, I popped the cork and downed the liquid. It flowed slowly through my body and I could feel its effects take effect. My body began to smoke and ever so slightly my DNA changed.

I felt my bones pop and shift and I couldn't help but laugh at how little the pain felt compared to my ascension to Master Magus. It was not long after I had the Mana Generation Circle completed that I had attempted to break through.

With the aid of my Mana Gathering tattoo, the seemingly endless mana in the underground lab and my knowledge from my time on Azum, I forced my promotion. The small downside was the excruciating pain that came with the fourth Mana Baptism.

Normally it would be as smooth as the others, only resulting in a much more profound change. This time was different however, I had not allowed my body to become saturated enough with Spatial Mana and by forcing it I was undergoing rapid evolution.

My body changed on a fundamental level as my entire being slowly merged with space itself. I had a long way to go before I was no longer human, but I was fine with the changes to my body.

I had become more in tune with space than I had already had been and spells that belonged to that nature felt instinctual to use. I refocused and noticed the changes to my body.

The serum had done exactly as I had predicted and coupled with my pseudo-immortality and my new improved healing, I was a step closer to true immortality.

Getting up from my seat in my medical lab, I walk forward, disappearing into thin air and reappearing in my workshop located in the underground lab. Making my way to my workbench, I gaze at my latest projects 'Helios II' and 'Project Aries.'

'Helios II' was a rather simple project that simply involved placing one of the many warehouse sized Arc Reactors I had in a much smaller folded space that rested atop a ring. This ring would allow me access to a large reserve of mana that at my current state tripled my mana pool.

It was finished, but I had wanted to add some personal touches. The band was made of Orichalcum but was enchanted to look like normal gold, getting rid of its reddish hue. Adorning the inside and outside of the band was a runic script known as Tengwar that glowed red.

Now finished adding the last bit of the runes, I slipped on the ring and felt the immense mana contained within. 'Good. Now I'm sure I can take on that Ancient One. So long as they don't have anything up their sleeve. Well, it's not like I'll go picking a fight anyways.'

Satisfied with my new ring, I moved over to a set of Battle Robes. On the outside the robes actually looked like a very expensive dress casual outfit. With shiny black dress shoes, crisp black slacks and a stylish black button up. Covering the top was a cross between robes and a modern trench coat. It was mainly black and had faint trimmings of purple.

Each and every one of these articles were in fact weaved from thin strands of dyed Orichalcum. It was a tedious and long process to make them, but I was happy it was complete.

The Battle Robes were already enchanted to reduce the weight, as clothes weaved from Orichalcum were noticeably heavier than even the heaviest of suits of armor. The pockets in the coat included many Bags of Holding, and even protected from most elements.

Besides the natural resistance to physical attacks I would have from wearing such an outfit, I had also enchanted it to protect against magic and for good measure, physical attacks.

The last set of enchantments added were for convenience. The equipment automatically cleaned itself and as long as the damage wasn't excessive, It would repair itself.

Although the clothes were finished, I had thought of a last minute addition that I was sure to greatly add to the getup. To the right of the clothes was an ornate gauntlet that housed three gems.

The gauntlet itself was made to be worn on either hand. This allowed the wearer to use the magic stored in the gems. The first gem contained yet another warehouse sized Arc Reactor. The second and the third contained an emergency teleportation spell and a healing spell respectively.

After a moment of inspecting the garbs and adding a few finishing touches, I began to place everything into the coat. 'Ah, I almost forgot to add the most important enchantment.'

Adding one last additional rune to the robes that prevented it from being placed in a Bag of Holding or similar item, 'Project Aries' was finally completed. With my new ring and coat in hand, I began to teleport myself when my earpiece buzzed.

"Father, Tony Stark has added a new entry to his personal database. He calls it 'Mark II' and from the conversations between him and J.A.R.V.I.S. it seems to be an vastly improved version of what he used to escape from those terrorists."

I nodded my head at the new information, "Good work. Continue to spy and make sure you take his work and try to make it better. I have no use for a suit of armor, but who is to say others won't?"

After a quick acknowledgement of my orders, Athena got to work and I resumed my teleportation. I stood in my room and handed my coat to Nixie. "Let's get dressed, we have that dreaded interview don't we?"

"Yes master," Nixie nodded her head in agreement, "People have noticed your newly registered company, and know you own 33 percent of Stark Industries. People are quite curious to what you as a new player are thinking."

I frowned in disgust. "If this wasn't the perfect opportunity to show off what me and Athena have been working on I wouldn't have even accepted this damn interview. Who cares what the common folk think?"

I slipped my arms though my shirt as Nixie held it out for me and looked over my shoulder at her, "I heard Charles Xavier stopped by?"

Faintly nodding, Nixie continued to dress me, "Yes, he wanted Sofia to come learn at his school, but she turned him down. I believe she enjoys her lessons from Athena and hanging out with Felicia despite the age gap."

"It's a shame Sofia learns magic so slowly, but not everyone can be gifted. At least she is hard working, I dare say just as hard working as I was back in the day."

Having finished dressing me, Nixie gives me a faint pat and I give myself a onceover. I was usually not one to indulge in narcissism, but I couldn't help but grin at my appearance.

"Functionality needed for a wizard and the style of the modern age. You did a good job designing this Nixie."

She blushed from the comment, then gave a faint bow. I made my way out of my room as she began to get changed and I turned on the TV. 'Wouldn't hurt to watch another episode 'Drake and Josh.' Huh, I just realized. Peter Parker looks a lot like Drake Bell. Seriously, it's uncanny.'

next chapter
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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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