Xue Ren had a way to meet the elven queen.
Of course, the worlds of the elven race and her people were hidden, but Xue Ren had the help of the bird belonging to the queen herself. He slipped into one of the many medium worlds and taking out the feather, Xue Ren began feeling the connection with the mother nature.
As if blessed by his appearance, mother nature gently greeted him, then asked for some minor help as the world was losing its vitality. Xue Ren surprised his ladies by both calling them out and mentioning about this very noble deed.
The love blossomed, then Xue Ren called the world of the elven queen.
Moments later, the teleport appeared and the yellow bird with its green head popped out! It flapped its wings, then urging Xue Ren to follow him to the portal by pecking his head, Xue Ren and the bird appeared in the main world of the elven race.
"Do you have origins? Do you have origins?"
Cough, cough!
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