40.13% I'm a Daemon, so what? (Tensura/Multicross) / Chapter 58: Chapter 18: Details and Plans

章節 58: Chapter 18: Details and Plans

Story: I'm a Daemon, so what?

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Chapter 18: Details and Plans


- Felix -

Once all the food was served Raiden took the seat to my left, while Kurumi jumped out of my lap and transformed back into her humanoid form and took the seat on my right.

It didn't take long for everyone to dig in, even that old principal seemed curious.

"Woah! So good!" I'm sure Raiden will be happy at your praise Yuji-kun.


"Woah! This is good!" It's weird seeing a panda so expressive.

I send Yuji a grin, "Of course it is! My Raiden made it after all!"

"It's a shame Fushiguro won't get to try this."

"Your maid said this was Dragon meat?" asked Satoru

"Yup, the steak is made from Dragon meat, specifically the meat of a Medium Dragon."

"Medium Dragon?"

"Dragon's have ranks, from Lesser, to Medium, and then to Arch, and in the Arch rank there are two more ranks."

"I see, just how strong are these Dragons?"

I see, he is probably trying to figure out the general strength level of the Cardinal World, or I'm just overthinking and he's just curious, doesn't really matter either way.

"Hmm, well Lesser Dragons are capable of wiping out multiple villages, Medium Dragons can threaten an entire town, and Arch Dragons strength varies quite a bit, they scale from anywhere between threatening a small nation, to being able to destroy an entire continent." Divine Dragons are likely much stronger than even that, and I believe that Raiden has the potential to reach that level.

"An entire continent?! Those Medium Dragons sound like a threat, let alone those Arch Dragons!" Satoru was rightfully surprised, no one in this world can stand up to the raw power an Arch Dragon can bring to bear, though they might be able to come up with ways to defeat them depending on what Skills the Dragon has.

"Heh, yeah there are quite a lot of beings that can terrify the common people in that world."

"Mmmph. Your world sounds really scary Felix-sama!"

"You have no idea Yuji."

Maki smacked Yuji in the back of the head, "Stop talking with your mouth full."

"Yes Maki-senpai!"

"These other dishes are quite delicious as well, I envy you for being able to have these made on demand."

I shrugged my shoulders, "Skill issue."



Hmm, it would be pretty interesting if I spread Daemon Summoning magic throughout a bunch of worlds. I can already imagine the sort of chaos that could cause if people figure out how to summon Daemons.

In a world like DxD that could be fun, I can imagine the Old Satan Faction getting their hands on it and summoning some sort of Daemon. Would probably even motivate Rizevim with all his insanity. I don't know all that much about him as all my knowledge on him comes from fanfiction, and wiki diving, but he seems like the type.

So many worlds that should theoretically be capable of sustaining Daemons, DxD, Fairy Tail, Black Clover, The Witcher would be a good one. Ciri has abilities similar to 'Planeswalker' as well.

Ah, those are bad thoughts, stupid intrusive thoughts.

I saw Raiden was satisfied with her dishes as well, she can be quite hard on herself when she cooks for me.

Kurumi also seems to be enjoying the food.

All of a sudden I felt some of my strength return to me, it looks like Odin dispelled the Body Double.

'Notice, the individual known as Yuta has successfully killed the individual known as Kenjaku.'

'So Yuta was the one to deal the finishing blow then huh? Any injuries?'

'Odin healed Takaba while Yuta was distracted with attacking Kenjaku.'

'I see, good work Odin. Make sure to deal with his body, make sure he is dead.'

'Yuta has already fully killed him, his soul has passed on.'

'Good work.'

Odin isn't able to consume his soul like a Daemon unfortunately. But it's no biggie, as long as Kenjaku is dead.

Hmm, now that Kenjaku is dead I can feel all the barriers Tengen is helping to maintain vanish. The barriers around the school are gone, the barrier that focuses all the Cursed Energy from around the world into Japan is gone. That's definitely going to pose an issue for everyone huh?

Hmm, maybe I can offer to replace those barriers in return for being someone equivalent to Tengen. It shouldn't be too hard to create barriers similar to Tengen's barriers with Odin.

Being able to command all the Jujutsu Sorcerers could be useful, and if not useful then it would be at the very least fun.

I'll basically be able to have access to all of this world's resources as well.

I won't even have to do any work, I can do something similar to what the Church does, I can create a bunch of crystals to give them enough power for a few decades, and then they can maintain the barrier. I would basically have complete control over the barrier giving me even more power over Jujutsu Society.

My evil plan is already setting itself up. Muhahaha!

