40% Kunoichi Yoruichi / Chapter 3: I-I’m What?

章節 3: I-I’m What?

~~~~~~~~Arthur's note ~~~~~~~~

Yo, how is everyone doing, some of you have probably already guessed by the last chapter that the MC will be in the same age group as Obito, and Rin. For those that didn't well now you know.

Also FYI this chapter is mostly going to be slice of life. To build up PLOT. So if I was you try to turn off your brain when you read this as some things might not make sense.

I also noticed some of you are confused by the wishes so I'm going to make an Auxiliary chapter soon that will explain some things. This also will contain pictures and some basic info about the world and such.

Anyway that is it from me so if you have any questions or concerns let me know right here, if there's nothing else enjoy your Chapter.


(Hokage tower)Yuzuriha Shihouin POV

"-Then we returned back with Shihouin-San, and the empty coffin."

As Tsunade-sama was finishing up her report. I kept thinking about what had happened to me.

Like how I was so weak as to get not only myself captured, but Saya... Even at this moment if I close my eyes I can still hear her screams.

I remember when they cut off her arm only to use it as a gag to stop her from screaming, Or before when they slowly Cut her skin off only to heal her back up just to hear her screams more.


I can't even get the image of my teammates and Sensei heads impaled through a rope hanging off that man's waist. Just thinking of it makes my stomach turn. Especially because there hanging off him…

I can still feel his touch. His hands choking the life out of me, forcing me out of consciousness. Only to snap back awake by his cock going into me, either in my pussy, or even my ass.

What that man did to me… I won't ever be able to forget.


Jumping slightly from the yell I look straight into the Hokage's eyes in slight fear.

He wore an apologetic expression before speaking in a soft tone. "Sorry for that but you weren't responding for a while. Are you sure you're fine to report what happened?"

Taking a deep breath I nod as I look over to my right to Tsunade-sama who placed her hand on my shoulder to calm me down. 'She's so kind'

Taking my eyes away from her beautiful brown ones, I look over at The Hokage before bowing my head.

"Sorry for that Hokage-sama."

He just waves his hand wile stroking his beard."It's nothing, whenever you're ready."

Nodding again I take another deep breath before telling him my point of view, how we spent 3 days and nights looking for the coffin, how when we found it we were confused by it. How we played a short game of rock paper scissors to decide who would carry it. Until I finally got to the part that mattered.

"We found a clearing and decided to stop and make a fire to cook some lunch. We thought that since we were close to our village it would be safe to put up a fire."

"We were wrong."

The Hokage narrowed his eyes, making sure he didn't miss anything from my words.

"Since Jonin Sensei Ray Akaru, proposed we should take a brake. He was the one to keep watch until Jonin Sensei Kaito Kato finishes. I finished first and went to ask Ray-Sensei a personal question-…"

It took about 30 minutes for me to recount everything that happened. During this time the Hokage was attentively listening, and writing down any important information that might lead to a reason why the three rogue Shinobi might set up camp so close to the village.

When I got to the point of me being raped, I hesitated to speak as the memories and sensation haven't gone away.

The Hokage seeing my hesitation to speak just looked at me in pity before letting me know that I don't have to speak about my experience, and just talk about what I think he should known.

I nod before telling him something that Zumosshiari had said while he was taking a break from using my body.

"He said to me that it was my fault that I got captured Because I wouldn't stop popping up in his dreams every single night."

The Hokage turned silent at that remark before putting on a pondering expression. Gaining a dangerous look he looks over at Tsunade before speaking in an urgent tone.

"Tsunade I need you to bring Jiraiya back into my office." She just looks at the man confused before nodding and disappearing from her position.

I look over at the Hokage in slight fear.

"Did I say something wrong."

He changes his expression instantly into a polite one. "Not at all dear, it's just I heard of something similar happening before."

I was confused and was about to ask him what he meant, when out of nowhere Tsunade returned… alone.

"Where is Jiraiya, Tsunade?"

"He was reversed summoned sir."

"Hmm… when he returnes I need him to report to my office."

Tsunade-sama just nods before making her way back behind the chair I was sitting at.

I simile her way before I look over at the Hokage and finally asked him my question.

"Umm Hokage sir, when you said similar, what exactly do you mean."

