76.19% I'm a Daemon, so what? (Tensura/Multicross) / Chapter 111: Chapter 41: Attack on the Festival Part 2

章節 111: Chapter 41: Attack on the Festival Part 2

Story: I'm a Daemon, so what?

Disclaimer: I do not own the original setting.

Chapter 41: Attack on the Festival Part 2


- Hinata Sakaguchi -

Hinata looked around in surprise, she didn't expect for Felix to teleport her all of a sudden, but she didn't blame him for being in a hurry.

Before she was teleported away she had ordered Leonard to regroup with some of her subordinates at the Church in Tempest, after that she told him to go rescue as many civilians as possible.

Her views had shifted ever so slightly ever since she met Rimuru and was introduced to Tempest. She knew the Monsters and Majin that resided here were mostly innocent, they were not enemies of Humanity as certain Nations proclaimed them as.

Even Felix, a Demon Lord, wasn't so bad, let alone the much more tame and mild Rimuru.

Hinata would leave it to Felix and the rest to take care of the threat, her job was to protect the kids. She found herself growing rather fond of the children that Rimuru had taught in the past rather quickly. 

She had been teaching them in her spare time and each was incredibly talented.

Each had their own unique personality, Alice and her princess attitude, Kenya and his fiery desire to be like Shizu-sensei, Gale and his maturity, Ryota and his protectiveness, and last but not least Chloe.

Chloe was the most unique and interesting of them all, even greater than Kenya who had the potential to become a True Hero like her. Chloe was already in possession of a Hero's Egg, and was the most talented of the bunch. Not to mention that she was far wiser than her age would suggest, though she still had sudden bouts of childishness.

Each of them had wormed their way into her heart, and she would be damned if she let them get hurt.

She clenched her fists and summoned her blade from her braclet. Her Legend Grade Rapier Moonlight was gifted to her by Lady Luminous, it should be more than sufficient to handle most threats. She also summoned her Legend Grade Holy Armaments.

With both of those few could prove to pose a challenge for her.

It had only been a couple of seconds since Felix teleported her so the kids should currently be safe, still Hinata quickly sensed their location and quickly made her way towards them.

She easily dispatched some of the attackers that thought it was wise to attack her, she couldn't find it in herself to care for the clearly enslaved Otherworlders. The only mercy she granted was keeping the enslaved Otherworlders alive. Rimuru should be able to free them of their Locking Curse so she just knocked them out, leaving them with somewhat minor injuries.

Thankfully by the time she reached the kids no harm had been done to them.

"Hinata-nee!" Called out Chloe.

Hinata stopped in front of the group. They were all gathered together thankfully, Chloe seemed to be the one to take the lead.

Hinata gave a nod. "Chloe, the more time we waste the worse things could potentially get, so I will explain things later. Follow me for now."

They all quickly nodded and followed behind her. She was planning to lead them to one of the many safe houses located throughout Tempest, created for events just like the one currently happening.

The closest one was the one meant for the more upper class of society, nobles and royalty alike.

She could only praise Rimuru's foresight for such a thing.

Unfortunately she could not just teleport everyone to safety as she did not possess the Spatial Motion Skill. And in order to create a Warp Portal she needed to create a special magic circle at the location she was currently located as well as the location she wished to teleport to.

Something she did not have the time to do.

She could summon the Elemental of Space but she wished to conserve as much power as possible in case she needed it later on. For now she would be capable of escorting the children to safety.

Even the Elemental of Space may not be able to do much, it wasn't capable of instantly teleporting others like Felix was, the most it could do was quickly create portals to locations that already have a magic circle ready.

One thing she did notice however is that while the kids were in a generally panicked mood, Chloe seemed to be relatively calm and collected.

How odd.

- Felix - 

I quickly stored Mariabell in my Infinity Space, I toyed around enough with her and her minions. It's quite funny though that she actually thought her plans would work.

She has eyes yet she can't even see Mount Tai! 

I didn't end up playing around for that long though, maybe a minute tops.

Most battles only last a couple of seconds when one is overwhelmingly superior to the opponent, and I was just messing around a bit so it took a bit longer.

It was worth it anyway, I got to have fun with some abilities I haven't really used, after all against stronger opponents they are basically worthless. Only the super bullshit hax abilities work on those kinds of opponents, like Ultimate Skills.

I turned to look at the poor individuals who were frozen by Cocytus. The ones frozen are the ones with the Locking Curse on them, while the ones I directly killed were the ones who did not have that curse on them. I assume they willingly joined under the Rosso's banner, and so I killed them.

