55.17% Magical World: Equestria / Chapter 16: 16

章節 16: 16


In front of Sparkle's Lab a large screen is being setup where people be able to watch the testing of the portal. From her office window Shimmer watched as her friends who she brought to life, work to setup the event, setting up tables and chairs for the people coming. She used the Disney versions as the originals are worse and harder to change for the better, not to mention she got along a lot better with the Disney ones than the original. Not to mention the Values Dissonance where the time setting where the story takes place in has the people in those stories have completely different morels and values. And after several attempts that ended up in failures in book worlds with modern and real life settings, Shimmer went with Disney ones. As she didn't want to go through explaining why an old man trying to make a 13 year old girl his wife isn't something that happens anymore, to the girl. (1)

The cast of Beauty and the Beast are setting everything up for the event, while Twilight and her team inside her lab are preparing the portal. They all work in her company as cover and been with her long enough where they're different from what they use to be. 

Belle works in records and her father Maurice works a mechanic but still invents on the side. Gaston and LeFou work as dock workers. The Three Bimbettes, Claudette, Laurette, Paulette, work as sorters, who make such the shipments go where they're suppose to go.

Adam works a dock worker. Lumiere and Fifi works as a janitors. Cogsworth works as a manager. Mrs. Potts and Madame de Garderobe works at the daycare. Maestro Forte and Maestro Fife works with the sirens with their music. And Angelique works as a designer for packages.

All of them have been called to help in setting up for the event. And they're not alone as there are others of French origins working.

There is Cinderella who is with her step sister Anastasia wheeling in carts of food in. 

Being helped by Aurora and her husband Phillip are bringing in the carts of drinks. With Flora, Fauna and Merryweather are bringing in more carts of food. And Maleficent using a jack brings in a pallet of folding chairs. 

From the book 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame' Esmeralda whose real name is Agnes, is setting up chairs with her Disney counterpart who goes by the name Esmeralda. Both work as packers. Quasimodo the Disney one works as a dock worker, the book one refused the offer. Quasimodo also had a plastic surgery to fix his face, which Sunset paid out of her own pocket.

The news crews have already arrived and are setting up things. The police are setting up road blocks and preparing to handle crowds. The news about showing off the portal has spread fast and lots of people will be coming.

Shimmer walks back to her desk where an email from Clementine Dumat is waiting for her. Clementine wrote that the main airship is completed and she's looking forward in piloting it. Also she wrote that Gwizdo wants to open a pilot school to help people get a license, Lian-Chu has gotten the shipment she's been waiting for, Hector is doing nothing but play games in the basement. Jeanneline is handling the canteen well for the pilots, Zaza is working on those drones, and Zoria is out flying the cargo planes with the other pilots. (2)

Another email from Toadwart the smallest but smartest of the ogres who are hulking, powerful but stupid goblin like creatures, from the Gummie Bears. Saying that the other ogres want more food shipments and they need more tvs as they keep breaking them. The isolated abandon village they're at doesn't give them much to do as they wait, and the other non-humans also are getting tired of waiting. 

Shimmer went to the next message from Jafar and Sherrezade about the operation in Turkey. They have completed it and are coming back to Paris, only waiting for Jasmine and Aladdin to join them from their trip to the Middle East. Both having found the Middle East not to be their taste, and saw no reason to ever go back. They found the culture not to their liking and rather not talk about what happen to them there. (3)

The next message is from Izak the nameless boy who she had befriended from the manga, To Your Eternity. Telling her that the others are doing fine and are prepared when the time comes. He's closer to her then most of her other companions, having spent years with him as she waited for Fushi to show up in his wolf form. She tried to bring Fushi to life but failed each time, but found a true companion in Izak. He came with her in many other books to gather new friends to join in on her plans. And why she left him in charge of looking after the others as the plan is nearing the end. 

"Hi boss," said Kronk on the speaker, the only one from the Emperor's New Groove who wanted to go to the real world.

"Yes," Shimmer asked her secretary for the office.

"You know the old food truck you use to drive around in?" Kronk asked.

"What about it?" Shimmer asked. 

"Well seeing how it was just sitting in the warehouse. Chumbucket decided to fix it up, I only found out about it when he ordered parts. He had no idea that the truck is yours. Don't worry I called in Harold Allnut, Isaac Clarke, and some others to help fix the food truck and it's good as new," Kronk said. (4)

"Where is it?" Shimmer growled. That food truck is the only thing she truly values, it's the only thing she has to remember those early years with Greg who is the only father she had ever known. And the only parent of worth she had.

"Chumbucket should be bringing it in," Kronk said.

Shimmer walk to the window and her old food truck was there. The faded paint, the rust, the crack window, the scratches and the dents, are all gone. New body, new paint, new windows, new tires, new everything. It look like how Greg probably had… no scratch that, the truck was probably a rust bucket even before he turned it into a food truck.

"Kronk, I'll be down at the event," Shimmer said taking her leave. 


West Coast United HeroeZ HQ -

Inside the conference room the members of Witch, Winx Club, are having a meeting having been called by Hay Lin's grandmother Yun Lin. Nothing has happen since the magical princess Iris and her friends were drain of their magic by Uniscorn. The leaders of the magical world of Ephedia is now in talks with the UN about opening themselves up to Earth. Like Meridian has open a portal to Earth after talks that Elyon signed off on to help improve the lives of her subjects, and have help from the heroes if a threat raises against her kingdom. 

