20.4% I'm a Daemon, so what? (Tensura/Multicross) / Chapter 29: Chapter 9 Part 5

章節 29: Chapter 9 Part 5

"Hahahaha, that was great! I like you! I can see why Blanc decided to serve you!"

Arcueid slowly floats down from where she was watching our fight, followed by the Daemon I asked her to bring, "It's Arcueid now Jaune, I told you that it was foolish to fight my master."

I release the pressure around Jaune, she should know she's outclassed now.

Ah Rimuru is flying over here at max speed, Milim is following him though she seems far more relaxed.

"What the hell was that Felix! Why did you just blow up that mountain range! This is going to seriously agitate the Western Nations!"

"Mwhaha what's wrong with showing off one's own power! If they have a problem they are more than welcome to come fight us!" Milim says while punching her open palm

I look towards Rimuru apologetically, "Sorry about that Rimuru, Arcueid brought a new potential subordinate for me, we ended up fighting and it was a bit more destructive than planned. Just blame it on Veldora, umu."

"Umu, it's perfectly fine to blame acts of massive destruction on me! It will only bolster my reputation hahahaha!" Gah where the hell did he come from all of a sudden?!

He then turned to look at me, "Felix! Why didn't you tell me you were born from one of the worlds described within the Sacred Texts?!"

Ugh, he read Jujutsu Kaisen didn't he?

"It just never came up"

I turn to look towards Jaune who is talking with Arcueid, "So, are you willing to serve me? I can give you a Material Body, it won't be as good as Arcueid's, but if you prove to be a good subordinate I can upgrade it over time."

"Haha, if you can give me a good fight like that once and a while, then I'm in!"

"I can do that, here, I'll make a body for you."

Hmm, I don't want something weak, she is gonna be my subordinate for now.

I end up using some Orichalcum left over from the crafting of my own weapon, that should be sufficiently strong, definitely stronger than my original vessel.

It doesn't take long for Jaune to possess it. She manifested a black fur coat, along with a white shirt and a tie.

She really does look like a delinquent.

"Woah, this body is great! Haha, I already feel stronger!"

Arcueid looked at Jaune haughtily as she said, "Indeed, your vessel is sufficient, my master never does things by half after all, but it is still far below mine."

Ugh, these two were rivals weren't they?

"What's you say! You wanna fight?! I'll beat you up!"

Why is she talking like a yankee now?

I decide to nip their argument in the bud, "Oh Arcueid, is that the subordinate for Milim I asked you to bring?"

Arcueid looks towards me, then to her subordinate, "Yes, my master, he is one of my strangest subordinates, he was my lieutenant."

Her Lieutenant? He must be fairly strong then.

Milim floated down towards him, the only way to describe his looks is that he looks like a stereotypical butler.

"So you're gonna be my new minion huh? Umu you will do! Now I can brag to Ramiris about my subordinate! Oi Felix! Make a body for him!"

"Why should I? On second thought, I'll do it if you stop making craters whenever you land!"

I notice Rimuru looking at me like I'm a saint.

'Answer, you are a Demon Lord. Saints are a human evolution'

'Was that sass Odin?'

'Answer, no.'

It was definitely sass!

'Answer, You're imagining it.'

"But Why?!" Milim yelled

"Well, do you want me to do it or not?"

"Fine fine you big meanie!"

She'll get over it after I give her some sweets.

I'll just make a simple magisteel body, Milim can upgrade it later.

Thankfully I have a large stock of magisteel from Rimuru.

The Daemon quickly inhabits the body I made.

"Hmm, what should I name you? I can't have an unnamed subordinate after all. Aha, how about Arc, named after Arcueid!"

Ugh, how uncreative.

It's weird that he's still an Arch Daemon for some reason, even after being named. I would have thought that receiving a name would be enough to trigger an evolution.

'Incorrect, due to not having a sufficient enough amount of magicules gathered for evolution, the Daemon known as Arc was unable to evolve. However, his previous strength cap was lifted due to receiving a name, and incarnating in the Material World.'

I see, so receiving a name isn't enough sometimes huh?

Now onto Jaune.

I've seen she is a brute force type and will follow those she perceives as stronger so I should be fine naming Jaune now, though I'd best wait until after the Walpurgis in case it takes her longer than normal to evolve since her body is subpar compared to Arcueid's Deathman body, the jump in strength will be alot bigger.

Once the evolution was complete, he bowed, "I will serve you to the best of my abilities Milim-sama."