They knew what they signed up for when they willingly signed up to work for the Rossos.

These guys though I felt a bit bad for so I made sure to place a skin tight barrier on them just before freezing them. My subordinates can come and unfreeze them after this whole mess is over, I don't really blame them for the attack after all. They were completely controlled, there isn't much they could have done. They were even being dominated by Mariabell's Greed, they quite literally could not resist. Who knows what that girl did to these guys while they were under her control.

There is a good chance that even if I broke the control they were under they would still attack me, I don't know how long they have been in this world after all. They could have been toiling away for the Rosso's for decades to centuries, that's enough to break a man depending on what they had to do.

A fair bit of their lifespans were also shaved off as Mariabell was using that as fuel to give them a burst of power. Not that the boost did much.

A mere Unique Skill is incapable of allowing one to stand up to me. It may be an arrogant thought, but that does not make it any less true.

Still, I'm fairly certain my subordinates likely aren't giving these attackers as much consideration as I am. From what I'm sensing, even Rimuru's subordinates are going for the kill quickly before focusing on another group.

Though one thing I will admit is that I underestimated the Rosso Family. The sheer amount of attackers is far higher than I would have thought they have access to, it's not just that either, the majority of these attackers are Otherworlders with Unique Skills. I highly doubt they went all in on this attack as well, that would be foolish, and one does not rule the entirety of the Western Nations without being somewhat intelligent. I'm sure they have some more Otherworlders back in their base.

Heh, either way they are going to be losing quite a lot of resources tonight.

Though I do wonder how many families were torn apart with the sudden disappearances of these people? I forget it sometimes, but for the weak this world is incredibly cruel. Might does make right here.

Hmm, it seems Rimuru is only now on his way to help Milim with the Chaos Dragon. After I teleported out of The Dungeon he first sent Benimaru and Diablo out, and then accepted everyone who was offering to help, at which point he teleported them to locations that were having a bit more trouble.

After that he teleported to his office and gathered all his subordinates within moments. He's leaving his office only now, not a bad reaction time all things considered.

I'll check in on my subordinates before going to help Rimuru and Milim.

"Is everything going fine with you guys?" I asked through a Thought Communication.

"Ah! Master! Hehe, everything is fine here!" Responded a giddy Lalatina. 

"As Lalatina said, I am simply cleaning up these vermin." Added Arcueid.

"Haha, I haven't gotten a chance to use the guns you got for me!" 

"Don't tell me you're using the minigun!?" 

"Nah, I'm using two pistols right now!" I sighed in relief hearing that. Collateral damage is expected but that minigun would be going over the top right now.

"I am currently with Benimaru helping him fight off some of these ruffians!" Responded Saeko.

"I am helping evacuate the civilians, due to my unique abilities I am incredibly quick and well suited for such a task." Yeah, thanks to her Skill Raiden can turn into Lightning and travel at incredibly fast speeds, I can see why she is helping with evacuation.

"I am fighting off some of these attackers alongside Zonda and Agera My Lord." Responded Sukuna.

"Ingvild and I are guarding the location where all the evacuees are currently located." Said Glenda.

"Ah, I am also helping with the evacuation efforts Lord Felix. It would be best if I was not publicly seen here." Said Rain. Indeed, it could be problematic if one of the maids of Guy Crimson was seen helping Tempest in this sort of situation.

In the first place not many have even laid witness to Guy's maids, but it's best to be careful. I'm sure Rain has an illusion up, but there are some people here at the Festival that should be capable of seeing through those kinds of things.

"Alright, good work everyone." With that I cut off the Thought Communication.

Now time to deal with the Chaos Dragon. Milim was able to lead it a bit deeper into the forest and further away from Tempest's Capital City.

I'm guessing the reason the Chaos Dragon even attacked was due to Mariabell, it wouldn't be difficult for her to dominate it with her Greed, it practically had no will of its own. The only thing it cares about is destruction from what Milim told me.

From what I'm sensing the majority of the attackers have been taken care of, Hinata just met up with the kids so she should be fine. I think I can leave this in everyone else's hands.

I snapped my fingers and appeared near Milim. She was currently in front of me battling it out with the Chaos Dragon, though I could tell she was holding back the majority of her strength.

If she wanted she could easily one shot the Chaos Dragon, Milim was considered to be as strong as the True Dragons for a reason. The Chaos Dragon, while mighty, could not even reach the cusps of a True Dragon's power.