'Notice, if the Master plans to go through with that plan, then it is suggested that the Master hides the crystals at the edge of the world so that when the Master leaves, the crystals are not disturbed.'

'The edge of the world?'

'Using 'Planeswalker', the Master, or Odin can place the crystals halfway inside this dimension, and halfway outside of it, making it so only other world travelers would be capable of reaching it.'

I can do that?! If I can then that sounds perfect.

"By the way, it seems that Kenjaku has been dealt with, and by extension Tengen as well. All the barriers that he was maintaining have been dispelled, it's only a matter of time before the rest of the world finds out about Jujutsu Society."

"What really?! Yuta was able to do it?!" Maki seems relieved.

"As expected of Yuta-senpai!" Yuji is being Yuji.

"Salmon." Does this guy say anything else?

"Woah, good job Yuta!"

I tuned out the rest of the choir as I focused on what Satoru was about to say.

"Haha, well that boat has already sailed."

I put up a barrier to keep our conversation private, I don't want that old principal to do anything bothersome after all.

"Don't tell me…."

"Yup! Kenjaku told multiple governments around the world about Cursed Energy , they've got it stuck in their heads that it's the key to unlimited energy or something."

"Ugh, that sounds like a pain to deal with."

"Haha, yeah I don't look forward to it, being one of Jujutsu Society's only deterrents can be a pain sometimes."

"I bet, good luck with that. I've already agreed to help you by destroying the Culling Games Barriers, but I'm also willing to replace Tengen's barriers after coming to an agreement with the higher ups of Jujutsu Society." I do wonder why the Culling Games Barriers haven't been dispelled without Kenjaku to maintain them, maybe he is having someone else maintain them? Or he has it connected to another power source, who knows?

"Higher ups? So it seems you don't know everything then huh?"

"Hmm? Is there something I'm missing?"

"Heh, those guys have already been dealt with, Kenjaku killed most of them, and then they were finished off by someone else a little later on." 

What?! Well that changes things quite a bit. I wonder how they were finished off, Satoru didn't kill them even though he has had plenty of chances, I wonder what changed?

"I see, that's interesting, do they have any replacements yet?" 

"Haha, not yet, we haven't had much time to reorganize everything with all that's been happening. And I doubt any have attempted to fill the power vacuum, after all no one wanted to be an enemy of Kenjaku."

"That's fair, what's keeping all of Jujutsu Society from falling into even more chaos then?"

"Heh, I might not be the strongest anymore, but almost everyone doesn't want me to show up on their lawn and get rid of them."

"Ah I see, so it wasn't the higher ups holding everything together but you?"

"Basically. About your deal, I would be willing to agree with it depending on your conditions."

"Heh, alright give me a minute to think."

"This was a spontaneous decision wasn't it?"

"Yup! My idea sounded fun so I wanted to see how it would go."

"Well, I can't blame you, a lot of my decisions are similar."

Hmm, now what do I want in return for my help?

Maybe I can ask for the Tengen treatment? Basically I can give orders to any Jujutsu Sorcerer, have all my wants fulfilled, I'll basically become someone similar what Veldora is for Tempest, as in I am their protector of sorts, though I won't actually protect them, I'll just set up a barrier and watch how everything develops.

There isn't all that much that this world can offer me other than allowing me to freely utilize their Sorcerers, though I don't see myself doing even that.

Maybe only if I hear about someone with an interesting Innate Technique.

And if this world doesn't want my help then no biggie, they can figure out how to keep the world from going to shit on their own. I don't have many attachments here after all, I wasn't close to the matron who took care of me, I wasn't close to the other kids either.

I don't care too much about gaining control over Jujutsu Society, it's more like a side quest to my vacation, something fun to do. I guess I really am a Demon Lord huh? What with me thinking about taking over a secret society that basically rules all of Japan for fun.

Am I letting the power get to my head? Nah. I'm just having fun messing around, I've still held to my core principles, I just do what I want to do now without considering what others think.

I guess I could be considered a tyrant.

But I have enough trust in myself, and in Odin that she won't let me stray from my core ideals, that was something I believed from the bottom of my heart.

In that moment, I swear I felt Odin 'smile' happily for a moment.

Now that I have figured out what I want, it's time to see what Satoru thinks.

"There are a few things I want, but if you want me to summarize it, I want the Tengen treatment, I want the power to be able to order around all Jujutsu Sorcerers, and I want anything I ask for when I ask for it. After all, I'm doing you guys a pretty big favor."

Satoru looked confused, "That's it? Well I guess there isn't all that much that we can offer you but I expected more."

Now it was my turn to be confused.

