43.53% I'm a Daemon, so what? (Tensura/Multicross) / Chapter 63: Chapter 23: Shopping and Techniques!

章節 63: Chapter 23: Shopping and Techniques!

Story: I'm a Daemon, so what?

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Chapter 23: Shopping and Techniques!


- Felix -

Satoru took me to a couple of sweet shops, each with their own specialty. Most of them were focused on candy, but some were focused on other things like cakes, and other baked goods.

My favorites were the Dark Chocolate Truffle Collection, along with Kreuther Handcrafted Chocolate. And then there was the super fancy place Satoru took me to. He apparently had to order ahead of time, normally they require at least a month in advance, but no one tells Gojo Satoru no when it comes to sweets.

He got me the Luxury Bouche de Noël, a French dessert that is normally served during Christmas time. It looks like a cake shaped like a log, and is decorated with a bunch of exotic ingredients from all over the world. There were cocoa beans from Madagascar, nuts from Iran, and spices from India along with some other ingredients. It costs about 650 United States Dollars. 

And it was money well spent, this was probably the singular most delicious sweet I have ever tasted, and that's saying something as Raiden makes some good sweets.

I ended up getting another order to go for Raiden and Kurumi to try, maybe Raiden will gain a burst of inspiration. Satoru had to help me with getting another serving seeing as the ingredients are all freshly sourced so the place we went to needed time to get said ingredients. Satoru was able to expedite the process with all his connections. I offered to get the ingredients myself, seeing as I knew I was being unreasonable, but he declined.

Truly a gentleman.

I was using the Intrinsic Skill: Transform that I copied from Luminous to shift my facial features slightly so as to not get as much attention, probably another reason that none of the places were treating me as reverently and cautiously as they were Satoru.

Of course I was still extremely attractive, I just wasn't recognizable as the guy who claimed to be a Demon Lord.

Of course Satoru did not have the same luxury so he was stopped for pictures and autographs. Dude became famous as hell after that live stream of his fight against Sukuna, even if the normal humans normally aren't able to directly see Jujutsu, they could see it during this fight due to the fact the crows that were broadcasting it could see. There were also those that were shit scared, which is a reasonable reaction, but it was still funny to see.

I also got some sweets from the same store that served the Luxury Bouche de Noël for Milim, along with some other cheaper and standard sweets for her. Of course I kept them in Stomach so they stay fresh.

"Ha, now that was a fun trip huh?" Satoru asked as he turned to look at me.

I nodded, "Yup, those sweets were heavenly, I'll definitely have to ask Raiden to figure out how to make them. They were expensive but good."

"Haha, yup! Having a bunch of money is great, it lets you enjoy the finer things in life. Truly, sweets are God's gift to us mortals." All of a sudden an inquisitive look appeared on his face, "Huh, are there gods out there? I wouldn't have considered such a thing before meeting you, but from all the stuff you have told me, maybe it is possible."

"You have no idea, I myself could be considered a god of sorts since I have Divinity, along with some others from the world I came from. But I know for a fact there is at least one other world with gods out there, and I assume there are far more."

Thanks to Ingvild I was able to confirm some things about DxD, like the fact that the Devil race is generally the same, gods exist, same with Fallen Angels, and Angels. Ingvild didn't know all that much seeing as all she knew was from her mother, Ingrid Leviathan who didn't go into too much detail about the Supernatural.

Though Satoru is the type to be excited about such a thing

"Gods huh? Sounds fun!"

I shook my head, "I knew you would say something like that."

"Hehe, well you already know me pretty well then. Now we still have some time left in the day so I'll introduce you to some people with some fun Innate Techniques!"

I gave him a nod, "Alright, let's go then. Are we getting a ride, or are we teleporting since I know you can do that with Blue?"

"We'll get a ride, I already have a car coming to pick us up." Understandable, teleporting everywhere can get boring, sometimes you just want to see the land around you as you go to a destination.

"Alright then."

It didn't take long for a limo to show up, I ignored the people staring at us and got in. Man is being famous a pain, I'm not even the one they are focusing on and it's annoying.

I looked out the window and noticed people were still taking pictures. They are taking pictures of a limo, do these people not have better things to do? It's a damn good thing I shifted my facial features. 

I turned to look at Satoru who was sitting across from me. "So who are we visiting, and what techniques do they have?"

"The first person is Takako Uro who has an Innate Technique that lets her manipulate the sky. She can use it for all sorts of purposes like flying, affecting Space, along with using the sky to attack."

Hmm, manipulating the sky sounds interesting. 

Wait, shouldn't I be able to create a vessel for these Incarnations to inhabit? All I need to do is create a body since the souls are already present.

They did basically just steal the lives of their vessels, I might be an indifferent person but if I can help someone at no cost and without having to try then why not?

I brought up my idea to Satoru who seemed interested. Satoru brought up the idea to do it without warning as some of the Incarnations may be more resistant to the idea due to there not being much trust established between both parties.

It didn't take us long to arrive, it seems this Sorcerer lives in an apartment. It's likely what she was given. 