He kept his silence for a bit, probably deciding whether to tell me or not before he speaks up.

"What I was talking about was visions. That man probably was given visions of you. But for what reason that I don't know."

I just nod, understanding that that's all I will probably get out of him.

He smiles my way before looking over at Tsunade. "Why don't you get her to your grandmother to get her leg healed. Ohh and why don't you take the Coffin with you.

Tsunade gains a frightened look before gulping hard. "S-Sensei why do-…"

She stops herself from continuing after noticing the Hokage's deadpan eyes staring right at her.

She sighs in defeat before helping me stand.

As we make our way over to Tsunade's grandmas place I couldn't help but ask her about her grandma.

"Tsunade-sama is your grandmother that scary?"

She smiles wryly at the way I addressed her.

"Can you not cal-… you know what never mind… *Sigh* as for my grandmother you will just have to know her to understand."

I gained a confused look before shrugging it off. 'I mean how bad can she really be.'

(20 minutes later)


'Ok she's pretty scary'

I turn around to take a look where Tsunade was punched to. After turning a complete 180 I noticed a dust cloud in the distance. As it cleared up noticed Tsunade indented into a wall.

"You brat! You finally decided to visit me after 2 months. Only to bring some random girl."


I turn back around too look at a beautiful red haired woman that stepped out to greet us after we made it to the Senju Compound.

(Mito Uzumaki IMG)

When I first laid my eyes on her, I was surprised at how young she looked. As apparently she was a grandmother who was in her 70's, yet she doesn't look anything past 25.

Still looking at Mito-sama I noticed that she's making her way over to Tsunade with anger. I don't know what compelled me to move but before I know it despite inability to use my leg, I was already in front of Tsunade with my arms spread out and eyes closed.


I still had my eyes closed and I didn't open them until I heard Mito-sama's voice.

"I like you, Tsunade take her in."

I open my eyes to find Mito-sama's back slowly disappearing into the compound.

I fall on my behind as the pain in my leg came back. The adrenaline wears off as I finally noticed what I had just done and who I tried to stop.

Holding onto my leg I look up after feeling someone's hand on my shoulder.

"Are you good?"

'Tsunade-sama is too kind.' Nodding I smile with a slight blush.

She smiled back before asking me if I can stand which I replied with a shake.

She puts on a pondering expression before placing one hand under my knees and another on my back before picking me up bridal style.

I blush even more as I was pressed against her soft chest. 'Holy Shit!' Luckily my blush was unnoticed as she was busy walking to notice my face.

It didn't take long for us to catch up to her, as we found her sitting next to a bed with her back facing us.

"Put her on the bed."

Tsunade proceeded with the instructions and put me on the bed on face up. After what I was settled onto the bed Mito-sama proceeded to scan my full body with medical ninjutsu.

She started from head to toe but I noticed that when she reached my stomach she paused for a second before she shrugged and proceeded to finish up the scan.

After checking my full body she frowned before putting up a pondering expression as she looks me into my eyes.

"Do you mind telling me what happened?"

I shake my head before explaining to her that I had my leg crushed by someone. I didn't want to talk about what happened after.

She looks at me in pity for a moment before she regains her previous serious expression.

"I have some good news and some bad news for you."

I just look in her eyes giving her the expression that no matter what she says that it wouldn't shake me.

She nods before speaking in a serious tone.

"Bad news is that your leg bone can be fixed completely, but your chakra pathways in your leg are completely destroyed. It's almost like they got burned by fire and later put into a meat grinder. So your life as an active Shinobi is pretty much over."

She gives me some time to process this as it pretty much means my life is over. It didn't take long for everything to set in. I take a long deep breath trying to prevent the tears from falling. Yet before I knew it, my eyes were starting to get misty. 'It's fine, yea it's fine, there's always different opinions…yep.'

"A-And the good news?"

She gives me a happy smile.

"You're pregnant."



"WHAT!" X2

Tsunade and I stared at her with our eyes and mouths wide open.

"Yep you're going to be a mother, isn't that exciting." She kept speaking with a smile.

I'm still in shock and can't operate, but i'm pretty sure I heard Tsunade say something like. "Of course it's not you old hag!"