"Did you think that once word spread that you are the one maintaining all the barriers that help secure Jujutsu Society you wouldn't be revered?"

Ah, that's true, I guess that's what I get for trying to half ass this. Oh well, I don't care all that much.

"At that point anything you want, someone will get for you, whether that is to get your favor or something else. But yes, I'll agree to those conditions, feel free to add what you want to it later if you come up with some more things."

"Eh, it's no big deal, the only thing that this world can offer me at this point is interesting Innate Techniques."

"Well in that case, I have a few people in mind." Oh? It must be quite the interesting Innate Technique if someone like Satoru says so, he is basically invincible in this world after all, there are few that are capable of harming him, and even less that are capable of killing him.

"I'll need some time to prepare everything though."

"It's fine, I wasn't expecting something like that to be immediate." Satoru nodded

Eh, well I probably could do it quickly, but I'd rather take time and make sure I do everything perfectly. I might have Odin customize the barrier to create even more interesting situations as well.

Once our conversation finished I dispelled the barrier keeping our conversation private.

It didn't take us long to finish eating, and seeing as everyone enjoyed the food Raiden was happy. Kurumi turned back into her fox form and took her place on my shoulder as well.

Satoru and I separated ourselves from the group in order to talk in private, though Raiden tagged along with Kurumi still on my shoulder.

I looked at Satoru, "If you want I can destroy the barrier now, I'm sure you all have things that you need to do." I don't doubt that Satoru will hold his end of the bargain, even if some others don't agree, he's an honorable guy like that. Heh, honorable guy, The Honored One.

"That would be great, I'll call someone and get them to get you somewhere nice to stay in the meantime."

"Alright thanks."

"Did you need anything from any of us to destroy the barrier?"

"Hmm? Nah, with a barrier this weak it should be no trouble."

"Weak? Hah so that's what that feels like, we aren't even able to scratch that barrier and you're calling it weak."

"We just have different standards when it comes to strength."

"Ha, obviously."

"Alright I'll be back."

Immediately after I said that Kurumi hops off my shoulder, and I start to fly up into the sky. Now how should I do this? I want to get rid of all the barriers at once so I don't have to do this over and over again. 

I can easily erase the barrier with 'Ouroboros', but I should consider all the options I have available as well.

I can consume the barrier with 'Beelzebuth', hell I can use magic to destroy it as well, so many options.

I don't need to worry about collateral damage seeing as Odin can assist me in perfectly controlling any magic I decide to use.

Hmm, I bet I could probably use an Anti-Magic Area if I make it large enough to fit all of Japan in it. I wonder what would happen if I did that, would all Cursed Spirits just die, and Jujutsu Sorcerers become incapable of performing Sorcery?

Still, I think using 'Ouroboros' is the best option, it might not be super flashy, but it will definitely be the most efficient.

Spatial Manipulation for the win!

Once I'm at a sufficient height I sense all the barriers surrounding the ten colonies, there are Jujutsu Sorcerers all around the outside of the barrier, probably waiting for an opportunity. I can also feel that the barriers around the Jujutsu Schools, and the one focusing all the Cursed Energy from around the world in Japan are gone. 

R.I.P. Tengen, you will not be missed by me.

Now that I know precisely where the barriers are, I snap my fingers, and poof, they're gone.

Well that was easy.

As I am descending down I decide to make an announcement declaring that the barriers are gone. No reason to keep it hidden since the regular humans already know about Jujutsu Society. I gotta introduce myself to the normies in style after all.

I broadcast my voice throughout Japan with magic. 

"Hello everyone! This is your resident Demon Lord from another world, Felix White. I am making an announcement in order to inform everyone that the barriers surrounding the ten colonies have been dispelled. You are no longer trapped and forced to compete in this game. Now have fun!"

I may or may not have caused much more chaos in the long term, but oh well, not my problem. Have fun unknown Jujutsu Sorcerers!

Once I get back to the ground I'm met with a grinning Satoru, with Raiden, and Kurumi who are also waiting for me. Kurumi immediately hops back onto my shoulder and licks my cheek, while Raiden approaches me, "Excellent work Master."

"Heh, it was lightwork Raiden, you should know that."

"Indeed, my Master is the greatest, but I still wish to congratulate you, such is a maid's duty."

"I see, well thank you Raiden." 

It seems that everyone else from this world cleared out except for Satoru, and his assistant manager, Ijichi who is waiting outside. They probably left to take care of the mess I caused, along with making sure that no one goes on a killing spree for whatever reason. 

"All it took was a snap of your fingers huh?" Ah, he was probably able to see me with the 'Six Eyes'.

