I woke up to a rough hand tapping my bare face and I suddenly felt my head ache so badly. I couldn't move my hand, later I realized my hands were tied from behind as I was sitting on a chair. I roamed my eyes all over the dark smelly place. There was a blinding light right above my head and I saw three shadows that seemed to be of a man's form standing meters away from my direction. It was dark and the only thing I could see was they were holding a gun. I frowned as I couldn't remember how on earth I got here.
The three men who were gathered together seemed to be seriously discussing something that I couldn't understand. They talked loudly and aggressively but their faces remained calm, their language is different from ours but I'm freaking sure they're humans. What the hell am I even thinking right now! I scolded myself over my head. I have to think of something. I need to escape. Yes, I am scared as hell but that doesn't mean I would act like a weakling in front of these bastards.
"Who are you!? How did I get here!? What do you want from me!?" I shouted breathlessly to get their attention. There, they turned their heads towards me. As a guy came closer bringing with him his gun, the sooner it got close to me the clearer I could get hold of his face. He has a big scar on his right cheek that made him look awfully scary. I moved myself from being tied down trying to escape from it but I couldn't, they tied me securely. That made me even more frustrated.
"Easy there ragazza!" The man scolded, he smirked and winked at me. I find it disgusting to witness.
"If you want money...well... you've got the wrong person. Coz I don't have those, stupids." I replied, for once in my life I couldn't feel any pity for myself saying I don't have money.
"Not you, but your boyfriend does." The man came even closer to my face, he pinned me to the chair and pinched my jaw forcefully.
"What boyfriend are you talking about!?" I exclaimed as I myself don't even have a boy friend.
As he was still closer to me, I took that as a chance and gave him a hard headbutt. This is the second headbutt I gave to someone today. If you'll ask me how's my head? Well… it is still fine and intact tho.
"Fuck!" He hissed and stepped away from me. I saw blood running down his nose as he quickly looked up to prevent the blood from flowing. That made me smirked in victory.
"Boss!" The two men hurriedly ran after the guy I headbutted but was immediately pushed back by the latter.
I saw him frustratingly take his phone from his side pocket and dial someone. He was now standing right beside me pulling my hair backwards.
"Ahhh! Fucking asshole! Just don't let me escape from here or else… I will destroy your fucking face!" I blurted out while he was still pulling my hair smirking.
"Salve! Mio amico!" He released my hair as he talked over the phone and took two steps away from me. I felt the skin of my head stinging because of his forceful pull. I was panting as I looked into his face sharply.
I noticed the guy's face twitch and signaled his two men standing at the other side of me. They grabbed my arms as I was forced to stand up still with tied hands. I whimpered with their sudden actions. I heard the guy holding the chuckled over the person behind the line.
The two men covered my mouth annoyed as they were told by the man holding the phone. They dragged me backwards as I screamed when I suddenly heard a shot from a gun. Oh My God! Is this the end of me? I closed my eyes out of fear.
I've even heard him say to the other line that he will just kill me instead. Whoever he was talking to, I'm sure as hell that they were kind of negotiating into something. Another loud bang was heard all over the place that made me stop from whimpering as he pointed the gun into my direction. I saw a devilish smirk flustered over his face as he ended the call and he went out of the room humming and smiling ear to ear.
I was dropped abruptly into the ground creating a loud thud as the guys left the room soon after their so-called 'Boss' disappeared.
I tried to look around to find something to use for my escape. To my disappointment, I couldn't find any. All I can see is darkness aside from the light that was situated near the chair I was tied to from a while ago. Then I remembered the knife that was inside my shoes. My only problem now is on how I am supposed to get it. I smiled with my sudden realization, why did I even forget about it. I always have my knife with me whenever and wherever I go. It's for my self defense purposes, I had it since I was 18 and my mother gave it to me as a gift.
Before I initiated a move, I examined my surroundings first. When I am sure that no one is coming I move quickly but carefully to not make a sound. I adjusted my arms lower to the ground and pulled myself together to make myself half sitting. I stepped my foot into my tied hands backwards making it appear to the front as I stretched it to reach for my shoes and remove it from my feet. I took my shoes with my tied hands and put it close to my mouth and bit into its edge. I shook my head together with my shoes and after a few more shakes the mini knife was dropped into the ground.
"Yes!" I exclaimed in delight and proud of myself. I immediately shifted and took the mini knife and put it in between my tied feet. I placed the shaft of the knife in between my ankles while the blade was upfront. Then I moved my arms and placed the part where it's tied to the blade and moved my arms up and down hurriedly. My sweat was already dripping all over my face as I made my pace even faster until the tie slowly loosened up and eventually released myself.
Before I could start untying my foot, I heard tires screeching from the outside of this abandoned place. So I instantly doubled my pace thinking that those bastards might come back. But gunshots rained from the inside and outside of the place. The anxiousness built up all over my body and I couldn't get myself together, I couldn't untie myself. Holy crap! I was trembling in fear and I even dropped the knife so many times because of nervousness.
Suddenly, I heard a strong banging of the door behind me as I saw the 'Boss' emerge from it, full of blood over his left shoulder. Finally, I managed to free myself but I was too late, the guy dragged my hair back and he grabbed my neck, causing me to cough harder as I was being choked.
"What? Are you trying to escape from me ragazza!?" He yelled out. As a devilish laugh escapes from his disgusting mouth.
I was surprised to see another man emerge from the door holding two guns from both his hands. His dark eyes were flaming with anger as he breathed heavily and groaned the moment his eyes landed into mine. My eyes widened seeing Scott untouched. My jaw dropped as I saw him walk even closer to our direction without blinking.
"Don't you dare come closer Alfonzo! Or else… she will die!" The man threatened as he was still choking my neck. He slowly walked backwards while his other hand, which is holding a gun, was already pointed into my head. He was already weak, he was just trying to act. His one leg has a gunshots.
I noticed that Scott was glaring at me seems like saying something through his eyes. He was pointing his gun towards us as his eyes moved. I frowned with a sudden realization, he wanted me to focus as he is about to do something crucial in my part.
He shot the guy's other leg causing him to fall out of balance as he automatically loosened up his gripped on me. I then elbowed his stomach and snatch the gun he was holding and pushed him away. I immediately ran towards Scott's direction without a second thought and heard another gunshots before I could even reach his arms. He shot the guy behind me, who was trying to get his luck on shooting me while I was trying to escape.
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