61.11% INVINCIBLE : FEAR / Chapter 22: chapter 22 : A great feat

章節 22: chapter 22 : A great feat

(Return to the planet Thraxa with Mark)

 " My little brother ?! Really ?!" Mark looked at Nolan as the child had his gaze fixed on him.

 Nolan: Yes son, Andressa and I have-(interrupted)

 Mark: Are you kidding me?!! After everything you told me about humans and their short lifespans while slaughtering them and beating on me, you come here to attach and breed with even more short-lived beings?!

 Nolan: Mark, I've changed...


 Nolan: MARK!!

 Mark: You are the biggest hypocrite and selfish being in the universe. You have no idea what we went through because of you and you come back like a flower to tell me about it ?!

 Nolan: Mark, I need your help but it's for him, just look at him!

 Mark: (looks at the child) What?!

 Nolan: He looks like us but his skin color is purplish, not like ours.

 Mark: Genocidal and now neo-Nazi! What will you be after? Dancer ?

 Nolan: MARK STOP MOCKING, THE SITUATION IS SERIOUS. Thraxan DNA is not fully compatible with ours and your little brother will suffer the effects. Its lifespan will only be a few centuries or a millennium if all goes well. Compared to us who will probably live longer, he's sort of...

 Mark: Sick ?

 Nolan: Yes son.

 Mark: Are you worried about him?!

 Nolan: Naturally, he is my son and your little brother.

 Mark: Hahahahaha! (breathes) AHAHAHAH! But what an intergalactic joke!! A real troll!


 Mark: A sick son, doesn't that remind you of anything? Hmm? A certain son whom you preferred to watch die, or even killed indirectly, and about whom you had absolutely nothing to give a damn since his birth, for example.


 Mark: You know what? I'm gonna help you, I'm not going to let them massacre an innocent baby and I owe you that for getting into these problems by leaving Earth. But at the end of it dad, I never want to see you again. Never again in my entire existence.

 Nolan: (Sighs) I understand Mark, thank you.

 Mark: What's his name?!

 Nolan: He doesn't have one yet. According to our customs on Viltrum, everyone chooses their own name. It was your mother who chose your own name like we do on earth.

 Mark: So Nolan is your Earth name ? 

 Nolan: No, it's the same on Viltrum where the pronunciation is a little different. There I would be called "Nowl-Ahn" and also –(interrupted)

 He didn't even finish his sentence when a mantis rushed in with a panicked expression "SIR, SORRY TO INTERRUPT YOU BUT IT'S URGENT!!!" 

 Nolan: WHAT'S WRONG?!

 Thraxan: This...this is-(interrupted)


 The entire place shook, interrupting the informant as Nolan's face immediately took on a serious expression.

 Mark: Is that them? They are numerous ? I didn't come here to kill myself in front of an army of guys much stronger than me.

 Nolan: It's them but they came in threes or fours, the other best warriors like me are sent alone to conquer other planets.

 Mark: three or four adult Viltrumite?! It can do it if we play our cards right, but we must first shelter the child and his mother.

 Nolan: That's the plan Mark, you have to escort them to the cellar

 Mark: I don't know where it is but I guess Andressa will guide me. Time is running out, we have to get started.

 Very soon, Andressa came and Mark took her and the child to fly under Andressa's directions. Mark was only able to fly at a fairly low speed because the child risked not breathing in addition to being subjected to too great a G force, he did not have his powers awakened.

 Soon enough, they arrived at a cave where Andressa explained to him that it was a safe haven used generations ago but now it was a solid place, large with several cavities and discreet for studying or having a good time. time with someone but there was still a safe place.

 She pulled a lever and the long cellar corridor was lit with fluorescent green prints. "Around here, I know a place where your brother and I would be safe" she told him and he nodded but as they were about to move forward on the path, a voice surprised them.

 "So it's true ?! The great Nolan has had a child! "

 Mark, very responsive and awake in this reality, put his hand on Andressa's back so that she did not turn around and so that the baby was not seen before asking her to continue moving forward.

 Turning around, he saw the man who had just spoken and it was an adult Viltrumite with tanned skin, a bald Black, mustachioed and with excellent musculature.

 Viltrumite: If you are strong enough to face my assault then you will be allowed to live and stand valiantly by my side, a soldier of the Viltrum Empire. If you are not then you will die as a result.

 " You talk too much..." Mark said before rushing like a missile towards the soldier who smiled mockingly at Mark's haste and as the young man got in front of him, he tried to grab him by the head and slam him hard on the floor.

