The next week was hatic, Aizawa was ready for death. Momo was having the time of her life with Izuku. Shinsou is happy, but almost disappears. Tokoyami is withering in the dark. The class is about to lose the sanity. Well Izuku and Deadpool are chaotic as always.
Today they are heading to the U.S.J for hero studies.
Izuku was sitting between Momo and Shinsou, Tokoyami was on the other side of Shinsou. "What do you think of my knew hero suit!" Izuku cheered, showing off her new green suit that showed quite a bit of skin.
Fem male deku custome, thats shows off the stomach, arms, and legs!
"It's cute, I think the bunny pat is just adorable!" Momo squealed, squishing Izuku's face into her boobs, making Izuku flustered a little.
"It looks good, but it shows lots of skin." Shinsou said, making Momo smirk with Izuku. Tokoyami chuckled.
"It looks nice, Izu." Tokoyami said, Dark shadow came out. "You look super sexy!" Dark Shadow said, making Tokoyami quickly hide the dark shadow. Tokoyami rubbed the back of his neck embarrassed.
"No more skin revealing clothes." Shinsou said, sternly. He pulled Izuku closer to himself. Trying to hide Izuku's body the best he can.
Izuku laughed with Momo. "Noooo~ I love seeing her body!" Momo pouted, trying to pull Izuku out of Shinsou's grip.
"It's fine, if we are not in public and there are lots of perverts!" Shinsou said, sternly. "I'm a pervert also, Kitty~" Izuku purred in his ear, making him go bright red.
"We are here." Aizawa grumbled. Izuku hopped out of the Momo's and Shinsou's arms. She grabbed Tokoyami's hand and ran off the bus.
As they got outside, Izuku jumped onto Tokoyami's back. "Fly me away, birdy!" Izuku said, making Shinsou and Momo laugh when they got off the bus.
"Izuku, I can't fly. I don't have wings." Tokoyami said, sighing. "Of course you can, you just gotta dream big to make it happen!" Izuku said, happily. Squishing up to Tokoyami.
"Izumi, I live in the darkness. I will never be able to see the light." Tokoyami said, making Izuku pout. "Aww~ You're so cute! I love you, birdy!" Izuku squealed, happily. Tokoyami sighed. "Revelry in the dark…" Tokoyami muttered.
Izuku then froze for a second, making Tokoyami stop his walking, he was walking into the U.S.J.
"What is it, Izuku?" Tokoyami asked, quietly. "Something doesn't seem right. Be on your guard, Toko." Izuku whispered, Tokoyami nodded.
Izuku hopped off Tokoyami and pulled out her guns. "Hey Princess, what's got you riled up?" Deadpool asked, popping up behind her. "Something is coming…" Izuku muttered, while they stopped and let the pro hero 13 speak.
"I got it. Be safe princess!" Deadpool said, as soon as the portal opened.
As people started to leave the portal Izuku started shooting lots of them down. The students were getting evaluated, but Shinsou stayed by Izuku's side.
They watched as the students got teleported and there teachers fight. Izuku sighed, she hugged Shinsou.
"Shin! Give me some loving!" Izuku pouted, making him chuckle.
"At a time like this…" Shinsou said, Izuku jumped into his arms wrapping her legs around him. Izuku turned him around. Izuku kissed him, while shooting villains down behind him.
Shinsou slipped his tongue in Izuku's mouth, making Izuku moan slightly.
"Kids this ain't the time for fucking sex!" Aizawa yelled, while beating up villains. "NO! IT IS! JT MAKES IT MORE FUN AND THRILLING! PLUS THIS IS A GOOD WAY TO DIE!" Izuku yelled, after breaking the kiss. "Thats my princess!" Deadpool yelled, happily.
Izuku shot a villain in the face. "What happens if you kill lots of villains? Will you get in trouble?" Izuku asked, looking at the amount of dead bodies behind Shinsou that she killed.
