10.37% Kingly adventures / Chapter 10: Chapter 11: Benefits and Plans

章節 10: Chapter 11: Benefits and Plans

As Alexander had done a feat like completing a game at impossible mode by conquering a part of star level- 2 world and that part was also very unique and also making all the chosen people of the invaded world submit to him, the laws were going to heavily reward him. Since, Alexander had not completely conquered the chosen world but had done an amazing feat, the laws were quite vexed on how to reward him. So, they put forth few options in front of him and he could only select two.

Alexander chose to know about the race of Kings as not much were told in the novel about them, only that they were conquerors and grew in power by conquering worlds. Alexander filtered through the information given to him and came to know about many things. Since Alexander was a newly born King i.e, he was the first king in his lineage. He was given some hidden benefits and also a test. The universal laws governing the kings were innately just. Alexander did not had any support which would be helpful in conquering a world. He did not had any exprerienced ministers or strategists or generals which would be helpful in conquering of world. He only had some soldiers with basic training and a single person with proper military training. All this was not enough to conquer even a basic world. Now, this was the test given to him. The laws would not have an incompetent king as the number of Kings that can be present in existence are limited when compared to the scale of existence. Even powerful kings who have trillions of powerful beings under them are not completely safe. The universe is like a jungle and nobody knows what will attack you in the jungle at the next moment. So nobody is safe and everybody is fighting for survival. Alexander did not have to worry about those beings as they would not come for him like a dragon will not come to kill an ant, it would be beneath them.

Now, the test was what kind of world would a king conquer as his first world? This was the test which differentiated diamond from rubble. A king was awarded a racial ability unique to him on the basis of the grade of the first world conquered by them. Now, the hidden benefits given to Alexander were he did not need resources to build portal in his first world and the rate of degradation of his kingdom's land was less compared to those kings whose fathers or ancestors were also a king. Moreover, the difficulty for obtaining good rewards were higher for them and also, they were not given grace period like Alexander was given. Now, they were allowed to take one time support from their ancestors who were kings. He could choose only one if he has multiple ancestors as his kings. But no king survived if he has more than four ancestors as kings. As for every descendent king the difficulty of test and rate of degradation increases. Also, it is very difficult for powerful kings to have children who are also kings as the descendent kings inherit some of the racial abilities of their ancestors and this will give them unfair advantage.

According to further information given to him, a king cannot enter just any world. A king can enter only those worlds which don't have an cosmic entity governing it. There is a difference between the old man he met and these cosmic entities. The old man was not dependent on worlds overseen by him to increase his power but these entities were dependent on the universes governed by them to increase their powers. " So, The Presence of DC universe and The One Above All of the marvel universe are some examples of these entities." thought Alexander.

Alexander continued to further study the information given to him. These cosmic entities cannot govern every single universe but once universe reaches beyond the threshold set by the overseers, they quickly take control of them as it is possible that other cosmic entities may fight for the possession rights. A king can conquer a universe which is just a little away from reaching the threshold and nobody will come after him. The overseers in order to restrict the practice of taking control of low tier worlds and forceful evolving if said world by these cosmic entities has made all the world below the threshold invisible to them. Even then millions of world cross that threhold every moment so in order to limit wars between them, the overseers made these entities to choose their multiverses, they can only take control only of those universes which belong to them. Still, small scale wars occur and that is how crossover worlds came into existence. The overseers don't stop these wars as they are a source of entertainment for them. Alexander realised that the universe was far more vast then he thought first. Alexander then stopped thinking about these matters as they will not effect him for a long time. Alexander thought, " I will receive one more special ability after the conquest of mummy world along with the three standard abilities every new king gets."

The second reward Alexander choose was the viewer of past. This ability allowed the king to see the past about anything he used his ability on. Alexander choose this ability for one reason only, when the king becomes powerful enough, he can review the history of an entire world. This would greatly help Alexander in conquest of different worlds as there are infinite versions of a single world and he cannot completely know about a world by searching through the realm gate. Thankfully, the realm gate only showed those worlds which were not governed by the cosmic entities, it was a hidden safety feature of the gate but this did not completely negate the danger of using the gate.

Alexander made way towards the place where General Wang was staying. General Wand stood up from the chair he was sitting in and bowed towards him. Alexander asked, " When will those ten Battalions reach the place?"

General Wang replied, " They have planned to meet up at a distance of 100 miles from the dig site in 10 days. Then, a 1,000 soldiers would be send ahead to secure the dig site. When the site is secured, then only will the Battalions along with civilians will move."

Alexander, " How do you know this much?"

General Wang, " Since I had already set camp at the dig site, I am ordered to safeguard it till the advance unit arrives. After that, charge would be transferred over to the leader of the advance troop."

Alexander, " why do you think they are sending such a heavy force for this?"

General Wang grew embarrassed and said, " I am not that high in the army, your majesty. I don't know. I think that due to the present unrest in the country, the government wants to divert the attention of the citizens."

