73.46% I'm a Daemon, so what? (Tensura/Multicross) / Chapter 107: Chapter 37: Presentation

章節 107: Chapter 37: Presentation

Story: I'm a Daemon, so what?

Disclaimer: I do not own the original setting.

Chapter 37: Presentation


- Felix - 

We all continued to wait excitedly for the show to start.

The level of entertainment and culture in this world was quite small when compared to modern day Earth. There were some who had some level of ability in the arts but that was restricted to the more wealthy, for the common people music and the like is rare if not unheard of. 

Rimuru then came up onto the stage.

"Welcome everyone! I hope you have enjoyed the Tempest Founding Festival so far! Now in a couple moments some of Tempest's most talented artists will begin to play for you all. There will be a variation of pieces as well as multiple instruments. With that out of the way I hope you all enjoy it!"

And with that Rimuru vanished appearing in a booth of his own.

The moment Rimuru vanished the curtains were pulled back allowing us to see the musicians.

There were a variety of races, in fact I doubt something similar to this has ever been done. There were Goblins, Hobo Goblins, Ogres, Orcs, Lizardmen, and even some Lycanthropes.

There was a variety of instruments, there was one pianist, quite a few violinists, some drumists, some trumpets, there was a whole band here.

I could tell almost everyone was eager to hear what these Majin had to play.

The lights dimmed down as the conductor came to the front. He gave a bow to the audience before turning around and raising his baton.

The moment after he raised his baton the music started. 

A steady tone started, and soon was followed by a change into a solemn reprise. Everyone was playing in unison, you could tell that these guys had practiced for hours upon hours, and that was something I could respect.

They were playing some good old classical music. I could tell the audience was absolutely mesmerized. Sure this wasn't the best I've heard, after all I had been to a few concerts in my first life, but these guys were not bad at all.

To the people of this world this might as well have been the best thing they've ever heard.

However the music stopped all of a sudden. Many of the audience were confused, including me.

However before anyone could voice any sort of complaint the music picked up again, however the music was vastly different from what was playing before.

"Ghaha, Cruel Angel's Thesis. Rimuru really outdid himself here." I commented.

"Ah, did you know this music Boss? I've never heard anything like it before."

I nodded. "Yup, as you know Rimuru and I are reincarnated right?"

Carrion nodded. "Well this is some music from our past life. It was quite the popular song among certain groups too."

Carrion nodded in understanding.

"Ara, this music is quite different from what I have heard in the past, but it is not bad." Commented Arcueid.

Cruel Angel's Thesis went on for a minute or so more before the song changed once again to another familiar opening.

This Game, the first opening of No Game No Life. Heh Rimuru really knew what songs to have them play.

Both of those were fan favorites among anime enjoyers, and for good reason too.

I looked to Ingvild who had her eyes closed and was just listening along. Hmm, maybe I can have her join this band as a singer? It's worth asking about later.

The music then changed to pop, and then back to anime openings.

They were merging all the varying genres together fairly well. I wouldn't have ever expected something like this.

Our group continued to enjoy the music until the end of the concert. From the looks on everyone's faces I think Rimuru will be quite happy with the results of this.

The conductor turned around as all of the musicians got up off their seats.

They all bowed.

" " "Thank you for listening!" " "

The applause was deafening.

I could see out of the corner of my eyes that even Luminous was clapping with a satisfied smile on her face.

Elmesia, Gazel, Erald, all of these important figures were all clapping along.

Heh, I bet those kids will wish they came here once I tell them about it. From what I know all of them did enjoy anime and the manga Rimuru had supplied them with. Well they can come to another one of the shows. Throughout the Festival every morning and afternoon there will be a concert for one hour.

I'm sure some people here will be recurring attendees.

Truly, music and art can break through any barrier.

I looked to my companions. "I'm going to go see Rimuru, I'll see you guys at the Hotel alright?"

Once I got everyone's agreement I teleported to where I sensed Rimuru.

After the concert I met up with Rimuru as we were making our way towards the guest hotel where lunch will be served.

"That was one hell of a concert Rimuru."

He rubbed the back of his sheepishly. "Ehehe, would you believe me if I said I didn't know what they were going to play."

I rolled my eyes. "I would, you are quite careless like that."


"What? It's true isn't it? I bet you just left everything to your Skill."

Rimuru crossed his arms. "Hmph, that might be true but you don't need to be so blatant about it."

"Heh, well someone has to make sure you don't get a big head."

Once we got to the guest hotel I was able to spot all of my companions fairly easily.

"Rimuru! That was awesome!" Said a flying Milim.

"Haha, I'm sure the musicians will be happy to hear your praise Milim."