The Chaos Dragon itself was massive, larger than Charybdis was, I'd say it is around a hundred meters long. Hmm how interesting, it was growing in size over time by consuming all the Magicules around us.

I guess size is an advantage to a certain extent at the lower levels, though it was also a disadvantage as it made you an easier target.

As it was now it could probably easily break through an entire mountain with its physical body alone.

Even Rimuru would have trouble with this guy if he isn't trying to kill it. Its Magicule Capacity is greater than Rimuru's if you exclude Veldora. 

Rimuru is currently still on his way here, he seemed to have made some pit stops as he is still in Tempest. Though he may not even be needed here at this point.

"Felix! Can you help me out here! I'm trying to seal the Chaos Dragon but I can't keep it contained, I also don't want to have to kill my friend!" Yelled Milim. 

Seal the Chaos Dragon huh? I should be able to help with that.

"Hmm rather than just sealing it I have an idea." I told Milim.

She looked at me with shining eyes as she casually slapped away the Chaos Dragon's tail. "Oh!?"

From what I'm seeing the Astral Body and Heart Core of the Chaos Dragon's Soul is what is corrupted. But the innermost part of its soul, the Core, the place where its ego and memories reside is not corrupted, no it almost looks like it's fighting back. Some part of the friend Milim grew up with is still in there.

Milim can't see that with her Milim Eye but I can, my Milim Eye was absorbed by Odin increasing its capabilities by multiple magnitudes.

That's enough for me to put my all into trying to save her friend then.

If this doesn't work we can always try and have Ingvild Tame the Chaos Dragon.

"Before I tell you the plan, why don't we shift locations?" For what I'm about to do it's best if I minimize the amount of external interference possible.

I snapped my finger and created a massive portal to another dimension, one with no life. When looking through the portal all you could see was magma. It was pretty similar to one of the dimensions Kaguya sent Naruto and Sasuke to.

In fact I could create portals to numerous similar dimensions, a dimension that is composed solely of ice, with icy valleys and canyons all around. Then there was a dimension full of sandy dunes. Even dimensions that had oceans made of pure acid, there were dimensions with gravity multiple times greater than earth's. I quite literally had an infinite amount of simple dimensions to choose from, some with life and some without.

Maybe one day I could create my own truly unique dimension.

That kind of ability can definitely go to one's head.

'I'll have to rely on you to keep me sane huh Odin?' I had no clue what the future would bring, maybe one day I'd go mad with power and do things I wouldn't normally do.

If I do something absolutely heinous I'd rather it be as myself than a power crazy version of me.

'Odin will not fail you Master.'

'I know Odin.'

Well, enough stalling.

I waved my hand causing the portal connecting to the lava dimension to move forwards and engulf the Chaos Dragon and Milim.

She should be able to handle the Chaos Dragon while I send Rimuru a message.

"Hey Rimuru."

"Felix! Is everything okay there?"

"Yeah, don't worry, Milim and I have the Chaos Dragon handled. You can stay behind in Tempest to make sure that nothing else happens."

"Alright, if you're sure then."

"I am."

With that I created another portal leading me to the same magma dimension I sent Milim and the Chaos Dragon.

Once I flew through I could see Milim drop kick the Chaos Dragon into a volcano.

I'd feel bad if the Dragon could even feel pain from that attack. I imagine most couldn't even survive in this dimension before being immediately incinerated. The temperature alone was enough to cook a Human.

Milim and I can both casually ignore the temperature due to Thermal Fluctuation Nullification.

Milim noticed me and quickly flew towards me while the Chaos Dragon roared to the heavens in rage.

"Alright this is the plan. Why don't you destroy the Astral Body along with the Heart Core, once that is done I'll safely extract the Core. I'll make sure the Chaos Dragon doesn't move for you." Hearing my plan Milim looked nervous.

"Don't worry, I'll help you control your power."

Milim nodded. "Alright, I'll trust you Felix!"

I nodded.

'Alright Odin, can you link with her now?'

'Notice. A Soul Corridor has been established with the individual Milim Nava. Analysis of the Star King Dragon Factor has begun.'

I ignored what Odin just said and focused on my job. I'll have to be prepared to extract the Core the moment I can so the corruption doesn't spread into the Core.

'I'll be counting on you to help me get the timing right Odin.'

'Leave it to me my Master!'

'Got it, thanks.'

Well, I might as well get this finished as soon as possible.

- Rimuru Tempest -

Rimuru sighed in relief after the Thought Communication with Felix ended. He was getting fairly worried about the Chaos Dragon, from what he sensed it was even more powerful than him in raw power.

