Kuno(shard)- he is a giant green dragon that gives Nefra items and insist she goes to the world of Ekhra.
Nefra- goddess tamer
Kena- immortal wolf
Enha- shadow black tiger
lord Edgar - human he is the towns defense in a crisis
Logan- he is the son of lord Edgar and second in command if the sergeant cant help defend the town
Reta-she is a bengal tiger beastwoman lord edgar's wife
Yuiel- she is the sergeant to lord Edgar
unknown male 2- he is mentioned by lord Edgar in ch8
rabbit- the lone female rabbit that Nefra assists in ch8
Hikarana- she is the horse heard leader that gives the elite guard a ride
unknown goddess 1 - she appeared in ch 10 she is the being who punched the steel bear.
unknown male 1- he is sergeant Yuiel's husband and the *current* leader of the town of Hijo
Lost Woods - lost woods is a area far northeast of the capital near the country's border it is believed if a human went into the Lost woods without a guide they would never bee seen again due to the magical beasts that roam the woods.
The town of Hijo- Hijo is a border town witch does become a war outpost in curtain circumstances.
luke god of law oldest 1 dark purple
groge god of religion seccond oldest 2 gold ahd silver
hope goddess of harmony thrd 3 silvery green
draco god of trade foth 4 deep blue
sanico (akin) goddes of war fith 5 red
tiffany child goddes of harvest 6 teal
jake god of creation 7 purple light
josh god of wisdom 8 burgandy
this WILL change as the story progreses