Frey followed closely behind Milim. "Indeed, I do not think I have ever heard anything quite like that before."

Having otherworldly knowledge really can be a cheat sometimes.

Milim and I eventually split up from Rimuru so he could attend to everyone else, he has to be a good host after all.

Milim, Frey, and I made our way to the table my subordinates got for us. It was located on the second floor in the VIP section.

I took my seat next to Raiden and Arcueid. I'm not quite sure why the seating arrangement keeps changing but it's probably best if I don't pry into that.

For some reason Carrion, Arc, and Middray looked traumatized, while Supha, Albis, and Phobio were just frozen.

I'm sure something happened here but it's obviously none of my business.

The meal at the guest hotel was a quiet affair for us, of course for Rimuru it was anything but quiet. I could spot him running around from table to table.

Heh, well he asked for it when he held an event this big.


Arcueid, Raiden, Saeko and I made our way towards the science department where there is going to be a presentation of sorts.

Arcueid came with me since she was interested in what the science department could come up with. Arcueid was a bit old fashioned in that she thought personal power mattered more than any sort of scientific weapon so she was curious to see what Tempest was going to be showing off.

Raiden came with me since she doesn't really have much else to do and Saeko said she should come with me as my bodyguard.

I'm assuming that Rimuru is going to show off some of Tempest's scientific advancements to win over some countries.

It didn't take long to walk towards the building the science department used as their home base. It was a fairly large modern looking building all things considered.

It sort of looked like a museum.

Gabiru and Vesta were waiting at the front of the building guiding everybody into the auditorium where the presentation will take place.

"Welcome everybody! If you would please just follow the signs the presentation will be starting shortly!" Announced Vesta.

It didn't take long for the duo to notice us.

"Lord Felix! Welcome to the science department! Lady Saeko, Lady Raiden, and Lady Arcueid, it is an honor to see you once again." Greeted Vesta.

"Ara, what a gentleman." Commented Arcueid.

Raiden simply gave him a nod while Saeko was too busy looking around to respond.

Gabiru gave us a bow. "Welcome!"

Though that wasn't all he did. He kneeled in front of Raiden. "Ah, Lady Raiden, you look just as radiant as ever. The purple of your eyes remind me of a beautiful purple sunset I once laid witness to."

Eh, I'd give that pick up line a 6/10. Well at least he tried.

Raiden just looked down at him as if he was a bug.

Vesta brushed past Gabiru's antics, he turned behind him where a scientist in a lab coat quickly approached. "This is Gamil, he will be guiding you to your seats. Please enjoy the presentation!"

I gave him a nod and then followed the Goblin along with Arcueid, Raiden and Saeko.

I looked around the VIP Lounge once we arrived. I could see some of the higher up nobles and royals here as well as a bar in the back along with some waiters.

Unlike the VIP treatment of the concert where each VIP got their own specialized booth, for the presentation the VIPs were all grouped together in a large lounge towards the back of the auditorium. We were fairly high up so I could see all of the non VIPs gathering below us and taking their seats through the tempered glass viewing panel.

I led us towards where Gazel and Elmesia were sitting, they were alone for some reason, I would have thought they would have brought their guards or that some of these nobles would approach them to curry favor.

Heh it's nice to be friends with the ruler of a territory and have some status huh? I imagine this VIP Lounge looks like the peak of luxury for some people.

"Mind if we sit here?" I asked.

Elmesia patted the seat to her left and gave me a smile. "Feel free, I was getting bored of little Gazel here anyway."

Gazel sighed. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that?"

"Ara, these two are quite interesting My Lord." 

Upon hearing Arcueid, Elmesia's gaze instantly zeroed in on Arcueid.

Elmesia audibly sighed. "I would be insulted by the nonchalance in your voice when referencing us but I guess I'll let it go seeing who you are."

"Hmm? Oh you are quite well learned then to recognize me the moment you laid your gaze upon me." Arcueid said as I took my seat next to Elmesia.

"Why don't we take our seats first, then you two can talk." I said.

The couches were laid out in a U so we could all view the presentation whilst simultaneously looking at each other.

Once everyone was seated I called over a waiter. The one who approached was one of the Oni that Rimuru had to resurrect.

"Could I get some wine?" I asked.

"Yes My Lord, which wine would you like? We have a variety from red wine, white wine, sparkling wine, Rosé, and much more."

"Why don't you surprise me."

The waiter nodded.

Since Elmesia and Gazel had already been served, the waiter turned towards my subordinates.

He looked to Arcueid first. "And you My Lady?"

"Hmm, I will try your red wine." Responded Arcueid.