"Eh, like I said earlier, it wasn't going to be much effort."

"Hah, yeah! I just wanted to see it with my own eyes. To think there would be someone more broken than me around."

"Ha! Get used to it."

"I'm not saying it's a bad thing, it's quite refreshing actually, to no longer be the strongest."

"There are a lot of people throughout the multiverse that consider themselves the strongest, you know? Just because you're aware you're not the strongest doesn't make you useless."

"Ah, look at you trying to comfort me. There's no need, if anything I'm excited! There is a new peak to work towards!"

"Hahaha, good luck ever approaching my level, I had a lot of luck and help to get to the point I'm at. And there are still people that are capable of matching, and even surpassing my power." I haven't met anyone stronger than I am in pure power, well there was Guy, but I caught up with him. Still I would be foolish to dismiss the fact that there could be beings out there more powerful than I am.

The multiverse is vast after all.

"That other world of yours is one filled with monsters huh?"

"Ugh, tell me about it, I'm always trying to get stronger incase I come across someone more powerful than me, in that world the impossible is possible."

I notice Satoru looking up with a smile, "That sounds like a good world."

"Indeed, it has its own murky waters, but I do find myself calling that world home."

"Heh, isn't that all that matters?"


"Your message is bound to cause a lot of chaos you know?"

"Ha! It won't be my problem, I don't believe that a bunch of weaklings will be able to inconvenience me."

"Hmm, we really are related."

"Right?!" See, he gets it. He might be far weaker than me, but to the people of this world, we are both unbeatable, bar a few in Satoru's case.

Why care what a bunch of random people think, you might as well prioritize your own joy and fun over them.

A truly selfish mindset, but what are people if not selfish?

Life's no fun if it's only lived for the sake of others.

"Oh, I forgot to ask earlier since I got distracted, but what's with all these possessed Sorcerers popping up?"

"Ah, I forgot to explain that! Most of those guys are pretty weak so it slipped my mind completely!"

"That's as good a reason as any."

"Hmm, well I guess I'll start with the incarnated Sorcerers. As you heard from Hajime-san, there are a bunch of Sorcerers that Kenjaku made pacts with in the past, all of them have been incarnated in the present age for various reasons. With Hajime-san, he just wanted a good fight, with The Angel, she just wanted to kill Sukuna, each of them have their own reasons for wanting to be brought back in this era. Then there are the Sorcerers that Kenjaku basically created, like Hiromi-san, and Takaba-san though I haven't introduced you to the latter yet."

"The comedian right?"

"I'm not even going to question how you know who he is, but that's right. Kenjaku created both of them, one group gained strength as vessels of the past era, the other group gained strength as Sorcerers from the present era. He did all of that to create more fighting and discontent in the barrier, furthering his goal."

"I see, thanks for the explanation."

"No problem, just fulfilling my end of the bargain. Anyways, I've gotta go help everyone with the clean up, there are Cursed Spirits rampaging around Japan and they need all the help they can get dealing with them all. I've already gotten you a place to stay, I'll have Ijichi-san show you where it is whenever you're ready. He's waiting for you just outside if you want to go now, or you can call him later. You can call him if you need anything else as well. I'll give you a phone with both his and my number as well, along with a credit card."

He took something out of his pocket, "Here's the phone and credit card, there isn't a limit on the card, but don't go crazy please, that's out of my own pocket you know! And then I also got phones for your two subordinates in case they want to learn more about the modern world." That's a good idea, I didn't think of getting Raiden, and Kurumi phones.

"Haha, don't worry I won't, thanks though." I accepted phones and the credit card from him. I quickly go through the contact list on my new phone. I have the numbers of Satoru, Ijichi, Yuji, and he also added in the numbers of the two phones he got for Raiden, and Kurumi. He probably gave me Yuji's number since he saw us get along. Once I do that I tuck the phones and credit card into my pocket.

I'll give Raiden, and Kurumi their phones later.

"Alright, I'll see you around, I won't say stay out of trouble seeing as we are pretty similar on that front, trouble will most likely end up finding you."

"Haha, maybe. See ya."

I feel as Satoru compressed the space between where we are and his location, and with that Satoru teleports away.

Now what to do?

"Are you guys fine with heading to the place Satoru prepared for us?"

Raiden replies first, "Yes Master, I would like to inspect the kitchen, and take a look at our temporary residence in more detail." 

Kurumi, who is still on my shoulder in her fox form just licks my cheek in response, "I'll take that as a yes Kurumi."

I can still sense Ijichi outside, "Ijichi-san, we are ready to look at the place Satoru prepared for us."