"Hi girls!" Rainbow Brite said entering the room.

"Rainbow what are you doing here?" Will asked.

"I was around so I thought I drop by and say hi, and I have been thinking of joining the heroes. I'll be like Thor from the movies," Rainbow said, she and the other color kids have been introduced to the Marvel films thanks to Brian. 

"You are powerful," Irma said having seen how powerful those rainbow beams Rainbow throws around are.

"No, I'm the Thor around here," Stormy said stepping into the room. "Lightning and thunder are my thing."

"You're here too?" Roxy asked.

"Yeah, Rainbow needed help with the delivery," Stormy said.

"What?" Stella asked.

"We traded a box of color crystals to Ms. Shimmer for some stuff," Rainbow said.

"Mostly cute and colorful things," Stormy said glaring at Rainbow. 

"Thanks to opening the portal to Earth open, we got Wi-Fi," Rainbow said pulling out her new iPhone that is very colorful and has glitter on it.

"Wait you traded those color crystals to Ms. Shimmer for that?" Tecna asked as yes the humans are advancing in technology but an iPhone really isn't worth a box of those magical color crystals. The power those crystals give off is like nothing she has seen before. 

"Of course not," Rainbow said looking at her phone.

"She would have if I didn't stop her," Stormy said. "Got a bunch of stuff for the rest of us, tvs, game console, games, dvds, some food and other stuff." 

"Why did Ms. Shimmer want the crystals for?" Bloom asked.

"She wants to study them," Rainbow said as she reads somethings on her phone. "According to this blog from a girl in Paris name Alya, Ms. Shimmer wants to make magic so redundant and apart of everyday life that it won't be seen as anything special."

"She's what?" Flora snaps.

"Says here that she's hates the Harry Potter books because of how the magic users keep all knowledge of magic to themselves and refuse to share it. Because the mindset of only them can use magic and no one else will ever be but them. And they rather see the world burn then ever giving up not being special by being the only ones who can use magic. Magic can be used to solves lots of the world's problems like the reason why she had the portal built. So that she can move goods around fast and cheaper then it would if she used a portal to ship things across the ocean," Rainbow said reading the blog.

"Wow really?" Stormy asked looking at Rainbow's phone. "Are magic users really like that? We and the other color kids spend our time making Earth colorful, so we really don't come to Earth as we got work to do. But you girls fellow magic users aren't like that right? The worlds you are from think that just because long ago that humans feared magic that it means no matter how long and how many generations it's been that humans will always be the same and can never change, right?"

Causing all the magic users suddenly feel self conscious about themselves. The Guardians more in making it so much harder for themselves by hiding that magic is real. For the Winx Club about how their worlds do view humans like that. 

"Oh…," both Rainbow and Stormy said. 

"It does say that Ms. Shimmer knows about some magical worlds and how they think humans will never be ready for magic because of what happen hundreds of years ago. Even if there are superheroes in the world with amazing powers and people are use to stuff like that now, that the magic users still think that humans can't be trusted," Rainbow said reading the blog. 

"It's one of the reasons why she's making magic tech so that magic be like electricity. Mind blowing at first, but soon became so wide spread that it's nothing special anymore. And Shimmer saying the lines of Syndrome in the Incredibles movie, 'When everyone is super, no one will be.' Isn't that the superhero film we saw?" Stormy asked Rainbow.

"Yeah, the villain said that when he's old and had his fun that he would sell all of his inventions so that everyone can have powers and be special. At least when that happens there be no point in saying that humans will just fear magic when magic be nothing but like turning on a light switch," Rainbow said.

"And my sister won't be the only one in her class with magic anymore," Cornelia said.

"On my world thanks to blending magic with technology. Even those who can't cast spells can still use magic thanks to tools," Tecna said.

"Wait isn't introducing magic to Earth dangerous?" Musa asked.

"Since everyone knows that we can do magic, things have been different. With me being a fire user, I have been ban from using my magic in school for safety. But with us being members of United HeroeZ the other kids just see us as heroes in training," Taranee said. 

"And with Mirage mentoring us, she has been helping dad and the other cops in Heatherfield," Irma said.

"You five are humans but the rest of us, it's much more complicated. Each of us come from a magical world and even if most of us are princesses there is only so much that we can do. And there are reasons why magic is kept hidden," Bloom said.

"Well, I'm going to be sharing my magic and trading color crystals for things we want," Rainbow said. 

"But if you trade those crystals aren't you scared of running out?" Flora asked.

"The color crystals do regrow over time, so we won't run out," Stormy said. 

"Plus I can ask my friend Strawberry Shortcake and her friends to trade some of their giant food to get stuff. Like those cds of those boy bands!" Rainbow squealed along with Stormy.

"Boy bands? Oh boy this is like what happen when Bloom first came to the school," Musa said.

"What happen?" Hay Lin asked.

"Well I wasn't effected that much but after Bloom shared a music video of one of those boy bands… the rest of the girls just went crazy," Musa said causing all but Roxy to blush and look away.

