Jiang Yue didn't lose hope and went through the remaining two videos.
The third one that she played was more than three and a half years ago, and Feng De went through the same thing again.
However, what was different this time was that Feng De who always had a blank expression on his face, suddenly had a look of determination as though he wasn't the same person just seconds ago.
Feng De anxiously stood up which he had a hard time at first probably because he hasn't stood up in a long time, then he opened the several drawers on his bedside table as though he was looking for something.
Jiang Yue could tell that the drawers were empty from the angle of the surveillance, and Feng De who had just gone through them went to the door and tried to open them, however, it was locked.
He then started to pound on the door while screaming.
In a world of betrayal, Chen Lin and Wu Yuxuan's love unfolds.