He quickly comes into the room, "Yes Felix-sama, right this way."

- Gojo Satoru -

As Satoru was running through Tokyo, exorcizing Cursed Spirits left and right, his thoughts wandered back to his new apparent cousin.

It wasn't all that surprising that there were people out there who were not affiliated with his clan but had the blood of the Gojo Clan.

After all Yuta is in a similar situation, what with their shared ancestor.

From what he learned from Felix, his father was most likely a member of the Gojo Clan, a pump and dump situation as Felix called it.

Satoru believed it, Felix looked remarkably similar to him, in fact he wouldn't be surprised if Felix was one of his father's bastards.

When Satoru brought up DNA testing Felix denied him saying he didn't really care for who his birth father was, along with that he said it would be impossible to get his DNA, for he did not have any.

Felix said that if he wanted to he could test the DNA of his birth body, as that should still be in this world, though he claimed he did not know what happened to it. But if Felix didn't care then Satoru wouldn't bother.

When he asked why Felix looked so much like a Gojo Clan member, despite not having the genes of the Gojo Clan anymore, Felix had said that his current appearance was entirely based on his own self image.

Felix claimed to be a Spiritual Being of some sort, someone who had surpassed the limitations of the flesh, someone capable of thinking with his soul as he said it.

Satoru thought he was just being chunni, but it turned out to be true.

The world he came from sounds quite interesting. A world of evolution.

Demon Lords, Heroes, Adventurers, Nobles, Kingdoms, Empires, all sorts of fantasy creatures like Elves, Oni, Demons, Angels, Dragons, all of it sounded fascinating to him.

While they were eating Felix explained some of the details about the world he came from, or as he called it, the Cardinal World.

A world where Humans waged war against Monsters, though not directly. In that world Humans were generally far weaker than Monsters, though there were some who were capable of matching them.

The Human Nations had banded together in order to face the threat of Monsters, and not just Monsters, but the threat of Demon Lords as well.

Felix had said there was a council of Demon Lords, each Demon Lord, except a few had their own territory they ruled over, and each Demon Lord was capable of at least wiping a country off the map, except for an exception that Felix wouldn't go into detail about.

Satoru thought it was a world of Monsters, but it sounded like a fun world.

However Satoru didn't even ask if he could hitch a ride with Felix to that world, for one he didn't think Felix would agree, he and Felix were similar in some aspects, but different in others. From what he was able to learn in a short period of time, from all of his stories he was able to learn that Felix was the cautious sort, he isn't one to do something unless he is completely sure about it.

The two of them might get along, but they didn't know each other nearly well enough for Felix to do him a favor like that.

Though in time maybe?

The second reason is due to him having some unfinished business in this world. He isn't one to abandon the dream he set out for, he would reset all of Jujutsu Society if it's the last thing he does.

Now is the perfect opportunity for such a thing, the entire world is in disarray, and the higher ups are dead.

Then there were all the funerals….

He didn't have time to give his proper farewells due to everything that had been happening, but it was long overdue.

Yaga-sensei, Nanami, maybe Nobara if they don't manage to find a way to heal her soul. Arata was thankfully able to prevent her wounds from fully taking her, but she was basically in a state between life and death right now.

They would need a miracle to heal her at this point, the only method he could think of was those potions Felix talked about.

Satoru planned to directly ask Felix to help heal Nobara once he helped take care of all the issues going on. Felix was similar to him in that respect, he preferred people being direct rather than trying to scheme their way to a specific result.

It didn't take him long to clear out all the Cursed Spirits in Tokyo, he might not be the strongest anymore, but he was still strong.

Even most Special Grades didn't stand a chance against him.

Still, even for all his power there wasn't much he could do about the chaos going on everywhere.

Tengen is dead, meaning that the barrier focusing and harnessing all the Cursed Energy from around the world into Japan has vanished. Cursed Spirits will be popping up more all around the world, without many Jujutsu Sorcerers to help cull them.

Hell, without Tengen's barriers, less and less Jujutsu Sorcerers will be born, it's thanks to Tengen's barrier that the conditions were optimal enough for Jujutsu Sorcerers to be born regularly in Japan.

There was a reason it was incredibly rare for Jujutsu Sorcerers to be born outside of Japan after all.

If he were to try and explain it, he would say that the reason the barrier Tengen placed worked as it did was due to it being capable of sucking in Cursed Energy at a global level.