Because the next thing I hear is another explosion as Tsunade was blasted through multiple walls. But I didn't even bat an eye as the same two word kept repeating in my head making me light headed.

'you're pregnant'

'you're pregnant'

'you're pregnant'

'you're pregnant'

'you're pregnant'

I didn't notice but at this moment Tsunade came back in perfect condition, if you ignored the dirt and dust on her clothes.

(Tsunade POV)

'Dam it old hag.'

Getting out of the wall that Gran threw me through. I maybe my way back into the room.

When I made it into the room I quickly notice Yuzuriha's condition. She was staring at a wall, and kept mumbling something under her breath.

I decided to give the girls some space to process it all. Since I have something else to do it at the moment.

I walked up to my sitting grandmother who was wearing a confused expression, probably confused by the state she left the poor girl in.

"What's up with her?"

Sighing I lean in into her ear before telling her what had happened that caused the pregnancy.

She widened her eyes before looking straight at Yuzuriha's before questioning her.


Hearing her name being called she finally snapped out of her state before turning mechanically towards Mito.

"Did you not take any precautions for pregnancy?"

Yuzuriha just nods slowly.

"Hmm? Did it look to something like this."

Grandma Mito pulls out a white pill from her inner pockets. Choosing to ignore the reason why she would have it with her even though she hasn't left her home in a long time. I instead inspected the pill in hand, the pill is a birth control pill that you can find in the Konoha Hospital. They work 99% of the time but if you take extra precautions like sealing your womb with Chakra it goes up to 100%.

Sadly I found her with Chakra sealing chains, so there was always the possibility.

I was broken out of my thoughts when I heard a desperate weak voice.

"M-Ma'am c-can you-…"

What Grandma Mito quickly interrupted her. "Absolutely not!"


"I know what you're going to ask me, so save it. You're not doing anything to that child that's growing in you. Not now, not ever."

I have seen my grandmother serious multiple times, yet right now she looks the most serious I have seen her in years.


"… Good, but remember if I find out that something happened to that child before it can be born."

She didn't need to finish her sentence because we both knew what she was implying.

I have always known about her obsession with children. Heck every time I visit, she always trying to hook me up with someone just for me to get pregnant. Because apparently in her mind if she doesn't help, then I'm just a lost cause.

But I still think that she should at least have a say in this.

"Granny I think-…"

"Zip it Tsunade."

"…" *Sigh* 'When she makes her mind up you can't ever change it.'

I looked back over to Yuzuriha only to find her in the middle of processing Mito words. decided to give her some time I look back over to my grandmother.

"By the way Gran, the mission you posted up was completed by her so you should cut her some slack."

"Oh she brought the coffin."

Looking around she gives me the where it's at expression.

I sighed again and just handed her the sealing scroll that contained the coffin.

She gives me a puzzled look as it shouldn't be able to be sealed or tampered with. After putting some chakra into the seal she tosses it to the ground, making it explode in smoke before revealing an old black coffin.

Walking up to it she traces it with her fingers across the surface before pushing the top off making it drop to the floor.

Looking into it she inspects it for sometime, before storing it back into the seal. Afterwards she proceeded to place it on a shelf that was located in the room.

"Thank you. Did you already receive the payment for the mission?"

Yuzuriha who was silent up until now hummed in acknowledgment.

"…*sigh* This is why I hate brats."

She walked up to Yuzuriha and before I can stop her she raised her hand up before letting it fall right onto the poor girls cheek.


Her head turned to the side even though the slap contained zero power.

"Stop being so pathetic."


"Yes what happened to you was horrible and will probably scar you for life. But that child has nothing to do with it."


"So why don't you stop showing me that pathetic state of yours and show me a woman who is ready to become a mother."

"… But I-I'm not ready."

"Then you will come here and learn from me until you're ready."

Yuzuriha who looked defeated up until now finally gained a hopeful expression before she raised her head back up and asked with hope laced in her words.

"Y-you will help me."

My grandmother just nods as she raises a thumb to her chest.

"I might not look like it but I have lots of experience with raising children, other than Tsunade of course."


My grandmother just smiled at my reaction before proceeds to look my way as I gave her dead fish eyes.

