In a world where different creatures mingled with humans, despite struggling with the world's hardships, fighting for survival, and attempting to escape the clutches of the night creatures, humans, no matter what they did, always ended up as a tool for survival.
On their quest to acquire power, freedom, and wealth, this dark power's only source of survival was through one soul; the soul of a freeborn.
This soul, being an embodiment of power, could change anything and everything.
Kate Warren was this soul. She was a young, spirited woman whose soul was purer than a dove and was sought by different creatures who would do anything to take everything from her.
Her soul was a power treasure for the demons and a great source of energy for the witches, while her blood was the life-sustaining elixir for the night creatures.
All these things they sought were the keys to unlocking power.
Kate was the only survivor in her town when a massacre took place that caused the deaths of her family.
Unknown to her, she was the motive behind the massacre. Her bad days changed for the worst when she got abducted by a demon.
Facing the chaos surrounding her and building a strong shield around herself Kate found solace in the arms of the night whisper.
The whispers of the night had a certain attraction for her. It always drew her to Clarence Roosevelt, whose name shook her very soul and core, and was also death and life to her.
Having discovered that the only person who can lead her into and also away from destruction is herself, will she save herself and others from destruction, or will she be the destruction itself?
“All she needed to do was listen to the Night Whispers”.
寫檢討I'm so much inlove with this book. The author really captured my attention with each scene being acted in my head. I love the development of this book from chapter to chapter. Looking forward to more chaps. You have my full support author 💖💖✌️
I am in Love with the chemistry between the characters, I love how the story was structured and how it's all flows so well. I recommend this story 100%🥰
Definitely a good read. This book has potential and the characters are well-developed. Added it to the library.
Wow the story is very interesting and the characters are well developed, keep writing I can't wait to finish and see how they will survive kudos author
The story is quite interesting, I am waiting for the development of the existing storyline. I hope the author updates more often and uploads more chapters. ........ . .
I really love the characters in this novel, this book is a nice book and the synopsis is okay. I recommend this novel to everyone