18.36% I'm a Daemon, so what? (Tensura/Multicross) / Chapter 26: Chapter 9 Part 2

章節 26: Chapter 9 Part 2

He looked around the meeting room. Currently only a few people are here, Gazel Dwargo, Erald Grimwald, and Felix. Though Felix is in the next room.

It's been a little while since Gazel and Erald showed up, thankfully that misunderstanding was quickly solved.

Erald Grimwald is the father of Eren and the Uncle of the Empress of Sarion.

Man who would have thought that Eren was a Princess?

He ended up gathering everyone so he they could all be introduced.

Shuna quickly introduced everyone, she started by introducing Treyni, the Caretaker of Jura, it will help make his claim over Jura more official.

She then went on to introduce Gazel, Erald, Fuze, then Youm and Mjurran, as he was planning to have Youm become the King of Falmuth.

Falmuth won't ever be able to harm Tempest again with his subordinate as their head of state.

He decided to add something in as he wanted to involve Felix in this conversation, "Ah, I have one more person to introduce, Felix, it should be fine for you to come out now!"

Felix quickly appeared in front of everyone at a speed even he couldn't track.

The moment Gazel and Erald caught sight of him they stood up on guard, "A Daemon!"

Gazel turned towards him and said, "Rimuru! Who is this Daemon? Diablo is one thing, but this Daemon feels much more powerful than him."

Felix isn't suppressing his aura for some reason, likely as a show of power, Arcueid, Saeko, and Raiden quickly appear behind him.

"Ah, this is my friend Felix and his subordinates, he's a good friend of mine and will soon have a country of his own. It will be good for everyone involved if you guys got to know him in order to prevent future misunderstandings."

Erald looked confused for a second before his face lit up in realization, "A Kingdom of his own! Could he be the Daemon that was reported to have killed Demon Lord Clayman?!"

"Umu, that is correct."

"Any more surprises you wish to drop on us Rimuru?" Oh wow Gazel's brow is twitching he must be really annoyed.

"Not that I can think of?"

"Hahaha Seriously Rimuru you forgot?"

"What did I forget?"

"You forget how the world views your bosom buddy. Don't worry I invited him over, in fact he is here right now."

The door bangs open.

"Rimuru my brother, how could you have forgotten to invite your buddy to something so fun?!" 

"This isn't something you would find fun though?"

"But you said it would be Felix? Did you trick me?"

"No it will be fun, guys this is Rimuru's Bosom Buddy Veldora Tempest, The Storm Dragon. Now wait for it!"



"Umu! I'm the Storm Dragon Veldora Tempest!"

Ah, Fuze fainted.

"He must have been overcome with emotion, it is an honor to speak with me after all."

"Hahahaha See I said it would be fun, their reactions are priceless. Amusement aside your connection to Veldora is not the sort of thing you should keep from allies"

He looked at Veldora and Felix with exasperation, "I don't think that's it Veldora. Sigh, since you are here anyway, can you act as an advisor? Or, you can go take a walk if you want?"

"Oh, an enthusiastic walk?!"

"Gah! No! Not an enthusiastic walk!"

"Aww, I've always wanted to take one of those…"

"I see, you are a man of culture Veldora!"

"Felix! You too?! My brother, you never told me that Felix was a man of culture!" ah these two are going to drive me nuts and unlike Veldora he doesn't have even the slightest idea how to curb Felix's more chaotic tendencies.

Maybe when he has his own country to manage he will cool down?

Yeah right! Still one can hope.

"Rimuru!" he turned towards Gazel, "We need to talk to you." He saw Erald nodding in the background, sigh this is going to be a bothersome meeting.

Felix put his arm around him and said, "I'm coming to this little gathering, though Veldora this would be boring for you, here have some Culture Rimuru lacks." Felix produces a few volumes of manga and light novels I'm not familiar with. Did he come from a point further in the future than me? If so I will have to check those out later.

"Gah, well then I will continue to read more sacred texts. Hey Felix, we should have discussions about the sacred texts later."

"The sacred texts? Oh you mean manga and Light Novels! Yeah sure, I wonder if our two Earths had different manga Rimuru, we should compare later."

"Our two earths! What do you mean Felix?!"

"Huh? Did I never tell you? I came from a different version of Earth than the one you came from, I'll tell you about it later."

