
章節 17: Gacha and more

Author's Note: Completely stupid chapter, but I felt like writing something. I even got a bit edgy at the end, haha. Good luck and kisses!

[Vale Alley – Daniel, 9 PM]

Daniel isn't at the best moment of his life, as he's currently receiving the beating of a lifetime. He's writhing on the ground after being thrown through the air by a punch he couldn't dodge. The impact left him dazed, his body numb and heavy.

"This went really bad," he says to himself as he tries to stand up, every muscle protesting in pain. The fury builds within him, not just from the physical pain but also from the humiliation of ending up in this situation. Rage consumes him, fueled by disdain and frustration.

[Automatic Semblance Activation: Burn]

[Day 49]

[Daniel's Apartment, 10 AM]

Daniel sits in the middle of his training area, cross-legged, eyes closed. His breathing is deep and controlled, his face remains impassive. He's been trying to manifest his aura for hours, but so far, he's had no success. Finally, exhausted, he exhales with resignation.

"This isn't working," he mutters, clearly tired of trying with no visible results. Although the system activated his aura, Daniel hasn't been able to manifest it since. And if he can't manifest his aura, he's just an ordinary person, but with the downside that now, having activated it, he attracts more Grimms. If there's an invasion or he steps outside the walls, he'll be the first to die.

He turns his head and sees Aegis—his mentor, friend, pet, spiritual animal, and, in the worst case, emergency food. Aegis is sitting on the keyboard, typing on the computer with surprising skill.

'He mastered the computer in less than a week,' Daniel reflects. 'Turned out to be smarter than I thought.'

"Did you find anything on aura?" Daniel asks, though he already expects the answer.

"No," Aegis replies without looking up, although it's not necessary since his field of vision is 180 degrees.

"Of course," Daniel mutters. "Why would there be any free information on how to control aura so any criminal could use it?"

Daniel and Aegis have been researching aura for quite some time. They've explored the different ways people learn to use it: from the most common, like attending combat academies, learning from other hunters, being self-taught and practicing for years, to the possibility of joining the Atlas military.

"My other options are criminals and bandits," Daniel reflects, frustrated.

Though it doesn't surprise him that bandits exist, it does shock him to discover entire tribes of them survive in Grimm-infested forests. These groups survive by raiding villages and settlements. They're true monsters: they attack a village, loot it, kill most of the people, and those who survive end up dying due to the Grimms attracted by the negative emotions generated during the attack. A near-certain death.

Daniel shakes his head, pushing away those dark thoughts. "Now's not the time to get carried away by pessimistic ideas," he tells himself, forcing himself to focus. "I need to find a solution to my aura problem."

It's too late to consider enrolling in a combat academy. Once you pass a certain age, you're no longer a viable candidate to become a hunter. It's considered that there isn't enough time for you to grow adequately, and instead of helping, you'd become a burden.

I can't ask Ruby or Yang to teach me because it's forbidden to teach aura control to people who aren't in the process of becoming hunters or part of the armed forces for the defense of Remnant.

Another option is to join the Atlas military. They'll accept and train anyone who has at least two arms to hold a weapon, and if you're missing one, they'll replace it. I've seen General Ironwood; he's missing an arm and a leg, both replaced by robotic prosthetics. Although that might not be entirely true—prosthetics aren't cheap, and I doubt they'd bother giving them to a simple soldier. I guess you'd have to at least be at a hunter's level or have the money to pay for them, and the truth is, I don't want to be a soldier.

Daniel sighs deeply and lets himself fall to the ground. As he stares at the ceiling, he wonders out loud, "What am I going to do now?" He reflects on how long it would take to learn to control his aura, even if he found a teacher. The odds don't seem very encouraging.

"At least I still have the system... well, technically, I have two systems."

On one hand, there's the Gacha, and on the other, the Netoru system. Both work quite differently.

The Gacha gives me skills and items, though many turn out to be useless. The advantage is that I have complete control over them from the moment I receive them. Daniel recalls how he acquired the skill [Instinctive Scratch]. He doesn't need practice to use it; he can activate it effortlessly from the very first moment, which has proven incredibly useful in several situations.

