20.65% I will be The Monkey God! / Chapter 38: My snake will be better!

章節 38: My snake will be better!

Chapter 38: My snake will be better!

[The Sun's Torment has increased your stamina by 20!]

[You get an additional 10 stamina points!]

"Hehe… This is… nice!" Michu slowly exclaimed while lying sprawled on the ground. It was just the first quest, but he had barely done 20% out of it. Even so, the monke was happy with the hard work as he no longer felt nauseating.

He also continuously saw many messages about his stamina, so his body's strength growth was visible and supportive.

The young man giggled, then glanced at his quest's progress.

[Stick: 217/500!]

"You look like someone who got mistaken for a plant," Daria's voice hit Michu's face from above. He caught the bait and looked up above to see her face in between two melons that looked breath-taking from below.

She smiled widely, then actually poured down some cold water onto his face, "Fortunately for you, the sun no longer can torment you." But then, the colder water fell onto Michu's face and splashed like a bomb.

This didn't stop as Daria continued to play with one of her skills, "It asked me to toughen you, though."

Michu couldn't feel angry at her as it felt good to get rid of the sweat, "I am used to cold water!" He replied with a smile which was already good as other parts of his body couldn't muster any strength.

The cold shower stopped and the farmer sat down next to the monke, "Let's see your progress. Oh, that's actually amazing. The first confrontation with the sun here usually brings down players, but you manage to endure and even get used to it."

"You can tell?" Michu inquired, but all he got was the lady's hand ruffling his wet hair. He was so defenseless that the older lady could even take off his pants and he wouldn't be able to do anything, but blush!

Daria didn't have any of such thoughts, though.

She replied, "I can tell. How many residents and players have become farmers under my guidance? I would even be able to tell with closed eyes," Daria was pretty confident.

Michu pouted, "You wouldn't be able to see with closed eyes. Don't lie to me!"

"Why are you pouting anyway?" The farmer weirdly looked at Michu, then turned her eyes behind.

There was a sudden visitor with white hair and particular green eyes, "Oh, girlfriend. Now, now. I shouldn't step between the youngsters." Daria didn't mind that visit as she already planned her schedule to visit Michu often.

She had to look over him for his subclass quest, so any person related to him was welcomed here.

Though she had to remind Venomous, "Don't rely too much on Sylca to move around here or you will fall into her trap."

"Thank you. I am aware of it, so I also came here to request help from you in case I want to meet my cute monkey here," Yumi quickly boiled down to the business and Daria couldn't help, but glance at Michu.

A monkey suited him.

"Sure." She retracted her eyes and replied, "Don't stay here for too long or you will be trapped here. No rough movements too or my plants will get scared." Daria left the duo with a sneer on her face.

She already liked Venomous for not trying to butter Sylca and her reputation. It meant that this woman had a cool head!

"Michu, you can't move," Yumi spoke after the farmer left them alone.

"I can't!" He replied honestly.

She squatted and poked Michu's face. Looking from above, Venomous brought a different impression to the monke's always curious eyes. He looked enough, commented openly, then tried to bite Yumi's finger, but she ended up flicking his forehead instead.

He laughed, "It looks like you are in a good mood, Yumi. Have your skills increased?" The monke asked. The skills could get stronger through repetition and combinations, but it was kinda too early for Michu and Venomous to see that change.

Nonetheless, the monke wouldn't be surprised if Yumi were to get some skill evolution.

"And why can't it be you?" The snake's lips curved up wider and the finger returned to poke the soft cheek.

"I didn't think of that." Michu replied genuinely and Venomous laughed merrily, "If that's the case, then you can look closer!" She sighed at the words that were inviting yet said with so innocence it was hard to believe them.

But Venomous brought her face closer and looked into Michu's eyes, "How did your first day go? Was it hard?" Her breath brushed Michu's nose. He inhaled and found no poison within! The beautiful Yumi was indeed a sweet snake!

"It was hard, but I managed to exceed the expectations! I survived the first day! Hehe!" Michu talked about his first day and the struggles that he had gone through. The monke tried to sound cool and magnified his story, but Venomous enjoyed each second of his progress and happiness. She nodded to all his words.

[Your exhaustion has worn off.]

"Oh! Nice! I thought I wouldn't be able to take a picture for you, Yumi!" Michu could finally stand up and as he did, Venomous wrapped her arm around his neck.

