53.84% Luffy is Lost in The MHA world, but he gets taken in by Momo's dad / Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Mall and A Little of Camp!

章節 14: Chapter 14: Mall and A Little of Camp!

Yaoyorozu Mansion

"Luffy!" Momo said as she rushed towards Luffy, who had just entered the mansion. She proceeded to grab both of Luffy's cheeks and stretch them "Where the hell have you been?! Do you know what time it is? I was worried sick!"

"Sowwy! Let go!" Luffy said before starting to rub his red cheeks. "I just got hold up at school, no big deal."

"No big deal?! It's 1 AM! As in 1 in the morning! There's no reason for you to have been so late! Especially with the driver." Momo said as her anger started to subside and worry began to take its place.

"But it's fine, I'm here so what's the problem?" Luffy said with an annoyed expression before he heard his stomach growling. "I'm hungry!"

"Luffy, you do know I am your chaperone right?" Momo said with a very heavy sigh. "That means that I'm supposed to take care of you, I would've been in a lot of trouble if I lost you."

"But I didn't get lost, I was just fighting All-Night!" Luffy said as he began going to the kitchen, Momo followed after him. Momo not registering what he said yet.

"Plus, you're my friend, my first real friend. I wouldn't kno—" Momo said as they neared the kitchen. "Wait. Did you just say All-Might?"

"Yeah, All-Night." Luffy said his name wrong again.

"All-Might, our teacher, the Number one hero in Japan. That All-Might?!" Momo said with a bewildered expression.

"That's what I said." Luffy said as they entered the barren kitchen.

"Huh?! Wha– why?!" Momo said she didn't know if she should be concerned or shocked.

"I don't know, something about the written test." Luffy said as he took 5 chunks of cooked meat from the fridge.

"The written exam? Why wou– Wait before that, Are you okay?! Why– How are you not in the hospital?" Momo asked as Luffy started ravaging the cold food like there was no tomorrow. He was too hungry to heat it up.

"What do you mean 'how'?" Luffy asked back. "Why would I go to the hospital If I'm okay?"


"...You don't mean …You won, right?" Momo asked after barely processing what she just heard.

"Duh!" Luffy said before entirely swallowing three pieces of meat at once. "Are you okay?"

Momo began to hyperventilate, and her eyes paced madly. She knew Luffy was strong, but that strong?! In her mind, All-Might was this unbeatable hero, a force nothing could compare to it.

"When you say you won, you mean he surrendered right? He didn't go all out." Momo asked as Luffy began getting other various pieces of meat from the giant fridge. Surely that's what he meant, …Right?

"No, I knocked him out. Wait, get this, All-Night and All-Night's brother are the same person! Crazy right?! I was completely shocked." Luffy said as he began eating again, not realizing he had just revealed a top secret.

"...Luffy, you're not saying a lot, but at the same time you're saying way too much." Momo said as she rubbed her temples.

"Huh?" Luffy questioned with a confused expression.

"First things first. You knocked him out?" Momo asked, trying to sort this whole mess out.

"Yes. And let me tell you, it wasn't easy, I had to go to fourth gear to do it! No wonder he's the strongest guy here." Luffy said as he ate without a care in the whole wide world.

"Must've been some show huh?" Momo asked, curious about what his fourth gear would look like.

"Yep, and when I found him, he was like a skeleton." Luffy explained further. "Knocked out, I had to carry him to the nurse. After that they told me to go home and that I'll find the results tomorrow. …Oh and not to tell anyone about this whole fight, I don't know why. Oh well, too late now I guess."

"I'm not surprised, don't worry I'll keep your secret." Momo said before starting to process in silence. Well, as much silence as she could get with Luffy's loud chewing. *So, if All-Might is the strongest hero in Japan, and Luffy beat him, that means that Luffy is the strongest, and he's the same age as me.*

She imagined that this thought would make her jealous, after all, she knew that she was in the same grade as Luffy and she knew that there was a gap between her and Luffy, but she didn't know that the power gap was THAT big. But she didn't, instead, she only felt her respect grow for Luffy and she was filled with proud feelings and admiration. *Plus, if Luffy trains me hard enough, maybe I'll be as strong as him one day!*

"Well Luffy, that was a bombshell you just dropped on me." Momo said as she started going to her room, Luffy was wondering what bomb she was talking about. "I'm going to sleep, don't forget to take a bath and go straight to sleep, you're dirty. Goodnight!"