"Umu! I can't wait to see the look on Ramiris' face!"

Speak of the devil, I sense someone teleporting near us, 

"I have arrived! Be grateful I decided to attend the Walpurgis with you, no one will try to beat you up with me protecting you!"

She's followed by Treyni and a Daemon of my own Lineage, interesting, it seems to be a mutated Daemon.

'Answer. The Daemon is a variant of the Arch Daemon evolution known as an Arch Doll, it occurs when a Greater Daemon fuses with a golem body it causes them to mutate.'

I see, that's interesting, I wonder how a race like that will evolve further.

Like that the night passed and we were set to go to the Walpurgis. Everyone is assembled. Ramiris who is taking Treyni and a Daemon of my Lineage Baretta, Milim and her new subordinate Arc, Rimuru followed by Ranga and Benimaru and then myself accompanied by Arcueid and Jaune.

"The time has come." Announces Treyni

"Yep, that's our ride." The pipsqueak pointlessly adds

A purple line appears from the ground and a really edgy door rises up out of it.

"Oh wow whoever designed that door likely cuts people on contact with how edgy they must be."

"Umu, Guy is always like that." adds Milim

Soon enough a green haired Daemon walks through the gate, "I've come to collect you, Ramiris-sama, Milim-sama, and Felix-sama." she said with a bow

Very professional.

She's quite strong as well, probably a bit weaker than Arcueid and Diablo.

She must be the Primordial of Green, Vert. She's a Daemon Duke as well.

I notice her vision stray to Arcueid and Jaune, "What are you two doing here, Blanc and Jaune?"

"Ara, it has been a long time Vert, I have a name now, Arcueid. I am attending this banquet with my master, Felix-sama."

"Yeah, I decided to serve this guy as well, he seems fun."

"I see, to think that both of you would serve a master one day. How peculiar."

Ramiris chose this moment to butt in. 

"Long time no see Misery! How's your partner Rain?"

"As well as ever, thank you for asking."

She then turned towards me, "Are you Felix-sama?"

"I see, my master, Guy-sama has told me about you, please proceed through the gate."

Before we went though Rimuru had something to say, "I have declared myself a Demon Lord, I would like to attend the Walpurgis and prove myself."

"A Demon Lord? I see, please proceed then, you may bring two attendants."

That was easier than I thought it would be, Ramiris took the lead, "Let's go, Beretta, Treyni!"

Milim and I went next followed by our subordinates.

As we walked through the portal I loosened my hold over my Aura. It's best if the other Demon Lords are aware that I'm qualified to be a Demon Lord, I can nip quite a few cliches in the bud by doing this.

Now even those without Ultimate Skills should be able to measure my strength if they look deep enough.

Once we arrived I looked around, it seems like we are the only ones to have arrived so far.

Ramiris approached the Daemon at the head seat, that must be Guy Crimson.

Damn, he's strong.

'Notice, it is suspected that the Daemon known as Guy Crimson is purposefully manipulating his aura to look like a brute with no skill, someone who can not control their own strength. Along with that, his host body is that of a Deathman, along with the host bodies of his two maids.'

I see, so the Walpurgis has already started then huh? He's already taking a measure of everyone who arrives.

And you said his host body is a Deathman? He must be incredibly strong physically then, and he even has his maids in Deathman. He must have killed a ton of people to get the corpses for that.

'Notice, his host body is stronger than the Master's likely due to far more bodies being used in its creation.'

For real?! That's going to be an advantage he has over me.

I observe Guy with Milim Eye, hopefully I can figure out how strong he really is.

Thanks to Odin inheriting Milim Eye I can even get through the innate defense that Ultimate Skill wielders have.

It seems like Guy has a few Ultimate Skills, as expected of the so-called strongest Demon Lord.

He is also extremely powerful magical wise, more powerful than even me, which is incredibly surprising as I have 'Satanael' running passively providing a boost to my abilities.

Even with all the benefits I have with basically infinite magicules, 'Satanael', and 'Ouroboros', I still don't know who would win in a fight between us. If it turns into a fight of endurance I should be capable of winning, but who knows what sort of abilities someone like Guy Crimson could possess.

He's been around for thousands of years after all, I'm sure he has a lot more experience than me.

Though with Odin figuring out the most optimal way to beat him I don't think it's impossible.

It seems I still have a ways to go before I am considered at the top of this world if Guy Crimson is still more magically powerful than me. 