"That figures, an all girl school with few boys and I'm guessing never seen a boy band before, cause them to go wild," Irma said. "Let me guess you girls all went hog wild screaming and daydreaming about those guys?"

Earning more blushing and looking away. 

"Luckily it was a video of the Backstreet Boys and I told everyone it's an old video and all the guys in it are all now old enough to be our dads," Bloom said.

"And good thing too as a bunch of them wanted to go to Earth," Musa said. (5)

"We just never seen anything like it before," Stella said.

"And why, I called all of you girls here," Yun Lin said entering the room with Mavilla. Both of whom have been standing in the hallway overhearing the girls.

"All the magic being revealed by this Ms. Shimmer has gotten many people in the magic world worried. Seeing how boy bands caused such a mess, many of us are worried about what will happen when more Earth culture comes over," Mavilla said.

"Wait is that why boy bands are band on so many worlds?" Roxy asked causing more blushing from the other girls.

"Let's just say once the girls at the school, not to mention the witches also learning about boy bands. Cause lots of…. Well…," Bloom began and couldn't put it to words.

"You all went screaming your heads off and made it a big thing that cause lots of other problems?" Stormy asked.

"Yeah that's it," Bloom said not wanting to say the real reason. 

There is now a huge black market for boy bands now, not to mention the reason for the ban. Being the young men seeing how crazy the girls are going over the boy bands, went and formed their own boy bands. That resulted in lots of fans and money, but the competition was cut throat, literarily. The boy band wars really left its mark, with underground boy bands still around. 

"Big deal, leave us out of all this politic stuff and just let us be heroes," Cornelia said waving it off.

"We would have but for this," Yun Lin said as she presented the kids with her iPad with a screen shot of the Dazzlings sister the all girl band that has taken Europe by storm. 

"The Dazzlings? What about them?" Musa asked.

"The Dazzlings aren't just a band they're sirens," Mavilla said casting a spell showing an image of Ancient Greece and of the sirens dress in clothes of that time period. "They appeared ion Earth in ancient times, they're able to control people with their voices, and have the power to feed on magic and conflict. More people hear their song, the stronger they become. They had tried attacking the magical worlds before but were stop each time and they been hiding on Earth all of this time. The sirens are one of the reasons the magical worlds closed themselves off to Earth, hoping that without magic to feed upon they would just die off, but looks like that was a vain hope. They're also from the magical world of Equestria."

"But that's just a myth," Roxy said gasping along with the other fairies.

"Equestria?" Hay Lin asked looking at her grandma.

"It's a closed off magical world that is the most ancient of all magical worlds. According to stories, the world is where all magic comes from and the natives who are magical ponies were the ones who taught magic to others," Yun Lin said.

"It's been closed off for thousands of years with only few beings who were around at the time who even remember," Mavilla said.

"And what does that have to do with Ms. Shimmer?" Rainbow asked.

"The Dazzling are backed by Ms. Shimmer, who has been backing them for years now," Musa said. 

"Long enough where any defense she has to mind control have long ago been worn down by them," Yun Lin said.

"So she could be under their control and not even know about it?" Rainbow asked.

"Yes and which is why all of you must contact the heroine Ladybug in Paris and inform her of what we discovered, We can't let anyone from working for Shimmer to know either. There is no way to tell who is under their control," Yun Lin said.

"That means Mammoth Queen and the other heroes with her could also been put under the sirens control," Bloom said.

"But how? We don't know who Ladybug is," Will pointed out.

"We can track her down by the kwami she uses," Mavilla said. "And all this must be kept secret, there is no telling what Ms. Shimmer will do if she learns we know about the sirens."

"If they are the sirens, they could be their descendants," Stella said as the ancient image of the sirens looks different from what they look like now. 

"Even so we need to be careful and not make a scene till we're sure if there is any spell controlling Ms. Shimmer," Mavilla said.

"Yeah getting in a fight with her is a bad idea, she's so buff," Rainbow said showing the others the picture of Ms. Shimmer in her swim suit.

The women in the room all stared at Shimmer's prefect body, so lust and the muscles that are all tightly packed. The breasts that are large and spits in the face of gravity but also not so large as to slow or get in the way, a big plump bouncy butt that you can bounce a coin off of, and her beautiful face and other features. 

"Wow and she's in her 30's," Will said blushing. Her mom is around the same age as Ms. Shimmer and is still pretty but she is a whole other level.

"When I absorb all of your powers I gain an adult body but…," Cornelia mutters as she looks down at herself and remembers what her adult body looked like and compared it to Ms. Shimmer. "I should hit the gym."

"This is like that time, we saw Majestia in the hot tub," Bloom said remembering how she and the girls found out there's a hot tub in the women's changing room for some relaxation. Only to find the strongest heroine in a bikini walking out of it after having a soak. She and the girls all saw how big… she is and having such a powerful body to go with it. And looking down and seeing how they're all just skinny little shrimps they are compared to her. 

"Don't remind me," Tecna said as not only does Majestia has a great figure but also a body that is buff with define muscles.

"Not only is she rich, runs a international company, smart, and she has that kind of a body?" Irma said listing it off. 

"Not fair," Hay Lin said pouting.

"And all from her shipping packages," Taranee said.

"Actually she started off just running a fast food fried chicken truck," Rainbow said.