He was worried he'd have to call upon Veldora who was supposed to be his super secret trump card.

Thankfully Milim had almost immediately made her way towards where she sensed the Chaos Dragon, causing him to hold off on Summoning Veldora, he trusted Milim to handle the Chaos Dragon properly, and now with Felix added into the mix, everything should be taken care of.

Everyone thought Veldora was incredibly weakened, it would be incredibly surprising if someone with that information came to Tempest with malign intent.

Well, since Felix had it handled he could stay and protect the various royals and nobles in the safehouse he was currently in. They had multiple safe houses built in Tempest for this very purpose, and of course the one built for the more politically important people had various luxuries.

There was even a bar in the corner.

Him being here to protect them helped show that Tempest was serious in handling this issue and that they would be protected.

In fact so far not a single attendee had been injured thanks to the work of his subordinates along with Felix's. Not to mention the help that Gazel and Elmesia had offered.

He did feel a bit bad since most of these attackers were under a slave seal of sorts which forced them to follow other's commands. But he had to steel his resolve, he would prioritize his people and his Nation's interests before he would prioritize outsiders.

He wouldn't make the same mistake by ordering his people to show mercy, he already saw what happened due to such an order, and that day he vowed to never let it happen again.

His people deserved at least that much from him.

If only he could activate the Anti-Magic Area that was taken down, but it would take too much time as he would have to go to each individual location of the generator and power them up.

He would need to get Vesta to make it entirely automatic. 

"Lord Rimuru! How will we be compensated for this danger to our lives!" Asked some sleazy noble.

He sighed. "What danger are you speaking of? My subordinates have so far saved every single person's life, not a single guest or citizen of Tempest has been harmed. So what could you possibly need reparations for hmm?"

"Your subordinates could have made a mistake!"

He turned his gaze towards the sleazy noble who practically shivered under his gaze. "Oh? Are you possibly calling me a liar?"

"N-No! Of course not Lord Rimuru! I am simply putting the idea out there that under such a high stress situation, mistakes are common!"

"I have personally met with some of Lord Rimuru's subordinates myself, both I and My Lady are confident that our safety will be ensured if we leave the matter to Lord Rimuru." He turned to the voice.

"Ah, Hiiro." Rimuru greeted.

Hiiro gave him a light bow. "Lord Rimuru."

The noble turned to look at Hiiro with visible disgust on his face. "As if I would trust the words of a Majin!"

Hearing that, Hiiro's eyes narrowed. "I see, hearing your opinion of us, then perhaps I will advise Queen Towa to reevaluate her relationship with your nation."

The Kingdom of Raja was originally a fairly insignificant Nation, but after their alliance with Tempest they had quickly gained access to many things the rest of the world did not have which quickly propelled them to the heights of political power.

"Q-Queen Towa! The Queen of Raja!?"

Hirro nodded. "The very same."

"A-ah, I see. Please excuse me then."

Rimuru sighed as the noble scurried off. He was obviously a sacrificial lamb sent by someone else meant to test his reaction. Some people couldn't stop with their political games even in these kinds of situations.

Rimuru turned to address the crowd. "I understand that some of you may have similar concerns, But I assure you, it is unnecessary. Should someone be found to be injured from any of your parties, then we may talk." 

Dealing with nobles was always a pain.

Once that was done he turned to Hiiro. "Thank you for the help Hiiro, but it was unneeded."

Hiiro laughed lightly. "Ah, I just wanted to make sure the Lord of my dear friends wasn't disrespected. I apologize if I overstepped."

Hiiro had grown quite a lot from that Oni that was so quick to anger. Serving Queen Towa had done him good.

Rimuru shook his head. "No, I still appreciate the help. How is Queen Towa? We did not get a chance to speak much due to how busy I have been."

"She is fine, especially after you helped her recover. I can never thank you enough for that."

"It's no problem. The Kingdom of Raja is an important ally of Tempest now, there is no need to worry about favors."

Hiiro continued to chat with him for some time before rejoining Queen Towa.

He then went to check on Shuna who was serving tea to some people. Thankfully Shuna could handle herself so he didn't need to worry about her too much.

He would always worry, but he knew that would never go away.

Now he was just waiting on Hinata and the kids to show up. Knowing Hinata they would be fine, even he would not want to fight her going all out. Not to mention the kids themselves were fairly strong.

Yes, they would be fine.

- Hinata Sakaguchi -

As they were making their way towards one of the safe houses she held her hand out behind her and stopped all of a sudden.