Before we went into the apartment that Satoru brought us to, he stopped and said, "Don't take anything she says too personally, she has a serious temper, and doesn't like it when strong people try to tell her what to do. She sees it as them trying to stifle her potential."

I gave him a nod, I sensed a possessed vessel similar to those guys I met when I first came to this world. It seems she is also an incarnation of someone from the past.

"What do you plan to do with those who have been incarnated in the current era?" I asked.

"We haven't totally decided, there are those that wish to stick around, and trying to forcefully get rid of them isn't going to go well since they aren't going to go out without a fight. While I can beat them, they may cause some damage to the world around them, since they aren't going around killing people and making the world a worse place in general I don't see a reason to forcefully get rid of them. Most of them are even cooperating with us current era Sorcerers, they want to see how the world has changed, and how it will change with Sorcerery coming back into the open."

"That's fair." 

Satoru knocked on the door, it didn't take long for us to be greeted by a pink haired woman, she even has pink eyes!

"Hmph, took you long enough." So he did call ahead of time, that's good.

"Haha, sorry about that Uro-chan!"

"Don't call me that."

"Will do Uro-chan."

She sighed. "There is no winning with you." She looked behind Satoru, where I am standing. "And who might you be? Gojo said he was bringing a guest but never said who." 

I gave her a wave, "I'm a friend of Satoru's, I heard about your Innate Technique and was interested in observing it." It'll be easier if she doesn't know who I am, who knows how she may react, she may not care, or she may want to fight, or maybe something else. You never know with these Jujutsu Sorcerers.

"I see, my technique is pretty amazing so your curiosity is understandable." She looked back at Satoru. "At least someone can recognize that."

"Ehh, why does it matter how interesting you technique is when you're weak?" I could see her grit her teeth, but she took a deep breath and seemed to have calmed down.

"You're lucky I've been trying to rein in my temper, fitting in with modern society is more difficult than I thought." She may not realize it, but Satoru bringing me here is a compliment on its own, after all he is only showing me Innate Techniques that he finds interesting. Though of course Satoru would never say that himself, he is too much of a troll for that.

She stretched as she came outside. "Alright, let's get this over with."

I wonder how Satoru even got her to demonstrate her technique, she doesn't seem to be the type that would do such a thing for no reason.

"I found somewhere good for this demonstration, it's pretty out of the way as well."

"Lead the way then." Said Satoru.

It didn't take us long to get to a forest that was quite close to the apartment complex.

Once we were far enough along, Uro turned to look at us. "Alright, one of you two put up a Curtain, just in case."

Satoru made the hand sign and lowered the Curtain in moments.

"Alright, let me explain my technique first, Sky Manipulation, as it sounds, basically grants me the ability to manipulate the sky by turning it into a surface I can touch. I can use it to fly, or I can bend the sky itself and attack others with it. I tend to usually turn the sky into a cloth-like structure due to the ease at which I can manipulate it."

She turned around and showed us an example. She sort of grabbed the sky itself, and the sky followed her movements like a cloth would.

"I can use this to bend enemies' attacks away."

Hmm, this kind of ability has quite a bit of potential, she is probably only limited by the amount of Cursed Energy she possesses. 

"I can even use Sky Manipulation to turn the sky into a glass like substance, and then crack it causing a massive shockwave, though I won't show it off here for obvious reasons."

She stopped manipulating the sky and turned to look at Satoru, "That's enough right?"

Satoru turned to look at me.

'Was that enough Odin?"

'Answer. Yes, sufficient data was gathered.'

I gave him a thumbs up causing Uro to relax a bit.

"The agreement is fulfilled now, correct? You'll let me do what I wish as long as I don't harm Jujutsu Societies interests, and don't harm innocent people?"

"Yup, as long as you follow the rules that were set, I won't come after you. Though there is a slight change." Yikes, so she was on Satoru's hit list huh? That must not be a fun feeling, knowing that the strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer is after you.

She must have been one of the more wild participants of the Culling Games then.

Uro tensed up hearing the latter part of Satoru's statement, I of course took this as the cue to do my thing.

I appeared behind Uro and tore her soul out of the vessel body and consumed it with Beelzebuth.

Of course I don't plan on destroying the soul. I just inserted it into the Physical Body I made with Material Creation. Material Creation might not be able to create life but it can create anything with matter which includes a physical body.

Once Uro's soul was no longer in the host's body Satoru picked the host up and began carrying her towards the car.

The host was unconscious which is understandable.

I followed Satoru to the vehicle, once he was done Satoru looked at me and nodded.

I ejected Uro out of my Stomach, the moment I did Cursed Energy began radiating off of her in waves. She looked different due to Odin scanning the information in her soul for her original appearance.

Of course the energy Uro was releasing was nothing compared to the Cursed Energy Satoru released in turn.

"Now now Uro-chan, we just wanted to free your poor little host body. Don't overreact so much." Satoru chided.

Uro still looked furious. "You couldn't have warned me in advance!?"

Satoru shrugged uncaringly. "Maybe we could have but this is easier."

I was wondering if they were going to come to blows before Uro reigned in her Cursed Energy, likely knowing without a doubt that she was outmatched by Satoru alone.