On the other hand, the Netoru system provides base stats and Semblances, but I don't have immediate control over them. It seems I need practice and training to master them, and that includes aura.

With a sigh, Daniel gets up from the floor and walks into the living room. He grabs his journal, places it on the table, and sits down. He opens the notebook to a section marked with the name [Yang Xiao-Long].

As he looks at the page, he says aloud, "I really need those base stats..."

Name: Yang Xiao-Long

Race: Human

HP: 750

MP: 0

AP: 16,100

STR: 124

VIT: 78

DEX: 129


Yang Xiao-Long's Semblance: Burn

Kinetic Energy Absorption

Kinetic Energy Redirection

Visual Energy Manifestation





"I don't have the ability to analyze other people," he says to himself, "but I don't need it to deduce Yang's stats." The additional stats that appear in my status are equivalent to 11.25% of Yang's real stats. "A simple math operation and voilà, Yang's stats."

Daniel examines Yang's stats and compares them to his own. "Basically, she's better than me in every way," he mutters, noticing that her aura stands out, being 60% higher than his. And don't even mention her strength, which leaves him completely in the dust.

With a sigh, he closes the journal and leans back in the chair. "Well, at least not everything is bad. Yang's Semblance is easy to understand, especially when it comes to absorbing kinetic energy."


« Start of the flashback »

Aegis is perched on top of Daniel's head. Normally, this would be a routine training session, but today Daniel has asked him to push him to the limit. And, of course, Aegis isn't one to say no.

Blow after blow, the dull sound of each impact echoes against the punching bag. Although Aegis is applying considerable force, he's still not using Daniel's full potential; if he did, he'd probably break Daniel's arm. Instead, he's pushing him just to the edge of what Daniel can handle.

Daniel's hands hurt, but it's working. "It's what I expected," Daniel thinks. "It's a passive Semblance."

After a long while of continuous punches, Daniel finally stops and looks at himself in the mirror. He notices how his hair is starting to glow more intensely, as well as his eyes.

"This has to be what they mean by [Visual Energy Manifestation]," Daniel says with a smile.

« End of the flashback »


"Kinetic energy absorption," Daniel muttered, recalling how his semblance worked. "Basically, I absorb part of the damage taken and turn it into strength," he reflected. "It's just a guess, but it's clear that the more hits I take, the stronger I get." While considering this, he added, "Yang is basically a berserker if you take her stats and semblance into account. Good to know, I guess."

Despite how useful this power was, it didn't cover his current needs. "I need something more immediate," he told himself. "I need something that makes me feel safe, either a fighting skill or an escape ability." Unfortunately, for something immediate, he only had one option left.

[Accumulated Gacha rolls: 5]

"Whatever," Daniel said, sounding defeated. "System!" he commanded in frustration. "Use all five gacha rolls... let's get this over with as quickly as possible." He wasn't expecting anything particularly useful; he'd settle for something that wasn't completely useless.


[Gacha starting...]

Item obtained: Mummified Kappa's foot.

Item obtained: Complete blueprints of Batman's suit.

Item obtained: Manual of the three types of Haki.

Item obtained: Big League Pika-Chew (30 units).

Item obtained: Blind Burst Sneakers.


Daniel looked at the gacha results. A mixed bag: common items, some rare, some that seemed useful, and others that just made no sense. Nothing surprised him anymore.

"Let's start this shit show," he said in a tired, resigned tone, already accustomed to disappointment.

"System! Description of the first gacha," he ordered, mentally preparing for what was to come, though his expectations were already rock-bottom.


[Item: Mummified Kappa's foot]

An ancient and slightly smelly talisman. It's rumored to bring good luck... but don't bet your life on it.

"Trash," Daniel muttered as he picked up the kappa's foot with a look of disgust. He headed to the kitchen, unlocked the fridge—the one where he stored jars of eyeballs—and placed the foot next to them. "Another one for the collection," he whispered, closing the fridge door with a sigh.

