68.7% I'm a Daemon, so what? (Tensura/Multicross) / Chapter 100: Chapter 34 Part 2

章節 100: Chapter 34 Part 2

- Felix -

With that taken care of I looked to Rimuru with a pout. "You're such a party pooper."

Rimuru looked annoyed. "Me? A party pooper? Hah!"

Milim chose this moment to appear. "Eh! That looked like it could have been fun to watch!"

"Don't worry Milim, the fight was just postponed, we can watch it at the tournament, along with that I bet there will be a few other interesting fights."

Rimuru nodded along with me.

"Ah! Really?! Then I'll look forward to it." Said Milim.

The Unique Skill: Tuner was analyzed.

Ah, that must be Gabiru's Unique Skill.

This is an odd Skill.

The first sub-skill, Unexpected Effects allows the user to boost attack power only through unintentional action. It acted based on the user's mood — they gain more strength when excited and driven and vice versa.

While the second sub-skill, Change Destiny is quite honestly bullshit. It alters the user's own fate to the point of preventing certain death. It can only be used once a day on each target which means that the user can use it once a day for each different target. It cannot be activated intentionally.

Of course this is not quite as good as Saeko's Cook but it is still quite broken.

Fucking Unique Skills man. This world is seriously full of hax abilities.

Though it seems there are more Unique Skills to analyze in Tempest so I'll have to get that done during the Festival.

After all, if I can then why shouldn't I analyze all the Skills I can? The data can only help me after all.

Rimuru's Uriel, Lord of Vows was made with the combination of all of Rimuru's subordinates abilities but a lot of those abilities were left out due to them not meshing well with Uriel's general capabilities, so Odin is not able to gather data on every single one of Rimuru's subordinates Skills.

Odin wanted to go off on her own to go analyze all the Skills she can but I rejected her, after all this is the Cardinal World, you never know what can happen.

One thing I did learn though is that Odin is just as eager for more data on Skills as I am if not more.

I guess she inherited that from me.

"What about Frey?" I asked.

"Ah, we were discussing something about how she wanted me to rebuild her territory."

I nodded. "I see, but I was asking where she was."

Rimuru's eyes widened. "Crap! I teleported here as soon as I could so I left her in my office. I'll see you guys later." Rimuru said as he teleported away.

Well that happened.

I looked towards Carrion. "Well you heard him, you can have your fight during the tournament."

"Got it Boss."

Carrion then left with Suphia, Albis, and Phobeo. Though Suphia sent me a Thought Communication saying goodbye.

Now that the fight was postponed I noticed multiple Orcs and High Orcs resume their work, it seems they were busy reinforcing the arena when Carrion and Gabiru began releasing their Auras in preparation.

Noticing I was looking at him, Geld gave me a quick bow before resuming his work.

I'd already analyzed his Unique Skills a while back. The Unique Skill: Guardian has three sub-skills. Grant Protection which allows Geld to increase the defensive capabilities of others, Substitute which allows him to receive the damage others would take, and Iron Wall which boosts his defensive ability and durability.

A solid Skill.

Then his other Unique Skill: Gourmet is just a reskinned Gluttony, though it has a bit more restrictions.

It suits a High Orc like him.

"Alright, let's move on so the Orcs can finish whatever they were doing."

Milim nodded excitedly. "Let's go try some more food!" 

What a glutton.


- Rimuru Tempest -

He gave his name at the reception desk for the Free Guild and requested to meet with Yuuki.

The guy at the desk thankfully quickly directed him to Yuuki, status was quite useful sometimes.

"Heh, Rimuru long time no see! You've gone through a lot of interesting things since we last met huh?" This bastard.

Rimuru controlled his expression to make sure he gave nothing away. He gave Yuuki a friendly smile. 

He sighed. "It was far more than just interesting, getting surprise attacked by Hinata, then Falmuth's invasion, I even became a Demon Lord. Everything was super chaotic for the last few months."

"Ah, well you came out on top huh Rimuru? That's just like you." Yuuki responded playfully. It seems he was going to pretend that he wasn't responsible for Hinata's attack.

Even Raphael was not completely certain if he was behind it but Yuuki was the most suspicious.

He just couldn't look at his former friend the same with that suspicion in the back of his mind.

"At least I made up with Hinata so all turned out well."

Yuuki nodded. "That must have been difficult, I know how she can be."

Rimuru imagined it would have been quite difficult if Felix didn't convince him to just directly contact Luminous to sort everything out.