"Gazel, do you understand what they are talking about?"

"No, I am sadly just as lost as you with this conversation."

Ah, he should probably deal with them before talking with Felix about what he just said.

"Alright, Gazel, Erald, follow us to the meeting room, we can talk there."

They ended up talking about quite a few things.They will be having a meeting later with everyone but for this meeting he just wanted to share his goals with them, see if he can get them on his side.

Felix will also have a nation of his own soon so it would be good if he is able to form a relationship with Gazel and Erald.

He started by telling his entire story, from his death to his reincarnation, Felix already knew about this but he hoped that by sharing it with Gazel and Erald that he could gain some trust from them. 

They ended up discussing everything, one issue that kept popping up was the Western Holy Church, Felix said that they didn't need to worry about that, he was about to ask why but Felix sent him a Thought Communication saying they can discuss it later.

Gazel and Erald didn't seem to have that much faith in his words, but they ended up trusting him seeing as he had a close relationship with Tempest, he had no reason to lie after all, and he trusted his friend.

Gazel and Erald still offered their support in case the Holy Church made any hostile moves so that was nice.

He was able to create a friendly relationship with Sarion through this meeting, so he decided to help Felix out by saying that should Felix take over Jistav, Tempest will ally with the nation

Seeing the direction the talks were going Felix called his subordinate Arcueid in as his representative, she is the one who is going to be basically running the country after all according to Felix.

He had offered to help modernize his country like Tempest a few days ago, it's the least he could do for his friend, his only requirement was that they have a long lasting alliance which Felix agreed to.

From what he is seeing she is extremely good at politics, she is toying with Gazel and Erald. It's not that Erald and Gazel aren't skilled at politics, it's just that It's almost like Arcueid was born for this.

Felix is in good hands, she will be able to make sure that his country is both politically and militarily powerful.

After the alliances were made he informed the three of his decision to become a Demon Lord.

Demon Lord's are symbols of fear and power, no one would attack Tempest if he was a Demon Lord.

Felix's name is already out there from killing Clayman, people fear him just because of that one feat, and while that is helping Tempest as it's known that he stays here he can't rely on Felix for everything.

Not to mention that he will be more busy with his own territory soon enough.

next chapter

章節 27: Chapter 9 Part 3

- Felix -

I continued to watch the meeting, at first I was surprised at how well both Gazel and Erald got along, even when trading jabs with each other I could tell it was only jokes to them.

Though I guess it only makes sense seeing as how according to Ramiris they are both descended from Earth and Wind Spirits respectively.

King Gazel is even a Saint with a Unique Skill.

At some point the conversation came to a point where our evolutions into Demon Lords came up. The issue was that Rimuru massacring 20,000 people will make it hard for other nations and people to trust him. 

After all, anyone he meets will consider the thought that Rimuru can easily kill them, most people don't want to be in the presence of someone like that, someone who is capable of wiping them out effortlessly.

There weren't any bodies left from Rimuru's massacre, and it was already known that I killed Clayman and his entire army of over 30,000 majins so I offered to take the blame for it, not like it will hurt my reputation any more than everything that has happened already has.

However Gazel came up with an alternative idea, blame Veldora. Veldora is already known to be an Evil Dragon, it wouldn't be odd for him to massacre a bunch of humans who bothered him right after he was sealed after all.

This also made it so my reputation wouldn't take a dip as according to Gazel, massacring a bunch of majin and massacuring humans are seen in completely different lights.

This way my country still has the possibility of having friendly relations with some human nations.

Once the private meeting was over and everyone was on the same page, I brought Arcueid in so that we could discuss an alliance in more detail.

It was quite entertaining to watch as Arcueid slowly wrapped Gazel and Erald around her finger, at this point they were just moving as she wanted to. She wasn't using any skills or magic, just pure political maneuvers. Man did I get lucky summoning her, as long as I have her my country should flourish.

It doesn't hurt that she is also drop dead gorgeous, huh, now that I think about it all my subordinates are beautiful.

Hmm, I haven't gotten laid in a long long while either, I definitely wouldn't say no to any of them. Ah well, it's best to just let things move at their own pace, if it happens it happens.

Once everything was sorted out we headed back outside to have a meeting with everyone relevant involved.

