100% lonely bear and cub- Russian SI / Chapter 193: This can't end bad right? (July-September, 1907).

章節 193: This can't end bad right? (July-September, 1907).

Pan-Russian National Union]

"For the Tsar and Order".

On July 9, the political right wing of the Russian Empire (during the First Duma) held an extraordinary meeting between its parties, the meeting included:

* The Black Hundreds (Russian nationalists, monarchists and hard-line conservatives).

* Conservatives and moderate rightists.

* Right-wing populists (Greens).

* Independents aligned to the right.

* Militant Pan-Slavists.

* Other representatives of provincial organizations aligned to the right.

In short, we had from the moderate right (center-right and liberals according to some) to the extreme right (radical in nature), coming together to form a more unique and organized party-movement.

Thus a stable and more coherent platform could be formed for the next elections of the Russian Empire (Second Duma).

This is because the Russian right did not have a leading party, instead it was rather a disorderly set of groups and people with certain characteristics, all in a 'bloc' but without serious unity.

So the right wing were more national or local movements, and not parties, which made action in the Duma and Russian national politics very difficult.

Reason for many victories of centrist, liberal-progressive and leftist elements of the Russian Empire.

The main figure around this was War Minister Mikhail Dmitriyevich Skobelev (64), general, veteran and war hero, with years of experience and allies in some of Moscow's most important right-wing newspapers.

However, within the meeting Skobelev was not the only prominent figure, they were also:

Vladimir Mitrofanovich Purishkevich (36 years, 37 in August) and Alexander Ivanovich Dubrovin (51/52 years), vice president and president of the Union of the Russian People (Союз русского народа, Soyuz russkogo naroda, SRN).

Pyotr Nikolaevich Balashov (35 years old) was an aristocrat from one of the wealthiest families in the Russian Empire, still an important landowner, ex-lieutenant and treasurer of the hussars of the tsar and chamberlain at the royal court. He belonged to the moderate right, at first, Balashov supported the policies of Premier Stolypin and was more moderate (later he would oppose more progressive policies).

Anatoly Ivanovich Savenko (32 years old) and Mikhail Osipovich Menshikov (47 years old) were the two main publicists, journalists and writer-ideologues of the new party. Supported the "Orthodoxy, Autocracy, Monocracy", a slight modification of the policies of Nicholas I accompanied by the idea of a Russian nationality in the sense of Western nationalism.

There were also nationalist-minded professors, retired military personnel, civil servants, publicists, clergymen, and scientists.

It was declared that all those "belonging to the indigenous Russian population or organically fused with the Russian people" could be members ... What was organic fusion?

Hard to say, it was never clearly explained by the party.

Perhaps it was rather a strategy to gain adherents among the Russified individuals of Russia or simply an extension of the ideas of the Russian nation and / or Russification.

With all these present, the Pan-Russian National Union (Всероссийский национальный союз / Vserossiyskiy Natsional'nyy Soyuz, VNS) was formed. The name was created by Mikhail Menshikov, editor of the official VNS newspaper (and Savenko was the second largest editor).

In the elections of this first session that unifies all those present, Mikhail Skobelev was elected as party president and Pyotr Balashov was elected as vice president.

Of course Alexander Dubrovin and Vladimir Purishkevich had important positions in the administration after the union of parties and movements, due to being the leaders of one of the largest groups.

It didn't take long for Skoveleb to become the VNS's most important unifying figure, thus leading the majority of the OFFICIAL VNS platform.

Now the VNS was the main right-wing group in the Russian Empire, theoretically proposing a much more coherent platform than pre-union politicians.

* Rodina: Homeland, the idea that the Russian Empire is a geographical space, whose inhabitants have a shared history and destiny, a common space (generally in language and economy), rights and responsibilities for being citizens of the homeland (responsibilities with the czar, with the state and with your compatriots).

* Autocracy, Orthodoxy, Monocracy: Modification of Autocracy, Orthodoxy and Nationality (Official Nationality), state policy from the time of Nicholas I of the Russian Empire. In the opinion of the VNS, orthodoxy (state religion) and autocracy were inseparable parts of Russia, with power concentrated solely on one or two individuals (the Tsar and the Premier, in case the premier was part of the VNS of course). .

It must be said that the concepts of Russian nationality were not abandoned. The issue is that Russian nationalism and identity were the basis of the Tsar, Russian Orthodoxy and Russian autocracy.

