17% I'm a Daemon, so what? (Tensura/Multicross) / Chapter 24: Chapter 8 Part 4

章節 24: Chapter 8 Part 4

It soon got dark so we decided to head to my home in Tempest. It wasn't destroyed in any way as the barriers I placed around it when I left protected it.

I gave Arcueid a room to stay in, Rimuru had it made quite large so I have plenty of extra space.

Milim decided to stay at my place and I didn't see any reason to refuse.

I decided to go to bed early, I didn't really need sleep to function but it helped me process things, and allowed me to get some mental rest.

I ended up waking up around noon the next day, it looks like Rimuru finally woke up, it seems like he is going around making sure everything is running well.


It seems that Carrion is here for some reason, odd.

Hopefully he isn't here to get revenge on Milim for beating him up, or I'll have to go and beat Carrion up some more.

I quickly freshen up then head out of my room towards the living room.

It seems like Saeko, Raiden and Arcueid decided to wait for me to wake up before going out.

Raiden was making us breakfast, she said that she has been intensely training in the art of being a maid since I left, she even had to fight Saeko over the privilege of making me food.

They ended up making some sort of deal for Raiden to be my primary cook, and Saeko would occasionally make me food if I wished for it. Though this didn't seem to affect Saeko's drive to make me a dish I would love, I really hope she improved her cooking, I do not want to eat that eldritch abomination she comes up with. 

Though normally Saeko would never budge on something like that, I do wonder what Raiden offered.

From the smell it seems Raiden's cooking has improved, it seems those lessons from Shuna have paid off.

"Felix-sama, I hope you rested well."

"Yup, I really needed that rest, I know that I was asleep for 2 days, but it sure didn't feel like it." I turn towards my newest subordinate, Arcueid. "I hope you liked the room you got, though it's likely worse than whatever you had in the Demon Realm seeing as you were basically a Queen there."

"Ara, I thank you for your concern Master, but the accommodations were perfect, I was also able to acclimate to my new powers over night."

That quick?!

I haven't even started getting used to my new abilities and she did it in just one night?

Man these Primordials sure are something special.

"I see, well, if you guys are all ready let's head out, I'm curious as to what Carrion is doing here. Also, where is Milim? I don't sense her in Tempest."

"Ah! I forgot! She asked me to inform you that she will be going out to meet Demon Lord Frey, she said she would be back later." I look towards Saeko in exacerbation

You forgot?

Come on Saeko, sigh, I guess that clumsiness will always be there.

"Saeko, you know you really are an excellent secretary… absolutely perfect…. As long as you don't do anything! Cause it's only your looks!"

Saeko gasped and turned to look at me in shock, oh, was that a bit mean? 

"F-felix-sama, how could you… shower me with such praise! I'm honored!"

Gah, of course that wouldn't hurt her feelings, damn Saeko.

Anyways, that makes sense, Milim said that Frey was involved in her plan of exposing Clayman, she likely went to discuss everything that happened.

"I see, well, let's go then, I can show you around as well Arcueid, unless you have already taken a look around?"

"I have Master, I wanted to be aware of the surrounding area in case of an emergency."

Already preparing for an emergency?

"I see, that's fine then."

I quickly sense where Rimuru is and head over to him, he is in his office and it looks like Carrion is also with him along with his Beastketeers.

Once I arrive I knock on the door, and enter with my subordinates following along with me.

"Hey Rimuru, Carrion."

"Ah Felix! I'm glad to see that your awakening went well, I heard you woke up before me."

"Thanks Rimuru, it looks like you got quite a bit stronger now too, I woke up yesterday." I turn towards Carrion, "So what brings you here Carrion?"

"Ah, I was just establishing a closer partnership between Eurazania and Tempest. I also wanted to thank you, if you hadn't stopped Milim in time, who knows what she would have done."

"Ah, that wasn't on purpose, I was just in the area dealing with something and Milim was nearby so she came to check what I was doing."

"Nonetheless, you still have my thanks. I also heard you did Clayman in huh? That attack you used to wipe out Clayman and his army was impressive, I felt it all the way from Eurazania." He turned to look at Arcueid and said, "Is she a new subordinate of yours? She's strong, it wouldn't be odd for someone of her power to be a Demon Lord on her own. And your other subordinates got strong too, looks like the title of Demon Lord is gonna get harder and harder to keep if you and Rimuru keep setting these standards."