With Hinata's brash personality they likely would have ended up fighting.

"Yeah, she didn't listen at all to what I was saying, but she is loyal to a fault." He made sure not to give away too much information, like the fact that Felix was beati-training Hinata.

"Ah, you're here to pick me up for the Festival though right? I've been desperately finishing my work just to attend you know?" Asked Yuuki.

Rimuru nodded. "You and the kids."

Yuuki smirked. "I'm sure they will be happy to see their Rimuru-sensei again."

Rimuru smiled fondly at remembering his students. His true purpose for coming here after all was to take the kids to Tempest.

"Ah, I'll introduce you to my assistant as well Rimuru." Yuuki pressed a button under his desk.

Rimuru prepared for an attack just in case, after all Yuuki no longer had his trust. He was a Demon Lord now, he ought to be prepared for these sorts of things.

Thankfully no attack took place.

The door opened and in came a beautiful looking Elf.

Damn bastard, having an Elf secretary. Both Yuuki and Felix are traitors, he wants some Elf subordinates too!

Rimuru did rescue a few Elves from Jura who were enslaved but they weren't really his subordinates, they were more like citizens of his territory.

"This is my assistant Kagali, she has taken up the role of my Deputy Guild Master." Yuuki said, introducing me to that woman. She had the classic secretary look, a nice suit with unique designs, neatly combed hair, navy blue eyes, and blonde hair tied in a bun. 

Then there was her more attractive feature. 

Her pointed ears.


"If you ever want to meet me and I am not available you will be directed to her." Said Yuuki.

Rimuru nodded in response.

The Elf, Kagali gave a quick bow. "Greetings Demon Lord Rimuru, my name is Kagali, it is an honor to meet you."

He gave her a smile. "It is nice to meet you as well Kagali."

They quickly finished their conversation and then left the room. Yuuki had to get his bag full of his daily necessities since he will be leaving for a few days.

Rimuru made his way to the familiar school building. He didn't send a letter in advance since he wanted to surprise them. He hoped they didn't look at him differently due to him being a Demon Lord now.

Thanks to the pass he got from Yuuki he was able to easily get through the Freedom Academy and make his way to where the kids were.

next chapter

章節 101: Chapter 34 Part 3

- Yuuki Kagurazaka -

While Rimuru was meeting with the children he took the chance to hear what Kagali had to say.

"So what do you think?" He asked.

He saw Kagali shiver slightly. "It felt like I was constantly being watched, as if one wrong move would result in my death." She whispered.

Yuuki nodded in response. "Rimuru seems to be a bonafide Demon Lord, far stronger than he was when he was a mere Slime. We can't underestimate him or his friend."

Kagali nodded. 

"Make sure Laplace is ready when the time comes." He ordered.

"Got it Boss."

- Rimuru Tempest -

Rimuru opened the door to the classroom. "Hey kids, I hope you guys have been studying hard!"

Before he could continue though he was tackled by Chloe who hit him like a bullet.

She looked up at him with a pout. "You said you'd visit sensei!" 

He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Well you se-"

"Yeah! I thought you'd forgotten about us!"

"Gale is right! You should have come to play with us!

He was quite busy with everything that has been going on but he knew such an excuse wouldn't work on the kids.

"Haha, sorry about that, but how about to make up for it why don't you come visit my country? We are holding a big Festival where you can all have a ton of fun!"

"Eh! Sensei's country?!" Yelled Alice.

He nodded with a smirk. "Yup! My country is pretty awesome, I can even introduce you to my best friend!"

"You have a best friend Sensei?" Asked Chloe with a curious hint to her voice.

He nodded. "Yup! His name is Felix!"

All of their eyes widened. "You mean the Demon Lord Felix White?!" Yelled Kenya.

"Woah! We can meet a real Demon Lord?!" 

Seriously guys? He was a Demon Lord too!

Whatever, as long as they're happy.

"Yes, I'm sure Felix would love to meet you." Felix had mentioned that he wanted to meet the students he taught at some point, the Festival was a good opportunity for that.

"Yipee!" Shouted Kenya.

Man they really didn't take him as a Demon Lord seriously huh? Well maybe they were too familiar with him to see him like that.

He noticed the teacher standing to the side watching with a surprised expression, though he was smiling.

"Alright why don't you kids go get ready."

They all nodded and ran off to get what they needed.