We had supplied the alcohol for this Festival, which includes the various wines they will be serving.

"Very well."

He went on to take Raiden and Saeko's orders as well.

Once everyone had ordered Elmesia looked to me. "You know I would like to develop a deeper alliance with you and your nation Felix, but before I take that step may I ask you something?"

I tilted my head. "Sure, but I may not answer if I do not wish to."

Elmesia nodded. "That is fair enough."

Elmesia looked at me dead in the eye. She tilted her head slightly. "What do you plan to do with that Daemon? That monstrous Primordial."

I noticed Arcueid's gaze sharpened.

"Hmph, who are you to question Felix-sama!" Said Saeko.

I sighed. "Calm down Saeko, it's fine. Sometimes when you want to make an alliance with others you need to inform them of certain things."

"My Lord is right Saeko, just let him handle this." Commented Arcueid with a smirk.

Before Saeko could protest I cut her off. "If you've seen me interact with them you should know they are completely under my control."

Elmesia paused for a moment. "They?"

Ah right, she hasn't met Lalatina or Megumin, only Arcueid so it is natural to assume I only have one Primordial under me.

I noticed Gazel was just watching along with interest written on his face. 

I nodded. "I have also recruited Violet, and Jaune and given them both a name and a body."

Elmesia's eyes widened in shock. "You're mad!"

I noticed her body was trembling lightly, whether in anger or fear. Who knew?

I looked at her offended. "I'm not mad! I'm just making use of some available resources."

I noticed Arcueid, Saeko, and Raiden nodding alongside me.

"Those two were never doing anything other than their games. Rather than that it is much better if they make use of themselves and serve My Lord." Proclaimed Arcueid.

Elmesia sighed. "I heard all of you Primordials have quite… interesting characters, but I didn't expect this. Little Leon was quite bothered by Jaune, so at least you took her out of his hair."

I snorted. "Little Leon?"

Elmesia nodded with a smirk. "Heh, that boy might not look it but he was taught by my mother. Ah, it was always so fun to tease him back then."

I'll be sure to remember that, who knows it may come in handy when I meet Leon next.

"Still, you are aware of what that Daemon of yours had done no?" Elmesia asked, curiosity tinting her voice.

"What she has done? I'm sure she has done quite a lot over the years. You are going to need to be more specific."

"The Lake Shore Dyed Scarlet Incident." Elmesia finished.

I nodded. "I know about it, what of it?"

Elmesia shook her head. "Nothing, I was just wondering if you were aware. Now that I know that you are, that helps me get a better read on your personality."

"Oh? And what do you think?" I asked, partially curious.

I'm not sure what sort of read on me Elmesia can get with the limited contact we've had, but who knows? She is really old so I'm sure she has some tricks.

"Hmm, for one I think you are relatively unfeeling when it comes to people not related to you. Whether it be their suffering or success." That's… fairly accurate.

"That's pretty accurate." I responded.

I just can't find it in me to care for those that I don't even know.

While most would be aghast at hearing about the Lake Shore Dyed Scarlet incident, I just brushed it off since it had nothing to do with me.

I'm a Daemon through and through.

"You seem to be relatively agreeable if one approaches you without any bad intentions, at the very least you won't immediately kill someone like the rest of your kin."

Also accurate.

"The rest I think I will keep to myself." I nodded, I don't particularly care what Elmesia thinks of me. All that matters is if she is willing to cooperate with me or not.

She is free to think what she wants outside of that. Though I'm quite sure she is fine with me, after all I heard she has a rather close alliance with Leon Cromwell, and his morality is… extremely dubious to say the least.

So morality isn't something Elmesia seems all that concerned with.

"What do you plan to do if those Primordials disobey you and go out of control?" Asked Elmesia.

I laughed out loud hearing this.

"Disobey me?" I asked, amusement tinting my tone.

Elmesia looked at me confused. It seems she is as aware about the Primordials as she thinks she is.

Seeing as she still didn't understand I leaned towards Arcueid and pinched her chin between two of my fingers before bringing her in for a steamy kiss.

Our tongues dueled for a few moments before I pulled back leaving Arcueid a blushing mess.

Heh, that was very Demon Lord like of me. I've always wanted to do that! 

Every self aware Demon Lord would do something similar. Umu.

Elmesia and Gazel were looking at me with wide eyes. Saeko was looking at me with a pout while Raiden kept her stoic facade.

Arcueid quickly recovered herself. "My Lord is correct. We would never dream of disobeying him. He is the light in our lives and we are willing to do anything that he asks of us." 

I coughed lightly. "Yeah, what she said."