Suddenly as he was going to catch Mark, the latter turned in midair to fly low to the ground and grab the soldier's ankle before flying with him to quickly exit the cellar.

 Once outside with the Viltrumite he was holding by the leg, Mark flew with him very quickly and violently threw the Viltrumite which crashed against a mountain which broke.

 Mark wasted no time and flew in another direction so the man could follow him and lead him away from the cave.

With an explosion, the Viltrumite emerged from the mountain debris as if nothing had happened and chased after Mark with a smile on his lips.

 He was satisfied and even surprised by Mark's speed and strength with which he had thrown him since against the mountain he couldn't even stabilize himself to avoid the impact.

 He chased him and was able to reduce the distance little by little and as he was going to grab Mark's leg, the young viltrumite stopped in mid-flight while turning vertically at high speed while his right knee was forward to strike the head of his opponent whose momentum only increased the force of percussion.

 "Kugh!" The Viltrumite took the blow on his face where he even bled and Mark followed up with a downward right hook on the enemy's chin then an uppercut which definitively stunned the Viltrumite to make him rise several meters above Mark's head.

 "He's faster and stronger, that's for sure, but I can be smarter!" Mark thought before wanting to follow up with another series of blows.

He tried to punch him again but he was surprised to see the Viltrumite straighten up to give him a punch definitely faster than his own but he dodged it with difficulty before distancing himself from the man while adopting his boxing posture.

 "I admit that you are strong, really strong for your young age. At first I was surprised but now I am clearly impressed and I see that Nolan has taught you well" the Viltrumite said while wiping the blood from his nose.

 Mark: YOU DON'T SAY!! For teaching me, my father taught me really well but, the best teacher in the world.

 Viltrumite : I am Lucan, now you will join me and the empire. You have shown your strength so there is no point continuing a fight in which you will die needlessly.

 Mark : (raises his middle finger towards him) You talk too much man!

 Lucan rushed towards him and Mark paid attention to his shoulders to cleanly dodge Lucan's punch, a punch that was strong enough to send him to sleep and took the opportunity to perform a right counter that Lucan managed to block. narrowly dodged while on the latter's right cheek, a small incision was made because of Mark's punch.

 It was a fast, incisive and piercing boxer's fist that surprised Lucan and even angered him. He immediately gave Mark a punch which the latter was able to block but not without difficulty because his arms were still shaking after the impact.

 Mark threw a one-two that Lucan dodged without any worries before continuing with a high-kick that Lucan dodged again before stiffening his hand like a spear to be able to attack Mark but during this attack that Mark saw coming, someone rushed at Lucan to take him away, it was Nolan.

 Nearly 20 seconds later, Nolan returned with Lucan's blood to Mark who was wondering what he was doing there.

Nolan had briefly observed their confrontation and was surprised at his child's prowess in combat.

 Mark had actually become strong enough to fight against a fairly low-ranking adult Viltrumite and given Mark's age, it was absolutely amazing that he managed to close the gap in strength and speed.

 Mark: May I know what you're doing there?!

 Nolan: I saw a figure following you and out of worry I followed you but I was worried for nothing, Mark you have become really strong! I'm so-(interrupted)

 Mark: No time for that, he wasn't alone and you left the city unprotected. We have to move, people are going to die.

 Nolan: You're right son, let's go.

 They rushed towards the city and Nolan could only sigh as he realized how much his son had matured but he regretted that this maturity only came in the hatred and pain in which he left him after what he said and did on Earth before leaving the planet.

 They arrived in town quite quickly and there they were greeted by desolation and destruction.

 Almost all the buildings were in ruins and there were corpses of Thraxans everywhere, which angered Nolan and left him frozen for a few seconds as tears fell from his eyes.

 Mark: Shit! We arrived too late, we must bring to safety those who were able to survive by neutralizing these bastards. We have to-(cuts)… Wait, are you crying there?!! No, I'm dreaming.


 Mark: Look, the situation is serious enough as it is so let's stop this drama and take action and stop these guys. What happened was a disaster and you say you've changed so if it makes you angry, it's normal to feel that way.


 Mark grabbed the index finger of Nolan's hand that was holding him to break it by bending it outwards to remove his grip and punched him to get rid of him, which Nolan caught him like that triggered an automatism in him out of pure hatred for his father.

 Mark: Fuck you, you're in the worst position here to play the victim of his emotions. Feeling things is normal, if you can't channel your emotions then that's your problem but this is the last time you touch me like that you sick person.