"Gah! I hate people like you but there is nothing I can do about it now. Fine, but don't expect me to forget this." I rolled my eyes, as if her remembering this would mean anything.

"Yes yes, thank you for understanding Uro-chan." Satoru said.

Uro gave a short grunt before flying away, guess she doesn't care much if anyone sees her anymore huh?

I looked at Satoru. "Thanks for getting her to show her Technique."

He waved me off, "No problem, you've done a lot for me, so I'm repaying that, plus didn't you want the Tengen treatment? This is what it looks like. Now let's head to the next destination."

I nodded, the two of us got back into the limo.

"Do you mind if we drop the body off at Shoko's so she can take a look first?"

"That's fine with me but we are probably going to have the same situation happen multiple times today so I can just store her somewhere where her condition will be stable and then at the end of the day you can drop her off."

Satoru nodded. "That's fine with me."

I put my hand on the body and consumed her with Beelzebuth, safely storing her in my Stomach.

Once that was done Satoru said, "Next up is the Angel, her technique is the reason I was even able to get out of my seal. It's called Technique Extinguishment, as the name says, it basically negates all techniques, barriers, cursed objects, anything you can think of that uses Cursed Energy basically."

Hmm, that sounds kind of busted for this world, not going to lie. It sounds quite similar to an Anti-Magic Area, something that would fuck a lot of people over in other worlds that don't have other methods of attack, of course this Technique is limited by the fact that it only works on things that use Cursed Energy.

"She agreed to demonstrate her technique at no cost since you dealt with Sukuna for her, along with saving the person her Host cares most for."

Ah look at that, good deeds are rewarded!

Still, it seems she has a pretty good relationship with her host body, is this a Kurama and Naruto situation? Except, the Angel seems to be far weaker than Kurama, at least when it comes to raw power. But it's the same thing in spirit!

Since she has a good relationship with her host there probably isn't a reason to force her into a new body, but asking won't hurt anybody.

It didn't take us long to arrive, instead of an apartment we are now at a beautiful house. This chick must be doing pretty well for herself huh? Though she might have gotten the money to buy this from killing Curses, Jujutsu Sorcerers do make a pretty penny after all, they just don't have the time to use said money.

The Angel, or as Satoru introduced earlier, Hana Kurusu was waiting for us outside.

We got out of the vehicle just as Kurusu greeted us. "Welcome to my home." She said with a bow.

Seriously, these Japanese customs can be super bothersome at times.

"Thanks for having us, there is no need to bow Kurusu-chan, after all if your plan succeeds I'll technically be your Father-in-law won't I?" What plan? And Satoru is technically Megumi's adopted father isn't he? And since this chick is after Megumi, if they end up together Satoru will be her Father-in-law. 

Satoru sounds like a fun relative to have.

Still, who knew there would be some drama in a world like this?

Kurusu turned to look at Satoru, "Indeed, you are correct, I will not be as formal then."

She then turned to look at me and bowed. "I know I have said it before, but thank you for freeing my beloved Megumi from Sukuna's clutches."

"Haha, no need to worry about that, Megumi is a good kid, and I got to have a little bit of fun during that fight as well."

A weird mouth formed on the side of her cheek, that must be the Angel. "Indeed, thank you for dealing with the Fallen for me, it would have been quite difficult if Gojo-san was defeated, but you solved that issue on your own."

It's probably best that she doesn't learn that I plan to repurpose Sukuna. 

He will be my very own Diablo! A butler who does everything I ask, umu. That sounds like a good punishment for him, though going by what Odin said it won't be a punishment for him. He will be just as loyal as Diablo, and even though he will keep his memories, and generally know his very being has been altered, he will not care due to his loyalty to me being so ingrained within his very soul.

He might as well be a different person, just with the same looks and access to the previous Sukuna's memories. That won't change even if he evolves.

"Moving past that, you agreed to show me your technique right?"

The Angel responded. "That is correct, that is the least I owe you."

I nodded. "So where do you want to do this? I assume we aren't going to do this on your lawn."

"Indeed, that would attract unneeded attention. Even if the normal humans cannot visually see Sorcerery it is best to be on the safe side with everything that I have learned is going on in this era."

"You're probably right, besides we don't want to mess up your host's life if someone figures something out."

"That is correct."

"Well I have a solution to that seeing as it seems like you don't have anywhere to conceal us, I can create a Barrier around us that conceals everything similar to a Curtain, but better."

"If you believe it will be sufficient, then I have no issues with that."

Once we were at a good spot I snapped my fingers and used Isolate around us, and then put an illusion on the outside that showed everything as normal.

"Alright, now that's done."

"Hmm, that's the ability you used around the Jujutsu Schools right?"

I turned to Satoru and nodded.

"Quite an interesting barrier." Said the Angel with Kurusu nodding along.

Kurusu took the lead and said, "Now in order to demonstrate my technique at its best I need something to negate, it doesn't matter what it is."

I noticed Satoru take something out of his back pocket and unwrapped it. I see, he brought it for this meeting specifically, I thought Satoru started using a weapon recently and that's why he was carrying it.