She said, "I would leave with a picture anyway." Her hand swept through the game system, clicked on the camera option then the picture with the monke got saved in her folder.

The duo left the greenhouse, then went through the castle's courtyard, "I think it will take a few days for me to get a subclass! Sorry, but I can't join you for now!"

"I already talked with the blonde and Lazy Bum. Both of them will join me and we will catch up with you soon. At least me and the blonde," Yumi replied with her eyes cast on the moon, "She replied to me today… Your charm is irresistible."

The charm? The blonde? "Oh, you two use nicknames… I want a nickname too." Michu exclaimed, then looked forward to his nickname.

"Monke," Yumi left him a little disappointed.

Monke? Monkey? Both were the same! It would also betray his class, so Michu crossed his hands, forming an 'X' that was a big no.

Venomous chuckled, "Is it easy to make a nickname? What nickname would I get from you?"

"Hmm… Beautiful Yumi." Michu thought it was appropriate.

But it told everyone's Yumi's name so it was her time to cross hands.

The monke didn't stop thinking, "Sweet Strawberry!" He shouted just before his usual log-out time.

"Explain," Yumi was ready for an explanation, but the monke had deep thoughts coursing through him recently.

It was just part of his big thinking.

He said, "I can't stop thinking of your lips after you have brought your face close to mine. So it's strawberry. You also have really red lips, so sweet! Hmm, but you see, I have been thinking about something crucial lately! Why do I call melons… melons?"

"..." Venomous was slowly getting used to the monke's thinking, but it still left her speechless.

He continued, "I think it's fine for me to call out the chest as melons because it doesn't sound rude. But why did I begin to call them melons? I think I have heard my classmates using this term! Ever since then, it's melons… then strawberries… then peaches… Isn't it too much?"

"You think too much of it, but I understand you. That's a virgin's trait… Anyway, to answer your question, you just want to eat. You are hungry. A hungry wolf thinks of meat, the hungry virgin…"

"Oh! That's true. But I don't think it's a fair comparison. A wolf's primary goal is to survive so he needs meat! My goals are different, so I shouldn't be wasting my time about it! For tonight, I will think about the subclass quest and try to complete it as fast as possible. Hehe!"

That was a great development. The monke could focus on his quest and then fulfill his desire by selling bananas. One should balance work and pleasure properly.

Though monke had yet to feel any, his curiosity lately was too much, so Venomous was content with that.

But there was more development just before they bid each other farewell…


Michu's head suddenly blew up. He became redder than any ever he did and looked lost with his eyes spinning.

Yumi didn't understand what just happened, but the monke looked so cute that her hands instantly swept through the system to take a few photos.

She even sent one to Nana who had been getting nervous about her monke ever since receiving one.

Soon, Michu uttered, "B-Banana means…"

"Yes, it means your dick," Yumi's blunt and instant answer increased the heat within Michu's brain. He had been openly speaking about melons and stuff, but when it came to his stuff, he suddenly exploded with bashfulness.

Venomous snickered, "Oh, that's a virgin. Do you want to give me a banana?" The monke's hand extended like a robot, then he passed a banana out of his inventory.

Yumi took it, peeled then bit mercilessly on it, "It's easy to talk about breasts and asses, but not the main deal? Haha, I wonder what you would call it? Lettuce?" The virgin woman had much more resistance as she openly contemplated and voiced out her thoughts. This made Michu blush deeper and he looked far too clueless.

He tried to say something, but he got too embarrassed.

"Just call it lettuce and get over it," The blushing monke was cute, but Venomous didn't want a boy, but a man. She rolled her eyes, closed up distance, then grasped his collar. Then, the sweet strawberry got eaten by Michu, but it was clearly Yumi controlling the monke!

Once the snake entered Michu's mouth, his eyes dilated. All he could see was Yumi's closed eyes, though.

Soon, the snake parted her lips and looked at the monke, "Was it sweet?"

"I don't know…" Too shocked to even feel anything, the monke mindlessly mumbled out.

"Now, that must be the real disappointment. You just got kissed and felt nothing out of it." The snake sneered and flicked the monke's forehead, "A boy stays idle, the man gives back. Don't go all red or you will lose more valuable moments."