"Hinata-nee?" Said Chloe.

Her training with Felix had not been a fruitless endeavor, along with learning to pay attention to her environment more she had acquired a new Skill.

The Extra Skill: Ultra Instinct gives her a form of precognition of sorts that alerts her to almost all potential danger. Her Ultra Instinct was currently warning her of a potential threat that was only surpassed by what she felt when in the presence of an Awakened Demon Lord.

"Everyone back off." She ordered. Thankfully the kids weren't acting willful and obeyed her instructions.

She quickly unsheathed her sword and used her Holy Armaments to elevate her flesh to a higher level. She could not hold this state for long, but thanks to her training with Felix she can last far longer than she was capable of previously.

She was about to order the children to run away while she bought time, seeing as they would be safer that way, but she was interrupted by a Barrier forming around them.

All of the kids except for Chloe managed to be far enough away that the Barrier did not surround them. Still, that left Chloe with her right in front of an enemy she could not hope to defeat.

"Stand far back Chloe." Hinata ordered.

Only the truly powerful were able to use Magic in Tempest due to the inbuilt resistance the Barrier around Tempest provides. Sure the Anti-Magic Area was lowered, but there were still Barriers that suppressed the movement of Magicules inside Tempest. A fairly large chunk of these attackers were unable to use Magic and had to solely rely on Battlewill.

She watched as a man unveiled himself from in front of her. How was she unable to detect him? She would have walked right into his trap if it weren't for Ultra Instinct. She would have to thank Felix for that. Yet another thing she owed the Demon Lord for.

"Hoh hoh hoh! What a keen eye you have! We meet again Miss Hinata!" Said the weird clown. He was wearing a creepy mask with an asymmetrical smile on it, with rabbit ears and a big jewel in the center. 

"You!" She growled out. To think she would once again meet the clown that had bested her back in Ruberious, even Roy had died in that battle, and she would have as well if it weren't for the potion Felix supplied Lady Luminous.

That battle had truly shown her that in the grand scheme of things she was still weak. She had thought she was one of the strongest beings around, just short of some of the Demon Lords but the clown had proven her wrong.

The clown held his hands out. "Yes it is I, the Wonder Pierrot!" 

Chloe wouldn't be able to run away with this Barrier around them, and if she split her focus to attempt to break it the clown would undoubtedly attack. She was already in a disadvantageous situation.

Still, she was no weakling, she would just have to stall until someone sent help.

This man was powerful, likely more powerful than her. She could not sense his total Energy, but he simply gave off a bad feeling. Should they clash, Rimuru and Felix will both feel it, not to mention those Primordials those two monsters recruited.

"I hate to cut this introduction short, but I need ya to do sumthin for me!" Said the Clown.

Hinata was expecting an attack of some sort going by the Clown's words, however the Clown simply took something out of his back pocket, a device of some sort.

"Hehehe, why don't we relocate!" Her eyes widened once she realized what the Clown was trying to do. Before she could do anything, everyone inside of the Barrier that the Clown formed was teleported away, leaving the rest of the children behind.

Hinata quickly looked around, thankfully Chloe was right behind her, at the very least the Clown would have to get through her to attempt to harm Chloe.

The Clown was standing across from her, as relaxed as ever.

"Chloe, I need you to promise me that you will stay back, in a fight like this your interference will only make this fight more difficult for me, as I will have to focus both on protecting you and fighting the Clown off." Hinata was not foolish enough to believe Chloe would stay back as she told her to without explanation.

However if Hinata explained that she would only make the fight more difficult, then maybe, just maybe she will truly stay back and watch. Perhaps she can even figure out their location and devise an escape method.

"Yes Hinata-nee!" Responded Chloe as she backed off as far as the Barrier enclosing them would allow.

"Hoh hoh, how adorable!" Commented the Clown. Then she could tell the Aura around him shifted, he was going to be serious right from the start.

"Don't bother trying to figure out where we are! I made sure to prepare this ground just for our special little fight! Yer gunna have a hard time gettin out!"

Just from a quick glance around she could tell she was not in Jura anymore. They seemed to be a little distance outside of Jura as she recognized the area vaguely. It was an old defunct trade route that is no longer used seeing as Tempest had built far better roads for merchants to use.

Still, what kind of artifact is capable of teleporting one such far distances?! The Great Jura Forest was incredibly vast, and this clown had managed to teleport all three of them outside of the Forest. There were no Magic Circles used to help facilitate the teleportation either! 

Not to mention it was able to bypass the Barriers surrounding Tempest.