"Noooooo!" Luffy whined as he watched her leave. "Anything but that." Luffy said as he dropped to his knees. He already took a shower the other day, and now he has to again? Unacceptable.

"Goodnight Luffy!" Momo said again as she waved without looking at him, hiding a cheeky smile.

Class 1-A Classroom

"I'll look forward to hearing all of your stories from camp." Mina said through hiccups, she was sure that she, along with Kaminari, will definitely not go to the camp.

"What's the big deal? Just come along anyway." Luffy said as he picked through his nose. "Oh, I know! Just sneak on with us!'

"Class rep! That sort of suggestion isn't becoming of this prestigious school!" Iida said as he chopped the air in distress.

"No need to be so sad! Maybe they'll let you guys come with us anyway!" Izuku said as he tried to remain positive.

"You don't have to lie to the Midoriya, you're just giving them false hope." Sero said as he put his hand on Izuku's shoulder.

"Don't you get it Midoriya? The teachers said that everybody who failed the exams doesn't get to go." Kaminari said as he thrust two of his fingers into Midoriya's eyes. "Don't you understand?!"

"AAAHH! Why me!" Izuku screamed as he clutched his eyes.

"Besides, I'm not sure I'll get to go either since Mineta literally carried. I was knocked out for the whole match." Sero said, which inflated Mineta's ego to an ungodly degree. They quickly engulfed the classroom with noises of Luffy laughing his ass off at Izuku's misfortune, Izuku screaming from the pain, Mineta's gloating, Mina crying, and Kaminari's despair.

"Once the bell rings you should be in your seats!" Aizawa said loudly as he energetically opened the door, quickly silencing the whole class.

As everybody got in their seats, Aizawa couldn't help but watch Luffy. *This kid is stronger than that Buffon. And he is acting like it's no big deal, even if Luffy isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, I would expect at least some bragging or something. It's like he doesn't even realize what he did yesterday.*

"Morning. Unfortunately, there are a few of you who didn't pass the practical." Mina and Kaminari straightened their backs immediately as sweat began to form on their foreheads. "So when it comes to the training camps… Everyone is going!"

*A last-minute twist!* Everybody who failed thought.

"We all get to go camping?!" Kaminari said happily.

"Seriously?!" Mina followed.

"Yahoo! We all get to go!" Luffy cheered from the back, happy that nobody'll get left behind. Nobody noticed Aiziawa's gaze that lingered on Luffy.

"Fortunately nobody bombed the written exam." Aizawa explained but was interrupted.

"Seriously? Luffy didn't fail?" Kirishima said what everybody else was thinking.

"That's weird, he even got caught up at the end yesterday." Jiro said as she twiddled her earphone jacks.

"...Originally he did fail, but after a second try with some different circumstances, he managed to succeed." Aizawa informed the class as he followed Nezu's lie. He didn't like it, but he also didn't want the class to know Luffy fought and won against All-Might. It would spark an outcry and the student's faith in All-Might would lessen.

"Huh? Why's the Rubberbrain getting special treatment?" Bakugou said, some of the others were thinking about it, but they didn't wanna say it out of respect for Luffy.

"Because this school has recognized his potential." Bakugou tsked at that. "And taking into account his past, this school decided to make a special exception. Any more questions? Or can I continue with the lesson?"

After some more information on why they decided to let the other students who failed attend the summer camp, the class decided to go on a big shopping spree tomorrow at the mall.

The Mall

"Oh. Hey guys!" Luffy said as he spotted the rest of his classmates in a crowd of people. He started running and waving at them, leaving Momo behind.

"Wait Luffy! Don't make a scene!" Momo said only to fall on deaf ears.

"Oh hey look! It's the rep." Kirishima said as he spotted Luffy running towards them.

"Do you think he realizes the scene he's making?" Asui asked after Luffy stumbled on a family, accidentally entangling himself with the children.

"I don't think he cares." Uraraka said as she watched with a sweatdrop the parents yell at Luffy while Momo was bowing her head repeatedly to the family.

"Can't believe he's our class's representative." Jirou said as Luffy finally arrived.

"This place is awesome!" Luffy said as he started looking at all the stores with stars in his eyes. An angry/tired Momo was behind him.

"I know right! This place is totally awesome, with so many stores you can buy almost anything you can think of!" Mina was right there with Luffy, sharing his enthusiasm.