"A fast food truck and now she's one of the riches people in the world?" Will asked wondering if she could do that as well.

"Hey she's in her old food truck at the event," Stormy said who is using her own phone to watch the portal event. 

On the phone screen is Ms. Shimmer preparing fried chicken in her old food truck that has been fixed up. With the reporter asking her why she's working a food truck for the event. Ms. Shimmer explains that some of her workers had fixed up her old truck and surprised her, and she's working the fryer to make sure it all works and for old times shake. Showing the inside to the reporter and cameraman of her old home on wheels, and pointing to a framed picture of Ms. Shimmer when she was 9 with an old man, Greg Zae who found her and took her in. The food truck was her home and her livelihood till she started her delivery service that lead her to becoming what she is today. A real self made woman, who started with nothing but didn't let that keep her down from climbing to the top.

Then the reporter brought up the picture of her in a swimsuit and showed off her stunning body. With Ms. Shimmer explaining that she maintains her body by wearing weights and working out whenever she can. And that she doesn't need to worry about what she eats as she just burns it all off.

"Sure rub it in why don't you," Irma said as she's has the thicker body of the girls.

"Also from what I learn the magic users burn off their fat by using magic. Like how the superheroes with powers all have a certain body type of being fit and in shape because of the use of their powers burns up lots of energy," Ms. Shimmer said to the reporter.

"Wait we can stay thin by using magic?" Cornelia asked as she and the other girls all turn to Yun Lin and Mavilla.

"Yes using magic takes energy from your own bodies," Mavilla said.

"It does depend on how much you use it," Yun Lin adds. (6)

"And we're only learning this now?" Taranee asked.


Greece, Island of Crete -

Inside their studio the Dazzling sisters, Adagio, Aria, and Sonata are hare at work getting their latest songs online. They been in the music business for centuries singing in open air stages during the classical times, singing in travels during the dark ages, traveling shows, in theaters, and others. They also built up a wealth that is beyond anything in this world, thanks to them putting money away either as buried treasure, or in banks with them pretending to be the descendants of themselves as years passed by. (7)

They joined up with Shimmer so that they could finally go back home. They even chip in on funding for the portal and gave Shimmer the information of what they know about the many other magical groups and worlds. Helping her in her research of magic that were lost or forgotten from their time when they were still in Equestria. 

They were surprise when Shimmer revealed what she discovered from her talk with the legendary dragon Spike. Who came from the age when ponies still walk on all fours and the human Megan Williams came to Dream Valley and saved the ponies and the sea ponies, who they descend from. And more surprise that Megan is still alive with her time in Dream Valley having taken place during the 1980's, Shimmer figures that the rainbow bridge didn't just open to Equestria but also through time as well. 

Now that the portal is working and can open to Equestria there is only the barrier that has kept them from going through. They have the rainbow of light the most powerful magical item from Equestria, even the elements of harmony is nothing but a pale replacement for it, they have something that could recreate the rainbow bridge. And from Spike they know where to find Dream Valley and more importantly, Dream Castle the home of the first queen of Equestria, Majesty. The sirens heard of tales and Shimmer thanks to her being able to go into the royal archives, learned things about the ancient castle and what's found below it.

For what they have plan, Shimmer had befriended and brought to life many who could wield the magic of a heart song. The passive magic that just happens with Equestria magic, like living in a musical where people just start dancing and singing while music plays out of nowhere. Shimmer wants to use the heart song for her plan in taking Equestria, which is why they started a studio to help in getting more people to hear their song and for them to gain energy from it, besides earning some money along the way. Plus their new friends needed a way to keep up their singing skills.

In one of the rooms the Alraunes are preparing to record their newest song. The girls are from an old book from an old doll line of flowers that transformed into maidens from a tear of a little girl. Shimmer befriended them and brought them to life, making them all normal size women and enchanted their powers.

Rose Petal, a pink-haired, pink-clad doll whose singing keeps the other flowers alive.

Sunny Sunflower, a yellow haired and clad tomboy who tells jokes to make the other flowers laugh.

Iris, a purple and white clad painter of the group.

Orchid, a purple clad shopaholic with white hair.

Lily Fair, a blue haired and clad ballet dancer.

Daffodil, another yellow haired clad maiden, and this one obsessed with finance. 

Fuchsia is a fashion designer, whose floral creations are the rage in Rose Petal Place. 

Gladiola is a happy-go-lucky tap dancer with a lot of get-up-and-go. 

Throwing a party? Call Marigold. She can organize and affair - at a moments notice. 

Cherry Blossom is the resident interior decorator. She has a real eye for color and style. 

Sweet Violet is a southern actress with a star quality and taste for the dramatic. 

Canterbury Belle is the British baker who's always cooking up scrumptious treats for her friends.

The Alraunes have become a group singing group that has gotten lots of fans. Especially in the Asian market thanks to their flower theme and acting as plant girls. Which they are but people just think it's part of their act.

Then there are the Kindles another group bringing in snacks and drinks for the others. They are six young women who are mushroom like in how they dress. They are also from a comic from an old doll line who are all singers and are a key part of the plan.

Beami the shortest and loves to make her friends laugh. 

Flashi who is the most vibrant, outspoken of the group. 

Glari the serious one and the director of the chorus. 