** Consolidation of the Russian state on the basis of the tsarist autocracy in unity with the popular legislative representation.

* Pan-Slavism.

* Militarism and militant spirit: The VNS proposed the 'Spirit of Suvorov', a militant and political-social trend very attached to the army and the values associated with it. Believing that all this should have an influence on the daily life of the common citizen.

* Russia, One and Indivisible. For the VNS the Empire was simply inseparable and united.

* Strengthening of the national consciousness and national unity of the Russian Empire.

* Mixed economic policies: "It is possible to be an economic liberal, but one must not be stupid" -Mikhail Skobelev.

In the opinion of the VNS, some state intervention was necessary in the economy. In reality they did not have serious economic positions, rather they were of a socio-political character.

Despite this being an achievement, many issues caused divisions and factionalism within the VNS.

For example, within certain issues such as autonomy or federalization there were many proposals, such as a harsh policy of Russification (religious, political and cultural) of foreigners, even proposals for the granting of autonomy to some areas of the Empire, such as Poland.

Skobelev had his followers, generally militants, pan-Slavists, conservatives, civil servants and military (in service or retired). Skobelev was a loyalist to the Tsar, and although he was a nationalist, militant and pan-Slavist, he did not have strong opinions towards Russification or the like, only strong opinions against the Germans.

It didn't take long for Vladimir Mitrofanovich Purishkevich and Alexander Ivanovich Dubrovin to continue to have differences, Purishkevich acted very independently in Dubrovin's opinion and each had separate followers (and increasingly differences on certain matters). The unity of the right was ephemeral between them.

Balashov led the Balashovtsev faction, opposed to the center-left politicians and 'progressives', which included many of the left-wing Kadets and Septembrists.

Savenko was part of the organizers and leaders of the progressive and moderate right, although he was still a Russian nationalist and defender of the Triune Nation.


[Ministry of war]

Moscow, home to the ministries, the government, and some of the largest factories in the Russian Empire. This is where Tsar Alexander III of Russia, Premier Pyotr Stolypin, Minister Mikhail Skobelev and a special commission of members of the war ministry meet with Vladimir Grigoryevich Fyodorov.

A graduate of the Mikhailovsky Artillery School, the Mikhailovskaya Artillery Academy and a member of the artillery committee of the Main Artillery Directorate (with access to weaponry information of the Russian army and foreign countries).

Fyodorov was accompanied by a member of an experimental workshop of a Russian army rifle school, Vasily Alekseevich Degtyarev.

Fyodorov and Degtyarev proposed the creation of an automatic rifle of original design, indeed, at that time just one of the first prototypes of modern assault rifle in history.

In 1906, Fyodorov had already proposed an automatic rifle, but it was the modification of a Mosin rifle, which he had ultimately proved not to be very successful.

Therefore Fyodorov's chance in 1907 was a second chance. Although this time it would be more expensive for being an original design and other needs of the project.

This was the "Fyodorov's assault rifle" or also known as Fedorov Avtomat or Fyodorov 1911.

After consideration, the Russian government accepted the proposal of Fyodorov and Degtyarev for the creation of the Fedorov Avtomat.

With this Fyodorov and Degtyarev would become some of the most important and well-known weapon designers in Russia (in automatic weapons and melee weapons). Fyodorov in particular would also come to have a considerable international reputation for his work on automatic weapons.

We speak of a reputation and value, above all, historical, since Fyodorov has a notable importance in the design and experimentation in automatic weapons.

Of course this is a bit ahead of events, although the Fedorov Avtomat project was accepted in 1907, the project would take about four years to complete (after design, fabrication and experimentation).


Also during this period, on September 1, the Air Force of the Russian Empire was created, as a semi-independent force from the command of the ground troops and the navy of the Russian Empire.

This involved a budget, training and leadership more separate from the rest of the armed forces of the Russian Empire.

Tsar Alexander III was (officially) head of the air force and Mikhail Skobelev was still the minister in charge of the air force, but now he did not lead much as a general, instead he was in charge of signing paperwork, reviewing bureaucratic work and communicating to the tsar about of related matters but apart from that, the leadership of the air force was independent of Skobelev.

This did not really mean many changes, the Russian Empire was innovative in aircraft design certainly, but it was not the main focus of the Russian armed forces.