"Now that that's settled. Tsunade, we are going to heal her leg."

Nodding I make my way to the other side of the bed, to watch her work and learn from her.

(About 2 hours later)

We took a long time as the process was very delicate, but we managed to get her leg back to working order so we stopped as there was little we could do anymore.

"You can wake her Tsunade."

Nodding I take her hand in hand before sending a small wave of chakra into her system just enough to where she feels slight discomfort just enough to wake.

Groaning in discomfort Yuzuriha squeezes my hand before fluttering her eyes open. When her eyes opened, the very first thing that caught her sight was my face as her eyes stayed glued to it. I was about to apologize to her when out of nowhere she spoke one word that put us in an awkward silence.



I cough into my hand to hide the small blush that formed on my face from her sincere words.

And by the looks of it my cough broke her out of her dreamy state as she also blushed as she looks away.

(Yuzuriha Shihouin POV)

'Oh my gosh, I said that out loud.'

Still blushing up a storm I kept my face away from Tsunade but in doing so has exposed my face and expression to Mito-sama, who smirked in response.

"Hmm interesting… well you can flirt later, for now you need to let your leg rest. So in the meantime."

She walked back to the shelf that contained the scrolls, before tracing a couple of them with her fingers. That was until she stopped, and picked one up to handed it too Yuzuriha.

"In here is some information about pregnancy and child birth. So I want you to go through them and when you're done you can ask one of the servants that will be guarding the door to call for me."

Saying so she proceeded to drag Tsunade out the door with her to give me the space I need.

I watched as she slid the door shut before I proceeded to look into the scroll by taking out all of the contents.

In a blow of smoke three books materialize in front of me.

"Pregnancy For Dummies part 1 and two, and Pop Comes the Baby… who came up with the names."

Deciding To ignore the horrible names I proceeded with the first book while I placed my hand on my stomach.

'I know you're not planned but… I promise you, that I will be the best mother In the world for you. So forgive my previous self… ok.'

I don't know why but for some reason a beautiful smile appears on my face without me noticing as I stroked my belly.

(3 and a half months later)

"And that's how you make Nabe Yaki Udon."

"Mmm got it."

It's been a while since I've taken apprenticeship under Mito-sama who gave me the permission to call her grandmother after finding out I was an orphan.

At first she just gave me basic instructions on stuff like how to hold a baby, how to breast feed correctly, and other similar stuff.

It wasn't until 1 month in that she found out I can't cook properly. She reacted pretty harshly by saying any mother that can't cook isn't a good mother.

(AN* these words are from my actual mother, not my own.)

So after that moment I was taught how to cook many different dishes. Which was a lot harder than I thought it was.

Today was one of those days that I came into the Senju Compound to learn a new recipe from my adoptive grandmother. Although I won't admit it but having a parental figure in my life that is willing to teach me so much makes me very happy.

After the lessons are over I made my way back to my new home.

After completing the mission that grandma Mito assigned I was given the full team payout since I'm the only one who returned alive. At first I was against the idea and wanted to give some of the money back to the family's of my comrades but after Mito convinced me by saying that the village will take care of it I was left with all of the money.

Using that money and some that grandma Mito gave me for helping her with chores. I bought a nice two story house that's located right outside the Senju compound.

Unlocking the door I step right in after opening the door. Putting my shoes to the side I noticed another pair of shoes placed next to the door.

I smile as I recognize the shoes instantly. Making my way into the living room that was right across the hallway from the main door, I find Tsunade laying on a couch in her casual wear, with two different dowels of ice cream next to each other.

(Tsunade IMG)

I smile even more after noticing them. Making my way over I ask Tsunade to lift her feet as I sat right next to her.

Tsunade's and I's relationship changes in the past couple months. It went from simple admiration to being sisters in everything but blood.

Although I might have had a slight crush on her when I first met her and still do to this day. I came to find her presence in my life simply a blessing.

"So how was your last mission Tsunade."

"It was alright nothing crazy happened which is always a plus. Well other then jiraiya almost getting caught peeking at the nobles daughter, so there's that."

I giggled at her words. "Looks like he never changes."

"Yep sadly."