"Even should one of us do the impossible and disobey Our Lord, he is quite capable of easily purging us should he wish to." Remarked Arcueid.

Elmesia and Gazel were still gaping at me but I could tell they heard what Arcueid had said.

It seems they weren't quite aware of how strong I am.

The only feat I have to show so far is killing 30,000+ Majins along with Clayman after all, which even Moss on his own is capable of.

Heh, I wonder what these guys would think if they saw my fight with Guy.

"It would be foolish to doubt the words of a Primordial. I was not aware you possessed such a vast amount of strength. That would put you at least on par with little Leon if not stronger. Even Leon had to take an unnamed Jaune seriously." Elmesia said, quickly recovering herself.

Eh, I doubt that. Leon has an Ultimate Skill, I may not know which one but anyone with an Ultimate Skill and the experience Leon has should be capable of taking on any of the Primordials, of course excluding Guy.

"Of course Felix-sama is the strongest." Saeko proudly proclaimed.

"I see. Very well then. I am open to a deeper alliance between our two nations. I will tell Erald to take care of it."

I nodded. "Arcueid, can you take care of that later?"

"Very well My Lord." Acquiesced Arcueid.

"Though do be aware, should you stand against Humanity I will not stand by and watch."

"Haha, I have no reason to destroy Humanity or anything as asinine as that. Though should there be an attack by any country on my person or territory they will be dealt with appropriately."

Elmesia nodded. "Very well, that is acceptable."

Elmesia paused for a moment before speaking again. "One more concern I had was about the Hell Gates, what happened to them? Have they been left unmonitored?"

Ah right. The Hell Gates are basically gates that connect directly to the Daemon Realm. Generally each one is guarded by a Primordial.

Arcueid is the one who answered for me. "When I left to recruit Violet and Jaune I had closed each of our respective Hell Gates to not cause trouble for Our Lord."

Nice Arcueid!

Elmesia nodded. "Very well, thank you for the answer."

Seeing as our conversation was over Gazel looked towards Elmesia. "You know Felix isn't the only one with a Primordial under his command." Ah right, I'm sure Elmesia wants to understand Rimuru's intentions too before she makes any choices on Sarion's relationship with Tempest.

Sarion and Tempest do have an alliance currently, but it is not an incredibly deep one like the one between Dwargon and Tempest.

Elmesia looked at Gazel in confusion. "Oh? Who else could have put one of them under their thrall. In fact, Guy Crimson, or Rouge has Bleu and Vert. Felix here has Blanc, Jaune, and Violet. That only leaves Noir, the most mysterious of the bunch."

I decided to intervene in Rimuru's favor. "Rimuru recruited Noir, or rather Diablo after he became a Demon Lord. You don't need to worry about Diablo, he is Rimuru's number one fanboy."

Elmesia and Gazel looked confused. "Fanboy?"

"Ah, a fanboy is just an extremely enthusiastic fan of someone or something." I helpfully informed.

The two nodded.

"I see, but I would still like to meet Rimuru Tempest before I make any decisions." Said Elmesia.

I nodded. "That is reasonable, I'm sure Rimuru will be open to discussing his intentions during that meeting you asked for."

Elmesia nodded in satisfaction, allowing the topic to shift to other more… casual things.

Rimuru owes me something really good for covering for him.

Even after being told Diablo was a Primordial he hasn't realized the significance of that.

Gazel looked to Elmesia, steel in his eyes. "Rimuru may be reckless but do know that I support my junior wholeheartedly." Ah, it seems Rimuru got a good ally in Dwargon huh?

"Ara, to think that little Slime has even won you over." Commented Elmesia.

"My Lords, My Ladies." I turned to the voice and was met with our waiter.

"Your drinks."

I nodded and lightly floated all of our drinks from the plate. It seems the waiter got me a white wine, along with everyone else's orders.

"Will that be all?" Asked the waiter.

I turned to my group, seeing they had nothing to say, I nodded to the waiter.

"Yes, thank you." I gave my thanks.

"It was a pleasure." Said the waiter with a bow.

'Can you lower my Poison Nullification Odin?'

'.... Very well.'

Nice! Now maybe I can actually get drunk!

We continued to make small talk while we waited for the presentation to start. Arcueid seemed to be quite interested in Sarion's magical developments.

From what I was hearing Sarion was a Magi Tech society basically. They combined Magic and Technology to get the most of both worlds, but they made sure not to go too far as if they developed a bit too much the Angels would attack them.

I'm not quite sure why the Angels attack any nation that has developed a sufficient amount, but I think it's safe to say they are acting out in the worst interest of the world.

