There's something strange about a certain guy. This guy wears a white jacket and white cap.
Like you already know, this guy is Kujo Jotaro. In his universe, there is something called "Stands". Stands are a manifestation of one soul.
And now let the story begins
Jotaro:Where am I? I think i just got through a portal or something. Is this the work of an enemy stand user???? Shit, I have to find some clue about the enemy stand. This seems like an alley. There sure are a lot of trash in this area.
*Sound of a car getting throwned*
Jotaro:What the, did the enemy has 2 abilities?
Jotaro then run to get out from the alley and what he sees is something spectacular.
He sees a giant lady fighting some giant punk. They're fighting near a railroad.
Jotaro:What the- there's 2 enemy stand user at the same time?? But, it seems like they're both fighting. They both seem to have the same type of stands. Their stands seem capable of gigantification. I think their height is approximately 15 meters.
The giant lady throws a punch against the giant punk. The giant lady seems like she has a upperhand against the punk. The giant land proceeds to smack the punk until he was unconscious.
There are a lot of cheerings from the crowds.
Jotaro:That giant seems like it could destroy several buildings with only 1 throw!!! And it seems that all the crowds can see the fight. Are all of the people in the crowds stand users? I think that's not possible. Even though stand users are attracted to each other, there can't be this much stand users in one crowding. I think it's the possibility that the giant have a stand that can be seen by normal people.
Jotaro then enter the crowds and ovserve even more. But then, he accidently hit a boy.
But then, before the boy fall, time stopped.
The boy that nearly has all of its stuff dropped away get back to normal position.
Boy:Huh, what the?
Jotaro:Kid,do you know who they are?
Boy:Huh??Who are you,sir?(OMG, he's so tall. I think he nearly reach 2 metres in height)
Jotaro:My name is Kujo Jotaro. I want to ask you, "did you know who are those people that just fighted?".
Boy:Ah, yes. The girl one is a superhero. Her workname is Mount Lady.
Jotaro:I see. (Superheroes?? So they use their stands for playing heroes?)
Boy:Her quirk is gigantification. It enables her to enlarge herself. The maximum feats of her quirk is approximately 17 metres.
Jotaro:You sure know a lot boy. Are you a fan of these superheroes?(Quirks? Is that another way to say stands in this area?)
Boy:Yes, sir Kujo. I am a huge fan of superheroes ever since I was a child. I always dreamed of becoming one.
Jotaro:What's your name, boy?
Boy:My name is Izuku Midoriya.
This is the story of a certain guy in a world of superheroes and super villains.
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