We basked in the peaceful silence as the sky slowly fell into darkness, making the moon light bleed through the windows.

"Hey I've been thinking."

Giving Tsunade my attention I listened attentively at what she had to say.

"Your bump has been growing and I'm pretty sure you could have check your baby's gender for a while now, so why didn't you?"

"… you know, I completely forgot that I can do that." My ears turn red from embarrassment as I cover my face with my hands, after I heard Tsunade's laughter.

"Hahaha hehe he… *inhale* haaa… want me to check for you?"

Putting my hands away I calm my self before thinking about it, not seeing a reason not to I nod.

Tsunade puts the Ice cream bowl to the side before getting up and getting on her knees in front of me.

She clarifies that she will be careful before she puts her hands on my belly as she closes her eyes in concentration.

After about 20 seconds later I was getting worried as I thought it was going to be a quick check. Yet just as I was about to ask if anything is wrong Tsunade opens her eyes and smiles.

"Sorry just had to make sure if she's alright."

I sighed in relief as everything was fine before freezing still.

"Wait… She? She's a girl!"

Tsunade gained a beautiful smile before exclaiming happily.

"Yep, She's one healthy baby."

I smiled super hard that it hurt before I start standing, bringing Tsunade with me and giving her a big hug.

"Wow watch out, don't want to hurt my niece don't you."

Easing the hug a little bit I speak up after some time pass.

"Thank you."

"Hmm? But I didn't do anything?"

"No just… thank you for everything. Thanks for saving me on that mission, thanks for not leaving my side after you brought me back to the village. Thanks for-…"

"Alright, alright I get it jeez… you're welcome I guess…"

I noticed she blushed slightly as she's probably not used to this.

Smiling softly at her I pull away from the hug to get a good look at her face, as I say the next part with as much love and care I can put into words.

"Just one more then… thank you for being the best sister I could have possibly asked for. I'm sure you'll be an amazing aunt."

This time she didn't blush but instead smiled with happiness.

"You bet I will."

We were so in the moment that we didn't notice a cat that was outside our window. It meowed making us jump as we looked over at the cat who chose this moment to finally leave. Afterwards we looked back into each other's eyes before braking out in laughter.

"…. Pffff hahaha" X2

(Five and a half months later)2/07/49

"Easy there Yuzuriha you can't move too much."

"Tsunade you know I'm just pregnant not dying so stop."

"Alright your call."

I sighed as I made my way down the stairs into the living room.

It's been a while since Tsunade moved in with me and my life couldn't have been more enjoyable and difficult than it was before.

One thing I noticed pretty fast was that apparently Tsunade has a horrible gambling addiction. It would have been fine if she won at lest 25% of the time but to not win anything in months. That's not even the worst part, one time she took me with her and we managed to win big for a moment, that was until she kept going until we were put into debt.

Luckily grandma was able to help out as she owns the hospital alongside multiple shops, so money was stacking up faster than we can spend it.

Getting back on track I finally made it down the stairs as I started making my way over to the couch.


"Yes, yes. Will an omelette do?"

"Yes you're the best."

I close my eyes as I laid on the couch while rubbing my big bulky belly.

As I had my eyes closed I tried to remember what I had to do today.

"Aaa that's right, I need to go to that pregnant women seminar."

"Yep but don't worry I have time to take you there."

'Oops spoke my thoughts again.'

"Thanks sis!"

I laid comfortably there for some time and lightly dozed off before getting awoken by the smell of food.

I smiled at the smell as I open my eyes. Looking at the food that was in Her hands I noticed a perfectly cooked omelette with two slices of toast.

I glanced up from her hands too Tsunade herself as I remembered the first time she tried to cook. All I can say is after eating her food I was scared that it may have killed the baby. So after my classes with Ba-Chan I taught her every thing I learned in secret, because apparently she's to shy to ask our grandmother for some lessons and will be even more embarrassed if she finds out that she's learning it from me, so for that reason alone I taught her in secret.

Nodding as I finish my plate, I can proudly say I taught my student well.

Tsunade also finished her own meal that she brought alongside mine before we did the dishes together.

After the dishes were clean I made my way out the door after getting properly dressed alongside tsunade.