Daniel wasn't going to throw anything away, not because he enjoyed hoarding crap, but because he had a feeling that, one day, all of it might be useful... or at least, that's what he told himself to justify it.



[Item: Complete blueprints of Batman's suit]

All the blueprints for the famous Batman suit at your fingertips! Includes every detail and specification to build the perfect suit. Ideal for aspiring nighttime heroes.

Warning: Not suitable for broke people like you.


"I don't like that warning," Daniel muttered with an annoyed tone as he examined the blueprints. "I'm going to need a tailor who specializes in hunter-grade armor..." He paused, and his eyes lit up as an idea crossed his mind. "And I think I know just the person who can help me," he said, letting a smile escape.

"Let's continue," he said, storing all the blueprints away.


[Item: Manual of the three types of Haki]

Manual of Haki with the tips from the legendary Monkey D. Garp. Ideal for Marines in training.


A single, old, crumpled piece of paper appeared before Daniel. Though the paper didn't look promising, he quickly grabbed it and inspected it carefully. After reading it, Daniel didn't show any signs of disappointment. After all, you can't disappoint someone who has already learned not to have high expectations.


Manual of Haki by Monkey D. Garp

Observation Haki: Stare really hard at your surroundings.

Armament Haki: Punch things that are really tough.

Conqueror's Haki: Act like a big boss.


Daniel showed the "Manual" to Aegis, raising an eyebrow. "What do you think?" he asked with a hint of sarcasm, holding the paper up in front of him.

Aegis looked at it for a moment, examining the old and wrinkled document, before snorting. "Looks like crap."

Daniel shrugged, as if he had already expected that response. "I'll keep it anyway," he said nonchalantly as he carefully folded the paper and tucked it into his journal. "I like Garp, so I'm keeping it."


[Item: Big League Pika-Chew x30 Units]

When you're in the Big League, the excitement is electric! Now you can capture that electricity with Big League Pika-Chew. It's the only gum made from real Pikachus. Enjoy delicious chews of shredded Pikachus and power up your moves with powerful electric effects.


"I'm not eating this... at least not now," Daniel muttered as he looked at the 30 packs of gum. " I'd better save them for later." He shrugged, not showing disgust or guilt over the fact that the gum was made of Pikachus. "I won't feel sorry for the Pikachus. My appreciation for Pokémon has dropped a lot."


[Blind Burst Sneakers]

Incredibly comfortable and durable shoes that double your speed when activating the "Blind Burst" ability.


"Okay... and the catch?" Daniel murmured as he inspected the sneakers that materialized in front of him. He examined them closely, turning them around and touching them to test their comfort. "They're fine... I guess," he said, a bit suspicious, as he put them on. He took a few steps and began walking around the room to try them out. "Surprisingly, these are the most comfortable shoes I've ever tried," he added with a note of satisfaction in his voice.

Then, he focused and sent a mental signal to activate the [Blind Burst] ability.

[DEX: 75 (+14.15) => 178.3]

And indeed, the ability doubled his speed. Too bad that if Daniel had been a bit smarter, he would have guessed the downside of the shoes.

The moment the ability activated, the world went completely dark.

"I'M BLIND! AHHH!" he screamed, panicking, as he tried to take a step. Unable to control his speed, he slammed into the wall with a loud thud.

From a corner, Aegis watched, doing what anyone would in that situation: "HAHAHA!" He laughed mockingly at Daniel's misfortune, who was lying on the ground, struggling to take off the shoes.

"What kind of degenerate came up with this item?!" Daniel yelled, mixing panic with anger as he wrestled between desperation and rage.

[Thank you to God_of_Gluttony for suggesting this item. We love you, you dirty bastard.]

With great effort, Daniel finally managed to remove the shoes, but unfortunately, it didn't restore his sight. Aegis, now in a better mood after laughing at the situation, walked over and said casually, "Alright, alright, calm down!"