Gleami the kindest of the group and the most intelligent. 

Glorali the musical one who loves to play her guitar. 

Sparkli the leader of the group. 

They also record songs and are popular with children who their songs target. 

And in the recording room are Peppermint Rose, Lemon Kiss Lily, Merry Mint Violet, and Miss Vanilla Daisy who are singing their latest pop song. Also from a discontinuited doll line comic, which few people remember anymore. Which is why Shimmer brought them to life as their talents are needed and whenever someone remembers the dolls and points it out. The girls just say that they had hand me downs and like the style and use the names for their stage names. 

All in all, their part of the plan is going well. The fans listening and buying their music, and the concerts where they're able to gather the energy from all of those fans. They will need it for the plan, the barrier is the only thing delaying the plan from happening and while Shimmer does have a plan to break through which would work would result in the heroes and the rest of the world finding out. Which is why Shimmer is saving that for her end game plan if nothing else works. (7)


Paris , France - 

On the way to the event, Chloe was going over with what she learned last night, the identity of Ladybug being Marinette. Comparing pictures of Ladybug and Marinette, it was so obvious that they're the same person, how could she had missed it. She knows Marinette for years and when Ladybug showed up… both have the same blue hair and hair style, not to mention the same body type. Chloe began comparing the pictures of heroes and the kids she knows figuring that Marinette would have only given the miraculous to people she trusted, namely their classmates. And comparing pictures of heroes she didn't know their identities of, it was easy for her to figure out who is who. 

Chloe couldn't believe that her own sister Zoe is the heroine Vesperia, or that Adrien is Chat Noir. Looking back it's so obvious that… all the attacks seemed to surround… how couldn't she had not seen it before? Which Tusk asked how that's possible as while she and the others are wearing helmets, the others are only wearing small masks that covers their eyes. She gave Pollen a message to pass to Marinette after she force him to tell her what she wanted to know. 

She still doesn't know what to do with what she has learned. The old Chloe would had just posted it online , but now after being mentoring under Ms. Shimmer she knows the value of information that few people knows about and what people will do to keep it that way. She knows that there are two kwamis that Marinette has that have time powers, she wonders if she had discovered Marinette's secret before but she reverse time to make it never happen. Like that cartoon with the kids and the computer that wants to takeover the world and the kids reversing time to undo whatever had happen. Chloe decided take her information to Ms. Shimmer. 

Chloe walk with her parents and her sister Zoe to the lab where Sparkle and her team would turn on the portal machine, which would open to the portable one that has been setup outside. Along with the families of the other ancient kwami users who get to have front roll seats. For most anyways, both Sean and Marc aren't here doing something for Ms. Shimmer. Speaking of which she was surprise upon seeing the old food truck that her boss had showed her pictures of when she use to drive around and lived in it, up and running having been told it's been kept in storage. 

"Chloe over here!" Ms. Shimmer called out from the counter of the side of the truck, waving her over.

"She's working in a food truck?" Audrey asked.

"Mom don't you remember she said she started off working in a food truck?" Zoe asked.

"Oh it's her first job," Andre said. 

"And looks like she had it fixed up," Chloe said walking over to see what her boss wants with her family following.

Ms. Shimmer has on an old apron, rubber gloves, and a hair net as she fries up some chicken for the long line of people waiting for their orders. With long practice hands, Ms. Shimmer worked the counter, preparing the chicken, and frying them in the boiling cooking oil. Shimmer once she step into her old home and business was hit by memories that came rushing back to her, of the early years of her life after Greg took her in and raised her, till he died. 

The food truck was rebuilt and the old patch work of self repairs and jury rigging that she and Greg had done over the years were all gone. Instead were replaced by new parts including the old equipment that have all been replaced. The stove is brand new, new work table, new utensils and cookware that haven't found their way to Shimmer's kitchen, and a new refrigerator. Which is why she hadn't fired Chumbucket or place him somewhere else, as mad as she is at him. He is still one hell of a mechanic who thanks to going from one book world to another has learned how to fix just about anything or build just about anything from junk.

"Chloe I have an order for Sparkle and the others inside her lab. Since you're going inside take it to them," Shimmer said to Chloe.

"Boss why are you working in your old food truck?" Chloe asked.

"Chum went and fixed it up, bringing it here. I'm frying up some chicken like I use to for old times sake," Shimmer said as she hands Chloe a container of fried chicken.

"Chum? That guy with the hunch back?" Chloe asked.

"Yes him," Shimmer said. 

"You're not going inside?" Chloe asked.

"No, I'm staying out here. I only funded the project, this is Sparkle's show," Shimmer said.

"Right boss," Chloe said taking the container and left with her family to the lab. 

Shimmer went back to work at the fryer rekindling memories of her and Greg working to earn a living. Watching from the truck as Sparkle appeared on the screen broadcasting from inside her lab to test the portal by connecting it to the one outside. Doing her best to explain what's going to happen and going all Sparkle mode in explaining things. Which cause her to ramble on and on with all the science stuff that went into it.

"Sparkle you're boring everyone," Herman said at the control panels of the cooling system. "Let's get the show on the road."

"Oh right," Sparkle said as she became aware of herself and went to the control station. "Here we go."