"I can't wait to buy some delicious me–" Luffy stopped his very expected sentence with a quick turn of his head. Now he looked with a frown towards a huge crowd. Not realizing that the rest of the class started splitting up.

"Umm? Rep?" Mina asked Luffy and then looked at where he was looking. "Saw something that caught your eye?"

"Nah, just felt someone familiar." Luffy said ominously. "Oh well, if he doesn't bother me then I don't care."

"Umm, Okay?" Mina said before turning towards the rest of the group. "So where do you want guys to …go?"

"Huh? Where's everybody?" Luffy said before doing a quick search with his haki.

"Oh crap! Did we get lost?!" Mina panicked, as she started searching, looking around and seeing nobody she recognized.

"No, they are all here. Just spread out." Luffy said as he managed to locate everybody. "They're all at different stores."

"You don't say. They must've all split off to buy whatever they wanted. Oh, man! I wanted to stick together! What's the point in coming here together if we all split off anyway!" Mina said as she started sulking, a depressing aura enveloping her.

"Hey, I'm still here. Let's just go together!" Luffy as he extended his hand toward her. "Grab my hand so we don't lose each other."

"...Sure, I guess it's better than nothing." Mina said with a heavy sigh as she grabbed his hand.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean!" Luffy said angrily, insulted.

"Don't worry about it, let's just go." Mina said as she started going up an escalator. Luffy close behind her.

"Don't ign–" Luffy was interrupted by the stairs suddenly moving. "Woah! Awesome!" Luffy said in pure childish glee as he looked at the moving stairs, completely forgetting his fight.

"Hahaha!" Mina laughed out loud before hiding her laugh behind her hand, as she watched Luffy look at the moving stairs like it was his first time seeing them before trying to go down but only managing to stay in place. "You're such a child!"

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!" Luffy said angrily as he completely forgot about the stairs. "Why don't you come and say that to my face!"

Luffy's provocation only made Mina laugh harder. "Sorry sorry, I just can't help it." *I guess out of everyone, I'm happy that it's him.*

"Huff, if you're sorry then it's fine." Luffy said with a smile as he got off the moving stairs, only to trip at the point where the stairs start looping around. This obviously made Mina laugh.

"There's never a dull moment with you here, is there?" Mina said as she wiped a tear from her eye.

"It's not my fault! I just forgot that they do that!" Luffy said from his spot on the ground, Mina now passing by him.

"Sure sure, whatever you say." Mina said with a cheeky smile. "Here." Mina said as this time, she extended her hand for Luffy. Soon they began going to their respective stores as they held each other's hands.

"So rep, what do you wanna buy?" Mina asked in an attempt to fill the dead air.

"Hmm. I don't know." Luffy answered.

"You don't know? Then why did you come here?" Mina asked puzzled.

"To have fun, obviously!" Luffy said. "You?"

"Yeah, I get what you mean, a trip to the mall is fun. As for me, I just want some sunscreen, some flip-flops, and a backpack." Mina said, thinking the camp trip was going to be a fun vacation.

"Woah!" Luffy suddenly said, yanking Mina's hand. "Look there! What's that? Looks fun!"

"Easy there!" Mina said as she rubbed her shoulder. "That? You mean the arcade?"

"Woah! The arbabe!" Luffy said as he watched the shiny lights.

"Not even close." Mina said, referring to the way he pronounced 'arcade.' "Wanna go–"

"Let's go!" Luffy said as he started jogging, surprising Mina and almost making her fall.

"You're gonna pop my joint!" Mina said as she tried to keep up with Luffy's pace.

"Shishishishishi! Sorry!" Luffy said as he arrived inside. "Woah! Awesome!"

"Dammit Luffy, I have no idea how Momo deals with you." Mina said as she started panting, also releasing her hold on his hand.

"What's that!" Luffy said as he ran to an arcade game. "Hit …the …mole?"

"Ah! I see you have great taste." Mina said as he followed Luffy from behind. "This here, my friend, is a game where you can call me the master!"

"Wow! Really?!" Luffy said while looking at Mina with stars in his eyes.

"Yes! Believe it or not, I used to spend a lot of time at arcades. And I don't want to brag or anything, but I do have top scores in buncha games here." Mina bragged, her ego getting inflated by Luffy's stare.

"Awesome! What's that?" Luffy asked what a top score was.