It was basically just the same discussion as before, Rimuru talked about his reincarnation along with everything that had happened with Hinata Sakaguchi.

From Fuze's reaction it seems that she is quite important. I have heard about her before, during my travels she was said to be the leader of the so-called Ten Great Saints.

Though from what I was able to learn they aren't all actual Saints. They are just Enlightened with the potential to reach that stage.

Hinata must be quite strong to have been capable of practically toying with Pre-Awakening Rimuru.

He was around a Disaster-class threat at that point, along with being a Demon Lord Seed.

All that with just Holy Magic and Swordsmanship, hmm, maybe I should look into Holy Magic, from what Rimuru is describing Holy Magic can be quite fearsome as long as you have enough faith.

"Khuhuhu, Rimuru-sama, allow me to take care of this Hinata." said Diablo

Ugh, that laugh of his creeps me out, if I wasn't sure of his loyalty to Rimuru I would 100% think that he is the bad guy behind everything wrong with the world.

My first meeting with Diablo was quite odd.

- Flashback -

Man is the hot spring relaxing, the people of this world don't know what they are missing with this.


Rimuru is coming here with Diablo.

I haven't gotten the chance to have a conversation with Diablo but from what Arcueid has said he is a complete monster combat wise, he was able to rival Guy Crimson back before Guy was summoned.

The odd thing about Daemons of Black according to Arcuied is that most of them desire things other than strength, oftentimes strength is just a side benefit they get chasing their goals.

Diablo himself is quite strong, I noticed he gained a Unique Skill from being named.

Between Arcuied and Diablo I'm not sure who would win in a fight, Arcueid has a superior vessel as her Deathman body was made out of 30,000+ majin, whereas Diablo's was made up of about 20,000 humans.

But Diablo's mastery over his abilities and new Unique Skill aren't to be underestimated.

Truly an interesting subordinate that Rimuru summoned, I'm not sure why he chose to serve Rimuru but his loyalty is true.

Soon enough Rimuru and Diablo arrived, "And this is the hot spring, this place is great to relax."

"Truly Rimuru-sama, I thank you for showing me this establishment." He then looked towards me, "And who is this?"

Rimuru then looked towards me and said, "Hey! What's up Felix, I hope you don't mind if we join you!"

"Come on in, the more company the better."

He nodded, then looked at Diablo, "Umu, that's Felix, one of my closest friends, just treat him like an honored guest."

"An honored guest? I see, I will fulfill his wishes as best I can." 

As the two were entering the hot spring Rimuru said, "Umu, Felix, this is Diablo, my new secretary."

"Secretary? I see, it would be useful for you to have a secretary wouldn't it? I don't think anyone can claim to have a Primordial as a secretary though, except maybe Guy Crimson, though according to Milim his Primordial servants are his maids. Umu, a respectable fetish."

"Really?! Umu, respectable indeed."

"Ah, Rimuru-sama, I would be honored to become your maid if you wish, us Daemons are able to freely change genders so it will not be a problem for me."

"Ah, uhm, no maybe another time Diablo."

As I watched their interaction I could tell that Rimuru was barely holding himself back from agreeing, he likely only said no due to his Japanese upbringing, asking someone to change genders isn't something that's usually done after all.

But, I'm sure he'll crack in time.

I took a closer look at the Primordial of my Lineage, I could see that he was observing me as well, I'm sure this is a first for him, to see something completely new, something that was likely thought to be impossible.

"It is nice to meet you, Felix-sama."

"Ah, It's nice to meet you as well Diablo, I did always wonder what the Primordial of my Lineage would be like."

"Huh! Felix, he's the Primordial of your Lineage?! You never told me!"

"Ah, it must have slipped my mind, I am a Daemon belonging to the Black Lineage."

"Huh, I summoned someone really impressive then."

"Summoning any Primordial and living to tell the tale is impressive Rimuru."

"They really are some big shots huh?"

Sigh, this guy.

I look back towards Diablo, at which point he gives me a creepy grin, "Kihuhuhu, truly interesting, I will enjoy watching you grow Felix-sama, to have outgrown a Primordial, you must be truly special."

What the fuck is that laugh, that's creepy as hell.

"Ah, thanks I guess?"

- Flashback End -

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