"Ladies and Gentleman!" We all looked through the glass viewing panel. It seems the presentation was about to start.

On the stage was Vesta with Gabiru standing in the back. There was a table positioned in front of Vesta with various potions on it.

"Welcome everyone to the Science Department! Today we will be showcasing some of Tempest's most proud scientific advancements. Should anyone have a question please raise your hand before speaking." Announced Vesta.

Vesta then took out a Full Potion from his pocket.

"This, this is a Full Potion. These are the first potions produced by Lord Rimuru, they were refined from hipokute grass at a rate of 99% efficiency. While not as good a true resurrection potion this can still cure all ailments." Vesta informed.

"Now why don't we go slightly off topic." Vesta gestured to Gabiru who approached the front of the stage. 

Gabiru then brought out a damaged weapon.

"Now what do you think would occur should I use this Full Potion on this damaged weapon?" Asked Vesta.

One of the attendees raised their hand.

Vesta pointed to him.


"Of course nothing will happen, potions only work on living things." I had to hide my snort at hearing that.

Who got to decide that a weapon couldn't be a living thing? Hell, even a blade of grass is considered a living thing, they have a will of their own too.

Vesta shook his head. "That is incorrect!"

He then poured the Full Potion onto the damaged weapon, and it slowly started to repair itself.



I noticed even Elmesia and Gazel were paying attention. Saeko just looked bored while Raiden was focused on the presentation. Arcueid was just watching in amusement. It wouldn't surprise me if she already knew of this. 

"We were able to learn that plants have a will to them, so why couldn't weapons? There is however a certain condition to this, the item needs to be made of Magisteel. In fact this reminds me of something, it reminds me of the Dryads. Could the plants all around us not grow into powerful Dryads? Of course not! If that was the case there would be far more Dryads around the world." Informed Vesta.

"Now one common factor between all the tests was that everything that reacted to the Potion possessed some Magicules. This led me to the question, what is a Magicule?"

Vesta snapped his fingers, which seemed to be the signal for a projector to be used.

Behind Vesta two images were displayed. 

"These two images are dissections of the hipokute grass, while the other is a random plant. Can you tell me the difference?" They both looked the exact same.

Ah, he is probably going to tell people how hipokute grass is formed. Hmm, I would have thought more people would be aware, this is a world of Magic, isn't it normal for plants and such to mutate when in contact with intense amounts of Magicules?

"They look the same!" Said someone.

"Indeed. They look the same! Now what does this tell you?" One thing is for sure, this guy can keep people's attention.

Vesta ignored his own question and continued. "Now we know how Potions are made, they are made by extracting the liquid from hipokute grass and mixing it with Magicules. Tempest has managed to extract liquid with a 99% purity. That is the purity of a Full Potion!"

"You can even grind up the leaves and mix them with Magicules to create an ointment that can be used on wounds."

Gabiru took over. "Over time we were able to make one crucial discovery. Hipokute herbs do not exist! What we call hipokute herbs are really just plants that have been mutated due to extreme levels of Magicules littering the area."

Hearing this the audience got extremely excited.

"What a discovery!"

"This will change the world!" Well if Rimuru wanted to get the world's attention, then this is one hell of a way to do so.

 I noticed Gazel was looking at the stage in awe, and Elmesia was sending out a Thought Communication.

They seriously didn't know?

Vesta ignored the questions of the audience.

"Back to my previous question. 'What is a Magicule?' We have not been able to solve this riddle just yet but this has sprouted new questions. Majins and Monsters are considered as such due to the high concentration of Magicules in their bodies right? What if we extract all those Magicules? Will they become Human?"

Gabiru continued for Vesta. "We have not been able to prove our hypothesis but we will continue to work diligently!"

Gabiru and Vesta both bowed. "Thank you for listening!"

That was quite enjoyable.

"My junior has really done something quite astounding today." Commented Gazel.

Elmesia nodded along. "Indeed, even I did not see that coming."

Gazel smirked. "Hah! Even the great Elmesia is stumped."

Elmesia glared at Gazel. "Don't make me tell everyone of that time you fought that Black Spider Little Gazel."

Gazel's eyes widened in panic. "There will be no need for that Elmesia!"

Elmesia tilted her head up in superiority. "Hmph, that is what I thought."


I walked to the restaurant Rimuru invited me to for dinner.

For some reason he wanted to attend a dinner with the four of us, by four he meant himself, me, Hinata, and for some reason Yuuki.

Part of me thinks that Rimuru is desperately hoping that Yuuki is not behind the attack on Tempest, that guy might not look it but he cares for his friends. Learning that one of his friends could have betrayed him must not feel good at all.