"I won't! It's a challenge! Let's repeat!" Michu's face got a little better, but any outsider would still call him a boiling pot. He also trembled, but his words alone sufficed.

Venomous also let her tongue out, "It was my first too. But in my case, the second is as valuable." Thus, it was not that easy!

Michu struck back, "I think every kiss would be valuable with you, Yumi."

"Would it be if my partner didn't feel anything?" Venomous retorted, but she blushed and so Michu awkwardly scratched the back of his head.

She then waved back at him, "Aren't we already past our usual time? Your sis also must be too worried, so log out."

"Yeah… Thanks, Yumi. I didn't expect my game to be this nice! We will see one of my dreams soon in the game, so you must be with me!" The monke widely smiled and giggled, then disappeared as he logged out.

As the monke disappeared, Yumi whispered, "What about me? I didn't expect anyone to believe in me." At most, she would face the fake people trying to butter their way in, and yet the monke suddenly read through her heart like a book!

Thus, she was the proud owner of the love potion.


After leaving the capsule, Yumi looked into a mirror, "Thank god it was in the game… My prince won't even recognize me here." It wasn't like her black hair would do such wonders. Yumi just didn't care about her health and she looked like a sick person. Her lips were pale and even rough.

A lot of her bones could be seen and she wouldn't be able to properly go to the shop and return without getting nauseated. A few breaks would be needed for her to safely return.

Ever since the monke read her, Yumi began to change herself. What she wanted to see the most was her past self with lustrous hair, a healthy body, and… sweet lips. Now that she had greatly changed after her high school days, she would look similar to her game self, but probably even better.

Nonetheless, it would take some time, "Why do I feel so impatient? It's not like we will meet soon." Yumi opened her laptop and went to the news website. The game world never stopped changing and she liked to be up-to-date.

She supported her head with one hand and read the content with a faint smile on her face.

[Nana: What did you do to my brother?! He looks so lost and even disappointed! Michu always smiles! Snake!]

[Venomous: It was sweet.]


"Michu! What was sweet?! Blood?! She kicked you!" Nana cried and hugged her brother, but he soon pushed her away. Looking at him absentmindedly, Nana rubbed her eyes then asked again, "I won't betray big brother! You can always rely on me!"

"I have failed, Nana!" Michu returned a few times to the kiss, but he felt lost and it hurt him! But he understood that he failed and accepted that. No man was born great! He had his flaws and nothing could be done about it.

However, a kiss was something you did frequently. It just felt good and Michu was sure that Venomous felt exactly like that.

She was blushing, so it had to be the case. Michu just didn't want to ask because it felt inappropriate after he failed.

He caressed his chin, "I can become better."

"What is going on?" Nana wanted to know what exactly happened, but her brother blushed and her mind just blew up with weird thoughts.

After caressing his chin for enough, Michu replied, "A tongue can be only a snake! My snake will be better!"

"Oh, so you kissed. Hmpf! Did she like nudes that much?!" Nana threw her punch, but Michu tilted his head.

"What are nudes?" He asked, but soon shook his head, "It's something related to women. I can't ask, because I decided to focus on the quest and my business." The monke said like a buddha, then closed his eyes.

He disappointed Yumi so much that he decided something as well, "I won't ask any woman for the experience!" Nana's eyes stretched to dangerous limits and she nearly fainted after Michu shouted it out so loudly.

"I hope neighbors didn't hear that! That's just too lewd!" She was so innocent too!

"I will work enough, then get an experience with Yumi! Her lips are mine!" And thus, the monke took a step to be the monke charming. Though his resolution was worthy of admiration and his path often crossed with Venomous in-game, he was bound to meet many more players.

A world was full of experiences awaiting him.

"Brother, nudes aren't anything big now that I think of it. It's just a photo where you show a part of your naked self." Nana stoically chimed in.

The monke nodded, "I never did it!"

"I knew it!"

"It's…" The monke caressed his chin.



Any other brother would think what those sixteen years old girls talk about in the school, but Michu knew that Nana would never do anything stupid. The next day, Michu ended up hearing other girls talking about nudes.

Apparently, the school prepared a special lesson about wrong trends.

"Did we have those?" He asked himself and caressed his chin.

His class wouldn't have those as everyone was an adult here already!

Sixth Sixth

Thanks for reading! Have a nice day!

next chapter
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