"Nothing much, I just felt the sudden urge to bea- I mean teach you." She definitely bought it if the way she is giving me a half lidded stare means anything.
Man I'm too good at this.
Ignoring Odin, "Now why don't we go to The Dungeon for this session? I want to face Veldora after so it'll be easier that way."
Hinata's eyes widened considerably. "Veldora?! Why would you want to face him?!"
I shrug my shoulders. "I'm bored and looking for a good fight."
Hinata waited a moment for me to continue but seeing as I wasn't saying anything else she sighed. "That's it? You are challenging the strongest species in the world, one of the three Catastrophe Class beings due to boredom?"
I nod. "Mhmm."
"I hope I never turn out like you." Now it's my turn to look at her confused.
"Why is that? You're saying you don't want to be awesome, super strong, handsome, or in your case beautiful, though you already have that requirement met. But what's there not to like about me? I think you're just jealous of me." Yes, that must be it. After all, who wouldn't want to be me?
"Eh? Why are you blushing?" I ask.
"Grrr, shut up! Let's just go have our stupid spar!"
"Ah, I knew you valued our training, you don't need to be such a tsundere." I tease.
I noticed Hinata's subordinates looking at her in shock. Maybe she is always super serious with them or something? Yeah that's probably it.
"Before we go, why don't you introduce me to your subordinates?" I ask.
Hinata looked at me with suspicion. "Why would you be interested in them?" She questions.
I just smirk in response. "Ah, what teacher wouldn't be interested in his adorable student's subordinates."
My statement only caused Hinata's blush to reignite in vigor.
Ah, whenever Luminous finds out that I'm teaching her most precious subordinate she is gonna be pissed.
"Grrr, fine!" She turned towards her three subordinates that were in Tempest. I could sense other church officials inside the newly constructed church but these three seemed to be the strongest.
" " "Yes!" " " They all shouted.
The first one was a blonde man with long hair, he came up towards us and bowed again.
He seemed to have heard me asking for their introductions so he said, "Greetings Lord Felix, my name is Leonard Jester, Lady Hinata's second in command and a Saint Wizard."
A Saint Wizard huh? Humans have many classifications for Magic users.
Sorcerers are those who specialize in Elemental Magic, Shaman are those who specialize in Spirit Magic, Maya are those that specialize in Illusion Magic, Enchanters specialize in Engraving Magic and imbue special effects into items. Priests are those that use Holy Magic, priests generally fill the support category. Summoners are those that use Summoning Magic. Elementalers or Elementalists are those that utilize both Spirit Magic and Summoning Magic to summon contracted Elementals.
Then we have the truly impressive classes.
Magicians are those who have learned and can well utilize at least two different types of Magics. Wizards are those that have mastered three or more different types of Magics. And then Leonard's class, Saint Wizard is for those that have mastered Holy Magic, an impressive feat as the higher levels of Holy Magic require tremendous amounts of faith.
"Well met Leonard. It's good Hinata has a reliable subordinate like you, to be blessed by an Elemental of Light must mean you have a pure heart. An Enlightened of your caliber is welcome in practically any Nation." I praise.
Hinata looked at me in surprise. Heh, I can be nice too.
"Ah, thank you for your praise Lord Felix." He bowed again and stepped aside.
The next one to introduce himself was a large sturdy looking man, he had a mace attached to his waist so I assume he specializes in close combat.
"Lord Felix, this one's name is Bacchus, one of the Captains of the Crusaders." Short and straight to the point huh?
He was blessed by an Earth Elemental.
I gave him a nod. "Hello Bacchus."
The next one to approach me was the strongest of all three. I would have assumed that the strongest would be Hinata's Vice Captain but I was wrong.
And this guy was a tad special.
I could sense the blessings of multiple Elementals on him, and the strongest blessing was from an Elemental of Space. Heh, that's ironic.
"I am Arnaud Bauman, one of Lady Hinata's subordinates. If I find you to have untoward intentions to My Lady then I will not hesitate in doing my duty."
I smirked at his greeting. "Oh? And what can a weakling like you do?" I taunted.