"This is a sealed Special Grade Cursed Object that was being used to ward off other Cursed Spirits. Will this work?"

"Yes, that will work fine."

She then went ahead and touched it, and the next thing I knew there was an incredibly bright light shining. The light took the shape of a cross and rained down into the Cursed Object Satoru brought with him.

Soon enough the light died down and I could no longer sense any sort of Cursed Energy from the object Satoru brought with him.

'You analyze that Odin?'

'Answer, yes. Sufficient data has been gathered.'

'Great, nice work.'

I noticed both Satoru and Kurusu staring at me. "That was enough, thank you for that Kurusu."

"It was no problem Felix-sama."

Satoru was the one who brought up the whole new body thing, and Angel agreed. She said that if other Incarnations would be allowed to roam in this era she would stay around to keep them in check, that would be easier with a body of her own, along with that having a body of her own will stop her from messing up Kurusu's personal life.

Satoru said there was no need for that but she was adamant.

"Are you sure about this Angel?" Asked Kurusu.

"Indeed I am child, it is best if I don't interfere with your life anymore than I already have. Just being involved in this world is a curse for most."

Kurusu seemed sad but she reluctantly went along.

I placed my hand on Kurusu's back and yanked the Angel out of her. Once she was in my Stomach I repeated the earlier process and ejected her from my Stomach.

"Astonishing, to have a body of my own after so long is an odd feeling." Said the Angel.

"I'm sure it is." Said Satoru.

"Thank you for this Lord Felix." Said the Angel.

"It's no problem." I responded.

"I'll contact you later to get you an identity, for now you can just stick around here. I'll pick you up later." Said Satoru.

"Very well." Responded the Angel.

Since we were all done I dispelled the barrier and illusion around us. I looked towards Satoru. "You have anything you want to do here?"

"Nah, though I did want to say something to Kurusu-chan. Megumi is in a depression phase so this is the ideal time to make a positive impression!" He said with a thumbs up.

"Yes!" Well at least Kurusu looks determined, good luck with that.

Once we were back in the vehicle I decided to ask Satoru something that I've been meaning to. "Hey Satoru."


"Could you get me a minigun and a custom Desert Eagle?"

The expression on Satoru's face was quite amusing.

"A… minigun?"

I nodded. "Mhmm, a minigun, but don't forget about the Desert Eagle."

"That's an… odd request." Man for something to catch Satoru off guard, I guess it is kind of weird. Not many people casually ask for a minigun after all. Asking for a Desert Eagle isn't standard either but the minigun was definitely what stood out the most.

"And why do you need a minigun?"

"Oh, I want to gift it to one of my subordinates back home."

"That's an odd choice for a gift."

"It is, but I have a feeling she'll like it."

He shook his head exasperatedly, "You have some strange subordinates. But yes, I can get you a minigun and a fully customized Desert Eagle. Hell you could probably get it yourself. Just go to any government official and ask, once they realize your identity they would be more than willing."

Ah, I didn't think of that, but, "That sounds like too much trouble."

"Well you're right on that, they would probably try and keep you here, and or win a favor from you."

I sighed. "Yup, that's what I expected."

"You're a hot commodity you know? Ever since other nations saw that live stream of Mei Mei's they've been incredibly interested in you, Sukuna and I. The amount of destruction they saw Sukuna and I bring to bear is something that puts them on edge."

I nodded. "Yup, I expected no different." Man, Mei Mei's live stream is causing some problems huh? Well at least it isn't my problem to deal with, if it was I would have had Mei Mei purged for being a pain in the ass.

Ah, I might as well bring up the Old Man, and his long term stay in this world up now. Satoru might be able to help get everything set up, like getting the Old Man an identity, a place to live, hell maybe the Old Man will be willing to work for money. 

"There is something else as well."

He sat up. "Oh? From the tone of your voice this seems important."

"Indeed, I brought someone from the Cardinal World over here, he can be considered a mentor of sorts of mine, and he is planning to stay here for the foreseeable future. I want to get him an identity, and everything he might need to live here for a while." I don't mention the main reason is that I want the Old Man to make sure that the changes I make don't fuck the world up beyond repair.

I'll explain that part after I make my announcement, after all I want it to be a surprise for everyone, Satoru included.

"He may or may not be interested in killing curses, but for the most part he is looking to relax, but if something goes wrong he should be willing to help. So you can consider him a backup plan if you have to." I don't think the Old Man will mind that, but I'll double check with him when he's done adapting to the body I made him.

"A back up plan huh? How strong is he?"

"Hmm, in this world's terms he would classify as Special-Grade, that's for sure. In a fight between you and him, he would win almost every time."

An excited grin appeared on Satoru's face. "You said almost every time right? That means it's possible for me to beat him then?" Hmm, normally I would say no, but Satoru is a genius in his own right. He may learn an incredible amount from a spar with the Old Man, so theoretically it should be possible, but incredibly difficult. After all, the Old Man has no Ultimate Skills or anything that is considered equal to an Ultimate Skill, and he's only an Arch Daemon, someone strong, but ultimately beatable by groups of Humans back in the Cardinal World.