This group has far more resources than she could have imagined.

The Clown withdrew a dagger from inside his outfit, just from a glance she could tell it was a Legend Grade weapon, but that was not all, he held his hand out and withdrew a sword from a pocket dimension, she could tell that weapon was bad news, far worse than even his Legend Grade dagger.

Could it be a genuine God Grade weapon?

Hinata was already planning on going all out in this fight, the God Grade weapon just steeled her resolve.

She quickly sheathed her Moonlight rapier that was gifted to her, and took out a far more valuable weapon out of her Spatial Storage.

A weapon Felix had gifted her after she managed to knick him slightly, that too when he was holding back almost all of his power. It stung her pride when he said he hadn't even been using a single percent of his true power in that spar, and she believed him seeing as her Legend Grade rapier didn't even manage to create a single small cut on his body.

She truly still had a long way to go to catch up to him.

But even he admitted a hit was a hit, and so he gifted her a God Grade rapier. It was quite a sight, seeing God Grade Equipment be created in front of her very eyes. It showed her the true heights of power that Felix possessed, he did not even seem winded.

The thought that he could arm his subordinates with such Equipment made her shiver, she could only be thankful that he was not an enemy of Humanity, for that reason as well as another that she kept close to her heart.

She hadn't told him but she was extremely thankful of the gesture, Felix had teased her relentlessly about the blush that had formed on her face at the time.

Maybe she will take him out to dinner sometime as thanks, especially seeing how useful this weapon will be in this fight.

"Don't take this personally, it's just a job." Said the Clown as he charged at her.

She easily blocked and parried his strike, attacking him with her own blade causing the clown to jump back.

She took the opportunity to call upon her Elementals for assistance. Her Elemental of Space had especially grown far more useful, Felix had apparently somehow Blessed her Elemental expanding its capabilities dramatically. It was capable of single handedly beating practically all Greater Elementals, even an Earth Greater Elemental which are specifically strong against the Space Element.

When she had asked how that was possible he just gave her that infuriating smirk of his and said, "Heh, well I'm basically a god with Divinity, of course I can Bless those whom I find worthy."

Cocky bastard.

- Rimuru Tempest -

As Rimuru was reassuring some royals that everything was handled he heard a voice call out to him. "Sensei!"

He turned to the voice and was quite relieved to see that the kids made it to the safehouse safely.

Was that Lalatina with them?

Once he took a closer look he noticed two individuals were missing.

Lalatina took a look around the room and gave some of the observing nobles a smirk causing them to shiver slightly.

She then turned to him and bowed slightly. "Lord Rimuru, I encountered these children while I was cleaning up some pests." He inwardly prayed that those that had the misfortune of being Lalatina's opponents got to rest in peace. He had no delusions that a Daemon like her would spare an attacker.

Daemons of her nature were feared for a reason after all, even Diablo had once mentioned to him that he was unsure if he could win in a direct fight with either Arcueid, Megumin, or Lalatina.

Those three were absolute monsters.

When Felix first arrived for the Festival those three had gone to The Dungeon to play around, multiple Floors were completely decimated, thankfully they were the higher up Floors that no one would reach for quite some time so the Monsters still had some time to respawn.

Though all three of them seemed to be interested in Zegion for some reason. While Zegion had grown an incredible amount in a short amount of time, he had no clue why those three would be interested in him.

Still, he would never look at those three the same again.

The kinds of Magics they used… they were practically evil. Arcueid had used a Nuclear Magic called Death Streak destroying the very souls of the Monsters. Megumin had used a Nuclear Magic called Gravity Collapse that was capable of destroying an entire planet. And Lalatina had used a combination of an extremely deadly poison, and various Dark Magics.

Raphael had claimed to have analyzed the Magics which allowed him to replicate them, but he never wanted to use those… ever.

"They had said they wished to see you, and since I knew they had a relatively close relationship with you I have brought them." Finished Lalatina.

Rimuru nodded. "Got it, thank you Lalatina."

"No problem!" Said Lalatina.

"I'll make sure to tell Felix that you did good." If his suspicion about Lalatina's nature was correct, then that should win her over.

No one names someone after a well known masochist for no reason after all, Felix practically confirmed it to him when he first met Lalatina too.

A bright smile appeared on Lalatina's face. "Ah! Thank you Lord Rimuru!"

"It's no problem."

As Lalatina was leaving to go group up with Felix's other subordinates he overheard her mumble. "Hehe, Master's reward!"

Ugh, she really is like that isn't she? He wasn't sure if he should be jealous of Felix or pity him.