First came the army, then the navy, and last the air force.

It did not mean that they were not important, after all in the last Russo-Turkish war the importance of the air force for exploration and bombing was demonstrated, but simply the air force was not going to be able to compete with the army or the navy for money and attention.

Fortunately during this time, the Russian Empire was already on its way to its first proto-aircraft carriers, a now joint venture of the Air Force and the Imperial Navy.

Of course, still after years it was an extremely complicated, experimental and difficult job due to the technological differences from the contemporary time to that year of 1907.

But it was progressing little by little, under Stepan Makarov, Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich and the leadership of the air force.

* Fun fact, early in the Russian air force, quite a few Franco-Russians, Afro-Russians and some other ethnic minorities were recruited, giving rise to curious compositions in the air force.

* Some Russian pilots also developed their own 'kamikaze' attack technique around the 1910s.


[Korea and the Misha/plush bear]

On July 24, important events occur, the serene prince of Korea, Gojong (also known as Gwangmu) abdicates his official position (which was already purely ceremonial) before his eldest son of his wife (the main one, the practice of polygamy ended when Korea joined Russia).

This meant that Sunjong became the serene prince of Korea, Yunghui.

There were various reasons for the abdication, personal frustrations of former Prince Gojong and scandals surrounding him (related to public finances and personal relations). The abdication allowed Gojong to have an even more discreet life.

Sunjong (Yunghui) simply dedicated himself to living in his palace, without interfering in the bureaucracy and administration of the Korean governorate (Коре́я, 한국). A wise decision, as no one wanted to restore his powers or authority.

Instead, Sunjong devoted himself to being a rich patron of the arts (young Korean cinema, theater, poetry, literature, and some musicians and painters) and museums in the Korean governorate.

As a result of this the Russian government obviously accepted Sunjong and the House of Yi (Joseon) from Korea, just as it accepted the old Central Asian dynasties.

In the midst of this, to demonstrate the continued unity of the people of Korea and Russia, Tsar Alexander III visited the governorship (as in past occasions) and met with the new serene prince.

With this visit, some artistic productions, sports activities and cultural-historical exhibitions were established.

In particular, the Russian animation and film company Nickelodeon released a plush toy film, "Mikhail the Bear", the production of which led to the creation of the plush bears.

Plush bears (плющевый Мишка / plyushchevyy Mishka) are cartoon-like bear dolls, created precisely in inspiration from the Nickelodeon movie.

One of the first examples of products that simply exploded, Russian bear dolls (usually called Mikhail or Misha) surpassed in popularity the 1907 film itself.

Tens of thousands of them were being sold in a short time, being popular not only in Russia but also abroad.

Mikhail the Bear then has a curious history in Russian animation-cinema, as the first astronomically successful marketing within Russia and abroad (the film-based toy industry).


[Great Game and Buddhism]

August 31st.

The rebellion in Punjab and Bengal implied the need for the British Empire to avoid external influence in British affairs, consequently Arthur Nicholson and Winston Churchill of the British Empire were sent to negotiate with the Russian Empire about the Great Game.

The British offer was as follows.

* The British Empire and the Russian Empire would re-affirm the independence and neutrality of Afghanistan, with both powers having relations with the emirate, but neither trying to establish power over it.

* The British Empire recognized Russian sovereignty over Xinjiang and the border between it and British Tibet, while Russia recognized British sovereignty over Tibet.

* Both empires would stay away from each other in the Arabian Peninsula (the Holy Land was French territory ... for now, Russia maintained its zone in the north until Kuwait and the United Kingdom maintained its protectorates in the south).

* The neutral zone in Persia (Qajar) was divided between Russia and the United Kingdom.

The Great Game was effectively ending, at least at that stage.

The 'problem' was that the Great Game was always more serious for the British than for the Russians, the geography of Central Asia (mountains and deserts) was always an impediment to war and Russian expansion into Central Asia had effectively stopped for decades (although those decades were of integration and expansion elsewhere).

The British were simply afraid of a Russian invasion or interference in British India, but the invasion of India was never a serious Russian plan during the Alexandrian period (although the Russians did have contacts in India, it was never a very active operation to interference).

What did happen without a doubt was Russia actively fighting against British influence in Russia, the Russosphere, some other places (such as Persia) and the goal of maintaining the neutrality of Afghanistan.