"It's possible, just incredibly difficult."

"Haha! And you said he plans to stay here right?"

"That's correct."

"Great! I can have a sparring partner to catch up to then!" Man he must really be looking for equals, or someone that can push him. Satoru has hit a wall that he can't get over until he has an obstacle that he has to work to beat.

I won't work for that as he has no realistic way to defeat me. The Old Man however….

Well let's just say I look forward to his growth.

"I can get him everything he needs to live in this world, be that an identity, work if he wants it, or a place to stay." It doesn't surprise me that Satoru is being so accommodating, the Old Man is a resource after all.

Ah, I should probably tell him that the Old Man is a Daemon. 

"I forgot to mention it but the person who is going to be staying here is a Daemon, an Arch Daemon specifically."

"An Arch Daemon?! Didn't you say those had enough raw power to destroy a country?!"

"Yup." It is said that Special-Grade Sorcerers are capable of taking over a country, and that may be true. But destroying a country, and taking it over are completely different things.

"Haha, I guess I got my work cut out for me huh?" Good luck Satoru!

At least I got that over with, now for more Cursed Techniques!


I waved Satoru goodbye as I teleported back to the house we were all staying at. Satoru had a few more Innate Techniques to show me, all of which were interesting in their own ways.

One of which was the Comedian, Takaba himself as Satoru didn't know that I had already analyzed his ability. One thing he did say though was not to mention Takaba's technique to him. The Angel theorized that his technique best works when he doesn't know it's doing his thing, it works best when he naturally thinks he is funny so Satoru had him do a sort of show for us where I got to see his abilities up close.

They are as bullshit as they sound, he can straight up change reality as he pleases as long as he thinks the result is funny.

Fucking Hax, though I'm one to talk.

I also went and analyzed Toge Inumaki's Technique, I doubt it'll see use but it's still cool.

Then there was Kinji Hakari, he had an odd technique, and an even more odd personality. He kept going on and on about my fever, I'm not exactly sure if he was sane in the head, but then again everyone who reaches the top is insane in their own way.

His Technique is primarily applied through Domain Expansion, it summons a gambling game of some kind, the primary goal is to line up 3 of the same numbers, a 1/239 possibility.

If he does land the jackpot then grants him unlimited Cursed Energy for four minutes and eleven seconds. The unlimited cursed energy allows him to use Reverse Cursed Energy on instinct, basically making him unkillable in this world for those four minutes.

An odd technique but one that can allow him to fight at the higher end of this world should the conditions line up.

Speaking about Domain Expansion, when I asked if Odin could use the data she had gathered on multiple Domain Expansions, to bring out my own, she said she couldn't.

According to Odin, a Domain Expansion is basically a mental landscape that embodies the mind of who they are born with, except it is expanded into reality. The mental landscape serves as the foundation for Innate Techniques.

Unfortunately I do not possess said mental landscape as I died, and reincarnated as a Daemon, I am no longer a being that can be considered born from this world, the Laws of this world no longer bind me and so I do not have a mental landscape. That is something intrinsic to people born in the world, whether they are Sorcerers, normal Humans of this world, or Cursed Spirits, I am neither of those, and my mental landscape did not transfer over to my new life. 

Sure, I may have had one before, but Odin has no way to figure that out.

I was kind of bummed out after hearing that, after all who doesn't want a Domain Expansion?

Odin tried to cheer me up by offering to recreate the Domains I had already analyzed as Skills, but I refused seeing as I don't really need them. I just thought it would be fun to see what my own Domain would be.

Truly an unfortunate day.

And the second to last person Satoru planned to introduce me to was that Lightning guy, Hajime Kashimo, but he ended up canceling that as I agreed to invite Hajime to the place we are staying at since Kurumi agreed to spar with him.

Something about testing some of her new techniques out.

The last one was the lawyer guy, Hiromi Higurama. His Technique was special in that it was primarily applied through Domain Expansion.

Satoru had Higurama use his Domain on some criminal while I observed.

The Domain is basically a small courtroom in which Higurama is the prosecutor and the criminal was the defendant.

Instead of having a sure-hit attack Higurama's Domain forces a few rules onto everyone in the Domain.

The Domain allows Higurama to persecute the defendant with a Shikigami called Judgeman.

No violence is allowed. The trial starts with the Judgeman announcing the charges the defendant is being labeled with.

The Judgeman by default already knows everything about everyone inside the Domain, of course this excluded me as I didn't have any Cursed Energy at the time.

The verdict of the trial depends only on the arguments presented by both sides. After the accusation is reviewed, the defendant is given one chance to defend their case. They have three options: silence, confession, or denial. If the defendant chooses to deny the charges, they can lie in their statements. The defendant's goal is to dispel all doubt and win a pronouncement of innocence from Judgeman.

Higurama only has one chance to make his statement. There was some more stuff but basically once both parties have made their statements the Judgeman will make a lawful verdict. If the defendant is found guilty, they are punished with one of what is implied to be several different sentences, not even Higurama knows what options there are.