(Yuzuriha outfit IMG)

(Tsunade IMG)

For the past couple months I let my hair grow out, and slowly but surely I'm beginning to look more mature as I age. Especially since my birthday was two months ago on the 14th making me 18 years old. I smile in confidence while sticking out my belly.

People would give us weird looks and question me about the father but I quickly found out that there's only one right answer for that.

"He died 9 months ago."

They just gave me a pitiful look before continues on their way as do we.

"It's annoying isn't it?"

Still moving forward I reply back to Tsunade. "Yep but I can deal with it. But some of the pregnant lady's on the other hand… *Sigh* I would rather not deal with them."

"??? So why are we going to them in the first place?"

"Like I told you before I made some friends and I want to talk to them, especially since I'm ready to pop soon."

After speaking my piece we continued the walk in silence.

It didn't take us long to reach a small building that was located at the Senju compound.

Making my way in inside I said bye to Tsunade who had to leave for another mission.

When I reached the room where the meeting was being held I found seven other women all sitting on chairs in a form of a circle.

Finding an empty chair I greeted each woman as I made my way over to it.

Taking a seat I nod in greeting at the host of today's seminar Uzumaki Mito.

"Now that everyone here let's begin."

Everyone nods at Mito's words as we all started talking about our experiences as pregnant ladies.

About two hours in we stopped to get some snacks. As we were snacking one of my new friends came over to talk to me.

"Yuzuriha-Chan how are you doing?"

"Hmmm? Oh Hana, I'm fine other than the little girl kicking around more than usual. How about you, how is little Obito doing?"

Hana Uchiha, she got pregnant around the same time as I did. So over the time we met we bonded pretty well. She was a cheerful individual but recently she started looking down and hopeless. Especially when her husband died recently making her a single mother like me.

Although these meetings have managed to bring her spirits up, I noticed that once she leaves the building her smile disappears.

"Same as yours just kicking about, getting ready to pop out soon."

Saying so she stroked her belly that was roughly the same size as my own.

"By the way Yuzuriha-Chan, have you come up with a name yet? Because I don't think you ever brought it up."

"Mmm I have or more like my bestie and I have thought of one."

"Well don't keep me waiting, what's her name?"

"Her name is Yoru-…"

"Yuru darling why haven't you come to visit me yesterday, you knew I baked pastries."

Looking over who interrupted me, I found grandma Mito walking my way alongside another woman who recently joined our circle Ayaka Yūhi.

"Mito-San I was preoccupied with something, sorry for not attending."

she nods and finally stands beside us making it a small group of four.

Ever since my unofficial adoption, granny-Mito has constantly told me to not declare our relationship to the public as it will only harm me and bring unwanted attention. Which I listened, as she had managed to make many enemies in her lifetime.

"Oh Hana-Chan how's your health."

"I'm doing fine Mito-San, just a little stressed that's all."

"That's not good, you know I would recommend-…"

I let them talk as I scooted over to Ayaka and began my own conversation.

"How you feeling Ayaka, is Shinku treating you right?"

"You don't have to concern yourself he's treating me good, even just yesterday he managed to make me some cake because I asked of him-… sorry I forgot."

"It's ok it happened long time ago I have moved on." I said with a sad smile.

About four months ago when we first started these meetings I was questioned about the father of my child. Since I didn't want my baby to be treated differently because her father was a criminal and rapist. I and Grandma Mito managed to convince everyone that I had a late husband that died shortly after our wedding, we even had the Hokage sign off this fake marriage to make it more believable.

On paper I was married to a man named Shoto Nomaria who had some lineage that was connected to Kumo. After our so called marriage we spent 2 days on a honeymoon and after that Shoto went on a mission where he got himself killed, thus making me a widow.

After about two more hours we were finally finished and allowed to leave. As I made my way back home I was stopped by grandma Mito.

"Yuzuriha mind waiting for a bit I need to tell you something."

Nodding I say goodbye to my fellow pregnant women and waited until we were alone. After the last girl left I closed the door before making my way over to my grandmother.

Giving her a big hug that she returns I finally was able to drop the act.

"How are you grandma. Sorry about yesterday, Tsunade managed to get drunk again and I had to deal with her so I couldn't make it."