"Doesn't matter, let Mina here teach you how to play." Mina said before starting to go to the desk with an elderly employer. "Let's go get some tickets."

"Sure!" Luffy said as he followed after her.

"Ah!" The elderly man said as he noticed the two young teenagers approach. "How many tickets for the couple?"

"Just 2 for no–" Mina said before fully realizing what he said. "Wait a sec old man! We are not a couple!" Mina said as she gestured towards them.

"A couple of what?" Luffy asked, oblivious to what they were talking about.

"Don't worry about it!" Mina said with purple cheeks rather than the usual pink. "Just give us the damn tickets grampa." She accentuated her point by throwing some money on the table.

"Here you go." He said with a sly smile as Mina snatched the pieces of paper from his hand. "Have fun you two!"

"Thanks gramps!" Luffy said before Mina forcibly took his hand, making him spin the other way. "Woah!"

"Come on rep!" Mina said with an angry smile before looking at her hand and noticing she was hand-holding Luffy again and proceeding to let go of his hand as they arrived back at the Mole game.

Now at the game, she inserted the two tickets in and gave Luffy his squishy hammer.

"Okay?" Luffy said as he started holding a squishy hammer.

"Soon, some moles are gonna pop out, what you wanna do is hit them as many as possible as quickly as you can. Trust me, it's tons of fun!" Mina said as she picked up her respective hammer and waited for the countdown.

"Okay!" Luffy said before turning to his game, fully concentrated with his tongue sticking out.

"3, 2, 1 Go!" Luffy heard his game say.

Crash "Whoops!" Luffy said as he looked at the now completely pummeled arcade game. "Was that too hard?"

"Crap!" Mina said as she looked in horror at Luffy's game before she threw her hammer away and grabbed Luffy's hand. "Run!"

"Huh? Okay!" Luffy didn't really understand why, after all, he did what Mina said. So he ran towards the exit, only to be met by a security guard.

"Stop right there!" He said as he tried to stop the two teenagers.

"Luffy! Whatever you do, don't stop! Understand?" Mina said as she proceeded to run full speed at the security guard. She didn't even realize she used his name. "Let's split!"

"Okay!" Luffy said as she released her hold on Luffy's arm and ran in another direction.

"Damn Brats!" The guard said as he tried to catch Mina, only for her to dodge and leave him with Luffy. "Stop!"

"No way!" Luffy said as he held out his tongue. "Bleegh!" This infuriated the guard and made him tackle Luffy, only for Luffy to jump over him and faceplant the guard into the ground. Mina barely held in her laughter when she saw Luffy use the guard as a springboard.

"Hey, I think I lost him!" Luffy said as he caught up with Mina, she was now huffing near the balcony where you could see the entire mall.

"Hey Rep, and no! There is no losing these guys, they got us on camera! If they catch us then we're toast" Mina said as she prepared herself to run again.

"I see, well then!" Luffy said he put Mina on his shoulder, potato sack style.

"R-rep?!" Mina said as her cheeks turned purple. W-wha–?

"Hold tight!" Luffy said as he jumped off the balcony and back to the first floor. Mina screamed her heart out along the way.

"Hey Kaminari, You're not gonna believe this, but I just saw the rep jump off this floor with Ashido on his shoulder." Mineta said as he looked at where they jumped off.

"To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised." Kaminari said as he exited a dirty store

"Dammit, Luffy! You're gonna give me a heart attack!" Mina said as she tried to stop her beating heart, the fact that Luffy was laughing didn't help her.

"Shishishishi! Sorry, my bad." Luffy said as he rubbed the back of his head. "Huh?"

"What now?" Mina said as she looked where Luffy was looking, only to see Shikaragi in a grey hoodie, no hand on his face, and a scared-to-death Izuku and a worried Ochako. "Eeeeep!" Mina proceeds to hide behind Luffy, clutching his clothes, just barely poking her head out to see what's happening.

"It's the guy from the amusement park! Shibasushi!" Luffy said with a stone-cold face.

"It's Shigaraki you damn brat!" Shigaraki said angrily, before quickly calming down, not wanting to make a scene in public.

"That's what I said." Luffy said before looking at his arm. "How's your hand?"

"Better now, no thanks to you." Shigaraki said. Time seemed to stand still for the students present.

*Please Luffy, just don't do anything dumb to make him mad!* Thought pretty much everyone there.