Alexander did not believe that diverting the attention of the citizens was the main aim here. "Now, how to know the secret currents of this world.", thought Alexander. Then, an idea came to Alexander, " Who can tell me better about the secret of this worlds then two retired British agents?" Alexander decided to ask them day after tomorrow as tomorrow the poor fellows would spend their day by running laps.

Alexander arrived at the track sometime before afternoon with James and Anna. Alexander ordered Anna to send some men to bring the main attractions of today's show. Alexander has the carpenters prepare a very big umbrella and a very comfortable beach chair. Alexander had both placed at a elevated ground which he just made in order to see the whole track. Alexander laid on the chair and waited for them to arrive. Alexander saw them arriving with dread filled faces.

Jonathan went on his knees infront of him and pleaded, " Your Majesty, please forgive me. Please have mercy. I don't think I will survive this punishment."

Alexander turned to look at others and saw them pleading with their eyes. Only Zi Yuan and Lin were standing with straight backs completely accepting their punishment. Alexander marvelled at their fortitude and said, " Jonathan, take your punishment as a man. Look at Zi Yuan and Lin, they have to run the most but they are not pleading. You both have impressed me. Now, you will only have to run 290 laps. See, I am not merciless and know to reward my subjects. Now, start running. Every minute's delay will increase the number of laps to be run by two."

With dejected faces, they started running. Alexander really enjoyed their suffering. All of them started on legs but at the end ended up on their stomachs. Alexander took mercy on them and after finishing their laps gave them the water. As the source of water of his kingdom was connected to the pool of life, the water had gained diluted healing effects. Their nearly dead eyes gained a hint of life in them. Alexander ordered men and women to carry their respective charged back to their beds. Alexander thought of making this punishment permanent for his kingdom. Unknown to Alexander, the subjects of his kingdom felt a deep chill pass over them. They all chalked it up to a change in weather unaware of the horror that their king had planned to unleash upon them.

Alexander summoned the senior O'Connells to his this throne room. Yes, now that ugly chair was removed and a proper throne like chair was installed, Alexander deemed the hall as throne room. O' Connell and Eve were brought in the room on their beds. Alexander looked in puzzlement. Anna replied while looking in terror at Alexander, " Your Majesty, they have not recovered yet from their punishment. I want to make a humble request , your majesty. Kill me if I ever anger you but please don't punish me like this."

Alexander smiled, " I will never kill you, dear Anna. For me, every subject is equal. I will treat you all equally."

Alexander was trying to comfort Anna but for Anna, Alexander was worse than devil right now.

Alexander then turned the O'Connells, " In the next phase of my plan, I had ordered General Wang to contact his superiors and inform them about the discovery of the Tomb of the Dragon emperor. I has thought that the greed for riches would attract some of the higher-ups and they will come to the dig site. Their I will make them submit by any means and then let them take me to their superiors and colleagues. Once, I had gained enough subjects, I would then overthrow the current government with the help of terracotta army and my human soldiers. Once, I had established complete control over China. I would then my main focus towards India while subtly gaining followers in different countries. With complete control over these two countries, I would have more than half of

world population under my control, then, I will reveal myself to the world. The countries in which I have more subjects would be annexed

first while in other countries, my subjects would cause civil unrest. But, the response these news caused was above my expectations, there are sending 10 Battalions. Now, the question is why? Do you know something about this? "

The plan Alexander had told General Wang and the O'Connells was not his real plan. This was his first world, it did not have the time to waste. His real plan was to first conquer Shangri-La and then establish the portal and assimilate the Shangri-La. Alexander was sure that assimilating Shangri-La was going to bring massive amount of King's might to him. Alexander was then going to travel to Hong Kong. Alexander planned to conquer Hong Kong in the same way as Shangri-La because it had become the a population and trade hub due to civil war in China. The new communist government had massively increased the military presence and it would have provided him with free soldiers. After conquering Hong Kong, Alexander would have moved to Beijing. After conquering Beijing, he would leave for New York in his dragon form. The present technology cannot see him as he would have flown above the clouds. Alexander had no worry of facing a challenge in his conquest as even if someone could match his human form, he had his dragon form to fall back on.

After New York, would come Washington DC as America was the only country which had nuclear weapons at this point of time. Alexander then, would have proceeded to conquer the capitals and trade hubs of every western country. When, he had done this, he would then let the gathered King's might reach as far as it could reach, and if he does not face any challenge then more than half of the world would be his, along with 90 percent of the population. Then, it will be child's play to conquer the rest of the world. The second method of conquest was quite fast and since Alexander was immortal in this world, he had no fear of dying in battle but any Challenger would naturally submit after seeing his dragon form as in this world no human can match a dragon. The only obstacle is that the top officials of a country are posted all across the area of country. If the chain of command is compromised then the acting superior would be the head hancho for the junior officers. They will listen only to him. If someone gets suspicious it would be quite troublesome to deal with. But this unusual behaviour of Chinese can give him an unique opportunity.

Alexander turned towards the O'Connells for the answer.

O'Connell, " We can guess the reason behind it."

Alexander leaned forward, " What is the reason?"


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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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