So Russia did consider this convention, Tsar Alexander III, Mikhal Nikolaevich Girs and Alexander Petrovich Izvolsky were the ones who led the resolution of this diplomatic event.

Tsar Alexander III had only one condition, Agvan Lobsan Dorzhiev (a senior khenpo) would be recognized as a special diplomat-communicator of Russia in British Tibet, as part of the relations between both empires in the region (Xinjiang, Tibet and Afghanistan) .

The British were concerned about the relationship of a Russian-born monk with the high theocratic and philosophical spheres of British Tibet, mainly because of ignorance of many of the Tsarist intentions.

Agvan Lobsan Dorzhiev had close relations with the 13th Dalai Lama, Thubten Gyatso (Ngawang Lobsang Thupten Gyatso Jigdral Chokley Namgyal).

But without this, the Russian Empire would back down in its cooperation with the British Empire.

Winston Churchill and his attitude did not help the negotiations either, especially in his racism towards the Russians.

Ultimately, it was Izvolsky and Nicholson who reached an agreement accepted by Tsar Alexander III and the London Parliament (of Louis Alexander Mountbatten and Albert Victor I).

* Neutrality in Afghanistan (with diplomatic presence) and Arabia-Middle East, particularly there could be no British military ships in Kuwait or Russian military ships in Yemen.

* The neutral zone of Persia was maintained.

Russian zone: Kasre-Shirin - Isfahan - Yazd - Zulfegar.

Neutral zone: The rest. French, American and German presence was prohibited (simply because both powers wanted exclusivity in Persian resources).

British zone: Bandar Abbas - Kerman - Birjand - Gezik.

* Russian designated delegate (Agvan Lobsan Dorzhiev) in Tibet.

* British appointed delegate in Mongolia (Russia).

* Recognition of the current borders between both empires (until future changes), particularly the Russian possession of most of Central Asia (Turkestan), Mongolia and Xinjiang, while Russia recognized Tibet under the British Empire (a kind of affiliated protectorate al Raj) and both recognized Afghanistan as neutral.

The Great Game was greatly reduced by this convention, but even the British Empire had a lot of animosity towards the Russian Empire.

This was only because of the rebellions in the northern Raj (Bengal and Punjab).

Instead Russia focused on the interior.

Agvan Lobsan Dorzhiev befriended Tsar Alexander III and Tsesarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich Romanov, Dorzhiev gave information and influence to the Russian services (in addition to diplomatic-administrative ties with Tibet) in exchange for certain benefits in Russia.

No corruption, Dorzhiev just wanted to continue the creation of Buddhist temples in Russia, speak for the autonomy of Buddhist peoples in Russia and the equality between Buddhism and other beliefs in Russia.

This led to the Saint Petersburg Buddhist Temple and other institutions throughout Russia.

The Russian Empire also allowed more ties between its national Buddhists (in Korea, Mongolia, Kalmykia, etc) and Buddhists in the Russosphere (Thailand mainly).



July 1, the Boer United States create laws limiting the voting rights of non-Dutch immigrants, hoping to prevent further British influence on their economy and politics.

The rights of mixed descendants and native Africans also continue to be reduced, with the Boers following the trends of the United States (segregation and Jim Crow).

The British Empire obviously protests, imposing some sanctions against the isolated landlocked Boers.

July 6, the guardians of the Irish Crown Jewels, jewels of the British royal family (rulers of Ireland in 1907), discover that these have been stolen.

Four days before a planned visit from King Albert Victor to where the jewels were kept. The robbery caused a fit of rage from the king (one of his worst personality traits after damage to his psyche due to a chemical explosive attack, discussed earlier) and the visit was canceled.

Immediately a investigation starts, but the jewels were never recovered or found, although there were many suspicions. As a consequence of the robbery the parliament took the excuse for very serious investigations in Ireland (especially the north).

Many Irish nationalists, government opponents, liberals and others were unjustly imprisoned, effectively leading to more repressive measures and authoritarianism, with the curtailment of civil liberties in parts of the UK.

This once again meant the weakening of unionist, right-wing nationalist and liberal-moderate movements, only radicalism grew.

July 15, throughout the United Kingdom and Russia the electric public transport service increases more.

Although Russia rather uses electric trams and the United Kingdom uses battery-electric buses.