I could see Hinata try and intervene but before she could I slightly let out my Demon Lord's Haki, focused on all three of them.
The three of them instantly kneeled, I saw Bacchus try and steady himself with his mace, while Arnaud and Leonard did the same with their swords.
"Teacher!" I ignored Hinata's plea.
"Before you say something make sure you can back up your words. Who knows, one day your words may get you or my adorable student killed."
I didn't take his words personally, after all he was someone raised in the Cardinal World, a world where legends about Demon Lords are widespread.
To the world Demon Lords are beings of evil, unrepentant monsters. And they may be right in some cases.
In fact I can even admire this guy for the sheer balls of threatening a Demon Lord in the territory of another Demon Lord.
"You can't even withstand 1% of my Haki. That should show where you really stand in this cruel world."
I reigned in my Haki and let them get up.
"Though good on you for having the balls to defend your Mistress." I complimented.
They slowly stood up, I could see fear in their eyes, but more than that I could see conviction.
These three really believed in what they were doing, and there was something admirable about that.
I ignored Hinata's glare as she made sure her subordinates were okay.
As we were walking towards The Dungeon Hinata said, "You didn't have to be so rough on them."
I snorted. "Rough? That was less than a single percentage of my Haki, they are the ones provoking an unknown Demon Lord. Any other Demon Lord except for Rimuru might just kill them for the insult."
Even Milim would, hell most of my subordinates would kill him on the spot for the insult. They don't play around.
Hinata sighed. "I know. Thanks for going easy on them I guess."
"Ah, my little tsundere student."
Hinata grit her teeth. "I. Am. Not. A. Tsundere!"
Heh, Veldora told her about tsunderes when he overheard me call her that one time
Hinata ignored me and continued marching towards The Dungeon. Ah, she's much more fun to mess with than Luminous, her reactions are far better. Luminous has had thousands of years of experience, whereas Hinata is practically a newborn compared to that.
Heh, maybe I should call Luminous a hag sometime.
I quickly caught up to Hinata. "You know I can teleport us into The Dungeon right?" I asked.
She took a deep breath and sighed. "Of course you can." I took that as the signal to teleport us to Floor 100, Veldora's lair.
Moments later I heard, "Ah! Felix what are you doing here?" Asked the chunni True Dragon.
"Sup Veldora. I wanted to spar with Hinata and wanted to see if I could borrow the area you will face challengers in. Then maybe after if you're up for it we can have a spar ourselves."
"Ghaha! Of course my brother! Feel free to use my lair to teach your student a lesson." That doesn't sound ominous at all.
"And what about sparring with you?" I've been very curious about how Veldora scales against his sister Velzard. I know he isn't at her level, but how large of a difference is there between fellow True Dragons?
"Indeed, we shall have a spar! Our battle will be legendary!"
"Alright, just hang around for a little bit then. Ah, what about that bug Zegion, what's he up to? He's your student too, right?"
Veldora nodded with a smug smile on his face. "Indeed! He is currently training against the Tempest Serpent a few floors above."
I nodded. I don't make a habit of sensing every single Floor of The Dungeon. But still that's quite impressive. And he still has a lot more potential to be unveiled, especially since part of him is made up of Rimuru's flesh.
Honestly he reminds me of a shonen protagonist. He has his latent potential in his exoskeleton, he has a mentor that is one of the strongest beings in the world, his very body is made up of the flesh of a Demon Lord, and then he is also learning a martial arts style known to only a few, the Veldora Style Killing Arts.
Dude is a bonafide shonen protagonist.
"Alright, come on Hinata." She nodded and followed me to the center of the arena on this Floor.
I noticed Veldora appear in the spectator's area, Zegion was also teleported in as well. It seems Veldora was going to try and have Zegion learn from this fight as well.
Veldora has all he needs to be a successful mentor, after all he has knowledge of all the badass teachers from his manga. It wouldn't surprise me if his training methods are blatant copies of someone like Bang, Rayleigh, Roshi, or even Whis.
Hinata withdrew her blade and got into her stance as she activated her armor's special effect elevating her body.