Sometimes I think he's a bit too soft for a Demon Lord, but that's what makes him… him.

Whatever, I'm willing to give Yuuki the benefit of the doubt seeing as I have no real evidence he was behind Saeko's death.

No reason to act extremely hostile to him until then. I may be powerful now but it's best if I don't act like an unreasonable dick head, that's not the kind of person I want to be.

The restaurant Rimuru invited me to seems to be one with some varying food.

Once I walked in I took a look around, looking for Rimuru.

"Ah Felix! Over here!" I turned towards the voice. It seems Rimuru already got us a table, and I am the last one to arrive.

I took a seat next to Hinata, leaving Yuuki and Rimuru across from us.

"Demon Lord Felix, it is a pleasure to meet you, we did not have much time to speak last time." Said the sketchy looking Japanese man.

I gave him a nod. "It's nice to meet you as well Yuuki." I said, keeping my expression even.

I turned to my side and gave Hinata a once over. She was dressed in a more casual outfit this time, rather than her fancy dress from the other day or her Holy Knight armor.

She was wearing a black top with some shorts.

I gave her a wink. "Looking good Hinata!"

Once she heard me she gave me a glare and stepped on my foot under the table. Though I could tell she was just trying to hide her embarrassment.

"Huh. I didn't think I'd ever see the Hinata Sakaguchi be so embarrassed." Commented Yuuki.

Hinata's gaze snapped to Yuuki, with her glare multiplying 10 fold compared to what she used on me.

"Hehe, right! She should have gone to the concert with Felix! It could have been a date!" Rimuru cheekily said.

"Do you wish to die Rimuru?" Commented Hinata.

Rimuru nervously laughed. "Ehe, no?"

"Then shut. up." 

"Ah, what a tsundere." Rimuru said.

Rimuru really is fearless.

Before Hinata could say anything the waiter showed up.

That seemed to remind Hinata that we were in a public place causing her to calm down a bit.

Once we gave our orders Rimuru looked at us smugly. "So what did you think about the presentation?"

"I am quite interested in discovering the truth about Magicules that Vesta spoke about. Due to my physique potions do not work on me due to my body naturally purifying the Magicules inside the potion, rendering it useless." Hinata whispered at a slightly lower volume.

"Indeed, You truly have some outstanding subordinates Rimuru." Complimented Yuuki.

The four of us continued to chat throughout the night.


We made our way to the coliseum, now that it was completely finished being made, it was quite awe inspiring to look at.

The coliseum was large enough to fit 50,000 people at least. And it was built in a fairly short amount of time, all things considered.

Rimuru really lucked out recruiting those Orcs.

I could easily send The Dungeon from here as well, The Dungeon and the hundreds of thousands of Monsters inhabiting it.

I'm quite looking forward to when Rimuru unveils that.

I wonder if he was able to come up with a power level reader like I suggested?

"So the tournament is going to be held here huh?" Asked Milim.

I nodded. "Yup. I think Rimuru plans for a free for all to start, where the top 12 or something are allowed to participate in the actual tournament."

Carrion nodded beside me. "Boss is right. I'm sure a lot of people will want to take this opportunity to prove their worth. This is a perfect opportunity for that."

Everyone I brought to Tempest is going to be attending the tournament. We were attracting quite a lot of attention due to the many significant figures in our group.

Not to mention the high level of beauty found in our group. Beauty is something Humans focus a lot on, hell not just Humans, every race does, including me.

There was a line circling all around the entire coliseum, full of people eager to watch what will most likely be the most exciting fights they've ever seen.

Heh, unlike them though I can cut the line.

Muhaha, the benefits of status!

I led our group to the side entrance. Rimuru showed me the path to follow last night when we were with Yuuki and Hinata.

Lalatina skipped ahead slightly and turned towards me. "Do you know who will be participating Master?"

I nodded. "Yup. There is going to be Carrion, Gobta, Geld, and Gabiru. The rest will be decided through the qualifiers." 

Lalatina tilted her head. "Eh, so only weak people huh?"

I could tell she just landed a critical hit on Carrion, and also Frey since she is even weaker than Carrion, at least in pure Magicule Capacity.

"Haha, maybe you can find out how weak I am in a spar Lady Lalatina?" Taunted Carrion.

"Why would I want to fight someone so weak?" Lalatina answered cluelessly.

"Ara, I think this is Carrion's way of regaining his pride." Commented Frey.

"Eh? You know she is insulting you too right Frey!" Yelled Carrion.

Frey shook her head. "I do not know what you are speaking of." Looks like she is just going to bury her head in the sand. Frey really doesn't want to get on the bad side of a Primordial.