Mina, after getting some of her courage back, took a closer look at Shigaraki's face. His face was in one word crusty, with his pale blue hair covering the top part of his face and evident scratch marks on his neck.

"Ew, you're so ugly, go get some cream or something." Mina's mouth spoke before her brain could stop her.

*Ashido did the dumb thing?!* Izuku and Uraraka thought bewildered.

"Crap! Sorry!" Mina said as she completely hid behind Luffy. *Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!*

"A word of advice Monkey D. Luffy, Next time we see each other, things are gonna go differently." Shigaraki said as he started walking towards Luffy and then passed him, making Mina switch sides so that she was hiding in Luffy's chest now. "You better be prepared." And soon, he blended in with the crowd, making the others unable to see him, besides Luffy. Luffy stayed on edge until Shikaragi exited the mall.

"What the hell was that about?" Mina asked after giving up on trying to spot him.

"I don't know, he just wanted to talk to me about Stain for some reason." Izuku said as he caressed his neck.

"I can't believe he did this in a mall, there are so many innocent people here!" Uraraka said as she got up, clearly frustrated but mostly worried.

"He's gone." Luffy said, slightly surprising the 3 students. "He just left the mall."

"Thank goodness for that." Izuku said as he began to relax. "He really did want to talk."

Soon after, Uraraka told the police what had happened and the students told the police officers their experience, and Momo was forced to pay for 1 destroyed arcade game, safe to say that Luffy got an earful rivaling that of Nami's.

Training Camp

"Everybody! Get inside the bus in the correct order please!" Iida proclaimed loudly in front of the bus's door, his hands were, of course, doing their best to imitate a broken robot.

"Shut the hell up four eyes, nobody cares." Bakugou said as he entered the bus, baffling Iida in the process.

"B-Bakugou! We, as a class, should follow the correct order and the class hierarchy!" Iida was planning on using his position to persuade Bakugou, only to be interrupted by the class representative.

"Finally! Let's go!" Luffy said as he ran inside the bus, soon the whole class followed after him, Iida being the last to enter with a sulk.

Now that the whole class was making hell on earth on the bus, Luffy being at the center of it, Aizawa tried to calm everyone down but, since nobody heard him, he decided to let everyone have their fun, it would be the last they would have in a while. Now after about 2 hours of straight driving, the bus made a pit stop at a cliffside where you could see a beautiful forest.

"Yosh! We arrived!" Luffy said energetically as he jumped out of the bus. Every student followed after him, all sore for sitting so long.

"Ugh, I feel like my back is gonna snap." Momo said as she cracked her back, Jirou was seen sulking in a corner after hearing this.

"Wow! So cool!" Luffy said as he looked at the forest. "So this is where we're camping, huh?"

"I don't think so, there should be a cabin or something." Kirishima said with a hand on his hip.

"This place really reminds me of my home island!" Luffy said with a smile before it quickly disappeared, now sporting a sad face.

"Yeah, homesickness is the worst." Kirishima said in an attempt to comfort the now depressed Luffy.

"Hey there Eraser." Luffy and the others heard a voice coming from a car parked there.

"It's been a while." Eraser said with a bow as 2 heroines exited the car.

"Your feline fantasies are here! Say meow." One of the girls said as she did a little dance. She wore a cat-centric hero outfit in the color red with medium brown hair.

"Perfectly cute and catlike girls!" The other one said, continuing the dance. This one was very similar to the previous one, except her hair was blonde and her outfit was focused on the color blue.

"You can call us the Wild Wild Pussycats!" They both said in unison as they finished their dance in a pose. Most of the students found their dance embarrassing or they just didn't care. The only two that cared were...

"Awesome! That was so cool!" Luffy said as he watched the heroines with pure admiration in his eyes.

*No it wasn't.* Thought Uraraka and Jirou.

"They are a 4 person rescue hero group who specializes in mountain rescues!" Izuku said, sharing his admiration with Luffy. "They were founded when we were kids, like forever ago! This marks their twe–"

Izuku was stopped by the blonde-haired heroine by grabbing his face with her oversized cat mittens. "Your math must be wrong, I'm 18 at heart!"

"Understood." Izuku said, fear clearly evident in his voice, the other students thought that this was just sad.

"We own this whole plot of land." The brunette-haired heroine said while pointing in the middle of it. "The place we'll be staying at is over there!"