Imagine Cursed Energy is water and spread over the world it is three inches deep, to create Jujutsu Sorcerers at minimum it needs to be one inch deep which creates them at a very minor practically useless speed. To make them at an optimal speed it needs to be at least ten inches deep, though Cursed Spirits had a far easier time being born, needing only five inches for optimal spawn speed far outdoing Sorcerer's, another reason why it's best to focus all the Cursed Energy into one area. If the Cursed Energy is more spread out, the Sorcerers will eventually find themselves overwhelmed by the amount of Curses being born.

Tengen's barrier is what is sucking in most of the Cursed Energy from all over the world, creating the optimal conditions for the birth of Jujutsu Sorcerers and Cursed Spirits in Japan by raising the water to above ten inches in Japan, while lowering it to one inch everywhere else.

The reason the barrier is focused on Japan is due to it being impossible for the Jujutsu Sorcerers in Japan to respond to global threats in a smooth, and quick fashion, it was better for most Cursed Spirits to be focused in one area, so that Jujutsu Sorcerers didn't have a tough time tracking them all down.

Felix had said that he could replace the barrier, but he did not say to what extent, if he could potentially modify the barrier, he wondered if it is possible for him to make it possible for Jujutsu Sorcerers to be born at an optimal speed all over the world? He does have a bunch of mysterious abilities after all. 

The entire world will soon know about Cursed Energy. If Japan kept the monopoly on it, there would definitely be some issues.

Making it so Curses, and Jujutsu Sorcerers can be born worldwide is a decent solution to that problem, the coming of a new age, an age where the entire world is involved in Jujutsu Society.

He couldn't imagine how the world would change from something like that. Heh, maybe it would be something like some of those fantasy novels, with guilds, organizations, each competing against each other while also getting rid of Cursed Spirits?

It would be a long term solution either way, it will take some time for Jujutsu Sorcerers to be born around the world and grow up.

But there are also potential issues with such a plan, after all some might get it in their head that now that they have power, they can do whatever they want. He could see some people trying to conquer nations if they get it into their heads that they are capable of such a thing.

If the entire world gained access to Cursed Energy , he could see the world return to a state similar to the Heian Period. Hah, Kenjaku's plan might just come true after all.

Still, an era of change sounded incredibly exciting to Satoru. He can deal with all the Sorcerers who get too large of an ego.

Then there were the effects that Felix has had on the world.

Mei Mei's broadcast was only meant to be viewed by other Jujutsu Sorcerers, but unfortunately now that the wider world knows about Sorcerers they were able to gain access to the broadcast and watch his fight with Sukuna. They were able to learn about Felix through the broadcast and since his abilities weren't Jujutsu, everyone was able to see what he was doing, from that explosion spell, to his other abilities.

The entire world wants to know more about everything, there have been fanclubs, but they are more like cults in his opinion that have popped up.

Some worship Felix, others worship him, and some even worship Sukuna.

The world is messed up.

But still most governments are incredibly wary of Felix, and even him. Some nations want them out of the picture, while others want Felix to join their nations as a sort of protector.

Some nations are even willing to serve him as long as they are guaranteed to survive this coming age.

Felix is acting as a natural deterrent similar to Satoru himself.

And those subordinates or whatever they are of his are quite strong as well, that Raiden was able to immobilize a room full of experienced Jujutsu Sorcerers, not to mention she even immobilized Yuta, someone with the potential to match him.

And he doubted that the fox, Kurumi, was weak either.

At least the higher ups are out of the picture now, they were always a pain in the ass to deal with.

Serves them right for listening to Kenjaku's honeyed words, he truly didn't think they could be even more idiotic than they were, but he was proven wrong.

The only one stopping him from killing them earlier was Yaga-sensei, but they got rid of him….

But there are also slight downsides to the higher ups dying, for one he has a lot more work to do, after all he is the only one preventing everything from turning from just chaos, into complete anarchy.

After all a lot has happened, Kenjaku released a bunch of Cursed Spirits, Maki massacring the Zenin, the Kamo Clan being under Kenjaku's command. 

At least there was one plus side.

People are still afraid of his power, there's a reason that no other foreign countries have attempted anything major since he was unsealed. He is also the one keeping all the Jujutsu Sorcerers in check, he imagines that if he wasn't around to keep them under control, then there would be far more Curse Users, and a lot more slacking off from the Jujutsu Sorcerers.

He already had a good idea of what he planned to do with the power vacuum, he would put people who shared a similar mindset to him in power.

The old man Yoshinobu was a good choice, he wouldn't have even considered him if he hadn't changed, but ever since he decided to keep the secrets about his Sensei's technique his views on him shifted.

Even Yoshinobu was able to recognize that everything had gone to shit, and that things needed to change if a semblance of peace was to return.