Switching on the machine a portal opens up connecting to the portal machine outside. The people on the outside could see the people on the inside and the same thing the other way around. Sparkle took an apple and toss it through the portal and it came out of the outside portal, perfectly whole. Next Sparkle took a cage with a lab rat inside and place it on a cart and push it through the portal and it came out fine as well. Sparkle then walks through the portal herself coming out to the outside to the cheer of the crowd.

"Once the network of portals are in operation travel time from cargo to people traveling to another country will be done quick…," Sparkle said but stop as she sees three flying figures coming towards the stage. 

Icy, Darcy, and Stormy the Trix had heard about the portal and came to the event to see it. They been laying low since they escape their prison after learning that the Winx Club now are working with the Earth heroes and other magic groups. Then as they watch the portal activate they felt a odd magic coming from the portal. They only felt that kind of magic once before, back in the witch school where during a class they were shown a magical lantern that once lit would never go out, till the holder blows it out. The lantern is one of the few magical items that came from the world of Equestria, which tales are told to be the source of all magic and where the knowledge of using magic came from. 

The magic of Equestria is the strongest there is and only those who come from Equestria can cast spells with it. But anyone can use any magical item that came from Equestria. The lantern magic is powerful as they could feel it, but when they took over the school they tried to use its Equestria magic to make themselves more powerful, the only thing that happen was them destroying it when they tried to take it. And now they have another chance of gaining Equestria magic again and this time they won't be foolish enough to destroy it. 

"We want the Equestria magic item you're using to power the portal!" Icy said hovering over the crowd. 

"Hold it right there," Darcy said as she sees Chloe and the other miraculous holders powering up and ready to fight them. She unleashes a wave of magic around the crowd who had gathered for the event, trapping them with a wall of flames. "Try anything and they burn."

"So hand over the item or else," Stormy said as she sent a blast of magic at the cop cars damaging them and sending the cops running for cover, and sent one blast at Shimmer's food truck that blew the top of it off. 

"Shimmer!" Sparkle shouted seeing her boss and friend in danger. 

"You WITCH SLUT SHIT EATING CUNT!" Shimmer shouted as she pops mad upon seeing what that witch did to her food truck.

"What did you say!" Stormy shouted her hair trigger tempter going off.

"You heard me you asshole licking slut!" Shimmer said.

Stormy scream as she flew at Shimmer wanting to tear her eyes out. As she was about to hit Shimmer who just stood there, Shimmer using her stronger and larger body grab Stormy out of the air and slams her face first into the deep fryer that's full of boiling cooking oil. The oil cooked her eyes, destroying them even as she closed her eyes trying to protect them. Stormy screams only allowed the hot cooking oil to enter her mouth, cooking her insides. Her head and upper chest flesh are all being deep fried, her shirt and bra doing nothing to protect her breasts as they were cooked. 

Shimmer used her superior strength, and weight to hold Stormy's struggling body down as she shoves more of her into the fryer. A blast of magic sent Shimmer falling as Icy flew into the damaged food truck to save her sister. Pulling her out, Icy gasped in horror seeing the badly burnt flesh of her sister. Even if Stormy lived, the amount of healing magic would take months to heal.

Icy turns to the one who did this to her sister only for her eyes to widen as Shimmer struck a fork into her left eyes, causing her to scream in pain and drop Stormy. Grabbing a meat cleaver, Shimmer grabs Icy's left arm and brings it down on the counter, where she brings down the meat cleaver, chopping her left hand off. Icy scream in rage as she brings up her right hand glowing with magic to blast Shimmer. Only to scream in pain as Shimmer brings down the cleaver right between her middle and index fingers, slicing off most of her hand, leaving only her index and thumb. Shimmer followed through by an upward swing to Icy's face which chop off her half of her lower jaw and broke some teeth of her upper jaw before stopping. Shimmer grabs Icy who is howling in pain and shoves her into the fryer like she did to Stormy, only with her arms also in the vat of boiling cooking oil too.

"Ms. Shimmer stop!" Whitewing shouted as she flew down next to her boss and pulled on Icy's body.

Letting go and helping in pulling Icy out of the fryer, Shimmer looks out to see the other heroes on her payroll had taken care of Darcy who is bond in the rope of The Owl. While Darcy was staring in horror as Icy was mutilated like Stormy, Mammoth Queen and the other heroes charged out of the portal and bum rushed her before she knew what hit her. And everyone was just staring at her, seeing the brutal display of mutilating both Icy and Stormy, both of whom are being healed by Whitewing keeping them alive. 

Mammoth Queen, Rhinx, and Powerclaw went to the truck and help Whitewing in bringing out Icy and Stormy out. Stormy was a mess her skin still burnt from the cooking oil, her eyes gone, as is her hearing and mouth, having been cooked away. Icy had it worst suffering from being plunged into boiling cooking oil head first, missing her left hand and most of her right hand. Whitewing couldn't reattached the cut off parts thanks to her arms being in the cooking oil as well, frying the open wounds shut. And she did try but couldn't heal the parts together after the parts were cooked. 

"Icy? Stormy?" Darcy asked in shock and horror seeing what happen to both of her sisters.

"I get it," Shimmer said fixing herself up as she walks out of her damaged truck. "You and your sisters are use to dealing with those fairies who fight with those wizards. Holding back so they don't kill or maim you three while you three don't care about holding back at all. Too bad for you three, I don't play by those rules. Attack me or threaten my workers, don't expect me playing nice, nice."