"Calm down?! I'm blind!" Daniel replied, his voice filled with frustration and desperation.

Without much sympathy, Aegis hopped onto Daniel's head and began pulling his hair, forcing him to move.

"Where are you taking me?" Daniel asked, stumbling as he tried to orient himself.

"To hit the punching bag. I want to see how fast you are now," Aegis said with a mischievous smile and a mocking tone.

[How can a mantis shrimp smile? – I don't know, I guess it's magic]

"BASTARD!" Daniel groaned, exasperated, but Aegis completely ignored him and continued pulling his hair, relishing in the confusion.

When they reached the punching bag, Aegis manipulated Daniel to punch it at an incredible speed, twice as fast as his previous training. Though the speed was overwhelming, Aegis controlled the situation effortlessly, thanks to his sharp reflexes and enhanced vision, enjoying every moment with a satisfied grin.

For about ten minutes, Daniel kept hitting the bag without stopping, his body moving at a frantic pace. Finally, his vision slowly began to return. Aegis, noticing the drop in Daniel's speed, felt disappointed by the change. Meanwhile, Daniel felt immense relief realizing that his blindness wasn't permanent and that he could see normally again.

"I'm not using that ability again anytime soon," Daniel said, still shaken from the experience, as he took a moment to calm down and catch his breath.

Once he felt a little better, he turned to Aegis and asked, "How did I do?"

"Pretty fast," Aegis responded with a slight smile but then added bluntly, "Though, you're still way slower than any hunter."

Aegis, having watched numerous videos of hunter tournaments, was fascinated by the level of combat they exhibited. The thrill of thinking about future fights and how he could measure up against them made him crave more.

Daniel frowned at Aegis's assessment. "Really?"


"Yeah, you really need to master aura," Aegis replied bluntly.

Daniel looked over the items he had obtained so far and muttered in disappointment, "I was hoping for some kind of ability..." While the items he had received weren't bad, it simply wasn't what he had expected. He stayed silent for a moment, reflecting on the things he had gained.

"I don't have many options. I need to get more gachas and boost my stats," he said resignedly, knowing that both resources came from the same source.

Finally, he made a firm decision. "It's time to go out and gather more stats," he declared out loud, with a spark of determination in his eyes. He stood up with renewed energy, resolved to push forward.

"And this time, nothing will stand in my way to greatness."


[Vale Alley – Daniel, 9 PM]

Daniel is in trouble, cornered in a Vale alley by a gang of women. Who would have thought? Going out alone at night to shady bars didn't turn out to be a great idea. Although, to be fair, this time it wasn't really Daniel's fault. He was just walking through the streets of Vale when he was dragged into an alley... well, maybe he was in a dangerous part of Vale when they pushed him, but he didn't know of any nearby bars.

Daniel, thrown to the ground, tries to pull himself together. As he gets up, he sees at least six women around him, all dressed like stereotypical biker gang members.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" says one of them.

"Out alone at night, looks like this guy wants to have some fun, hahaha," says the one Daniel assumes is the leader.

They're not wrong, but Daniel didn't expect things to go down like this. He regrets not bringing Aegis today; if he had, this would've been over already. One of the women steps closer and starts pulling at one of Daniel's buttons. He slaps her hand away, which irritates her, and she punches him in the face. Though the blow doesn't knock him down, it does make him stagger back.

"How about you cooperate, and this'll be over quickly…" she doesn't finish the sentence because Daniel punches her in the face, breaking her nose.

I won't let anyone abuse me, no matter if it's a gang girl with nice tits; no one abuses me... well, unless it's with my consent.

Even though Daniel doesn't have aura, his strength is superior to that of a normal person thanks to his training and the stats he's absorbed from Yang. The other gang members, annoyed by Daniel's resistance, rush to attack him. Two of them hang back, watching with mocking smiles. The third, the one with the broken nose, still on the ground, tries to stop the blood flowing from her nose. The other three rush in, trying to overwhelm Daniel with fast punches.