Plus Yuta managed to kill Kenjaku with that comedian, Takaba's help.

Sigh, he had his work cut out for him.

- Felix -

As Ijichi was showing us around, I was considering how to go about recreating the barrier that Tengen had over Japan, and if I should change it at all.

I should be able to customize the barrier however I want with Odin's help, she has access to numerous Skills that can be incorporated into the barrier.

Tengen's barrier at its core basically focuses all the world's Cursed Energy into Japan, which is what allows for so many Jujutsu Sorcerers, and Cursed Spirits to be born in Japan.

It has some other effects, as well, but it shouldn't be a problem as I am capable of replicating the barrier as it is.

But what I want to do is change the barrier a bit.

If Japan kept the monopoly on Cursed Energy, even I can tell there would be some issues. So my solution is to find a way to replicate what Tengen's barrier did, but all over the world.

Normally I wouldn't consider such a thing due to all the chaos, and death that would cause. These other nations have some Sorcerers, but not nearly enough to be able to handle the amount that Japan does.

But in this case the ends justify the means.

After all, now that all the world's governments know about Cursed Energy, there is going to be war, one way or another.

Whether it is due to nations that want to use Cursed Energy as a weapon, or for unlimited energy, there are numerous reasons I can see a war being started for.

No nation is going to like that Japan was monopolizing such a thing, and while Satoru is capable of preventing anything too bad from happening, what about when he is gone? He isn't immortal after all, he's going to die eventually. And there is a chance that a full on war may start once he is gone.

World War III If you will.

While normal humans can't see Jujutsu, that doesn't mean they aren't capable of harming Sorcerers.

They don't have the issue that they would have with Cursed Spirits, after all they can see Sorcerers, they can monitor Sorcerers.

Technology advances incredibly quickly.

Jujutsu Sorcerers aren't bulletproof after all, hell a well placed grenade might kill an experienced Sorcerer if they are caught unprepared.

It might be best if the entire world was able to access Cursed Energy at the same level as that of Japan, sure this will cause more Jujutsu Sorcerers, and Cursed Spirits to pop up all over the world, but it might be better in the long run.

Plus that also benefits me, as I will get to learn about even more interesting Innate Techniques and I'm also curious about how the world would react to such a thing.

Would something similar to what happened in Solo Leveling happen? Would Associations that manage the Sorcerers of each country form? It all sounds super fun.

I can be honest with myself, I'm simply trying to justify what I am planning to do to myself, after all I know this can potentially cause a lot of bloodshed.

Now that I have justified myself it's time to get to work.

"And this is the living room, feel free to choose whichever rooms you wish to stay in, everything has already been prepared for you, the rooms all have beds, a bathroom, a bath, and a few other items. There is food in the fridge and if that is not enough I can also have someone pick up whatever you need."

Man Satoru is really spoiling us.

Raiden was inspecting the ingredients that were in the kitchen, she really takes her maid duties way too seriously. Still she might not know what a lot of the ingredients are, I might as well send her a bunch of information on the food of this world.

"Hey Raiden, do you want me to transfer a bunch of information on the food of this world to you?" It's only polite to ask.

"Yes Master, that would be appreciated,"

"Alright here you go."

It doesn't take her long to process all the information seeing as she has 'Thought Acceleration'.

"Ijichi-san, may I give you a list of the ingredients I would like?"


This guy is really helpful, and I can tell he is incredibly loyal to Satoru. I wonder what Satoru did to make him so loyal to him.

Kurumi hopped off my shoulder and transformed into her human form while Ijichi looked on in awe. I guess seeing something like that isn't something that you can get used to very quickly.

"Master, may I sleep in the same room as you? I will stay in my fox form so I do not discomfort you."

Before I could respond Raiden looked towards Kurumi with narrowed eyes. "That would be improper Kurumi, besides we have an agreement do we not?"

An agreement?

"Fine fine, you win Raiden,"

Now I'm confused.

"Here is the list Ijichi-san."

"I see, I will have someone bring you everything you have asked for as soon as possible."

I wonder what Raiden will be able to make with modern ingredients, I'll definitely make sure to store a bunch of ingredients in my 'Stomach', money isn't something I have to worry about after all. I added all the things to make soy sauce to the list because Rimuru couldn't seem to get his own version working as well as the original.

Now that we are all set up I can have some time to create this new and improved barrier of mine.

"Raiden, Kurumi, I'll be in my room working on something."

Raiden bowed as she said, "I see, enjoy yourself Master."

Kurumi said, "Oh oh, can I go look around Master? I'm curious about this new world."