Once Lalatina was gone he snapped his fingers and placed a privacy Barrier around them so no one would overhear their conversation.

The various royals and nobles were looking at him curiously but he ignored them.

"Where are Hinata and Chloe?"

Kenya took a deep breath before speaking. "Some weird clown attacked us. Hinata-nee seemed to know him, the clown made a Barrier around Hinata-nee and Chloe. But before anyone could do anything he took out a magic item and teleported Hinata-nee and Chloe away."

He took a deep breath and calmed himself down. Hinata was strong and could handle herself, what he was more worried about was Chloe. From what the kids were saying Hinata immediately went almost all out, she used her armor and her Legend Grade rapier.

That means her opponent was someone on a similar level to herself, if not a superior opponent. In such a scenario Chloe could get seriously injured or worse, not to mention Hinata's focus will be split trying to protect Chloe. 

He quickly came up with a plan, but before that he sent out a Thought Communication.

"Diablo, are you there?"

"Ah My Lord! I am at your service!"

"Could you come and take my place protecting these nobles and royals?"

"As you wish My Lord!"

Diablo appeared next to him within moments.

"Ah, it honors me to be in your presence once more My Liege." Diablo said with a deep bow.

"Enough of that Diablo, make sure everything goes well here." Rimuru then turned to the kids. "Can you take me to where this confrontation happened?" Maybe he could figure out the spatial coordinates of where they were teleported to, that way he can quickly go and reinforce Hinata. She would need all the help she could get if her opponent truly is that strong.

The kids nodded. "Yes Sensei!"

He would seriously have to come up with some sort of way to have complete surveillance over Tempest after this. Letting these attackers into Tempest was an oversight he would not let happen again.

Hopefully Hinata can hold on long enough for help to arrive.

- Felix -

I quickly came up with a plan to hold the Chaos Dragon in one place for Milim.

The Chaos Dragon, as if sensing that I was going to do something turned towards me with chaotic fire gathering in its mouth. If someone was hit by that fire and lived to tell the tale they would be irrevocably changed. That's likely how the Dark Elves came to be.

I noticed Milim punch it in the face just after it released some of its fire breath sending it spiraling into another nearby volcano.

Unfortunately the fire would never meet its target this time, as the fire was approaching me I simply shifted space a tad to make it so the fire hit the area to my right.

It's always fun fucking around with Space.

I easily dealt with the miasma that was beginning to spread throughout the trees around us, slowly corrupting the environment.

Well, time to do my part. I teleported next to the Chaos Dragon which was still clawing its way out of the remnants of the volcano and rested my hand on its back. 

"Fixation." It wasn't able to react in time to fling my hand off, hell I didn't even need to be directly touching it, Fixation is just a bit stronger if it is applied through direct touch.

That goes to show how powerful Velzard is to be able to affect Guy from a distance.

Thanks to Fixation the Chaos Dragon was basically trapped in temporal stasis, that should make it fairly easy for Milim to do her job.

"Felix! Are you ready!?" 

I turned towards Milim and gave her a nod. "As ready as I'll ever be."

"Okay then! Get ready to do your thing!"

Milim gathered a fairly large amount of Magicules into her palm, I could tell she was calling upon the Dragon Factor she had inherited from her Father.

"Behold the brightness of all the stars in the galaxy! Drago Buster!" Multiple beams of light left Milim's hand and quickly approached the Chaos Dragon. 

Odin was helping Milim control her power so she doesn't go overboard.

As Milim's power clashed with the still immobile Chaos Dragon's power, I called upon all of Odin's processing power to help me analyze everything. 

It didn't take long for me to see through all the corruption marring it's soul, there was a tiny fragment of light warding off the corruption from fully contaminating its soul. I imagine this would be far more difficult if the Chaos Dragon was still being controlled by Greed, that control was disrupted the moment I stored Mariabell in my Infinity Space.

I watched as the Spiritual Body of the Chaos Dragon slowly leaked out and was destroyed along with its Astral Body. 

Just before Milim's Magic destroyed its Core I activated Beelzebuth, with Odin's help I was able to time things just right and consumed its broken Core and safely stored it in my Infinity Space.

Now that the Core was gone the Chaos Dragon itself began to collapse. Normally it would blow up and likely level an entire continent in the process due to all the energy it possesses having nowhere else to go.

Thankfully Fixation took care of that issue.

"You don't mind if I devour the body, do you Milim?" Who knows what data Odin could gather from it. It is descended from Veldanava after all.