Daniel takes several hits: one to the ribs, another to the shoulder. He defends himself as best he can, dodging when possible and throwing some punches in return. Despite the disadvantage, he holds his ground.

'Damn Aegis, he made it look so easy at the aquarium.'

Daniel activates his [Instinctive Scratch] ability and, aiming for the eyes, momentarily blinds one of them. Taking advantage of the confusion, his fist smashes into the woman's jaw, knocking her out for the moment.

Without stopping, Daniel turns to the other two. He can't use his ability on multiple targets, so he continues with his fists. He blocks the next hit from one of them and, without wasting time, knees her in the stomach with all his strength. The air rushes out of her lungs in a grunt as she doubles over. He doesn't give her time to recover; an elbow to the back of the neck sends her writhing on the ground.

Without hesitation, he turns towards the last woman, who barely reacts in time to raise her fists. Daniel charges with force, landing a solid punch to her jaw. The impact makes her head snap violently, but she doesn't fall. Seizing the moment of disorientation, Daniel grabs her and slams her face against the nearby wall, hearing a crack and a scream of pain. He releases her, letting her drop to the ground with a choked groan, unable to get back up.

The three gang members are out of commission for now. Daniel looks at the fallen bodies with a touch of pride.

Unfortunately, he didn't pay attention to the two who stayed back. A punch sends him flying four meters backward, crashing to the ground, writhing in pain. Daniel deduces that the two who stayed back have aura and got tired of watching the show.

Irritated and frustrated by the effort he put into the fight, only to end up being knocked around by a single punch from a gang member with aura, Daniel struggles to get back on his feet. The surprise further disorients him when he sees the body of the gang member, specifically the one who threw the punch, crash down beside him. She isn't dead or unconscious, but the same can't be said for her companion, who is bleeding out on the ground.


[Vale Alley – Neo 9:15 PM]

Neo is visibly bored as she carries out a mission for Roman. Her task is to find a gang causing serious trouble in his territory. Rumor has it that some of the women in this gang have aura, which concerns Roman. Not because they're a threat, but because they draw too much attention—something Roman can't afford right now.

Though Roman is a criminal with aura, his public image is more that of a petty crook, specializing in simple thefts that usually leave no one hurt and the victims' property intact. That's the façade he shows to the world; behind this image, however, lie far more serious crimes like murder and corruption. His record includes the theft of an Atlesian Paladin, a crime no one knows he committed, allowing him to remain a minor target for the authorities.

Neo's job today is relatively simple: she has to deal with the gang problem "permanently," making sure there are no more complications and the threat is eliminated for good.

As Neo leaps from rooftop to rooftop, she finally locates the gang. However, they seem to be busy having fun. The gang, made up of six women, at least two of whom have aura, is brutally beating a guy. The scene is chaotic: one of the gang members is already on the ground, while the other three barely stand against him. The sight is pretty pathetic, and Neo doesn't feel particularly concerned for the guy. Even so, she decides to stay a while to enjoy the show, at least until the novelty wears off and she feels it's time to intervene.

The show proves to be quite entertaining. While Neo wouldn't call the guy a skilled fighter, he defends himself using some dirty tricks. "A fight is never complete without dirty tricks," Neo thinks with a smile, enjoying the display. However, the entertainment takes an unexpected turn when one of the gang members sends the guy flying with a punch. "Yep, she's got aura," Neo thinks with a sigh, realizing the show is over.

Drawing her concealed sword from Hush, Neo leaps from the rooftop with agility and lands precisely beside the aura-wielding gang member. Without giving her time to react, Neo executes a quick, lethal strike, slashing the gang member's throat with a single, precise blow. The sword shatters the woman's aura before she can resist, and she falls to the ground, bleeding out quickly. As Neo watches the gang member bleed out, she reflects on how weak they are and, with a disdainful gesture, decides to ignore the crumbling body at her feet.