"Ah, yeah Arcueid is a new subordinate of mine, I also wouldn't worry about your title, I don't particularly care all that much about it, plus I also heard that I was called to the Walpurgis since I killed Clayman."

"Yeah, I heard about that, boy is this Walpurgis going to be interesting, hah, maybe you'll become a Demon Lord yourself?"

"Who knows, but it does look like it's headed that way."

"I see, well I'm off towards Eurazania, my talks with Rimuru just finished."

"I see, good luck with that."

It's good that he wasn't here for revenge or anything, that would have been annoying to deal with.

Now it's just Rimuru, and I in the room, along with my subordinates.

I take the seat in front of him and say, "So it worked huh."

"Thankfully, I don't know what I would have done if it didn't."

"So what are you going to do now?"

"I have to deal with the aftermath of Falmuth's invasion, then there is the Holy Knights that were involved."

"I see, you got a lot of work to do then, I'll leave you to it then, though just a word of warning, the Daemon you summoned, he is the Primordial of Black Noir, someone who has been around since the dawn of time. Be careful of him, and if you decide to make him a subordinate, query Raphael to ensure there is as little risk as possible if you wish to name him. As you may not be able to name him without consequences as he is much much stronger than anyone you have named before."

"Really?! A Primordial?! Just what did I summon?! Sigh, yeah I'll be careful."

"Good, also make sure to practice your new Ultimate Skill, if you don't have proper control over it they might activate on their own accord."

"What! Really?! Thanks for the warning Felix! Also who is that new subordinate of yours? She feels super strong."

"That's Arcueid, a Primordial just like Noir is, I ended up summoning her and convinced her to serve me."

"I see. Nice to meet you, Miss Arcueid."

"Ara, nice to meet you as well, you must be someone truly interesting for Noir to take interest in you, I'll be keeping an eye on you, I'm curious on how far your potential goes."

"Ah? I see thanks?"

After that I say, "Anyways, see you Rimuru, I'm gonna head to the training ground to get used to my new abilities."

"I see, I should do that later too."

I look towards my subordinates, "Alright, let's go, you guys can practice with me as well, I'm sure that it'll help you learn more about your new skills."

"Yes Felix-sama!" 

"I understand, my master." And Raiden just gave me a bow and a nod.

Once we got there I took a bit of a distance away from everyone else, I am experimenting with skills I've never used before after all, it's best to be careful.

First of all I decide to test my lesser skills first, my 'Ultraspeed Regeneration' became 'Infinite Regeneration', basically it heals much quicker and is capable of healing even my Spiritual Form.

I also got a new skill, 'Demon Lord's Haki'. It basically allows me to exert a super strong pressure on anyone I want, if someone isn't strong enough they can die just from my Haki alone. 


Those were the only new Extra Skills I got, they were also absorbed into one of my new Ultimate Skills along with 'Universal Sense' which strengthened their effects as they are now subskills of an Ultimate Skill. 

With my evolution I also apparently gained Divinity. Now that I examine myself closely I can feel that I have a new aura I'm giving off.

Something sort of like Divine Aura, I experimented a bit with it, I'm able to coat my sword in this Divine Aura and elevate my attacks to a much higher level.

Along with that my newfound Divinity allows me to freely convert my body into either Spiritual Form or Material Form. 

Now moving onto the skills I'm really curious about.

My new Ultimate Skills.

Starting with the one I apparently copied from Rimuru, it looks like Odin took advantage of the opportunity and copied some of Rimuru's skills.

First off she copied Rimuru's Ultimate Skill 'Raphael', it's quite similar to Odin though it lacks the ability to copy, and manipulate skills to the level that Odin is capable of.

According to Odin it is the inferior version.

Anyways, Odin copied it and absorbed it, increasing Odin's abilities multiple times. Odin's calculation abilities were already absurd, but now they are downright scary.

After that she copied Beelzebuth, Lord of Gluttony, basically the super evolved version of Predator.

It still has the original abilities of 'Predator' like being able to absorb anything, 'Stomach', etc, just everything is upgraded by a lot. 'Predation' can absorb even more things now, like Aura, Magicules and even Space and Time.

'Stomach's' storage capacity is ten times larger now, one of its new abilities is 'Corrosion'. It allows me to decompose whatever I'm using 'Predation' on.