'It has been detected that individual known as Guy Crimson possesses one naturally awakened Ultimate Skill, along with multiple Copied Ultimate Skills.'

Copied! Is he able to copy skills like me?! That increases his threat level multiple times.

He might have even copied 'Satanael' when he fought Milim all those years ago, basically negating one of sole advantages with infinite magicules, and never ending strength the angrier I get. 

But if that is true that means the strength I am seeing from him now might not be his base stats.

If he did copy 'Satanael', then If I want to beat him I would need to beat him before he powers up further with 'Satanael', or just become so overwhelmingly powerful that he isn't able to reach my level with just 'Satanael'. The second scenario is most likely a long time away.

If I give him time to power up then that battle is likely to just turn into a stalemate.

Hopefully I am still capable of further growth, increasing your base stats is always helpful after all.

'How were you able to even figure that out Odin?'

'Through analysis of your own Ultimate Skills it was discovered that naturally awakened Ultimate Skills are engraved into the soul, whereas copied ones are attached to the soul.'

I see, I guess that makes sense though seeing as how I didn't naturally awaken the Ultimate Skill, it has to be given to me somehow.


'Odin, does that mean Guy can theoretically copy Ouroboros?'

'Through analysis of your own Ultimate Skill Ouroboros it was determined that it is unlikely that Guy Crimson can copy it. Ouroboros is inherently superior compared to the Master's other Ultimate Skills, if someone else had a similar skill then you would not be capable of copying it without incredibly detailed analysis, or upgrading Odin.'

I see, I don't want to deactivate 'Infinity' seeing as I'm in potentially hostile territory, if he could copy it he has likely already had more than enough time to do so, so there would be no point in deactivating it anyway. 

'Odin is also preventing detailed analysis of Ouroboros so copying it is impossible.'

'Seriously? You couldn't have just said that at first?'

As I'm arguing with Odin, the maid from earlier directs me to a seat at the middle of the table, while Rimuru is seated at the very end.

This was likely Clayman's seat, Milim took one of the seats next to Guy Crimson.

I notice Guy staring at Arcueid and Jaune, then to me, ah, he is a Primordial as well, I almost forgot with all his other titles.

Lord of Darkness, how chunni.

'Query. Were you not chanting your magic in order to appear chuuni?'

'I was, but it was cool at the time!'

'Whatever you say.'

The maid from earlier, Mizery went around serving all the attendants wine, once I tried it I was impressed, this is some good shit.

The next one to enter is a massive hulk of a man, Demon Lord Dagruel, the Giant probably.

Man is he radiating a ton of magicules, fighting him seems like it would be a pain.

The next people to enter seem to be Vampires, there is the fake Demon Lord, a butler, and a maid.

Is she even trying to hide who the real Demon Lord is? At least suppress your aura to make it seem like you're weaker.

It seems like she is stronger than Arcueid, and she also has a Unique Skill.

She might not be directly responsible for the Church's assistance in the attack on Tempest, but it sure as hell happened due to her oversight.

I might as well get my own petty revenge.

"Yo Rimuru, that Demon Lord must have a maid fetish pretending to be one, while her subordinate or friend or whatever is playing pretend Demon Lord." I shout across the table while pointing at Luminous.

Hehe her brow just seriously twitched!

"Wait if I recall correctly she is also playing as a God to the humans, I think her name was Luminous as in the God Luminous of the Western Holy Church."

Hehe it's twitching again this is so much fun!

"Felix! Luminous was trying to hide that she was a Demon Lord!"

"Haha, Milim, you just exposed her even more than I did! At Least with my comments The fake could still act offended to keep the charade going since I'm only a newbie Demon Lord."

Ah, Milim still isn't able to whistle huh? Ah Luminous looks really pissed now, maybe I should blame Veldora? I heard they didn't get along. He did say it was fine to blame him for everything that would increase his notoriety after all.


She transforms from her maid outfit to a gothic outfit.

Very tasteful.

It's best to make sure that she doesn't totally dislike us.

"Heh, since I broke your charade, have this as a gift." I throw her a full potion

"It's a full potion with 99% efficiency, I'm sure you know what it's capable of."

"Tch, who told you about my identity?"

"Well, I don't kiss and tell, but I heard that a certain Evil Dragon has been unsealed."

"Blasted Evil Dragon."

Milim looked at me with surprise but I winked at her.

Luminous looked at the fake and said, "Since my cover is gone you can return and make sure everything is fine."

The next one to arrive was a sleepy looking guy, he didn't bring any attendants though.


