I started to get out of the tub, and Mei turned around and faced away from me. I had finally got comfortable enough to stop worrying about her looking, and now she turns away? What did those two women do to her?
I grabbed a towel that was folded and then quickly dried off. I covered up with the towel and then realized that I didn't have clean clothes to put back on. I would have to see what there was in the room.
"Mei, you can turn around now. When did you get so polite?"
"Your mom told me that I shouldn't look at your private areas unless you say I can. When she explained it to me I understood a bit better, so I will try to not look."
"Well, I am glad, let's go see if I can find something to wear," I said to Mei, and I lightly pushed her into the bedroom.
"I brought some clothes up, but I left them In the other room. Lesha thought you might need them and got some. I'll be right back!" Mei said, running out of the room.
That was a thoughtful woman, I would have to thank her tonight for that. Mie came back and handed me a small pile of black and red cloth. What the hell was this? And where was the rest of it?! I heard two sets of footsteps coming up the stairs, both light, stepping with the front of their feet so they didn't make as much noise, good.
I waited for the pair of culprits, still holding out the one-third of a dress at arm's length like a poisonous snake. It wasn't horrible, red with a ribbon corset in the front that was the same black as the thread and edging. The parts I didn't like were that the back was open and the part that would cover my ass, would only cover that part of my body, precisely. So, if I even sneezed, I would be flashing the world!
"So, what do you think of the new dress? I was a little skeptical about it at first, but Healia assured me that it would somehow stay on, and you won't flash people," Lesha said as she walked into the room.
Leana must have stayed in the other room, knowing that I wouldn't put this on yet. Was I really going to put on this scrap of cloth? I looked at Lesha, and that was the wrong move, the pleading look, and those blue eyes. It was always the wrong move to look at her if I was making a decision about something I didn't want to make!
"Fine, I will try it on, but you had better have brought me normal clothes! Something tells me I won't like this, but, I will try it."
Lesha came over and whispered something into my ear that made my knees weak, and I could feel my face start to heat up as Lesha pulled away with a victorious smile.
"What are you going to do with your tongue?!" I asked with shock, embarrassment, and a strong urge to hear her say it again, but all I got was a wink and a wave of the hand to hurry up.
That wasn't fair! What was I a pet trying to get a reward?
I dropped my towel and slipped into the dress that seemed to hug the curves of my body and me perfectly. I was still worried about the bottom parts sticking out, but I looked at Lesha and she was giving me an overly friendly smile that made me pull the front of the dress down if it could be called that!
"Mmm, looks good on you, and don't worry, it's all dark under there. I don't know how or why, but look," Lesha said as she came over and lifted the front of my skirt.
"Don't be like that, just look!"
I looked down, and Lesha was right. It was all darkness, black as night, and Lesha dropped the dress, but then came forward and gave me a kiss. At the same time, the devil slipped her fingers between and slid them up making me give a slight moan into her mouth. Lesha pulled back enough just to separate our lips.
"Just cause I can't see doesn't mean I can't touch!"
I was about to give her shit about Mei being in the room, but after looking around I realized that Mei wasn't in the room. I gave Lesha a quick kiss and then looked her up and down at her tomboy clothes. Well, they were my clothes, but if I was going to wear a dress I would be getting one for her!
"Let's head down, I want to talk to Leana and dad together about this before the rest of the people come back from the dungeon."
The two of us headed out of our room and into the office/sitting area. This place was really nice, but I wasn't sure what I was going to do with my dad. Maybe he might want to move into the guild, there would be extra rooms.
Leana's smile split her face and she had tears in her eyes. I had to use all of my willpower not to roll my eyes, this was Leana's dream to see me in a dress.
"K! You look so beautiful in that dress! Oh, wait till your father sees you!" Leana said through her tears coming over to give me a hug.
"Oh yeah, I imagine he will have so much to say. Now he's probably never going to look at me again!"
"Don't be like that, silly, you might be surprised. We talk a lot about you, you know? Let's go down to show him! Oh, I am just so excited to see his reaction!"
I didn't know what the hell this woman was talking about. My father was not going to get all wishy-washy like she was. Honestly, I didn't think he would even be able to look at me with all the skin I had a showing. I was even scared to see my reflection, but I followed them downstairs anyways.
Healia and my father were talking and his back was turned, but when Healia stopped talking and smiled up at me, he turned around. The breath caught in my throat as I saw my father's big warm smile, and his eyes filled with tears. When my father opened his arms to me I felt like a little girl again as I ran and threw my arms around him, with him hugging me back.