Along with that it has the ability of consuming souls now, it can eat the souls of a target and keep the soul stored in 'Stomach', allowing the user to kill whoever's soul they possess at any time. Along with that it allows me to seize the soul of anyone who loses the will to fight me, so basically if anyone forfeits a fight against me, I get their soul.

The final ability is 'Food Chain', it allows me to copy the prototypes of any skills my subordinates have, along with allowing me to give skills to my subordinates as long as they are compatible.

Along with that, my own strength grows as my subordinates get stronger.

It's thanks to 'Food Chain' that Odin was able to get a detailed analysis of all of my subordinate's skills allowing me to recreate any of their skills at will.

Absolutely busted, though all Ultimate Skills are in their own way.

Next is Satanael, Lord of Wrath, along with its subskill, 'Magicule Breeder Reactor' which basically gives me infinite magicules. 'Satanael' also increases the user's power endlessly the angrier the user gets, it is essentially fueled by wrath. Along with that the user's power grows the more they fight, essentially making anyone who goes against the user of such a skill at a large disadvantage. 

Of course this kind of ability has a down side, along with its immense magicule cost; at a certain point the user loses their sanity and destroys everything in their path, essentially turning into a monstrously strong beast.

At my current level I can only actively use about 90% of the skills full power while remaining in control, and 50% of the skills full power while using my other skills. Even then that's only because I have Odin's assistance in maintaining control of myself. Without Odin I likely wouldn't be able to use it at even 10%, at least not without mastering the skill more.

I can see how Milim was able to fight the so-called strongest Demon Lord, one of the only beings to have fought a Catastrophe-class being to a standstill with an ability like this.

At the lower range of 'Satanael' minimal wrath is required so I am capable of keeping it active at 40% passively thanks to Odin's help in controlling it, which is providing a not insignificant boost to my base capabilities. I can only imagine how overwhelmingly powerful one can get at the higher ranges of 'Satanael'.

Finally to my last one, Ouroboros, Lord of Infinity. Boy is this one incredible! 

It has a bunch of new abilities, for one it upgraded all of the skills that went into its creation immensely like 'Limitless' and 'Isolate'. Now I can surround other people with Infinity along with increasing and decreasing its range.

I also got some new abilities, the first subskill is called 'Space-Time Domination', an absolutely absurd ability.

It basically gives me complete control over space and time, theoretically I should be able to stop time, but maybe that is something separate. Odin advised me not to attempt to do so until she finished analyzing its abilities completely.

Still I can basically do anything involving space and time, I can slow down time, I can easily teleport anywhere I want, etc.

Hell, this ability alone would make for a good Ultimate Skill.

The next subskill is 'Law Manipulation', it basically allows me to manipulate the laws of the world directly over certain aspects of reality like, Gravity, Wind, Lightning, and Weather. All of my subordinates' skills technically fall under this.

It basically gives you absolute control over a certain element or aspect of reality.

The next subskill is 'Multi-Dimensional Barrier', it is basically a super evolved version of 'Multilayer Barrier', it is an Absolute Defense that severs you from the space and time around you, basically making it almost impossible to hit you with anything, and it's always active so I'll have another layer of defense in case someone somehow manages to break through my super upgraded Infinity.

Along with that I can also deploy a 'Multi-Dimensional Barrier' like a normal Multilayer Barrier, so I can trap someone in a 'Multi-Dimensional Barrier', which will be incredibly difficult to escape through.

It's like 'Isolate', but better.

The final ability is one that I was surprised to get, 'Planeswalker'.

It allows me to freely travel all of reality, hell theoretically I can probably leave all of reality all together, though I don't ever plan to do that, who knows what sort of monstrosities are beyond reality itself?

'Planeswalker' basically works by calculating the coordinates of a world then allowing me to travel to it. Though once I have been to a world Odin can store the coordinates for future use. Along with that, with the help of Odin I can use it to sense a bunch of other dimensions, or worlds, though I don't really know anything about those other dimensions, so it's probably best to not just randomly teleport to one.

I can even bring other people with me, and potentially make a permanent portal to another world.

Can you take me back to the world I existed in before this one? 

'Answer, Searching soul for coordinates matching previous world, if it is possible it will take an unknown amount of time.'