One sentence the Judgeman will commonly give is "Confiscation", which prevents them from being able to use cursed techniques. After the verdict, the domain dispels and the punishment immediately affects the guilty party.

This is honestly the perfect Skill for a ruler. I might have Odin use the data from this along with some other Skills to create a useful Skill for me. I may be a mostly hands off ruler but it could still be useful.

We also went ahead and met every still living Incarnation except for Hajime so that I could give them all new bodies and free their hosts. 

I opened the door to my home, I sensed both Raiden, and Kurumi were home so I called out, "I'm home!"

Raiden appeared in front of me in a moment, "Welcome back Master!"

Kurumi wasn't much further behind, she appeared behind Raiden in her fox form and jumped towards me causing me to catch her.

I smiled at Raiden, "thanks for the greetings you two."

Kurumi licked my face while Raiden said what I expected her to.

"It is my duty Master."

"Yes yes I know."

As I was walking in, Raiden said, "I was not sure if you would arrive in time for dinner so I prepared a relatively simple dish, I hope you are not upset by that Master."

"Nah, everything you make is good, plus you don't have to make fancy food every meal, sometimes people just want to eat some more homey, and comforting food."

"I see, I will keep that in mind Master."

"Ah! I ordered some candy that I want you two to try, Ijichi will go to pick it up tomorrow."

Raiden looked interested. "For it to have caught your attention it must be something special."

"Yup, it was delicious, maybe you can gain some inspiration when you try it."

"I will do my best Master."

I raised my hand and gave her a head pat. "I know you will my Maid."

I ignored the happily smiling Raiden and looked towards Kurumi who was now on my shoulder.

"So what have you been up to today?"

Kurumi jumped off my shoulder and transformed into her humanoid form. "Ah, I did not do much Master, just browse the internet while waiting for you to come back."

"I see, I'll try and find something for you to do if you're bored."

She shook her head. "No, I enjoy this time, I can relax and watch amusing things on the internet, a perfect vacation."

She is being infected by modern society more than I thought.

"Ha! Well don't get too used to it, we don't have phones, or the internet back in the Cardinal World after all."

"I know Master, that is why I am using it while I am able to."

I nodded.

"Oh Master, the assistant, Ijichi dropped some stuff off for you earlier." I turned to where the voice came from. "Ah, that's great, thanks Raiden."

"I had the items placed in your room."

I gave Raiden a nod. "I'm going to go check those out then."

Raiden gave me a curtsey. "Yes Master. Food will be ready soon."

"Alright, call me when it's ready."

"And I will be talking to Raiden about something." Said Kurumi.

Raiden looked at Kurumi questioningly, but accepted. So I left them to do their own things, they don't need me to monitor them after all.

Now let's check out what goodies Ijichi got for me. I wasn't surprised that a section of my room was completely filled up, there was all the things Rimuru wanted, like rice, soy beans and a sample of the sauce, and a bunch of other good stuff. There were multiples of each item too.

And then there was the stuff I asked for, there were a bunch of gun cases, along with a bunch of alcohol that I asked for, varying from beer, wine, vodka, gin, brandy, whiskey, etc. Basically whatever Ijichi could get his hands on.

I also had Ijichi get me a Nintendo Switch to play on while I'm here, one that comes with smash. I'm sure I'll have fun playing this with Raiden, and Kurumi.

Hmm, I should probably store everything except the guns in my Stomach so nothing goes bad.

'Notice. It is recommended that the Master stores the weapons in Stomach as well so Odin can get a detailed analysis of the items in case the Master wishes to recreate the weapons.'

'Ah, you're right, good idea Odin.'

I stored everything in my Stomach, and took some of the guns back out once Odin was finished with her analysis.

I could feel a grin creeping up on my face as I considered all the possible enchantments I could put on these guns.

Guns that can cut through Space, guns that blow shit up, guns that freeze shit, so many fun possibilities.

I don't plan to freely distribute these to my army or anything though, after all it would be inevitable that other countries will eventually get their hands on these guns, and recreate them. Which will lead to an entirely new type of warfare in the Cardinal World.

There is a reason not many people have it back in the Cardinal World, it's kept restricted.

Still it will be fun to mess around with these, I can already imagine Megumin would love a minigun with bullets that blow shit up. Glenda also seemed to love her gun quite a bit.

It's probably best if I don't test out any of the Enchantments I plan to put on these guns indoors, so I pick up a handgun and store the rest of the guns in my Stomach. I'm not exactly sure which type, seeing as I wasn't a big gun guy.

I can easily operate the gun since I have a detailed analysis of them so I don't need to worry about not knowing how to use it.

I teleport to the backyard and place a barrier around me.

Hmm, for starters why don't I enchant it to fire bullets that burn everything. First I need to make it so that this gun can fire magicule bullets, which is easy enough since I already have the analysis of Glenda's gun which was able to do that, so all I need to do is copy that function onto this, and Odin does the rest.

Now that that's done let me Enchant it… and there we go.

I have perfect aim thanks to my own high perception and Odin's ability to calculate all the air pressure, wind, gravity, etc etc etc. On top of that so I don't need to worry about missing.