I left them to their chattering and continued to lead the way.

It didn't take us long to reach the VIP seats.

"Ah Felix! There you are! And you brought everyone else too!" I turned towards the voice.

"Sup Rimuru." I waved. I gave a nod to Gazel and Elmesia, one Gazel returned.

Elmesia however pouted. "No exaggerated greeting for me!?"

Ugh, she's like a child.

I sighed. "Hello Elmesia."

She giggled. "Hello Felix!"

I shook my head, wanting to avoid dealing with her any longer than I had to. I swear, half of these ancient beings are just trolls.

Milim rushed past me to look down at the stadium where the fights will be taking place. "Woah! So cool!" 

Rimuru nodded. "Yup! The Orcs put a lot of effort into it!"

We could also see some spectators entering the coliseum and making their ways to their seats.

There was a Barrier placed all around the arena where the battles will be taking place. It seems strong enough to protect the audience from any attacks that stray from their path.

The Barrier seemed to be made through Rimuru's Ultimate Skill, Uriel, Lord of Vows. So it should be more than sufficient to protect the audience.

In the worst case I'm sure Rimuru can actively use his Uriel to protect everyone. Uriel's defensive capabilities are pretty high up there so it should be fine.

While those two were talking about that, I approached Gazel and Elmesia and took my seat beside them.

Elmesia and Gazel were each seated on thrones that seemed to be customized for each of them.

I realized how that was possible when they hadn't even brought their own thrones as far as I know.

The moment I took a seat on the rather plain looking throne I realized what to do.

I lightly channeled my Magicules throughout the chair, causing it to change its appearance based on my desire.

I ended up making it black and red with an Ouroboros on the top, I felt it was rather propper.

I like this throne quite a bit.

"Hey Rimuru! Mind if I keep this throne?!"

He looked to me. "Uhh, yeah sure!"

I nodded. "Thanks!"

I already have a throne back in my territory, but the more the merrier.

I especially like how the throne automatically changes based on my desires.

"Ah, you haven't been formally introduced to my subordinates huh? Let me introduce you." I pointed to Saeko who had taken her position behind my seat and was puffing up her chest proudly.

She seems to be really into this whole bodyguard/secretary role, maybe because this is a public event she wants to be seen like that?

The mind of a woman is a mystery so I may never know, even with Odin.

"That's Saeko, she was the first subordinate I recruited. She is now a Wicked Oni."

"Ara ara, she is quite strong isn't she? Maybe even as strong as some Demon Lords." Commented Elmesia.

Gazel nodded. "Indeed, a fight with her would be quite bothersome."

Hearing their praise, Saeko smiled proudly.

"Yup, she has gotten far far stronger over time. She is practically incomparable to her previous self at this point."

I then pointed to my maid who was standing behind me next to Saeko. "That is my maid, Raiden. She is a Dragon Lord of Lightning."

Raiden gave both Elmesia and Gazel a quick bow.

They returned the greeting.

I then pointed to my pet fox who was in her human form much to her annoyance.

"That's Kurumi, she is a Nine Tailed Fox."

She gave them a wave. "Hello! My name is Kurumi, and I am my master's pet!"

She always has to introduce herself as that. I'm starting to think she has a pet kink.

Upon hearing Kurumi's introduction both Gazel and Elmesia looked at me curiously, but seeing that I wasn't saying anything they just returned Kurumi's greeting.

I then pointed to my ever present butler who seemed to be quite upset as he wanted Saeko's position.

Currently he has settled to stand beside me rather than behind me.

"That is Sukuna, my butler." I said pointing to Sukuna.

"Another Daemon huh?" Commented Elmesia.

"A type of Daemon yes." I answered. I'm not sure if Elmesia has encountered variants of Daemons like Beretta the Chaos Doll, or Sukuna the Cursed Daemon.

Sukuna gave them a bow. "I am My Lord's loyal butler. It is a pleasure to meet those in an alliance with him." Said Sukuna.

Elmesia and Gazel both returned his greetings.

"He seems to be a little different from his kin." Commented Elmesia.

I nodded. "Yup, he is a mutated Daemon."

Elmesia looked at me curiously. "A mutated Daemon? How interesting."

I pointed to Ingvild and Glenda. "Those are Ingvild and Glenda, one a Daemon, the other a Human Enlightened."

Ingvild gave a curtsy while Glenda bowed.

"It is nice to meet you King Gazel, Empress Elmesia." Said Ingvild. It seems Arcueid's formality training is working.

Gazel and Elmesia both greeted Ingvild. 

Gazel took a good look at Glenda. "Are you not one of the Ten Great Saints of the Western Holy Church?"