 Nolan looked at his son as his emotions mixed in his head at the same time as his fists flexed.

 Mark : What ?! Do you want to fight with me too?! Go ahead, I'm waiting for you but I prefer to warn you, you're going to have to finish the work you started on earth and it's not going to be as easy as last time.

 They were ready to fight again when a voice interrupted them.

 "So this is the Nolan we've been told so many stories about. I have to admit, for a while I was worried by-(interrupted)"

 Nolan didn't even waste any time and at an incredible speed that even made Mark frown, he rushed towards the two Viltrumites present meters away from them and violently pushed the first one away to grab the one who spokeby the neck to hit him against rubble.

 "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE ? THESE PEOPLE DID NOT DESERVE THIS AND I WAS THEIR LEADER, THEY WERE GOING TO BE READY TO JOIN THE EMPIRE. WHY DID YOU DO ALL THAT?!! " Nolan yelled as he slammed the Viltrumite's head into the rubble while punching him.

 "IT WAS TO ANGER YOU!!" The Viltrumite shouted as he kicked Nolan and attacked him, explaining that it was to make him less lucid through anger which will cause him to make mistakes during the fight.

 The second Viltrumite that Nolan had pushed earlier had gray hair and a mustache, he had barely stabilized after Nolan's assault when Mark came out of nowhere and very quickly threw a series of punches at him and they began to fight.

 Mark's fight continued but even though he hit the Viltrumite several times with his Boxing techniques, there was still a certain gap between their strength and speed.

Then the fight became more intense with the Viltrumite which hit Mark less but whose strikes did much more damage to Mark.

 At a certain point, the Viltrumite completely took over Mark and the fight took a new turn as it should have against Lucan at some point in their confrontation if Nolan had not intervened.

 Mark took and avoided blows from his opponent to the point of having marks on his face, it was even more intense than training with his holograms.

 More he fought and took hits, the more he progressed and he strangely liked it. Without even meaning to or understanding it, Mark began to have a strange, sick smile on his face.

 After a while Mark noticed a strange thing, he was having less and less trouble keeping up with his opponent's punches, he hadn't become faster or stronger than his opponent but he was slowly getting adapt and these Boxing techniques were sublimated at this time.

 His reflexes, his thoughts and his mind were in a degree of concentration that certain great champions of boxing or other sports were able to achieve in their art, it was a bit like the zone in a certain Basketball manga.

 What little strength he had, he applied it in the best way possible and his speed, he used it to perfection and with good timing, which gave the illusion that he was faster or stronger.

 This state was the result of an intense accumulation of hundreds of fights against combat holograms to refine his techniques and his experience but also to temper his body and his reflexes but above all, it was also because of Mark's buried potential.

 Indeed, in the comics, Invincible took a lot of beatings but an undeniable fact was his speed of progress to the point of becoming the strongest Viltrumite at the end of the work.

 This time, this potential had just been awakened by boxing for which he had developed a strong passion and which was now being tested by his opponent so, his talent exploded.

 He began to dodge the Viltrumite's blows more finely not out of pure speed but through his reaction time becoming even more instinctive.

From the outside it didn't seem like much but it was enough to shock his opponent and even Nolan who was giving his opponent a beating.

 Mark dodged another grab attempt from the man and delivered a well-placed uppercut followed by a downward fist to his chin with surgical precision to stun his opponent but Mark wasted no time and rushed towards him to strike him but it was a feint for the dazed man to attack Mark who dodged diagonally.

 With great speed, he went around him closely to get around the back of the still somewhat dazed Viltrumite and perform a rear naked choke with his legs clamped around the man's arms as Mark pulled as hard as he could in the shortest period of time.

 The Viltrumite tried to free himself for exactly 8 seconds which strained Mark when suddenly Mark pulled harder and harder, he pulled so much that he was exactly 11 seconds away from strangling...


 A sound was heard and it drew Nolan's attention as much as his opponent towards Mark and his opponent whose body was already limp and motionless in Mark's grip who was still pulling not knowing that he had already killed his opponent. 

 "Amazing…" Nolan said looking at Mark who had just beaten an adult Viltrumite despite his young age, he was an opponent physically stronger than him.

 * I would like to remind you that he was still a low-ranking adult Viltrumite and that Mark trained a lot, even learning combat sports. Of course, boxing was not the only combat sport he learned but the one he loved to use the most.*

next chapter
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