I use Material Creation to create a wooden target and fire one bullet which hits the bullseye.

I watch as the target is immediately engulfed in flames, nice so that works quite well. It isn't really capable of harming anyone strong since I didn't put a very high level enchantment on it, but it is still fun to play around with.

Now that I know my Enchantments work on these guns I can store them and work on them back in the Cardinal World. Maybe I'll give some to Kurobe, that dude is a prodigy at blacksmithing, I'm sure he can create something nice.

Rimuru said that Kurobe was on the verge of creating a Legend grade weapon from scratch, something almost unheard of. Naturally made weapons are superior to weapons created with Material Creation, so that is extremely impressive.

My own weapon was able to reach the Legend Grade only due to being formed from my previous vessel making it an extremely tough, and high tier material. 

And it reached God Grade through Stardust, and Stardust is bullshit.

"Master, dinner is ready."

"I see, I'll be there soon." It seems I have to wrap this up.


"Ghaha! Get fucked Yuji!"


"Gah! Why don't you play a different character for once!"

"Never! Donkey Kong is supreme!"

Yuji sighed. "Whatever you say Felix-sama." I've given up on getting him to call me without any honorifics, it seems Raiden has traumatized basically everyone that was in that room when we first showed up in this world.

I don't really get why either, sure she's strong, but she's also a lovable maid. I shook my head, oh well, they're the ones missing out.

It's been a day since my adventure with Satoru, after dinner last night I ended up playing around with the guns for a little while before going to bed.

I invited Yuji over to play smash like we agreed to earlier the next day, and we've been at it since he came over.

"Alright, that's enough of Smash, we've been playing for an hour and a half now. So you wanted me to heal Todo's arm right?" He mentioned that when he first came here, apparently Satoru told him to be direct with me, and not beat around the bush.

Good advice, I don't like dealing with all that bothersome stuff.

"Yes! He was hit by Mahito's Idle Transfiguration, but thankfully he only lost his arm. But since it was his soul that was modified, the Reverse Cursed Technique can't help him or I would have tried my best to heal him myself."

"Hmm, I see." Wait hold on. "You said you would attempt to heal him? Do you know Reverse Cursed Technique?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah, I learned it during the one month ceasefire that Sensei had with Sukuna." What the fuck?! 

Yuji looked nervous, now I do want to help him, but I don't want to do it for free. We might get along, but I don't really see him as a friend. Along with that no one appreciates what is given to them at no cost to themselves.

It will eventually get into their head that they can keep coming to me for help if I keep doing them favors for free, even the help Satoru has given me has been exchanged for.

I replaced the barriers keeping the schools safe, I am going to make it so the birth rates of Jujutsu Sorcerers go back to normal, at least they will be normal in a way seeing as more Sorcerers will be born worldwide.

Hell, they even gained a back up plan in the Old Man due to me.

Then I healed his student, Nobara, so as far as I'm concerned we're even.

Hmm, but I don't think there is much Yuji can offer me.

Aha! I'm not sure what exact role the Old Man plans to take up in this world, whether he wants to be a public figure, a hidden figure, or whatever, but either way what I'm about to ask Yuji should prove useful to the Old Man.

"On one condition."

Yuji looked determined. "I will do whatever it takes Felix-sama!"

"It's nothing that serious, you see I have a friend that is planning on staying in this world, and he might need help with a few things, whether that is killing Cursed Spirits, finding information, moving into a house, basically anything. I want you to help him with whatever he needs for 10 years as long as it doesn't interfere with your duties as a Jujutsu Sorcerer. I can promise you he won't ask you to do anything that goes against your moral code." I remember Yuji had a rather strict moral code, he wanted to save everyone he could.

"You'll basically be his subordinate in all but name for a decade. After that time period it is up to you two to continue your contract or not." 10 years should be enough for the Old Man to gain contacts of his own that he can utilize for whatever he needs. He is strong for this world after all, and people flock to the strong for protection, or other needs.

"I can do that!" At least Yuji was happy with the deal, there might even be a chance that the Old Man doesn't even need to make use of Yuji, I just thought having Yuji to rely on might be helpful.

There are likely a ton of things he doesn't understand about modern society seeing as he died only when technology was starting to become a big thing. And he doesn't have a super computer in his head like Cursed Sage to help him figure things out.

"Alright, let's go get him fixed up, I wanna get this done with."

"Yes! Let me text him and ask him where he is!" I nodded.

If I remember correctly Aoi Todo is a 1st Grade Sorcerer, even though he is still only a student at Kyoto Jujutsu High School, he is a third year student, but still quite incredible.

He was apparently trained by another Special Grade Sorcerer who is dead now, Yuki Tsukumo.

From what Satoru told me her Technique is one I would have loved to analyze and gather data on. It's a shame she's dead now, and I can't bring her back as her soul has already passed on.

Her Technique allows her to grant virtual mass to herself, and her Shikigami. That basically means she can assign a certain amount of mass to herself, or her Shikigami, and her attacks will be bolstered by that amount of mass.

The added mass doesn't weigh her down either.