I plan to rely more liberally on my Magic in this fight, after all I would consider myself more of a Mage than a Swordsman, though I am proficient in both.
I withdrew the same stick from earlier and coated it in my Divine Aura.
"Alright, let's get started now."
The moment I finished speaking, Hinata appeared in front of me at speeds most aren't capable of seeing.
Sadly for her I am not most.
I casually parried her strike to the side and then jumped up into the air and breathed scorching hot flames down in Hinata's direction.
Crimson red flames splashed out in all directions, hot enough to burn the very oxygen in the air. I could see Hinata summon her Contracted Elementals and use them to try and direct the Flames elsewhere. Unfortunately the Magicules she was supplying was not nearly enough to overtake my own controlling the Flames. Something she should have known by now.
Seeing her plan wasn't working she leaped backwards to gain some distance on the flames.
It seems she just wanted to try and dispel it with her Elementals in the safe environment of a spar. Which is understandable, she wants to gouge the difference between us if she can, in any way possible since her Unique Skill: Mathematician doesn't work on me. The more information she has the better this spar will go for her.
Honestly fighting against Ultimate Skill wielders without something equal to that is basically a pointless endeavor.
I could tell Hinata was drawing on the power of her Elementals.
"Wind Blade!" I lightly blew in the Wind Blade's direction dispelling it.
"You're gonna need a lot more than that if you want to affect me with Magic."
I wave my hand and send several Ice Blades towards Hinata. Let's see how she will deal with these.
Each of my Ice Blades are equal to the attack of a Legend Grade weapon, something Hinata can deal with but not without trouble. Perfect for training her.
Hinata manages to cut two of them apart but the last two end up getting dangerously close to her before Hinata dodges to the left cutting another Ice Blade apart in the process while letting the last Ice Blade strike behind her.
Good, if she couldn't even do that much it would be quite disappointing.
Still, Hinata has been on the backfoot the entirety of this fight, let's see what she can do if I give her the chance.
I look down at Hinata as she lays on the ground catching a breather.
"That was better than before." I comment.
"Hah, you're one to talk, you don't even look slightly winded." Hinata says pouting.
I roll my eyes. "It takes a lot more than that to exhaust me, I can fight for weeks on end without feeling exhausted, you're a long way from that."
Hinata sighed as she got up. "I know." She seemed to be a bit upset, after all it seems like she hasn't made any progress, but it's hard to tell progress when you get slapped around no matter what.
I'm sure if Hinata went and sparred with someone who used to be her equal she would see the difference.
Her reaction time is quicker, she is far more aware of her surroundings, I've been teaching her some useful tricks with Spatial Magic. Overall she has grown a fair amount.
"Alright why don't you stand to the side, maybe you can learn something from my fight with Veldora." I order.
Hinata nods and goes to stand beside Zegion.
Veldora takes the cue to appear in front of me as I am storing my stick for future beatings on Hinata.
"Finally! Our battle will be legendary Felix!" Veldora boasted.
"You already said that." I commented.
"Indeed! Now let us get started!"
I nodded and took my spot across the room from Veldora.
I'm curious about his Veldora Style Killing Arts, I've seen some of the moves it contains but not all of them. It will be fun to see what other moves he has recreated.
Veldora was in his humanoid form currently, though I'm not exactly sure if he is stronger in this form or his True Dragon form.
I'm going to have to take this fight seriously, though I'll stay away from Time shenanigans so the spectators can actually see what is happening.
I assume Veldora is a Digital Lifeform, he is a True Dragon after all.
'Incorrect, the Storm Dragon Veldora is not a Digital Lifeform.'
Huh, that's surprising.
'Got it, thanks Odin.'
I guess even True Dragons have things they actually need to learn.Veldora and I looked at each other, and then the battle started immediately.
I tilted my head to the side avoiding one of Veldora's punches while kneeing him in the pelvis sending him flying back.
All of a sudden I felt a massive Aura erupt from Veldora, I contested it with my own Aura and rushed at Veldora, my fists coated in Stardust.
It would be foolish not to go all out against a True Dragon.