"I knew my little girl was in there somewhere. A little short, but your mother would have thought you looked beautiful."
[Author here! Please vote if you like the book! helps me out more and I will release more chapters if we can get up there! Thank you in advance!]
Both of us pulled apart a bit embarrassed with everyone around, but now the people I wanted to see were here and it was time to get down to business. I looked over to the door and found a circular tube sitting on a pole that had a glowing orb about four handspans wide. It was on the opposite of the revival tree.
The blue centerpiece had something inside of it shining and moving, giving off a sapphire candescence similar to Lesha's eyes. I looked around, but Healia must have known what I was looking for because she spoke up.
"The repair shop is on the second floor, and on the third is the Guild members quarters."
"Thank you, Father and Leana, would you follow me? Girls, can you wait for the others to get back, and then tell them where their rooms are if I'm not back down? Gobby will stay with you."
"But K! You just got down here! Can't I come with you? The girls don't want to talk to me!" Gobby complained while wiggling his arms.
"Girls, don't be like that! He is all clean now, and isn't he cute?"
"Don't call him cute, you called me cute, and I am cute. He is a walking bloody eyeball, not cute!" Mie complained, also waving her arms to the side.
"I will try to entertain him, but once he gets started…" Lesha let her words trail off, but I understood what she meant.
"Gobby, please just stay with the girls, Mei, don't be rude, and Lesha...I'll be back soon," I said, but I wanted to say more.
I left the girls and my bloody eyeball to wait for the others, and took my parents upstairs, and entered a door that was previously a wall. Inside was a brick hall that led to the back of the area where there was a brand new forge set up with fresh never been used tools. There was everything my father would need to do all the same things he could at his old job and so much more.
I looked over at my father who was already walking around, touching the anvils, picking up hammers, and testing clamps. I let him walk around and do his inspection in silence, instead of turning to Leana.
"Leana, would you mind coming to work at the Guild helping with running the place? I have Gram helping me right now, but we will need more staff with the more people that we have joined the Guild to help with cleaning and cooking, but I can't be here all the time. I know that you have been at your job," but I was cut off by Leana.
"Of course I will, and it will make it easier for me to teach Miss Mei! Oh, this is wonderful! We will have the whole family working here! James! Come here, you can play with your toys after!" Leana called over to my father.
Dad looked over, finally showing emotion with his face splitting smile, but I looked like there was something more than just tools and a new forge in that smile. He walked over and stood behind Leana and wrapped his arms around her, and then put his hands on her stomach, pressing her upon back to reveal a slightly swollen stomach.
"You're pregnant! Congratulations! When did this happen? Wait, I don't want to know, but that's great!"
"We wanted to tell you, but we wanted you to get your own place, but your father wouldn't bring it up to you. Still, all things happen for a reason, and now you have a beautiful home of your own, and the start of your own family!" Leana said with a smile, leaning back into dad.
"What are you going to do now though? Are you going to move in with dad? Or you could come live here. I have extra rooms, the girls won't be using theirs anytime soon."
"No, I think I'm going to move in with Leana, K. Plus it's time you spread your wings, and you will see more of me than ever now, so maybe its best this way, plus, me and Leana want to spend some alone time, if you know what I mean, hehe," my father said with a smile, but that got him and elbow to the gut.
"Sure, stay and look around if you want or come down, Gram will give you a rundown on things better than I can Leana, so talk to him about things. Father, people will bring you things and order and you know what to do with them. I don't need to tell you how to do your job, but I need to go see how things are going, and I'm getting a bit hungry."
It was almost lunch, so I would have to wait for the others to get back before I can swear in more Guild Members. I left the two, and head back downstairs to see what the girls were up to, but as I got closer to the get, I could hear Mei start to scream bloody murder like she was being chased. I ran out and down the stairs to find Gobby chasing Mei around, both were yelling, and screaming bloody murder, literally.
Lesha had her head down and fingers jammed in her ears, not controlling the situation at all.
The two froze mid-run, and Lesha looked up with wide eyes.
"You two, go play outside and make all the noise you want, and you!"
Lesha was trying to sneak away, but I glared at her, and she froze, turning her head ever so slowly towards me with a weak smile.
"You were supposed to be watching them, not your feet! Get in the kitchen and help me make some food!"
"Yes Ma'am! You can teach me a lesson later!" Lesha said, racing to the kitchen.
She was around the bar and into the kitchen before I could retort. I was going to teach her a lesson later! That is after she does that thing with her tongue she promised me earlier!