The sleepy guy looked at Ramiris, 

"Oh, hey. Well you're still a pipsqueak huh?" Ramiris flew towards him.

"Hey! Are you trying to pick a fight?! I can easily beat you up!"

The sleepy guy looked amused. 

"Why would I pick a fight I know I could win super easily?"

I chose to tune them out, they seem to get along well.

The next one to come was Frey and Carrion, odd that they came together but oh well.

Frey brought some harpy servants, while Carrion brought two of his Beastkeeters.

Both greeted me before taking their seats.

Heh look at the goofy expression on Rimuru's face, he clearly likes Frey's body, umu, he has good taste.

Heh, I have a good way to mess with him.

"Hey Frey you still owe me that pleasurable time that you agreed to. Do you have a day when you're free?" I say with a smirk.

"Gah! Felix!"

"Ara ara, I didn't think you were interested after you ignored poor little me?"

"Ah, I would never ignore a woman as beautiful as you Frey, I've just been busy with a few things the last few months."

"Hahaha, you're still as amusing as ever Felix, though we need to fight again, I've been training."

"Haha, sure Carrion, be ready to be defeated though, I've grown far stronger since the last time we fought."

"I can tell, your aura has increased significantly."

In the middle of our conversation another Demon Lord enters, huh it's a real pretty boy type with blonde hair, maybe this is Leon? 

He looks at me and Arcueid with no reaction but when he turns his eyes upon Jaune his brows heavily twitch, I wonder what she did to irritate him? Oh wow the eye twitch caused Guy to smirk in amusement, this Leon guy must be really hard to annoy! Thus Prime pranking material.

- Rimuru -

Gah, Felix, that lucky bastard, having a mature beauty like that all to himself. He already has three other beauties. Why can't he leave some for the rest of us?!

Still to think Felix is that strong, he hadn't gotten the chance to see how strong Felix was since he is always concealing his 'Aura', now that he can see it though….

According to Raphael he would not have a very high likelihood of beating Felix in a fight, less than 1% in fact. Raphael said that Felix's sheer magicule capacity is greater than even Milim's!

What a monster.

And to think that the Demon Lord Luminous is also the God of the Holy Church.

The Holy Church is still something he will have to deal with, hopefully it goes well.

"Hey Leon, have you been lonely lately without me there to liven up your day?" 

He looked towards Felix's new servant, does she know Leon?

"I would be perfectly content if you stopped bombarding my castle with nuclear magic everyday." Ah yes that would get annoying quickly, but he deserves it for what he did to Shizu.

"She really likes her explosions, should I name her Megumin?" He hears Felix whisper, hmm that would be a good name for her if she likes explosions.

All of a sudden he feels a massive aura, he looks towards where he felt it come from.

"Woah! What the Hell!" Jaune yells out just before she is encased in a cocoon of magicules like Diablo was during his naming.

"Oh My!" Arcueid seems to find this amusing.

"In the middle of Walpurgis of all times? How inappropriate." Luminous seems entirely unamused, and slightly wary.

"Ara ara, was it really wise to do that right now Master?" He hears Arcueid ask Felix

Gah! Arcueid really has the Onee-sama energy! Damn bastard, getting a subordinate like that.

Felix himself looks clueless as to what just happened for a moment before his face morphs in realization.

He doesn't look like he meant to do that, who knows how many people he's accidentally named like that?

'Answer, unlike you he appears to be far more careful with giving out names, so this is likely his first accidental naming.'

'Ah why do you gotta be so mean Raphael, we all make mistakes.'

Thankfully the now named Megumin's evolution doesn't take long.

He looked towards Leon and noticed that he was observing him with an odd look in his eyes.

He looked around the room, it seems like everyone is here.

He looked towards where Guy Crimson was sitting, 

"Thank you for attending everyone, now that everyone is here, it's time for the introductions then we shall commence the Walpurgis."


Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)

Support me or read ahead on: https://www.p@treon.com/theogbasilisk

I hang out in Crossedge's Discord server https://discord.gg/RNNZyyert4

Author's Note:

Lots of stuff happened this chapter, new characters introduced, we finally got to meet all the other Demon Lords.

In canon Kurumi originally first had a child form, but that was when she was named by Rimuru, someone far weaker than the current Felix, I feel like she should be able to skip the child evolutionary stage since Felix is naming her.

The Walpurgis start in the next chapter so look forward to that.

Anyways thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it.

next chapter
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