My earlier attack didn't seem to do much damage which isn't all that surprising.
I noticed Veldora gathering a massive amount of his Aura into his fist.
The moment our fists collided I felt Veldora release all the Aura he gathered at once, sending me flying all the way across the Floor. Though the Stardust coating my hand did far more damage to him than it did to me.
My entire right arm was gone alone with some of my shoulder.
No biggie though.
I flexed my newly regenerated arm and then teleported to where I sensed Veldora and unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks while he was down.
All of a sudden I was about to be struck by Black Lightning, fortunately Odin had me covered and placed a barrier to block it.
'Notice. Due to the Ultimate Skill: Faust, Lord of Investigation Veldora was able to hide his intentions from the Master.'
'But not from you huh?'
'Correct. Due to the data gathered on Faust it was possible to detect.'
'Nice, thanks Odin. Now let's do this!'
"Hah! As expected of you Felix! It is no wonder my Skill warned me that fighting you would be difficult." I looked towards the voice and was met with a slightly wounded Veldora.
Of course the wounds weren't enough as I could see Veldora regenerating in front of my eyes.
That Probability Manipulation of his is going to be a pain.
Heh, well I could just make it so that no matter how much he tries his Probability Manipulation will keep failing to change his odds against me. Of course I'd have to be far far stronger than I currently am for that to happen.
"Now let's get serious!" He yelled as claws grew out of his hands.
'Notice. It is detected that the Intrinsic Skill of the True Dragon Veldora is Dividing, allowing him to utilize his claws to cut through anything.'
Fucking True Dragons.
'You can't copy it?'
'Negative. Due to the Skill being so entwined with Veldora's nature it is impossible to copy.'
'Dang it.'
I dashed backwards just as Veldora dashed forwards, his claws are capable of casually breaching Infinity so it's best if I avoid being hit.
I aimed my palm in Veldora's direction and fired off a Nuclear Canon which Veldora casually cut through with his claws.
I began drawing on Satanael and felt myself grow stronger. Once I was ready I dashed towards Veldora, a hidden surprise in my palm waiting for him.
Veldora slashed at me with his claws which I casually avoided with Future Attack Prediction. Unfortunately for Veldora he doesn't have such a Skill as I used Death Streak right next to him.
Death Streak is a Magic capable of penetrating almost all matter while not having any physical destructive power.
The Dark Light immediately went rampant and began attacking in all directions as I dashed back to avoid it. I made sure to place a barrier around Hinata, Zegion and Ramiris who showed up so they wouldn't get hurt.
I expected for at least 70% of Veldora's body to be destroyed or corrupted by the Dark Light. The only reason I used it was since it was impossible for Veldora to die to it thanks to his nature as a True Dragon.
But I was wrong, it seems Veldora's control over Faust exceeded my expectations. Normally to master an Ultimate Skill you need years of effort. Even Guy hasn't mastered Satanael to this day, but Veldora was able to manipulate the probability the Dark Light would hit him.
Veldora still roared out in pain since a tiny bit of the Dark Light nicked him, not even Pain Nullification could negate it all as it was an attack on the soul.
Of course I didn't feel pity for him, he was a mighty True Dragon after all. I'm sure he's had far worse wounds.
"Gah! What a painful Nuclear Magic Felix!" He roared out.
But he got it together quickly.
Round 2 of our spar was far more chaotic. I used Ouroboros to change the distance between us making it so I was capable of easily reaching him while it was far more difficult for him.
I ended up getting a few cuts on him by cutting him through Space.
He ended up getting angry, deciding to just use his Divider to cut through Space itself to reach me.
Fucking cheat.
"How about one last attack Felix! An energy clash!" He wanted to do an energy clash? Count me in!
"Let's do it Veldora!"
He nodded with an excited look on his face. Now I'm sure he will use a kamehameha, but what should I use?
Stardust would be too much as it would easily overwhelm him.
Screw it, I'll just throw a Red at him.
I aimed my palm in the direction of his beam. "Red!"
Our two attacks met, both fighting for supremacy, but before we could see the results Rimuru appeared.
Party pooper.