Oh well, it is what it is.

Aoi Todo's Technique isn't as grand as Yuki Tsukumo's, but it is quite practical. It allows him to switch the places of anything with Cursed Energy as long as it is within range. There is another requirement though, he must activate this ability with a clap.

"He said he is at the Kyoto School Felix-sama!"

"The Kyoto School huh? Alright, I can teleport us there. Grab my shoulder."

Once Yuji grabbed me I teleported us to the Kyoto School completely bypassing the barriers.

Yuji seemed to be a bit disoriented, but teleporting can do that to someone if they aren't used to it.

He wobbled for a moment before quickly recovering. "He is at the training ground! Follow me!" I could sense Todo training but I let Yuji have his moment.

So losing an arm permanently didn't stop this guy from wanting to get stronger huh?

These Jujutsu Sorcerers can be an insane group of people.

As we were heading to the training ground I noticed a group of Sorcerers spotted us, and quickly paled before running away.

Probably to inform the headmaster.

Once we arrived at the training ground I wasn't surprised to see a shirtless Todo practicing his martial arts, likely adjusting it for one handed combat. He's going to have a tough time regaining his former strength with his Technique being far more restricted, where before he could clap his own hands together, now he needs to clap hand with someone else in order to activate his Technique.

Todo noticed us almost immediately, I noticed his expression shift slightly upon seeing me, but he ignored me to focus on Yuji. "My brother!"


Todo started to approach us, "What are you doing here Brother?"

"Ah! I found a fix for your arm Todo! This here is Felix-sama! I'm sure you've heard of him by now!"

"Ah! The so-called strongest man huh?" The strongest man? I don't remember being called that, though it is true, at least in this world.

"I don't remember receiving such a title, but it isn't wrong." 

He stopped right in front of me. "Heh, Felix was it? What kind of woman is your type?!"

Ah! I remember he asked Megumi the same thing, I think he gets people's personalities based on their response? I'm not really sure.

Might as well answer honestly though, I lose nothing.

"Hmm, what kind of woman is my type huh? I would say I like a woman with a nice curvy ass, and big tits. I'm fine with short stacks, or tall types to be honest." Umu, I think that is a pretty honest answer.

"Hahaha, excellent answer! My type is a tall woman with a big ass!" 

He then pointed directly at me, "We can't be best friends, but you are now my friend!"

Huh? "Uhm, alright then." I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to say to that. I won't take it seriously anyway.

Yuji chose this moment to interrupt. "It's good that you two are getting along, but I brought Felix-sama here because he said he can heal your arm. He already healed Kugisaki who Mahito injured far worse than you Todo."

"Healing my arm huh? Well alright then! I trust you my brother!"

Yuji then turned to look at me, so I took that as the signal to work my magic. Hmm, his injury is the same as Nobara's, if to a lesser extent than hers was. But his soul has still been molded, in order to fix that I need to cast 'Resurrection', thankfully the target doesn't need to be in a near death state to cast this.

"Alright, stand still Todo."

"Yes my friend!"

I raised my palm in his direction, "Resurrection!" And then right in front of our eyes his lost arm was restored, and his soul returned back to its natural state.

Todo's eyebrows raised in surprise, "I did not doubt you two, but to see it in front of my very eyes is astonishing!"

"Haha! Thanks Felix-sama! I'll hold to my end of the deal, you don't need to worry about your friend since Yuji Itadori is on his case!"

"Mhahaha! I shall help you in whatever bargain you struck with my newest friend Yuji! It is only natural as Brothers!"



Okay, that's enough of that for me, I don't want to see anything disturbing. Worst case scenario they may pull off a Rock Lee and Maito Gai sunset effect, and that would be horrifying.

I teleport back to the living room and am shocked to see both Raiden and Kurumi playing Smash. They truly have become cultured.

Raiden is playing Pikachu, and Kurumi is Greninja the little troll.

"Ah! Master, I'm sorry! The game just looked incredibly interesting and then Kurumi challenged me!"

"Hah! Lighten up Raiden! Master doesn't mind, does he?"

"Haha, no it's fine, enjoy yourselves you two, and once you're good enough I will show you your place with the glorious Donkey Kong!" 

"It is improper for a maid Master."

I shook my head, "Then consider this your day off, have fun, enjoy your life! Your entire life shouldn't be about serving me, you gotta enjoy life a bit too!"

Raiden sighed, "if that is your order then I shall fulfill it Master."

"Consider it one then."

That girl seriously needs to take a break sometimes. 


I hang out in Crossedge's Discord server https://discord.gg/RNNZyyert4 I also have a channel in Shiro's Gaming Omniverse.

Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)

Author's Note:

Sup guys, we get to see Felix go and analyze some interesting Innate Techniques along with healing Todo. I do not think that Todo's whole applause from the soul thing was legit, it was used to try and buy Yuji some time. If it was legit he would have pulled that out far sooner in the fight to try and catch Mahito off guard. 

 I am going to try to end the Jujutsu Kaisen arc in two chapters but it may be slightly longer. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. If you guys enjoyed it then like the post!

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