I see, oh well, It isn't something I need to currently worry about, I want to solve all my issues in this world before I go gallivanting around others, thankfully Odin with the limited knowledge she possessed was able to inform me that whenever I go to another world I will return back to the Cardinal World the moment I leave.

This basically works with my skill speeding up time immensely in the world I travel to, making it seem like no time has passed at all in the Cardinal World or any other worlds I visit in the future, the times will sync back up whenever I leave the other world. 

Though unfortunately I can't do the opposite, I can't speed up time in the Cardinal World to make it seem like no time has passed by in the other worlds as the Voice of the World won't allow something like that.

Not something that's a big deal as either way, to the residents of the Cardinal World it wont even seem like I've left., I don't want to leave this world for long periods as I do still have a life here. It's just that whenever I am in the Cardinal World time will pass normally in the other worlds.

It's safe to say I am absolutely broken now.

I wonder what other sort of absolutely broken Ultimate Skills there are out there, I doubt I'm the only one.

I'm looking forward to the Walpurgis now, hopefully I can encounter some interesting skills there.

- Rimuru -

He headed towards the hill where he showed Shizu of Earth's future.

Once he got there he looked down towards Tempest.

It worked.

Everyone is back.

He may have had to become a monster to bring everyone back, but he has no regrets.

Maybe he should become a Demon Lord, other nations will have to think twice about attacking a Demon Lord after all, and he didn't want to keep relying on Felix's protection.

As he was thinking, one of the Daemons he summoned teleported in front of him.

He bowed and said, "I'm glad to see you have awakened, my lord. I congratulate you on your ascension into a True Demon Lord."

Hmm, so this is a Primordial.

"Thanks! I heard that you helped me out, you can go back now if you want to."

He looked like he was about to cry, "Go… back…?"

"Uh yeah, is there a problem?"

He bowed down and said, "Please my lord, allow me to serve you, even as the lowliest of servants!"

His lowest servant? But isn't this guy a super high ranked Daemon?

"Uhh, I won't pay you anything if that's fine?"

"Of course my lord! It would bring me the greatest joy to serve you!"

"Alright then! I look forward to working with you!"

"Also, you don't need to call me my lord, it's kinda weird, call me Rimuru."

"Rimuru-sama then. I will do whatever it is you ask me, I am content to remain a nameless Daemon."

Nameless huh, Felix said that he should be careful with naming him.

Hey Raphael, what are the chances of me suffering permanent side effects if I name him?

'Answer. 0.0742% chance of suffering permanent side effects from naming the Daemon.'

He was confused, really, that low?

Maybe Felix underestimated his magicule capacity then.

"Umu, I'll give you a name then."

"A name! Truly I would be honored to be named by you Rimuru-sama!"

Hmm, what should he name him?

Aha! "I name you Diablo."

He watched as Diablo underwent an evolution.

That took about half his total magicules, that's odd, summoning Beretta took about 30%. 

'Notice. Since you evolved your magicule capacity has increased by 10 times.'

10 times!

He looked towards the evolving Daemon, he has a feeling he's gonna be one hell of a fiend.


Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)

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Author's Note:

This chapter was a bit info heavy as there were a lot of new abilities that Felix got, along with a lot of things happening in the previous few chapters that have all resulted in this situation. These chapters will probably happen whenever Felix gains a bunch of new abilities like in this chapter, as I want to explain these abilities in my own way, it helps me get an understanding of Felix's new capabilities along with informing you guys what he can now do.

Also if you guys think Ouroboros is too OP it you would be correct, but end game almost everyone's skills are OP. Felix just got to that stage a little sooner than everyone else. Ouroboros is an Outer God Skill completely focused on Space-Time so it makes sense that its abilities focused on Space-Time are absolutely absurd. The only reason Felix was able to get a skill like that is due to Odin wanting to fulfill his wishes along with the fact that Felix had evolved into a Devil Lord and ascended as a True Demon Lord. That's why he could only gain one truly new Ultimate Skill that evolved from his own skills. Ouroboros basically used up all the energy that his evolution provided.

Even then all of Ouroboros abilities have an absurd magicule cost, fortunately for Felix, magicules aren't something he needs to worry about due to Magicule Breeder Reactor, the main thing that makes him so strong is that his skills synergize really well.

Anyways, thanks for reading, hope you guys enjoyed it!

next chapter
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