"Yosh! Let's go!" Luffy said, already jumping over the railings but was stopped by Aizawa's scarf.

"Calm down, not yet." Aizawa said as he pulled Luffy next to him and made a cocoon of him with his head sticking out.

"I don't understand. Why are we all the way here then?" Uraraka said with a finger on her chin.

"I think we all know the answer to that." Asui said as she turned towards the bus.

"Umm guys, Let's head back to the bus." Sero said, already turning around.

"Right now it's about 9:30 in the morning. You might make it there by noon if you're fast about it." The brunette heroine said with a dangerous undertone in her voice.

"No way!" Kirishima said as he and everybody else started to gun it toward the bus. Panic quickly formed in the class.

"Hey! Let me go!" Luffy said as he struggled to get out of his cocoon.

"You should've already guessed students, the training camp already started." Aizawa said as the blonde heroine jumped in front of the bus and made a quick landslide to send most of the students over the cliff. The only one that was still with the rest of the teachers was a frustrated Luffy.

"Hey! That looks like fun! Let me out of this thing!" Luffy said as he squirmed as hard as he could to get out. Unfortunately, he couldn't activate any gear besides Fifth but he thought that was overkill.

"Ok, let's go." The blonde heroine said as she entered the car, the brunette sitting in the passenger seat, and Aizawa with a cocooned Luffy took the back seats.

"It should take us about half an hour to get there. If you keep squirming, I will tie you to the car's roof." Aizawa threatened Luffy, only for him to get rowdier.

"I don't care! Just let me go!" Luffy said as he tried his best to break the scarf. "What the hell is this thing?"

"Something not even All-Might can tear apart, so don't even try." Aizawa said, but Luffy took it as a challenge and tried his best to rip it.

"Oh my, He's a feisty one isn't he?" The blonde said as she licked her lips and audibly purred. "I like that."

"Listen Luffy, the reason you don't get to go with the other students is because we think it would be pointless to try and train you." Aizawa said as he began explaining, this made Luffy stop trying to break out. "After the whole All-Might fiasco we, and when I say we I mean a majority of the teachers and the principal, decided to have you help us in training the other students."

"Huh?" Luffy said with a tilt of his head. "Wait, do you mean?"

"Yes, for this camping trip, we and the other students will look at you as a fellow teacher." Aizawa said. "That doesn't mean you aren't a student, you will still eat, sleep and relax with your classmates, this just means that you will help train your classmates instead of training with them, and in case of a villain attack, you will have full reign to protect the students, do you accept?"

"Sure! Sounds like fun!" Luffy said, not fully grasping at the responsibilities Aizawa just put on his rubber shoulders.

"Well, aren't you a free spirit?" The brunette said as she drove the car. "Well, let us introduce ourselves then, I'm Mandalay, the leader of the Wild Wild Pussycats."

"And I'm Pixie-Bob, A full-on Member and vital piece!" The blonde heroine said from her seat in the front, making the other adults wonder if the part about 'vital piece' was necessary.

"We're your fellow teachers!" They both said in unison. "Let's get along, shall we?"

"Yeah!" Luffy enthusiastically tried to bump his fist in the air, but remembered that he was still restrained. "Hey, can you get this off now?"

"Better not do anything idiotic." Aizawa said as he pulled on a piece of the scarf that stuck out from the cocoon and soon Luffy was free.

With the rest of Class 1-A

"Hey, I wonder where the rep is?" Kirishima said as he huffed and puffed from being out of breath after defeating yet another dirt monster.

"Who knows? He stayed back with Mr. Aizawa for some reason." Kaminari said, also panting for air.

"I'm sure he can take care of himself, he's a big boy." Jirou said as she destroyed a smaller dirt monster with her soundwaves. "Focus on here and now."

"Yeah, Yeah I know. It's just… if we had Luffy here it would've been easier, ya know?" Kirishima said as he hardened himself.

"No point in thinking about it now, just focus." Jirou said in a slight scold.

"Yes, mom!" Kirishima and Kaminari said at the same time, and in response, they received a sharp earphone jack. "Ow!"

Thanks for reading this chapter, hope you guys liked my decision with Luffy in this arc!

Weirdly, Momo wasn't worried, well at least not as much as she thought she would've been. Ever since she found out about All-Might and Luffy, she decided to put a whole lot more trust on Luffy, but in the back of her mind, she couldn't help but worry, at least for a little bit.

next chapter
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