Irritated by the situation, Neo thinks about Roman's decision. Instead of sending his generic thugs, who could have handled the situation messily and noisily, Roman opted to send Neo to ensure a cleaner, more discreet job. The thugs would've pulled out heavy machine guns and started a shootout that would attract too much attention. Though Neo understands Roman's logic, she can't help but feel annoyed that he assigned her a job she considers beneath her, especially when she could be doing something more interesting.

Neo takes the liberty of turning her back on the remaining gang members, unconcerned about the possibility of them trying to escape. The alley they're in has only one exit, meaning they're trapped with no way out. Her attention shifts to the other aura-wielding girl—the one who had sent the guy flying. With a calculated, precise movement, Neo kicks her in the side, ironically sending her flying toward the guy who's lying on the ground.

The gang members on the ground, terrified at seeing their aura-wielding allies fall so easily and quickly, pull out guns and some knives, preparing to desperately defend themselves. Though they hadn't planned to use these knives on the guy since they needed him alive for their own plans, they've decided to face Neo in a last-ditch effort for survival. They fire their weapons, but Neo doesn't even bother blocking the shots when she sees their guns. The low-caliber pistols are completely ineffective against her; the bullets simply bounce off without causing any damage.

Desperate and seeing their attempts at attacking fail, the gang members charge at Neo with knives. However, a quick sweep of Neo's sword finishes them off effortlessly, eliminating them instantly.

Only two gang members are left standing: one who, with a trembling voice, desperately pleads for her life. Bored by the scene, Neo slashes her throat with a swift motion. The gang member falls to the ground, her life slipping away as the rest of the scene unfolds.

Now, only one gang member remains: the aura-wielding girl Neo had kicked away, and a witness. The girl, who has barely managed to stand, has her aura almost completely destroyed. "How dare you! You have no idea who I am!" she yells defiantly, but Neo seems distracted, more interested in watching some rats fighting over a slice of pizza in the corner of the alley.

The gang member continues her threat. "I'll make you pay for…" but her words are abruptly cut off as a pipe smashes into her head. The impact completely shatters her aura, leaving her barely conscious on the ground. Neo watches the scene with surprise and a hint of curiosity.

The guy, who had been getting beaten up and seemed immobilized until now, has risen. His eyes glow with an unusual intensity, and his hair seems almost on fire. "His semblance?" Neo thinks, realizing the guy has aura but apparently doesn't know how to use it. The situation has taken an unexpected turn, and Neo now watches with a mix of surprise and interest.


[Vale Alley – 9:30 PM]

"I'M NOT GOING TO DIE LIKE THIS!" Daniel yelled, venting his fury with every blow. His voice echoed with uncontrolled rage as he hit her over and over again. "SEND MY REGARDS TO THE FUCKING ORB, YOU FUCKING BITCH!" His screams, mixed with the echo of the blows, filled the alley, creating a scene of chaos and violence. The intensity of his attacks could be due to Burn's semblance, making him more explosive and aggressive, or maybe it was the adrenaline of facing imminent death.

Neo, who had initially watched in surprise, soon began to enjoy the spectacle. Her expression shifted from disbelief to amusement as she watched the chaos unfold. The gang member, with severe head trauma and covered in blood, could barely defend herself with her hands as Daniel continued his relentless assault. The scene was grotesque and fascinating. Neo was having a great time with the show but thought she might enjoy it even more if she joined in on the fun.

With a relaxed stride, Neo approached the commotion, her calm demeanor contrasting with the disorder around her. The woman lay on the ground, weakened and bloodied, while Daniel continued his furious attack. Neo calmly crouched and picked up a pipe lying nearby. She lifted it effortlessly, balancing it on her shoulder as her eyes gleamed with a mix of amusement and anticipation.

When Daniel finally noticed her presence and their gazes met, he understood the message without words. Perhaps Neo was very expressive, or maybe it was Daniel's [Natural Polyglot] ability that facilitated non-verbal communication between them. In any case, the mutual understanding was clear. Neo was ready to join in the fun.