From July 21 to September 7, the American public is horrified when the civilian gargo ship SS Columbia is sunk by the German Imperial Navy, in its policy of unrestricted warfare.

Not only the Columbia, but many other American civilian ships are sunk, the Americans respond as they know, attempting to arm their civilian crew.

But the German Empire has a significant superiority in naval doctrine and the number of submarines, giving them the upper hand on this front.

This causes the death of dozens or even hundreds of innocent civilians, which only increases anti-German sentiment in parts of the United States.

The companies and companies take advantage, the producers of arms and ammunition, and the yellow press in particular.

From August 1-9, the British Empire carried out its military initiatives to defeat the 'tea planters' guerrillas in Bengal and the 'mountain rebels' in Punjab.

While the British have initial victories in West Bengal, the guerrillas continue successfully in parts of West Bengal and without damage in East Bengal.

On the other hand in Punjab, the British Empire suffers catastrophic failures against the Punjabi socialists.

The Indian revolutionaries continue their organization, they know that the struggle will not be easy and several young revolutionaries are momentarily leaving the British Raj, receiving experience and studying in the revolutionary Philippines, socialist Western Europe, Germany, Russia and the United States.

Why Russia and the United States? Well, both sites had their own characteristics that allowed the concentration of Indian youth in various physical-practical and theoretical-intellectual activities.

Generally those Indian youth who went to socialist Europe and the Philippine guerrillas gained experience in bomb making, weapons and military tactics, but the Indian youth in more peaceful places gained much control over theory and intellectual debate.

Possibly money too, a revolution needs money and weapons, and in peaceful but weapons-producing countries, that could be achieved 'easily'.

August 17, another important drop in the international market after the continued decline in trade in 'luxury goods' (which included coffee), coal and metals (especially iron and steel).

The US agricultural industry and Latin American coffee are particularly hurt, the price of tea in the UK continues to rise, Germany continues to burn and Russia continues to tighten its belt (but afloat).

This starts the panic of 1907, part of the continuing Great Depression. In just 1 month and 1 week, more than $ 75,000,000 was lost, which would even cause problems for large financiers and monopolies.

August 24 to August 31, small anarchist uprisings in the Netherlands are crushed by Germany, even in its current weakened state.

The reason was the serious loss of popularity that the libertarian-anarchist ideas had in the German Empire on the part of the Dutch-Flemish and other peoples of West Germany.

As a result various of the anarchist organizations and their leaders are destroyed, assassinated or imprisoned. Of course we are not counting the Marxist-tinged socialists in all this.

Anarcho-syndicalism emerged shortly after the theoretical survivors who escaped to Iberia and Italy (not France, they were forbidden to enter), after these events of August 24-31.

Of course, anarcho-syndicalism never really achieves anything in its entire existence.

August 28, the British Empire makes significant progress in their joint plans for infrastructure in the white parts of the Empire (UK, New Zealand, Canada and Australia).

With this came mega-projects and other economic assets, such as the Quebec Bridge (completed in 1916), greater Anglo-speaking immigration to Greenland, more ships for the Royal Navy, large public buildings for government institutions (secret services, banks, etc), infrastructure in Cape (South Africa), arms industry in Australia and more industrialization for New Zeeland.

The British model of infrastructure is similar to the Russian model, but is generally only for the enjoyment of white (and generally upper-class) people.

September 26, again the attempts of decolonization of the Japanese government fail in the Philippines, the conservative right insists on rebuilding the armed forces and intervening to avoid violence against ethnic Japanese (and citizens of the empire).

This is due to the intensification of the civil war and guerrilla activity against colonialism in the Philippines.

The two main camps are Republican-military Antonio Luna, Labor-Socialist Isabelo de los Reyes, and other minority groups (based on cultural-ethnic lines) against the Japanese settlers (a considerably large group of settlers).

These Japanese mainly inhabit old urban centers such as Manila, southern Luzon, central Philippines, and some southern coastal cities.

Now the ethnic Japanese of the Philippines, refusing decolonization measures, are trying to carry out measures of their own for the fight against local guerrillas after the weakening of the Japanese armed forces.

The problem is obvious, Filipinos are much better guerrillas and there are Filipinos who were trained by Japanese, therefore these Filipinos already know how to fight against Japanese attempts

next chapter
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