"Ah, what a surprise, they don't treat me with as much affection." Said the teacher.

He decided to comfort him. "Haha, don't worry about it, before I came here they wouldn't tolerate any other teachers so they do like you."

"Aha, that's true, but it does make sense that they don't take me very seriously. The strength of those kids…"

Eh? Were they really that strong?

"Ah, I haven't introduced myself, my name is Rimuru, I was their substitute teacher before."

The teacher shook his head. "There is no need for introduction, those kids won't stop talking about you and Yuuki has already informed me about you. My name is Clouse by the way."

"Nice to meet you Clouse." He responded.

Clouse said he was an A- Rank Adventurer and he was 50 years old.

If they could rival an A- Rank Adventurer when they are so young then those kids have a ton of potential.

Especially Kenya and Chloe, according to his Elemental of Light he had the potential to become a True Hero, a being opposite to the True Demon Lords. And then Chloe was Blessed and Contracted to that mysterious Spirit, one that Great Sage said had an immeasurable amount of power.

Yuuki walked through the doors with a large duffel bag.

"Ah, are the kids already getting ready?"

Clouse nodded. "Indeed. While you are here Grandmaster I would like to make a request to both of you in fact."

Yuuki looked at him and he nodded in response.

"Very well Clause, what is it?" Asked Yuuki.

Clouse went on to say that the children's growth may be affected if they don't find a stronger teacher, after all they are already capable of rivaling him individually, soon enough they will be able to beat Clouse single handedly.

No student will respect a teacher that is weaker than them, at least normally. Children are just like that, oftentimes logic does not work on them, it doesn't matter if Clouse is more experienced and has more knowledge to pass on.

It seemed Clouse really valued the children and wanted them to succeed. It's good to know that there are still teachers like that out there.

Rimuru saw this opportunity to poach the kids and get them out of Yuuki's influence. If this plan works he won't need to use his other plan.

"Why don't they come stay in Tempest then? We have amazing teachers and they are all quite strong so it will be a long time before the kids outgrow them."

"Ah! Can we entrust them to you then Rimuru?" Asked Yuuki. It's good that he wasn't protesting.

He nodded. "Yes! Count on me!"

He can even have Hinata and the Holy Knights help train the kids so they could get a deeper understanding of their Elementals.


Rimuru looked down at the kids playing around fondly, this is the life they deserved to have, not one where they constantly worry about if they will make it to the next day.

Thankfully Yuuki didn't protest much about him taking them to the Festival, he had a plan for how to keep them in Tempest. He didn't trust Yuuki much due to his shady activities so it's best if he keeps the kids close.

Rimuru left them to their games while he continued to prepare for the Festival. He would introduce them to Felix a little later on, maybe when the Festival officially starts.


- Felix -

I looked down at the fallen form of Hinata. Since we had a couple hours until nightfall Hinata wanted to get a little bit more training in since we likely won't have as much time during the Festival which starts tomorrow.

Though I wasn't complaining I used this chance to try out some of my Soul Magic, basically Elemental Magic that is used by Elemental Souls like me.

Elemental Souls can naturally manipulate the Laws of the World concerning their respective Elements. This phenomena completely obeys the laws of physics, contrary to how regular Magic violates those laws. Since it obeys the laws of physics Elemental Souls can be used to fight when under an Anti-Magic Area or a Holy Barrier.

Since my Elemental Soul of Infinity is a combination of my Space and Time affinities I can quite casually manipulate both those aspects now, whereas before I struggled with manipulating Time partly due to fear of the Element itself and inexperience.

Soul Magic, if mastered enough, is capable of even rivaling an Ultimate Skill.

"You had enough yet?" I taunt.

"Gah, not yet!" She yelled as she quickly jumped up and charged at me.

I simply blocked her attack with my stick and then kicked her away at speeds she couldn't follow.

Before I could continue however I got a Thought Communication from Rimuru.

"You need something Rimuru?"

"Uhh, kinda? Are you busy right now?"

I looked towards Hinata who once again charged at me.

"Not really no, what's up?"

"Ah, you said you wanted to meet my students right, they're here now and then want to meet the great Demon Lord Felix White."

I smirked hearing the slight jealousy in Rimuru's tone.

"It seems they know who the real Demon Lord is."

"Huh?! What does that mean?! You wanna go?!"

"Now you just sound like Milim. Anyways I'll teleport over to you soon."

And with that I cut the Thought Communication.

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