Without saying a word, Neo positioned herself beside Daniel. With great precision, she raised the pipe and brought it down hard on the side of the gang member. The hit was elegant, direct, and forceful, making the woman groan and writhe in sharp pain. Neo moved the pipe with impressive skill, each impact perfectly synchronized with Daniel's merciless blows. Together, they worked in perfect harmony, alternating their attacks without losing rhythm or intensity.

Neo didn't bother to use her aura; she decided to turn it off, prolonging the torture as long as she could.

🎶 Imagine me and you, I do 🎶 🎶 I think about you day and night, it's only right 🎶

Each hit of Neo's pipe met the gang member's body, adding a calculated brutality to the torture. Blood began to flow in increasing amounts, forming a pool that expanded with each impact. Daniel continued his assault with unchecked fury, his movements fast and ruthless.

🎶 To think about the girl you love and hold her tight 🎶

🎶 So happy together 🎶

The ground was now completely covered in blood, the pool growing with each new hit. Neo adjusted her position, focusing her strength on the gang member's sides and head. The woman, barely conscious, was covered in a thick mix of blood and other fluids.

🎶 If I should call you up, (call you up) invest a dime 🎶 🎶 And you say you belong to me, (ease my mind) and ease my mind 🎶

When Neo decided the pipe was no longer sufficient, she dropped it to the ground with a metallic clatter. She approached the gang member, who lay in a pitiful state on the ground, and began to kick her with renewed energy. Her boots struck forcefully, first in the stomach and then in the ribs. Each kick was accompanied by a cruel smile, her pleasure in the violence evident in every movement.

🎶 Imagine how the world could be, (very fine) so very fine 🎶 🎶 So happy together 🎶

Daniel, following Neo's lead, began to kick the gang member as well. Although she had stopped breathing some time ago, neither Neo nor Daniel seemed to notice. Daniel was too focused on continuing to kick her, while Neo was distracted watching Daniel, her mind starting to invent fictional scenarios about what they could share.

🎶 I can't see me lovin' nobody but you 🎶

In Neo's mind, she and Daniel were cruising through the streets of Vale in a stolen car. The sacks of lienes in the back shook with each turn while the police followed at a distance. The image was vibrant and full of adrenaline, a portrait of their shared life on the edge of illegality and chaos.

🎶 For all my life 🎶

In another fantasy, Neo and Daniel were on a luxurious yacht. Neo, elegantly dressed, was holding a snitch while Daniel poured concrete over the unfortunate's feet. Under the moonlight, they dragged the snitch into the sea, culminating in a passionate kiss between them as the snitch sank into the dark waters.

🎶 When you're with me, baby, the skies'll be blue 🎶

Visualize Daniel kneeling, opening a small box with a shiny button inside. Neo presses it, causing an explosion that demolishes the ice cream shop that didn't serve her well, the place Roman warned her not to burn. Neo covers her mouth in surprise and leaps onto Daniel in an excited embrace.

🎶 For all my life 🎶

Finally, they are seen at an altar. Neo, in a sophisticated black dress, and Daniel, in an elegant white suit, are surrounded by an intimate and special atmosphere. Roman officiates the ceremony, and instead of a traditional cake, there is a large ice cream with a sign that says "For Neo only, do not touch."

Neo's fantasies are abruptly interrupted when the sounds of the kicks stop. Neo focuses on Daniel, who is breathing heavily and trembling from exhaustion and accumulated adrenaline. Neo looks at him with a satisfied smile, contemplating the chaotic scene they have created together.

The alley is covered with a thick pool of blood and the remnants of what was once a woman. The night has been intense and entertaining for Neo, but despite the chaos and brutality, she feels something is missing. The satisfaction of the violence doesn't completely fill the void she now feels. As her mind tries to process this uncomfortable feeling, Daniel, with an unnaturally seductive voice, breaks the silence and asks her.

"Wanna fuck?"

Neo: 😀

With a satisfied smile and a glint in her eye, Neo accepted that this had been a good night for her.

Author's Note: Leave a comment, I enjoy reading them... that's all, I don't know what else to say. Updates will come whenever I have something to write. Goodbye!

I like Neo

next chapter
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