Shinsou turned around. "Don't worry about it. We could probably get Nezu to be your lawyer if it comes own to it." Shinsou mutters, against her neck. "Okay!" Izuku said, happily.
Shinsou kissed Izuku's neck. They soon finished off the villains. Not there is only the main 2 villains. Soon that brought out a big bird looking thing.
Izuku gasped, jumping out of Shinsou's grip, making him sigh. "Is it what I think j it is?!" Izuku asked, happily. Lots of people turn to her. "Probably not…" Aizawa muttered. "This is Nomu!" Tomura yelled.
"TOKOYAMI'S DAD! WOW, THEY LOOK SO ALIKE!" Izuku cheered, jumping on to the Nomu's head.
"Izuku! I don't look like that! That isn't my father either! Get off it!" Tokoyami yelled from across the room. "Are you sure?!" Izuku yelled, Shinsou was trying to hide his laughter.
Aizawa sighed. "Nomu kill her." Tomura said, The Nomura grabbed her and ripped her in half. Izuku was now the ground.
"Oh man, that turns me on! He is so strong! Please rip me into pieces! Tokoyami's daddy!" Izuku squealed, that made lots of people sweatdrop, look ashamed, laugh, or mouth drop.
"What the hell!" Tomura yelled, wondering what the fuck is happening. "Shinsou put my bottom half on my top half. Don't get too frisky with me baby!" Izuku said, Shinsou smiled.
Shinsou grabbed Izuku's bottom half and put it on her top half. While waiting for to heal, her uncle started fighting the Nomu with Aizawa.
"Well, my name is Izuku, yours? Izuku asked, looking at Tomura. "I, uh, what?" Tomura asked, very confused, they would usually say something very heroic.
Izuku soon stood up and stretched. "Nomu let me be your daughter!~" Izuku said, happily. "No, you're my daughter!" Deadpool pouted.
The nomu the punched a hole through her stomach. Izuku had some blood dribbling from her mouth.
"Look at that, I have been impaled! Looks like he loves me!" Izuku said, happily. Izuku slid her body all the way down the arm, making some cringe.
Izuku hugged the nomu she pulled out her Katana's. "I see, they're part human…" Izuku muttered. Izuku kissed the Nomu's beek, making some gawk.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Tomura yelled, bewildered. "Oooh~ Nomu~ If I can't be your daughter! I will take you as my husband and be Tokoyami's new mom~" Izuku said, seductively.
Nomu ripped Izuku's head off, making Izuku laugh as he got thrown into Shinsou's hands. The Nomu throws her body off it's arm.
"I question your sanity." Shinsou said, making Izuku giggle. "Now I want a kiss." Izuku said, happily. Shinsou kissed Izuku's lips, while he walked to Izuku's body. He sat Izuku's head on Izuku's neck, now waiting for it to heal together.
That's when the door busted open, revealing All Might. "It took him long enough." Izuku muttered, Shinsou now understood what she was doing.
Shinsou picked Izuku up in bridal style. "Love, you got one hell of a way buying time." Shinsou said, making Izuku smirk. "Why thank you, my prince~" Izuku said, putting on sunglasses that came out of nowhere.
"Shall we leave, my love?" Izuku said, smiling. "We shall." Shinsou said, having his own sunglasses that popped out of nowhere.
They then walked out of the U.SJ. "Where do you want to go?" Shinsou asked, smiling. "Lets go to a fancy hotel. School won't start again for us, for a while. We can have fun! I really need a massage!" Izuku said, smirking. "Of course, my queen!" Shinsou said, smiling, making Izuku smile.
They then went off. "Oh the love story~ Me and my wife should go out for a date to get Mexican food!~" Deadpool gushed. "Don't interpret me!" I yelled.
Now back where I was. The students went back home after the Nomu was taken care of, Deadpool went on a date… "Thank you!" Deadpool said, happily. "Shush!" I yelled.
Aizawa went to sleep soon as he got home exhausted. The pro's were investigating what happened.
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