West Coast United HeroeZ HQ -

Bloom could only stare in shock and horror having seen what happen to Icy and Stormy. For years the Trix have been her and her friends enemies, their foes that keep on returning no matter how many times they tried to get rid of the. And now Ms. Shimmer took care of them for good. Well… Darcy is still in one piece but both Icy and Stormy are now crippled, both missing their eyes, their upper bodies being fried by the cooking oil, they probably can't talk and their hearing be gone too. Icy also is missing her left hand and most of her right, not to mention her half of her lower jaw.

Bloom looked around the room, all of her friends are as shock as she is having watched the I've feed on the tv in the room they're in instead of watching it on Stormy's phone. Speaking of which, both she and Rainbow Brite are looking ill having seen the brutal scene on tv. Will and the other guardians are also ill seeing how brutal Ms. Shimmer is in combat.

"She's a trained fighter," Yun Lin said.

"She cause Stormy to lose her temper," Mavilla said.

"Me?" Stormy asked,

"No not you. The other Stormy, the one on the tv. Shimmer caused her to lose her temper and got her close to her before striking. She just grabbed her as she was about to slam into her and using her momentum slam her into the fryer. Shimmer is well trained to be able to just do that," Mavilla explains. 

"And she survived the blast of magic that Icy hit her with and quickly recovered. True, Icy would be holding back so that she wouldn't hit her sister by mistake but still, there's more to her than it appears," Yun Lin said.

"How could she just do that?" Rainbow asked horrified at what she saw.

"Actually seeing how the Trix have killed before and love to be cruel just for the sake of cruelty. Shimmer was right in taking them out quickly," Roxy said earning her gasps from her friends. "Don't gasp at me. They always keep coming back and cause nothing but misery to others. Both Icy and Stormy are cripple and Darcy is all by herself now. We won't have to worry about them anymore."

"Roxy but that's…," Stella began saying but was cut off.

"Yes because we're heroes now we need to set an example. But unlike in the comics where the villains can kill entire city's worth of people and the heroes keep them alive because of morel reasons that only work in the comic and not the real life reason that villains like the Joker are a gold mine. Here in the real world, the heroes are allowed to kill the villains if it's to save or protect life of others, like cops are allowed to do when it's needed," Roxy explains earning her looks. "Ask Mirage like I did or read the manual they gave us when we join. Heroes are a police force for the villains here in the real world and we can kill the villains if there's no other way." (8)

"She's right," Irma spoke up. "My dad's a cop and went over the rule book that we got when we joined up. And told us about the allow to kill if it's to save people or stop a villain when nothing else works. He explained everything to us and that it's a last resort." 

"Also count us out in fighting Shimmer," Cornelia said.

"Yeah she's way too dangerous for us," Taranee adds. 

"We are just kids under 15 you know," Hay Lin said. 

"If the sirens are mind controlling her, she'll kill or cripple us for life," Will points out.

"Yes that, I agree with. They're too young to face off with someone like that," Mirage's voice said before she appeared in the room with them.

"Have you been here all this time?" Irma asked.

"Yes as, I was wondering why you all here gathered together and not telling your mentor about it," Mirage said.

"Then you know about everything," Mavilla said.

"This wouldn't be the first time someone use mind control and the one under control is connected to us. But we have to make sure of it first before any action can take place. She is in France and only when we have proof of something can we United HeroeZ can take action in another country," Mirage said. 

"Which means we can't do anything thanks to being members ourselves," Tecna said.

"There is also another matter. The Trix shouted they wanted the Equestria magic that must be powering the portal," Yun Lin said.

"But what's that?" Jay Lin ask her grandma.

"Equestria magic is a rare magic nowadays thanks to the world of Equestria being sealed off. It's a world where stories say is the source of all magic and dominated by a race of being with pony like features. Their magic is the strongest there is and while only those born in Equestria can use the magic found there, magical items they created can be used by anyone. Since the world has been sealed off the magical items that have been brought over are now closely guarded and prized. The witch school the Trix use to go to had a lantern that use Equestria magic to keep itself lit. Which explains how they knew what kind of magic the portal used to power it. The technology used in the portal is amazing, all attempts in the past to harness the magic within Equestria items always ended with the item being destroyed," Mavilla explains.

"What kind of item is it?" Musa asked.

"Could be anything from another lantern to something else. There is no way to tell unless we ask to be allowed to see what they're using to power it," Mavilla said.

"But how?" Bloom asked.

"The Trix are wanted criminals in many worlds. We can ask Shimmer when we go to France to ask the government to release them into our custody and we already have someone who knows her," Mavilla said looking at Rainbow. 

"Or one of the heroes like me who have talk to her before," Mirage spoke up and turns to the guardians. "All of you are underage so you're all staying."

"Awww," the girls said as it's Paris they're going to be missing. 


Ukraine -

Once again both Sean and Marc were sent on a mission to gather magical objects for their boss Ms. Shimmer. This time in the Ukraine near the city of Kramatorsk. They're not alone as they're with Emily, one of Ms. Shimmer's aides. Along with Catherine Ella Armstrong who wanted to leave her book world unlike her family who stayed behind, she's acting as the translator if they ran into anyone. And that they're in an off road SUV to be able to drive around without too many people taking notice.