Hmm, what's the harm in that? "Yeah sure, don't do anything too crazy though, and take these as well." I toss her the credit card, and phone Satoru gave me.

"I won't Master!" She looked at the two items curiously, she'll be able to figure it out, the phone doesn't have a password either.

I think she'll be fine… probably.

Once I was in the room I decided to claim. I took a look around, there was a nice king sized bed, a bathroom with a bath, a desk with a chair, and a dresser with a mirror on it.

Oh shit, there are even some clothes in here for me!

Satoru really took this seriously, dang these are some nice suits. I'm definitely taking these with me. I can make something similar with 'Material Creation', but hand made suits are something else. Maybe I can have Shuna take a look at them? It might give her some more ideas. 

Now that I'm here, time for the barrier. Now how should I do this, oh I know! My trusty pal Odin will figure it out! She has a bunch of data after all, hell Shuna had a Skill that straight up allows her to create new magic, then there is the data she got from 'Uriel' a Skill made up of all of Rimuru's subordinate's Skills. And that guy has a bunch of subordinates.


'Pretty please?'

'Odin can do what the Master wishes, using the data Odin has gathered on numerous Skills, other abilities, and the data Odin has on the Intrinsic Skill: Small World it is possible to place a barrier around the entire world that amplifies the Cursed Energy , replicating the conditions Japan was previously in, all over the world.'

Placing a barrier over an entire world is practically impossible for most to do, but I am broken, please don't nerf. It's also good that the data that was gathered on 'Small World' was put to use.

'Nice, thanks Odin! You're the best!'

Hehe, I don't have to do any work if Odin is here!


And since I don't want to have to maintain the barrier, I can easily make a bunch of crystals to power and maintain the barrier, I don't even need to use magisteel for it, normal magic ore should do fine.

Since I'm already going this far, I might as well have more fun right?

'Odin, can you integrate a way for the barrier to analyze every Sorcerer's capabilities and display a leaderboard of sorts?'

If Odin can pull this off, that'll be amazing, after all nothing motivates people more than being able to see their strength rankings go up on a global leaderboard. 

Though this also might promote more competition between Sorcerers, but that might not be a bad thing.

'Odin is capable of integrating a way of measuring the Cursed Energy capacity of everyone in the world, along with the combat capabilities of all Sorcerers due to the data from 'Small World'.'

'Hmm, maybe don't display the Cursed Energy capacity of those under 18, I can see a bunch of people killing a newborn baby because they were born with a bunch of Cursed Energy.'


Muhahaha! I shall turn this world into Solo Leveling!

Now where should I place the leaderboard? I want it somewhere visible all over the world for one. 

'Hey Odin, is it possible to make it so anyone anywhere could view the leaderboard simply by thinking of doing so?'

'Answer, it is not possible to do so with the current data Odin possesses, it may be possible if 'Small World' is fully analyzed.'

'I see, though that's understandable, to do something like that I would basically need to have a backdoor into everyone's mind.'

I can probably manage by putting a leaderboard in every city or something, I should be able to do that with 'Material Creation'.

The only issue with my plan is that it will take decades for my idea to become a reality, as the world is now, there are mostly only Sorcerers in Japan, and a few scattered across the world.

It will take decades for Jujutsu Sorcerers to pop up in other countries and grow into adults, so this is more of a long term project. Satoru should be able to make sure that the boat isn't rocked too much before more Sorcerers are born so that's fine I guess. I'm going to be alive for a long time, so I need to get used to waiting decades for anything fun to happen.

I'll just have to come visit this world again in a few decades, I wasn't planning to stick around here long anyway.

Now my plan is starting to come together.


I hang out in Crossedge's Discord server https://discord.gg/RNNZyyert4 I also have a channel in Shiro's Gaming Omniverse.

Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)

Author's Note:

Sup guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, we can already see the butterflies begin to flap as Felix fucks the entire plot of the Culling Games up.

Felix and Gojo get along quite swimmingly as well, though I'm sure that isn't that surprising, they are quite similar in some respects after all. I also tried to explain some things in more detail about Jujutsu Kaisen, some of this information might turn out to be false once some more chapters for JJK come out so do keep that in mind. Still I hope you guys were able to understand what I was trying to convey.

Also JJK isn't going to be a major world, more like a world Felix fucks around in, leaves, then returns to see the results of his 'fucking around'. The majority of this world trip is likely going to end up being a bit of Slice of Life due to Felix being so far above everything in JJK. He just doesn't need to take anything seriously, plus this is his vacation, and he's going to have a vacation no matter what. 

Anyways, thanks for reading. See ya!

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