"Tsunade that girl… *sigh* Well at least you're still cute." She brakes the hug before proceeding to pinch and pull both my cheeks.

Slapping her hands away I pout at her in anger and embarrassment.

Yet all I got in response was her putting one hand over her mouth as she let out a giggle.

"Fufufu see your reactions are so cute."

Blushing in embarrassment I was about to respond when out of nowhere I felt a light kick in my belly, making me smile instead.

Granny seemed to notice what happened as she reached over and started to stroke and pat my belly.

"Pop out soon lil princess or else your Mama won't be able to carry you for much longer."

Smiling her way I let her know that I too would like for her to be born soon as carrying her around, even though I'm a ex Shinobi, is getting pretty difficult.

"What did you expect, but don't worry I can tell that she will be born very soon."

"Yea me too."

"Do you have anything to do Yuzu?"

"Hmmm? Nope nothing other than some cleaning at home. Why?"

"Just thinking that we should spend some time together."

"Sure I would love that." I replied with a smile.

Afterwords we spent the rest of the day talking and hanging around. It wasn't until around 8:30pm that I decided to go back home.

"I will be off grandma."

"Do you have to leave to that empty house?" I looked back at her to find her leaning against the door frame with a sad smile.

I thought about her words and was about to let her know that I still had to clean when out of nowhere my water broke.

Before I can react grandma Mito was already in front of me about to carry me back inside.

Still in shock about my water break I momentarily forgot where I was until I was placed on a bed.

"Ok I need you to breathe."

(roughly 5 hours later)(2/08/49)

"*heavy breathing*"

"Good job, you did well. Want to hold her."

"Yea Haa just give me a second." Taking another big breath I look up to find grandma Mito holding onto a baby that was rapped around in a blanket.

"ok let me see my baby." Pushing my arms out I asked for the child, my child.

I didn't have to wait long as Mito with care, handed me the blanket rapped baby.

Finally having the time to observe my child I take in all of her features.

Her small puff of purple hair, and her dark skin tone that was slightly lighter to her father. Although at first I feared that if she had the same skin tone as that man I would react harshly, but when I look at my child in my arms all I can think of is how cute and innocent looking she is. Her skin although wrinkly from the birth is a very pretty Shade.

Still staring at my baby with full of love and care I quickly noticed something concerning.

"W-wait why isn't she crying!?"

"Calm down Yuzuriha, she's fine. Not all babies cry when they are born, some are just more tired from birth that they quickly fall asleep after birth."

"Oh… Thank goodness." I sighed in relief knowing that my baby is fine.

"Excuse me, ma'am."

I Looked up to one of the two midwives that were helping Mito with the birth.

"Can I get her name? I need to file in a report to the Hokage about every birth."

I nodded before I looked back to my little angel. I slowly caress her cheek as I speak up with a voice that was filled with care and love.

"Yoruichi, Yoruichi Shihouin."


Roughly 6000 words.

Finally, next chapter will be MC POV.

Also I have a very important question. Should the MC have an ability to grow a penis or should I do no FUTA at all throughout the whole story.( by the way you have to remember that the old MC was a man with one.)

YES (FUTA but with ability to grow a penis, onlyMC)

NO (no FUTA)

I can honestly do either or. But I'm more inclined to give the MC a ability that can create a penis (because it would add more spice. Only the MC will fuck the girls, but again that's if I do FUTA.)

Also another serious question…

Clone sex (if done right)[what I mean is there will be clone sex only when main body is present and clone will only be there for support, THE CLONE WILL NEVER BE LEFT ALONE WITH A GIRL OR BE LOVED.]



Anyway if y'all can comment +1 on Yes or no on both questions it would help y'all because if you guys/girls manage to convince me I won't do them, because as of right now I'm inclined for YES on both of them.

I apologize for the 1 chapter a week schedule but I have lots of things on my hand and this is only supposed to be a fun hobby for me. But who knows, if this manages to blow up somehow, down the line I will be more inclined to do more chapters and other stories.

Well that's it. See y'all next time. Stay safe people. :)

Beat_Man Beat_Man

everything in the story is made up and false.

I don’t own anything that is mentioned in this story.

next chapter
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  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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