Glenda laughed nervously. "Aha, yeah I used to be a member of that group."

At her admission Gazel looked to me. I waved off his unspoken question.

"I can handle the goddess Luminous."

Gazel nodded.

I pointed over to the side where Carrion and Frey were discussing something.

"Those two are the Former Demon Lords Carrion and Frey." I then pointed towards Suphia who was looking down into the arena.

"That's Suphia."

Hearing her name Suphia jumped in surprise.

"Ah! Hello Lord Gazel, Lady Elmesia! It is an honor to meet you!" Said Suphia.

I then pointed to Albis and Phobio who were with Carrion.

"Those two are some of Carrion's subordinates, Albis and Phobio."

I then pointed to the Demoness Trio who had erected thrones of their own, though theirs were a bit smaller than mine.

"I'm sure they don't need to be introduced but I'll do it for formalities sake."

I first pointed to Arcueid who was sitting on a white throne. "That is Arcueid, otherwise known as the Primordial of White, Blanc."

"While I no longer go by that title anymore, I am still the Primordial of White." Responded Arcueid.

Elmesia and Gazel nodded, not showing much of a reaction as they had already met Arcueid.

I pointed to the next Primordial. "That is Megumin, the Primordial of Yellow, also known as Jaune."

"Hehe, as My Lord said! The name's Megumin!"

"Ara, so she has been the one firing Nuclear Magic at Leon's territory." Commented Elmesia.

"Ghaha, yup! I remember that guy came to negotiate once but I just ended up attacking him. Such a bore that one!" Said Megumin.

Elmesia nodded. "Indeed, he can take things a little bit too seriously at times."

"Next is Lalatina, the Primordial of Purple, Violet." I continued.

Lalatina gave Gazel and Elmesia a slightly cruel smile. "Hello! I am Lalatina! Make sure you don't cause trouble for my Master though!"

That last line was unnecessary.

Gazel looked at me. "You truly have recruited three Primordials. I hadn't doubted you but seeing it in person is quite something."

Elmesia nodded. "Indeed, should this fact get out then the balance of power in the world will shatter."

Rimuru and Milim had joined us already and were simply listening, something quite surprising for Milim.

Who knew she could be well behaved!

Upon hearing Elmesia Rimuru rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

"Ah, and you have recruited Noir right Rimuru?" Asked Elmesia.

Rimuru nodded. "Yup I have."

Elmesia nodded in understanding.

"Hey Felix you don't introduce me hmph!" Exclaimed a pouting Milim.

I rolled my eyes. "I don't think The Destroyer needs any introductions."

"Ah! That's right! The great Milim Nava needs no introductions!" Said a nodding Milim.

Elmesia and Gazel simply looked at Milim with some nervousness in her gaze.

Heh, I'd be surprised if Elmesia wasn't a little bit afraid of Milim. Milim did destroy the original kingdom of the Elves after all.

Before we could continue a projection appeared in front of us depicting the arena.

The projection focussed on various contestants' faces.

I called Carrion over, causing him to pause his discussion with Frey. "You should probably go now, it seems it is about to start."

Carrion nodded. "Got it boss!"

"Hehe, hopefully these guys can put on a show. It would be boring if everyone is too weak." Commented Milim.

I nodded along with her. "Yeah, I don't really find it enjoyable to watch a low level fight. It can even be considered boring."

Rimuru hearing us sighed. "Ugh, you two have such picky standards."

Before I could respond to him the announcer for the tournament spoke up through the projection.

"Welcome everybody to Tempest's first ever tournament! To start things off we will be holding the preliminaries which will be a free for all!" 

I went ahead and analyzed the Skills of the contestants, most didn't have anything even moderately useful, though I was able to find something interesting.

It seems Rimuru gave two of his subordinates a Unique Gift.

A Unique Gift is a Unique Skill that is given to someone through a soul corridor. It isn't the shape of the user's mind, rather it is just a fairly quick power up.

Unique Gifts are weaker than their Unique Skill variants, but they can still be useful.

"Now enough with the introductions! Let's get this started!"


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Author's Note:

Sup everyone. We get to see some more lore behind the world developed and we get to learn a bit more about some characters.

The science presentation went fairly similar to how it went in canon, I included it because I thought it added some more depth to everything Tempest has done and is working on and helped explain the potions better, it also served as a pretty good vessel to talk a bit with Elmesia and Gazel which was the real goal here.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed! See you next time!

Also, you guys should check out @BonVoyage Tensura fic, it's pretty damn good.

Support me if you want on pat reon *.com* / theogbasilisk

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