"Hmm? Sure, that's no problem." Hearing her I raised my palm and consumed the Chaos Dragon's body with Beelzebuth.

"Now I have the perfect way to reincarnate your friend Milim."

I planned to use the same Pseudo Souls that I imbued the Daemons Arcueid recruited with, I can fuse the damaged Core of the Chaos Dragon into a Pseudo Soul, once that was done the Core would repair itself over time.

I did the entire process in my Infinity Space seeing as I have basically complete control of the environment in there.

Unfortunately there was an issue, the Core was not reacting. Hmm, it seemed to be too weak to actually possess the Pseudo Soul.

'Do you know any ways to strengthen the Core Odin?'

'It is possible to do using Stardust, however it will be extremely risky, precise manipulation of Stardust at that level has never been done before. The safest way is to simply name the Chaos Dragon. Naming strengthens every aspect of a being, the Soul included.'

'I see, thanks.'

I extracted the Pseudo Soul which already had the fragmented Core imbued into it.

"Milim, the soul of the Chaos Dragon is a bit too weak, it needs to be strengthened and the easiest way to do so is to name it."

Milim gained a look of realization on her face. "I got it! Gaia! Your name will be Gaia!" 

As if reacting to Milim's words the Pseudo Soul emanated a bright light.

Seeing that the Core was responding now I covered the Pseudo Soul with a Magic Core completing the reincarnation process. Now that the Pseudo Soul was covered, the Magic Core shifted its shape to best suit the Core, weirdly enough it looked like an egg.

Still, look at me, already being a R.O.B.

"There we go, once Gaia is fully recovered she will basically hatch out of this egg-like shell." I said as I handed Milim the newly revived Gaia.

Before Milim took the egg she glomped me. "Thank you Felix!" I returned her huh.

"Your welcome, take good care of Gaia while its Core is being repaired."

Milim let go of me and carefully grabbed the egg.

She gave me a determined nod. And with that the Progenitor of Dragons will soon return to the world.

Who knew I'd be bringing back such a historical figure today.

Me and Odin truly make the best team. Umu!


Hmm, now that I examine myself a bit more closely I can feel that I've gotten a fair bit stronger.

'Due to the consumption of the Chaos Dragon the Master's Magicule Capacity was increased, and your Physical Body was also improved. With some time it should be possible for Odin to replicate the Star King Dragon Factor within the Master as long as Odin has sufficient data.'

Huh. The Star King Dragon Factor? Veldanava's Factor?

'Correct. With the Star King Dragon Factor it will be possible for the Master to use Veldanava's brand of True Dragon Magic. The Master's overall strength will also be improved, Magicule Capacity, Magic Power, the Physical Body, the strength of the Soul, all of these various things will be improved.'

With the Star King Dragon Factor I should be able to use the Magic Milim does, her Drago Nova and Drago Buster. True Dragon Magic is a cut above the rest, maybe if I succeed in elevating myself to a similar level of existence as the True Dragons I'll have my own Unique Magic that only I and those with my Factor can use.

Who knows what a being that embodies the aspect of Infinity would be capable of. I truly still have a long way to go don't I?

Though I always knew having something connecting you to a True Dragon would be incredibly helpful, there is a reason Rimuru got so powerful so quickly. His connection with Veldora carried him during the early bits of his rise to power; he sure as hell wouldn't have been capable of naming a hundred thousand Orcs with his own miniscule Magicule Capacity.

Hmm, maybe someday I can replicate the Factors of multiple True Dragons, I'm sure that'll level me up a ton. Still, that's a thought for another time.

I turned to Milim who was cradling the egg protectively. "You ready to go?"

She gave me a nod. "Yup!" Before we left though she handed me the egg. "Could you keep this in your weird storage thingy until we leave Tempest? It is probably the safest place for Gaia right now."

"Yeah sure." 

I touched the egg and quickly stored it in my Infinity Space.

"Alright let's go then." I snapped my fingers and transported both Milim and I back to the Cardinal World.


I have a discord server, come hang out if you want! https://discord.gg/VxR5Gn72Fp I also have a channel in Shiro's Gaming Omniverse.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, we got some more action happening in this chapter. I used quite a few POVs to help explain the entire situation and show what exactly was going on. It was a bit hard to do that solely through Felix's perspective.

The Chaos Dragon returned this chapter, it's rather unfortunate that Gaia has been pretty left out in the LN, like he hasn't been mentioned for ages. Hopefully I'll be able to make him a bit more relevant. 

Anyways I hope you all enjoyed, see you next time.

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