"It's close," Sean said who transform into Nighthowl so he can track down anything magical. The stone and necklace both came from the same place and Ms. Shimmer wants him to track down anything magical in the country where she came from in the region that she remembers coming from. 

"I am sensing something," Stag said who is eating some potato chips.

"We should had drove around when we went to the states," Marc said.

"Nope too risky, one pull over and that's it, and the car would have a European license plates," Catherine said who is driving the back dirt road outside of the city limits of Kramatorsk.

"According to the map the road is going to take us to the Jagod manor. Dirk Jagod was a business man who lived in this area with his wife and daughter, till the War in Donbas happen with the family being killed during the conflict. He's also the one who brought the old horse statue that you smelled traced amounts around the new one," Emily said.

They came to a walled off manor that is just outside the limits of a small town that they had passed through. The brick wall are crumbling and the yard is overgrown, the three story manor looked like no one had lived there for years. An iron gate that's chained kept people out, and a for sale sign is planted next to it. 

"Stag, Vurdah, you two go in and see if there are any magic there," Emily said to the two kwamis.

"Can't just break in," Catherine said parking the car next to the for sale sign reading the information on it of who is selling the manor.

"Right," Vurdah said as she flew off with Stag flying through the bars of the gate.

After some time passed the kwamis came back with Stag holding a necklace and Vurdah came with a picture frame. Rolling down the window Catherine let both of them in. 

"What did you two found?" Emily asked.

"We found this amulet and found the horse statue in the back garden. Both are magical," Stag giving her the dirt covered amulet. 

Emily wiped away the dirt revealing the effigy of a red-and-gray winged unicorn (or as Shimmer told her an alicorn), along with a massive blood-red gem that holds its power. She could feel the power coming from the item, thanks to being touch by the Outsider before she was brought to life. And there is something of a corrupting nature to the amulet, that reminds her of the one ring. 

"No way," Catherine said staring at the picture frame Vurdah gave her. Both Sean and Marc are also staring at it from the back.

"What is it?" Emily asked.

"This," Catherine said showing Emily the picture of a young girl around 4 or 5 who looks just like Shimmer.

"Shimmer did say that all she remembers is wondering around here as a child," Marc said.

"Find more photos," Emily said as Shimmer would want to know about this.

The two kwamis flew back and into the house looking for more photos. They both came flying out of the chimney with a album between them. Once they got back to the car and gave the album to Emily, she began flipping through the book that turned out to be a baby album of a child that looks like Shimmer as a baby and her family. The man in the photos has Shimmer's red hair and yellow stripe that gives it a bacon look. The woman on the other hand is where Shimmer gets her looks, a tall and busty woman with long hair like flames. But what's really surprising is that the woman is one of a pair of twins as there are pictures of her with a woman who is a prefect mirror copy of her but with different hair color of light blue, green, purple, and pink. There is also another pair of twins one with one having dark blue and light blue hair, while the other has dark blue hair like the night sky. 

"This is Shimmer's old home," Sean said.

"It can't be," Catherine said exchanging looks with Emily as Shimmer isn't human she's a pony. 

"Her name should be on the cover," Marc said as that's where the parents usually put the name of their kid in the album.

Emily opens the book the to cover and they all saw the name of the child in the photos, Sunset Shimmer. 


Author's Notes -

1 - One thing people seem to forget about bringing to life someone from a book that takes place in a past age, is the different morels, standards, and culture of that time. Like someone who kills, plunder, and rapes, who kills all the men, children, the old and forcing the young women to marry or be slaves of their conquers. Is written and seen as a great hero for the culture of that story. 

Then there the fact that many of the princesses in the tales are underage as girls marry young in the past because of the fact that they couldn't count on living till they're old enough and mature enough to have children.

2 - From the French cartoons, Clementine and Dragon Hunters.

3 - Jafar is from Twisted: The Untold Story of a Royal Vizier.

4 - Mad Max and Batman.

5 - I would love to see what happens when a entire population of young women who never seen or heard a boy band before suddenly see one. And seeing how in real life girls went crazy for boy bands, I would love to see what happens.

6 - Seeing how worn out magic users are after using lots of spells. I'm going with it takes some of their own body energy to cast spells. For magic users in Harry Potter, I'm going with them using wands to channel the magic, is more of them using a tool than laboring to use magic. Like you get more of a workout using a hammer than using a nail gun. 

7 - Seeing how the Dazzlings have been around for centuries, they would have built up lots of wealth in that time. As most immortals in fiction do and wouldn't be living in the back of a van unless they're just using it to travel around in.

8 - I'm going with the United HeroeZ being like a police force to handle the supervillains. Who are allowed to kill if there is no other way to stop a villain, like cops in real life. 

As the whole thing like with Batman saying that once you kill you can never switch it off. Would mean that every cop and soldier who has ever killed, can never stop themselves from killing again and are all just bombs waiting to go off to kill again. By using that logic. 

That is just dumb logic right there and means that the problem isn't killing. It's that Batman is the one with the problem and will become a killing machine if he kills. But he refuses to admit that and just label all killing for everyone is the same as for him.


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