"How dare you insult us? Just who do you think you are?!" One of the women, who was gossiping about Lu Xinyi and Shen Yi, exclaimed.
"What a snowflake. Now, you are offended because I pointed out your bullshit while earlier, you kept ranting about a woman who has done nothing wrong against you?" Xia Yuhan scoffed and crossed her arms in front of her.
"Is that Xia Yuhan? Talk about coincidence." Xiao Lan held Lu Xinyi's arm. Why was Xia Yuhan defending Lu Xinyi's reputation? Did she get a change of heart or something?
"I don't know. I'm also surprised that she's here," Lu Xinyi whispered back.
"Shut up! Leave! Someone like you shouldn't be here. Call the manager, quick!" The woman pushed her companion to call the salesperson and shop manager.
Lu Xinyi tried her best not to roll her eyes, but she couldn't let Xia Yuhan get in trouble by defending her.
Sunday Release: 2/6
I'm not trying to get sympathy in my previous chapter. What I want to say is if you're going to rate this novel low, at least tell me where did I go wrong or what are the weaknesses of my novel. Don't berate me or diss me just because I failed to meet your expectations. One of the reasons why I put PS novel on hiatus was because of it. Can you really blame me? I was mocked and my first novel got dissed so hard it broke my heart.